@Toronto Raptors

Gary Trent JR is Dripping Too Hard

Gary Trent JR is Dripping Too Hard

by escargotcultist


  1. 3_Sides_To_A_Story



  2. zetcetera

    The man looks like a character from The World Ends With You

  3. Guy_Le_Man

    By drip you mean looking absolutely awful, then yes.

    So much drip

  4. Party_Drama0

    He looks like if pirate ships had a jester or a weird clown they kept around

  5. ElderberryOk5005

    Bro if you wore this when I went to high school you’d have to transfer the next day. Hopefully nothings changed.

  6. crumpledbrouhahaa

    Wow he’s ready for October he’s just like me

  7. The fact that flames and tribal are unironically “back in” is bizarre to me

  8. Cujosevic

    When GRJ wears something like this, he’s dripping hard. If I wore something like this, my head would be dripping hard with blood from the massive beat down I’d get on the streets.

  9. raptor333

    Gary has always been to me, the best example of money does not buy style. He just throws on crazy designer pieces with no cohesion or direction. Like pick a style or direction. I always thought Precious’s fits were really well put together, flowed nicely, less flashy but imo better.

  10. PlagueofSquirrels


  11. Feisty_Molasses89

    This looks kinda dumb right? It’s not just me? Right?

  12. Are those JNCO jeans? I get that everyone loves bringing back 90s styles but some, like these, should not be brought back

  13. Revolutionary_War694

    Never understood why if you A.) have all the money and B.) enjoy fashion, why would you wear a fit that I’m sure costs a ton but looks like some shit from shein

  14. GawldDawlg

    He looks like a 16 year old. The only girls that like this are girls into guys with money

  15. moogsauce

    Damn y’all hatingggg.

    You know what his fits tell me? Man gives zero fucks about what y’all think and no matter how he dresses, he’s drowning in pussy, having fun, and dripping imho.

    The comments here tell me: “I really need to worry about dressing masculine or some shit to get laid.” Ok homie I’m sure those kicks you slept in line for are gonna get you some real looks. I mean they will, but just from a bunch of sneaker heads, while the ladies are staring at gtj

  16. He should be one of the characters in our flag means death

  17. I must be getting old, but those pants just look goofy to me, lol.

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