@Atlanta Hawks

Phoenix Suns vs Atlanta Hawks Full Highlights 3rd QTR | Mar 21 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Phoenix Suns vs Atlanta Hawks Full Highlights 3rd QTR | Mar 21 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Second half we just got to keep him off balance he’s a great player uh seeing a continuous coverage all night is a little too comfortable we’ll do a better job of trying to keep him off balance in the second half throw a couple things at him make it a little different and let’s

See what happens Quint thank you Eddie back thank you Quinton pocket pass inside to nerk he gets bottled up able to sneak out of the paint no look dish extra pass Spiel to Durant left wing three on the way no great ball at that time so just couldn’t

Get the payoff yeah KD couldn’t get his feet set though before he got it then once he got it he had to change directions with his feet and I thought that maybe threw it didn’t score there in the second played the role of facilitator he’s played 19 minutes

But you know any extra time on the bench is going to take him out of that scoring roll sneaks past the double team able to get across the paint shows him a left hand Here is bonovich 10 points in the first half bonov real crafty he’d love to pick up that four foul Murray gets to the left hand tough pull up 20 points for the game he’s got seven rebounds six assist assist as well [Applause] averaging taking on this Atlanta team

That’s been rocked this season with injuries losing the fifth most player games to injury this season under with a jab step can’t get the jumper to [Applause] go field Tangled Up lost his footing able to get rid of it before the turnover Comes he trying to post up on Murray but Murray just pushing him into the corner he did a good job though ner inside [Applause] position bonovich off the screen connects on the three his third three-point knockdown Murray long arms quick hands again generates the Phoenix turnover pre inside and every pass to the

Post probably I would say 60% can go over the top but most of them is on a bounce pass leaning over ball fakes all of those Sun able to reverse it near Corner three good for [Applause] R had all 11 of his points prior to that hit in the second quarter has

Capella Bulls his way in four players each of the last seven years joining goar ID Giannis he’s consistent at what he does there finds the back door cut from Beal won’t get the of that that three-point bucket by Durant goes down now as a phoenix turnover apparently stepping out of

Bounds Allen run up the three-point line gets the screen came on during the timeout but anyway there’s the through the was through CH be turns the corner snaks his way back nobody picks him up sets up for the three-point look think Brad himself that [Applause]

Over at land closing out a five game 8 Day Road Trip they are one and three on the trip thus far number 10 of the Eastern Conference Murray pulls up from 18 dra it Deon can’t really guard him aggressively then trust me Murray knows it Hawks back in

Front theyan raising up over Hunter see this is why you know as a team and the Suns know this that’s why you stay focused to take care of a team when you got to leave because you just never know how it can change in regards to an injury or foul trouble

Right capella with a jam step gets across Pella Hunter sets up in the corner looker with the rebound on the crossover freezing bonovich got it up off the glass couldn’t for the season with the ACL Hunter missed 24 Johnson missing his 18th tonight in a k sideline for 14

Games Murray on the drive swings it into the corner put with the steel Allen able to grab it and then Matthews throw keeping him off the three-point line tonight after his 32-point performance last night you don’t think they went to that scouting report this morning he said look it was about Grayson

Pell trying to hand it off Booker closing up the passing Lane Murray eventually gets it five on a shot clock for CRA you gets to the left hand that’s tough shot he can play like he’s a nuisance too on defense sign a two-year deal in December he played Just Once in the

First 34 games for Atlanta the sun’s unable to connect comes Murray a game high 22 going right at Booker and again to your point you made a few moments ago age Murray knowing exactly the situation with Deon Booker and try to take advantage of it yeah

Hoping he F so he doesn’t have to defend anymore having to be over there watching 37y old west Matthews out there on the floor Booker dribbles into the double [Applause] team backing down get to the Elbow 21 for Booker in a way he likes to go at Matthews he really does Matthews tried

To play that that bully ball with his strength with Devon again loves the contact when he shoots capella inside oh no come on suspect foul called UN book Let’s headit scratcher to say the least he puts it on the deck swings it over the shoulder to Matthews fires a deep

Three well they traded two for three on that [Applause] one Atlanta moving back in front C picking up his third [Applause] foul Murray waits for the screen under five to go here in the third Murray bottled up by Grayson Allen great team defense from Allen got a Little Help from Bradley Beal as

Well Gordon stops pulls connects but the stuns bench as they did last night big contributors here this evening a dozen for the veteran [Applause] EG but everything is flowing through yon Murray so you got to just stay home on him make someone else take shot kongu

Trying to muscle it up and EU back with his third

Phoenix Suns vs Atlanta Hawks Full Highlights 3rd QTR | Mar 21 | 2024 NBA Regular Season


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