@Boston Celtics

Happy or upset at how Boston Celtics beat Bucks & Payton Pritchard playoff outlook

Happy or upset at how Boston Celtics beat Bucks & Payton Pritchard playoff outlook

Looking back at the Celtics win over Milwaukee were you happy that they held on or upset that they couldn’t hold on to that lead plus pton Pritchard is he playoff worthy it’s all right now on the lockdown Celtics podcast thanks to Blockbuster Brad it’s holiday season Dr Drew in the mix and

Three from KP no we not on the Knicks flushing competition like Al on Yannis juicing big Ju still being Town’s finest been a r te going up in the Raptors watching SE game in locked on after car on the breakdown CL like a tip from D

White on the breakdown John on the mic documenting domination m p back B all SE Nation r j how starter raising BN how we finish locked on Celtics P home of the Winners hey there welcome back to the lockdown Celtics podcast right here on the lockdown podcast nwork word is your team every day and I’ve got are covered every day Monday through Friday plus bonus podcast when they play in the weekends so yeah I’m podcasting tomorrow after the Pistons yes I’m podcasting

Saturday after the Bulls so make sure you’re subscribed wherever you get your podcast watch the show on YouTube subscribe there hooping in the comment section let me know what you think about the game what I’m saying the anything Celtics related go ahead and do that if

You’re new to the show I’m John corales used to play a long time ago now I’m covering the Celtics for Boston Sports Journal check out my stuff over there Today’s Show is brought to you by prize picks it’s the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to loock on NBA and use the code allower case locked on NBA for first deposit match up to $100 okay we’re gonna get into some deeper conversations after the Celtics win over the Bucks pton Pritchard was awesome is he really going to be a playoff Difference Maker is he playoff

Worthy is he going to be a guy that makes uh that gets significant time no matter what the matchup in the playoffs we’ll discuss that in a little bit but let’s start with the conversation that’s kind of been going back and forth from what I’ve seen in the comments on social

Media out there the Celtics had a 21-point lead they lost it but they held on so which glass half full glass half empty uh let’s have that discussion with our guy Tom Westerholm notorious glass half full Guy Tom yeah no I’ve uh relentlessly positive is how people often describe

Aggressively positive yeah just that’s yeah I was going to say notorious G glass half empty guy I didn’t know which way to go with the joke yeah but uh yeah no I mean I think you know after watching last night’s game it’s like I think it was just it was as

Ambiguous as a game can get right like because like if you’re a bucks fan you can be like well Giannis was out and Celtics fans can be like well yeah but the guy who guards Damen Lillard the best on the Celtics was out it’s like and then Bucks fans can be like well

Yeah but we beat you by 50 points earlier the season like yeah but we’re beating you by 11 games in the standings and you know like it could just this one could really just you could keep going back and forth you could be like hey uh Chris Middleton killed the Celtics like he

Always does and Celtics fans could be like yeah but Chris Taps porzingis probably isn’t going to go over for five from three every time these two teams play and he’s kind of a game breaker against the Bucks like realistically it could just continue and continue so like

When you talk about losing a 20-point lead I I I don’t mean to be I don’t I don’t mean to be difficult but it’s just like I kind of just nothing you know what I mean it’s like because you’re gonna lose Lane Tom Wester at home no no

That’s that’s that’s her Sports Talk Radio this is nuanced conversation so yeah go ahead well yeah because I think when when you look at if if the if the C like over the course of a season odd things are going to happen I think Tatum kind of hinted at this too like weird

Things I think actually he was talking about um not taking a shot in the third quarter but um like weird things happen over the course of a season leads what we’ve seen from this team is like not that many blown leads now I understand we’ve seen a couple recently and I

Understand that’s concerning and if you want to be concerned about that fine I’m not I’m not sitting here saying like hey everything is fine they pulled it out I think it’s encouraging that they did I think that’s good I I think you can be discouraged about losing the lead if you

Want but realistically I think you just chalk this one up to the the season is long and weird and like how much are you realistically GNA learn about yourself and about um you know a team from from one game during the regular season when guys are out like it’s just an ambiguous

Game it’s a weird one and I think Joe moula kind of had it right like which was funny because I was trying to write my takeaways and J Joe Mula was literally asked what’s your takeaway and he’s like none zero you can’t take oh great well I’ll just pull seven I’ve

Got yeah I’ve got I’ve got eight takeaways here ready to go so um eight eight ways to split nothing uh look it’s I I said going into to the game that it’s going to be hard to pull anything meaningful out of this game partly because of the guys who are missing

Partly because this is not a time to be showing your hand right this is not a time to be being you know oh we got to pull all the tricks that we might have that in a playoff scenario let’s just pretend this exact same thing happened in game three in Milwaukee and the

Celtics are are are trying to take a three games to none lead versus Milwaukee desperately trying to hold on to a series okay the Celtics have probably plays options maneuvering uh substitutions uh plans just generally plans to stop a run right and they’re not going to dip into that on March 20th

When you have an 11 game lead or you’re building towards an 11 game lead you’re the East is done it’s over it is a wrap it’s it’s an eventuality why give Doc Rivers something that he can look at and go oh oh that was interesting I can’t believe

They did this to Damen Lillard to get him to give up the ball and what they did behind the blah blah blah blah blah you don’t want to do that so we have to keep that in mind and I know that people love to look at these games and say this

Is a direct straight line correlation what happened in this game is going to happen in the playoffs what do we we can’t do that and the problem is like a lot of the media that you look at out there treats each game like this is absolutely indicative of how things are

Going to go and it’s not very many people like it’s just us on the podcast world going actually you know what it’s it’s probably there’s probably not much to take from them in this situation now all of that being said there are a million things to take from there’s uh

The I didn’t like the Zone stuff I didn’t like the slowing down stuff and I I I did love Jaylen Brown after the game saying just because it’s the fourth quarter doesn’t mean we have to slow down doesn’t mean we can’t play with Pace we can still play with Pace just

Got to make sure you protect the ball and that that still involves like people moving and people cutting the Celtics don’t turn the ball over and by the way they turn the ball over when they’re playing slow yeah that’s it’s not like they it’s not like they can sit there

And look at us in the eye if I were to ask Joe moula and if he says we’re trying to prevent turnovers I’d be like you turn the ball over three times in the fourth quarter what are you talking about kristofh porzingis fired the ball out of bounds which is better than a

Live ball turnover but still like you’re still turning the ball over like so there’s there’s no real strong rationale the the best argument that I can make and I made this on yesterday’s podcast I’m me give you a chance to think about this and respond on the other side of

It they are getting away from the number one thing that makes them the best offense in the league and one of the best offenses in history it’s the movement it’s the it’s the forcing a defense to quickly make decisions and go oh crap there’s that guy whatever guy it

Is and two guys say oh crap I Gotta Go cover him and that in very leaves somebody uncovered versus if you just slow it down you’re taking away those options and you you take away that defensive like oh I don’t have to go cover that he’s covered because they’re

Not doing anything they’re just running one simple action and we just got to hope that you know Beasley can stay in front of Tatum enough where we can send some late help and and we’ll just grab the rebound so they are getting away from their offensive strength and if I’m

Going to be upset about anything that’s the thing I’m upset about but there is stuff to be happy about we’ll talk about all that stuff when it comes uh when we come back Today’s Show is brought to you by prize picks prize picks is daily fantasy sports play very fun very easy because

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YouTube or on the free Amazon Fire TV channels app it’s part of the lockedown podcast Network it’s your team every day all right let’s get back into the conversation here with Tom Westerholm uh what do you think about this this concept of them getting away from the one the thing that makes them

The the the best offense out there uh and and getting away from their strength and making it easier for the defense yeah I mean I think there’s some of that I think they were I think they were thrown off a little bit by The Zone too right and the Zone because like the

Thing about the zone is that it it does like it should be very breakable right if you’re the Celtics like that should be something honestly you want to talk about something that like I’m kind of surprised that somebody busted out in the regular season as opposed to waiting

Until the postseason why are you showing this why are you showing the Celtics a zone now you know like why are you good yeah yeah yeah no right why are you giving them that opportunity to have film on something and to and to be like

Oh well if they do this then we just Zip Zip Zip boom switch you know like yeah those those it should be very breakable um like like honestly like most defensive strategies against the Celtics team there’s not a lot you can do consistently like if you’re GNA beat

This Celtics team I think your defense has to kind of be this um amorphous thing that can that can do a bunch of different things um you know sequentially like that can just kind of like okay we’re going to do this and then we’re going to mess and then we’re

Going to mess with it and then do this and then we’re going to mess with it and then do this and it’s got to be this very complicated thing I don’t think you can do one thing because the Celtics will figure it out um Can can we put do

A lot of amorphous things sequentially on a t-shirt I mean that is just so catchy it rolls right off the tongue I’m I’m yeah yeah very C catchphrases definitely my thing um but but I I do think that you know like defenses have to do a lot of different things to beat

The Celtics and you’re just just giving them film like that’s a weird decision I think that’s part of but I think that’s part of right what what throws you off and what kind of takes you out of your Rhythm and when you get out of your

Rhythm then you have to find it again it’s just kind of it’s kind of hard sometimes to just to just reel that damn thing back in and yeah um I think that’s a lot of what happened too like um so again I I just I have a hard time being super worked up

In either direction I have a hard time being like whoa Jon Tatum really figured it out down the stretch it’s like he was one for six in the fourth quarter like let’s I I understand like the Poise that Joe moula wants to talk about like sure

It was it was fine I guess but um but I also don’t want to be like oh the Celtics are like yet again another massive collapse because it just it wasn’t really either of those things it was just an odd regular season basketball game and in the playoffs

Those games are going to be odd too and it’s just going to be you know like the Celtics have enough more than enough Talent to beat the bucks um I I just again I don’t think we can take that much from this game whether it’s in

Terms of offense or you know whatever it might be I get that but also at the same time with with Tatum I think the one thing to be happy about it he did finish with eight points in the last two minutes right absolutely um and you know

He people people have said I said this in yesterday’s show people said well you know for those were take take file free throws but he he did put enough distance between them he he made he made it a seven-point game and forc them to start fouling that’s that that’s part of the

Calculus here so that’s part of why he scored the eight points but it’s it’s that also you had him also you had him waving off the pass say pass it to Jaylen you had like yeah that that hard drive instead of settling for the jumper

Those are good that was the point I was going to make yeah yeah yeah the the attacking the what they didn’t do is get caught up in the we’re going to try to answer your what what it is that you’re doing and if you’re I’m just looking for like the

Little signs I I’m with you in the moment in the in the vacuum of this game there’s a whole lot of meh going on but in the big picture when you’re you know the the 30,000 foot View and you go well you know they didn’t in the third

Quarter or down the stretch in the fourth quarter they didn’t they didn’t lose their Poise right they didn’t Panic they they actually continued to play basketball now they slowed down too much they didn’t play the right kind of basketball but they they weren’t just like oh they just hit a three well I’m

Gonna come down and I’m gonna try to answer with a quick three they didn’t do any of that really and Tatum at the end we know what he likes to do he likes to take those step back threes and he he attacked they didn’t have the room

Protection at you know at the basket and so he saw that and said I am going to attack now if if Giannis is in the game maybe that changes but situationally maybe if Giannis is in the game the Celtics have a configuration out there that forces Giannis to stay

Home rather than Rome like the the the Bucks defense is about Giannis playing off of their your worst shooter and meeting you at The Rim to help so maybe in a playoff series instead of those drives and those eight points it’s two three assists to Drew holiday in the

Corner because that’s who Giannis is gonna end up covering it’s gonna be holiday and it’s gonna be daring him who else is he gonna cover right know I don’t know if you can roam I don’t know if you’re roaming off a 66% Corner shooter I right but who is he gonna

Cover is he gonna cover Jaylen maybe he covers Jaylen maybe he covers J it’s kick to Jaylen right maybe maybe they do the Golden State thing and they he covers jayen it’s like okay I dare you but we’ve seen that not work before good luck yeah you know so what are the

Options who is he G that that’s the point that’s the point against the Celtics like you were saying against the Celtics it the Tatum Tatum driving is the thing to be happy about Tatum driving is the I I’m not gonna just settle I’m going to I see what the

Right thing to do on the floor is and I’m going to go do it and they didn’t meet me at the Rim so it’s a finish it’s a foul he had that fade away I didn’t care about the fadea away shot I think that’s a shot that he has to he he has

To hit that shot that that’s got to be a bread and butter shot for him at some point yeah he need to get a little better at he needs to get a little bit better at it but that if he can get that fadea away down that’s that mid-range

That that on the block fadea away that can be his Paul Pierce elbow shot I really do think that that can get there I think you’re right but he has to get there and hopefully he gets there soon and it’s not a next season thing but

That can be his signature but anyway the whole point is and the the fact that he drove if that’s gonna suck in the help in a playoff series and Giannis has to help off of a bad option because no matter who he leaves it’s going to be a

Bad decision then that’s going to be where the Celtics Drive kick swing and that’s where they bury you with good open shots one thing that I you know jannis being out yesterday I mean obviously there’s there’s a million um things that it’s like man we could have

Learned this we could have learned this the one thing that I’m like I really wish we could have gotten a look at is Xavier Tilman um just kind of doing the gr Williams thing like I really wanted to see what that would look like like on this Celtics team I understand you know

There’s um he’s he’s played Giannis before but like I’m curious to see what it looks like yeah what what if can he just kind of stand in the middle and make it hard the way that Grant did because I’m interested also but then on the other end right is he then the guy

That Giannis is roaming off of and how does that affect the’s offense like I think it gets really interesting I I I would have liked to have seen that chess match which you know uh maybe we’ll see in the playoffs or to Joe missoula’s Point um yeah I have no idea meant

Nothing uh it might happen it might not we might you know asteroid might hit the earth before the playoffs even start nothing is guaranteed who even knows I love when he just goes like full cheaty in the good place mixing like the chili and he’s just like in the chili

Pot yeah uh that’s just see Joe coming up with a big pot of chili and like boxes of Peeps and he’s like let me tell you something my babies nothing matters you all get A’s and Fs you’re all Champions or losers it doesn’t matter oh there’s three people watching this

That get that but thank you for being those three people you’re every time every time you make a reference like that I’m like oh man I got rewatch that show again um all right let’s uh let’s save the the The Best For Last Payton Pritchard who was the the big story of

The game is he playoff uh playoff bound I guess not that’s not the right way to put it can he play in the playoffs play can we get playoff P playoff Pritchard uh can he do what he did against the Bucks in an Eastern Conference Finals talk about that in just a

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Discussion pitchard was was great uh especially in that second quarter they ran everything through Pritchard for a stretch he six straight baskets where he either scored or assisted uh I I think getting Damian Lillard makes it possible to play pitard a little bit more in the playoffs but at

The same time if the if the Celtics are getting into a switching type of defense like they’re going to have to get creative defensively I think this year more than most or more than any of the previous years Pritchard is gonna be a playoff contributor I’m still not sure to what

Degree and I know I I feel like I’m constantly a prited skeptic I’m I’m not I’m not I’m trying not to be disrespectful to Pritchard because I think he the what the way he plays is amazing and if he was 64 man that would be amaz it would be uh your Sixth Man

But the fact is he’s six feet tall and he will get targeted in certain situations so I don’t know what do you think what level do you think Pritchard can duplicate this regular season which has been great better than I expected and I’ll admit I didn’t think it was going

To be this good so he’s he’s certainly proving me wrong to a degree now he’s going to probably do it again because I’m I’m I’m expressing a similar amount of doubt I can’t help it it is what it is um but what do what do you think he

Can do in the playoffs so my my skepticism with pitard has absolutely nothing to do with his game or even his height really I don’t think I don’t think this is like a I mean you like how many how many rebounds has he just like gone and somehow gotten like he

Pound-for-pound the best offensive rebounder compliment you give to smaller guys pound-for-pound the best offensive in the league well and and I mean you know pound-for-pound he’s out there like battling you know Bobby poris for things he’s out there like just doing I don’t know crazy stuff like he’s he’s he’s a

Really good player and I think my skepticism has absolutely nothing to do with um anything any like limitations it’s just like well your rotation gets so short in the playoffs like your rotation gets short and that’s just life you know you play the Bucks you got your

You got your six right you maybe you have Xavier Tillman to help on Giannis and Hower probably right especially if they’re going to do Zone stuff because then you got like another shooter out there another bigger guy and I mean you know Hower is another guy who’s going to

Get targeted but that’s neither here nor there um and that’s that’s eight already right literally and like what like nine man playoff rotation that’s kind of a lot dude like and and and again maybe it’s not all Hower maybe you’re alternating some Pritchard and some Hower in there maybe it’s not Tillman

But one way or the other the Celtics automatically have six right in their playoff rotation there’s like there’s no doubt about any of those six if they’re at all healthy all six of those guys are going to be playing I think Pritchard is very capable um I I think we’re seeing

Some I if you know if that that salary crunch gets crunchy down the line I think we’re seeing one guy who might make things a little bit easier um you know in whatever Direction the Celtics end up going with that I think you know pritchard’s a real player but it’s just

It’s just the numbers game in the playoffs it’s just a rotation thing it’s yeah I I don’t know I don’t I don’t know how much time he’s going to get but I don’t I don’t think that has anything to do with him I think he’s a really good I

Think he’s good let’s let’s break this down real quick right there’s five positions at 48 minutes per position so that’s 240 minutes so Jason Tatum Jaylen Brown are gonna play 40 minutes a game yep right so let’s take 80 out of there so you got 160 left down 160 um you’ve

Got Derek white Drew holiday and Chris thops porzingis those guys where where do we at with with white in Holiday let’s say White’s probably getting 40 right like he’s very durable he and he’s right so I mean take 40 off there so take 40 off of that so we’re at 120

We’re gonna take what 30 35 for for Holiday 35 I would think okay so we’re down to 85 yep so Al is going to take 30 right 30 minutes a game for Al that’s yeah probably right it’s got to be that’s a conservative number I think 30 is is a nice number

For him that leaves 55 so porzingis even if he plays 35 per game that leaves 20 minutes left who’s gonna get those 20 minutes right Hower can get some maybe uh Pritchard has a stake in some but like you said Tillman has a stake in some there there’s there’s not a lot of

Time when you look at 40 minutes a piece for Tatum brown and white I don’t think that’s outrageous at all 30 minutes for uh Al Horford 35 for Holiday uh and what do we say 35 for porzingis those are all really I think solid playoff numbers that so you’re right it Pritchard

Pritchard might make he’ll probably get in in like a random game get hot and and play great I think I think the question is going to be when you put him in the game does he have or does he not and there have been games this season just just look at this

Regular season there have been games this season where it’s like oh not a great perd game those have been very few but he’s had the the games where it’s like uh not great so if he’s having one of those then sit down buddy and the best part

About that is he’s it’s not going to bother him it’s not going to affect his confidence it’s not not gonna affect anything he’s got a contract got y he’s good Joe Missoula loves Payton perard loves him so it’s not going to be like he’s gonna fall out of favor or anything

Like that it’s just if it works it works and and the last point I’ll make on this is I think the guys H probably can trust Missoula in the one thing that he’s been constant about it’s like whatever that day needs winning looks different every day he says it all the time whatever

That day needs is what we’re going to give it so if it’s 30 minutes of Payton Pritchard then that’s what the day needs if it’s zero minutes of pton Pritchard then that’s what that day needs and we’ll worry about tomorrow tomorrow so yeah I think Pritchard will get some

Opportunity it is going to be a reduced opportunity to your point and and I think the matchup is going to depend a lot on how much opportunity he gets yeah I I think that’s right and I think um like to your point about Missoula it’s

Like I I I really the way that the guys talk about him too is is is so I mean last year I felt like we got a lot of like yeah I mean he’s doing the best in a tough situation you know I think we

Got a lot of year it’s changed so much I think you’re right that like I don’t think there’s going to be any like you know kind of kind of kind of groaning or anything like that from from guys who might not have as much of an opportunity

I think that’s why you see talented players like O’Shea brassette not have like just still up off the bench constantly like happy to yeah I I think that he has really gotten through to this team in ways that are uh that matter quite a lot um so yeah I think

You’re right I think Pritchard is gonna be I think he’s gonna be cool that and and man what a great setup for him to be like that guy that it’s like yeah man if you got it go get it and if you don’t no worries like yeah like that puts that

Puts him in a wonderful place because he can go in without any pressure that honestly probably makes it more likely that he’s gonna have more good games because what pressure does he have he has nothing you know yeah if go help us win a game or come sit down if if you

Don’t have it you don’t have it and that’s fine I will say I think anybody that might be groaning about who’s playing is gone so yeah it’s a it’s a uh the Celtics took a page out of Kyrie’s book and burned Sage inal Way with their roster building this year it’s gonna be

Interesting to see how it goes so um but we’ll we’ll see it’s like one of those things we’ll see in a month because the sub still have three weeks of basketball to play and a week of uh the playing tournament to figure out so as nobody’s

Gonna feel bad for us for this but it’s like once the somethings clinch like you know the the number one overall scene it’s like dude what are you what are what are we talking about like what are we writing about what we’re gonna talk about the most interesting topics

Possible because that’s what we do in the number one Boston Celtics podcast on the planet yeah yeah yeah like this Pistons we just don’t know what it’s gonna be yet this Pistons Bulls weekend that’s coming up uh the beauty about doing the bonus podcast on a Friday or a Saturday yeah

Is that I don’t have the commercial obligations that I have during the week no so uh if if post Pistons requires 10 minutes of talking then that’s what post Pistons is gonna get Tom every winning looks different every day podcasting looks different every day well I’m gonna give the podcast what it

Needs if it’s 10 minutes it’s 10 minutes if it’s 30 minutes it’s going to be 30 minutes I I love how Missoula pilled we’ve become it’s just like no like I buy it I buy everything I’m I’m in I I can’t help it he’s a wild man I enjoy it

He is he’s crazy but I love I I I completely he love the way he thinks I he and I are same wavelength yeah I don’t know if I’m on the same wavelength as him but I enjoy it I think it’s great I’m I I’m right I get I every time he

Says something and people like what does he mean by that I’m like I know exactly I know exactly what he means by that because I think it’s the same stupid things sometimes about being happy about the way the game went like like that’s kind of like yeah this is actually kind

Of great well let’s see let’s see what we got here in you know blow a 20.1 lead let’s see what we got boys and there’s so there’s always something to think all right Tom thanks as always apprciate for always appreciate Tom Wester home and I always appreciate you dear listener dear

Watcher thank you so much for for watching or being a part of the show subscribe wherever your podcast watch on YouTube comment and share the podcast tell everybody they should be listening to and watching the lockdown Celtics podcast here on the lockdown podcast Network your team every day thanks to Blockbuster bread it’s

Holiday season drop Dre in the mix and three from KP no we not on the next flushing competition like on Yannis juing big still be finest going up in the raap watch the SE G locked on after on the breakdown like a TI from d on the breakdown John on the

Mic Doc and domination M back all SE Nation Bill Russell the bird Hondo to rhondo kg in the truth Lord of Legends in the roof two Tommy points for Reggie and DJ I the killer with the big heart was the hardest ring J how we started

Raising B how we finish lock on self P home of the winners B

Are you happy the Celtics were able to pull through after giving up most of their 21 point lead, or upset that they didn’t win more easily against the Milwaukee Bucks? John Karalis of Boston Sports Journal and Tom Westerholm discuss both sides of the biggest reaction from the game, and then get into whether Payton Pritchard will have a chance to do what he did against Milwaukee if they meet again in the playoffs. Are there even enough minutes for him to get in the postseason?

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  1. Bobby portis doesnt do that if giannis is in, and the bucks have only shot that well one other time this entire year. Plus, even if they try to ride portis for some odd reason, no way in hell does he do that 4 games out of 7. That game was a complete fluke and the celtics still won.

  2. John u are correct this is not the time to exposed ur cards on defense or offensive schemes. It felt that the bucks were trying different defense schemes to stop the Celtics when they went on runs

  3. Not to sound like EHouse, but a win is a win is a…The only beef I had was I thought we could’ve been more physical. Come playoff time, we really need to step up the physicality and I’m confident we will. I believe we can beat Milwaukee in a 7 gm series even with Giannis, but definitely will need to be tough. I’m so excited for Pritchard-I hope he can be consistent. If so, we have a two-headed monster with him & Hauser coming off the bench. Thanks guys☘️🔒

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