@Brooklyn Nets

Milwaukee Bucks vs Brooklyn Nets Full Highlights 3rd QTR | Mar 21 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Milwaukee Bucks vs Brooklyn Nets Full Highlights 3rd QTR | Mar 21 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Basketball wearing those Great Lakes blue City Edition uniforms here on that City Edition Court here at F serve Forum as mik Beasley showing a little mid-range game here a couple times here tonight he starts second half the way end of the first well and we’ve seen Doc

Rivers run that same action for Malik coming out of halftime where he sets a screen back screen for jannis he gets a screen and that usually leaves him wide open there’s a good look on the other side of things and Mel Bridges trying to show a little fight here for his team

Bridges now sitting with just the eight points he’s three of nine amazing stat Markus in that first half about almost the entirety of the Bucks scoring came between points in the paint and three-pointers there was very little in the way free throws just one free throw attempt in that first half

Crower couldn’t hit and then also not a lot of mid-range game for the bucks yeah that’s okay that that that’s you know that’s analytics it’s kind of how you draw it up yep speaking of which that is exactly what Cameron Johnson was aiming for there and he accomplishes the goal

It is back to a 13-point game and for the bucks as cam Johnson makes a nice move from that right corner I mean they were nine for 10 at The Rim so why go away with what’s working for you then shot the ball well from the three-point

Line also gr couldn’t thread the needle on the back door field it sets up a Miss three from cam Johnson it’s done a good job getting back so the BLX for that matter there’s a catch and shoot three Crowder this time off the mark they been shooting it

Well eight of 15 from three-point range the last three games coming into this one he’s z0 for two tonight though but you saw how many resources defensively they they run at Giannis there were five guys in the Paint another Miss shot from Beasley good work on the glass though J Crowder okay humping his chest oh he he is not going to back down whether it’s an opponent or a basketball for that matter okay Golden Eagle I see you getting ready for little March Madness then golden

Eagles Western Kentucky Lumen you got the Badgers dealing with it what to my mind is going to be a interesting test for those Dukes of JMU nice move slithering his way down low for Bridges that’s what he does so well he can just kind of squeak away

From you use that Lan Buck defense need to try and tighten up a little bit now inside yeah you know 26 a game last year after the trade this here he is no 20 just over 20 points a game but since the allstar break has really really struggled

Nice good decision and his returned to the lineup after missing the last two and now another score inside all of a sudden what are you seeing there the Nets are starting to make some pay inside and this time Dennis shudder penetrates Down Kevin Al there coach I

Mean he is a terrific motivator this team is short-handed in terms of talent another one of those situations where Dame thought he drew enough enough contact to War a whistle didn’t happen and kind of shot an off balance shot that he misses Sher not this time but we

Got a late whistle are just we have seen five free throws between the teams total this is the second time this season the Bucks have attempted just one free throw in a half and they still haven’t attempted one in the second half this is one of the top teams in free throw

Attempt R in the league as you see bridges missfire yeah that’s great defense by Jay Crow I love the individual effort did not you protect three-point line but also didn’t allow him to drive by him Crowder had a good look at that one but another misfire and

The buck starting the second half the way they started the first half which is cold shooting from let’s see if the blocks can get a little bit of that mojo back they’ve been outscored 12 to four here in this quarter they’ve missed all four of their three-point tries just two of eight from

The floor as D leard is going to try to solve that here and he will yeah he deposits it from straight on and the Bucks get that answer they were looking for Mark break down defensively by the Nets but but was talking about texting with Kevin oi earlier today he was

Talking about how competing is a lifestyle we were talking about kww culture and all that but he just won’t allow his guys to quit now he hasn’t reached any major dividends in terms of record wise but it’s a culture he’s trying to instill in these young

Players BLS out there for Yannis so the Bucks have just got to keep running it down there just happened to follow up right there from Bridges again here comes that push from the Nets Mel Melanie Ricks on the sideline been peeking in on a couple huddles what you

Got Mel well a few things from Doc so first off he said these guys came out in attack mode and by these guys I mean the net so you guys need to attack on defense we see jannis go down with a hard falling games theyve come against

Milwa yeah okay see I know it I know it yeah couldn’t get it through race is on for the lose ball and here comes another Outlet chance and the Nets have C all the way back to within six now again this is the culture that Kevin oi is

Trying to create now they got a 33% winning percentage five and 15 since he’s taken over 16-point halftime lead has been cut down to six now now do the Box have an answer they’re on a 175 run over the last 451 and they switch from manto man

To like a one two2 defense with a big over on Dame Lillard no problem Claxton it’s just such a calming presence when you got someone who can come up and make a shot like that they seven of 12 here tonight 17 points now for Lillard his nine re assists talk my

Former teammate corber Maxwell who does radio for the Celtics last night he was asking me about D I was like man his shooting is like inspirational and aspirational he just he gets you fired up with his ability to knock down tough shots watch this defense there’s a lot L attempt claxon reads it

Perfectly cam on the Le leak out and an easy done dunk that’s just a great job and Brooke points to himself cuz he didn’t throw that lob high enough to get it over flaxon but but a good idea nonetheless well that’s tonight’s michelo Ultra defensive play of the game

And you see the Bucks trying to dig in on defense now trying to keep this dences playing really aggressive that push in the back by shuder after Yannis was Airborne which is normally taboo you don’t do that kind of a thing he’s got the Bucks all beside themselves can’t

Hit there shuder leaves it short you just saw Thomas go out of the game Lonnie Walker in for the Brooklyn Nets and now Milwaukee with Giannis Dame Beasley Crowder and pis Dame going to tee up another three and the rebound very for two it is roll right to Beasley and so Beasley

Knocks down a pair of free throws the question is if they poked the bear is Giannis ready to go after this net team bucks can use it that leads back to 10 though think he’s about to send Noah back to his [Applause] arm that opportunity on clowning Johnson skip pass and that sets

Up the three shrewder gets his answer n have made a game of it you know you just kind of tiptoeing Through the Tulips as Tiny Tim would say thinking you got a easy path to Victory nice job but second free throw misses from Giannis as well Giannis 36 points last

Time he had 32 the second game but tonight again mention it he has just not been pouring in the points 11.6 rebounds so far has returned to the lineup after missing the last three I haven’t played the week now you almost wonder if that has anything to do with it too step back

Three from shuder he’s going to hear it from the fans and dis Bev now out on the floor with Giannis along with conon and ctis now Milwaukee by seven not able to put away this net team just yet Yannis can’t get another one to go Clowny good

Contest late foris to that Miss K O said we are going to have pedal to the metal here tonight want to get out and run as Clowny couldn’t hit clown one for five from the three-point line coming in this game he’s taken a couple of Threes here

So far so they must be encouraging that from him as a coaching Staff there’s the turnover Sher steps in front of the passing Lane yeah AJ they closed down Clowny did on his three-point look open three on the other side marks catch a break but an offensive for Cameron Johnson passes out of the crowd now they got the bucks on their heels three-pointer Lonnie Walker

Missfires Milwaukee’s catching a couple breaks on

Milwaukee Bucks vs Brooklyn Nets Full Highlights 3rd QTR | Mar 21 | 2024 NBA Regular Season


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