@Toronto Raptors

The most hilarious and upsetting Toronto Raptors stats from 3 weeks of life without Scottie Barnes

The most hilarious and upsetting Toronto Raptors stats from 3 weeks of life without Scottie Barnes

On your Friday episode of lock on Raptors March has gone uh not so well for your Toronto Raptors they’re one in n and they’ve put together some truly wretched Stats today on the show we laugh and commiserate over some of the most hilarious and upsetting Toronto Raptor stats from the last three

Weeks you are locked on Raptors your daily Toronto Raptors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hey what’s going on and welcome to another episode of Locked on Raptors part of the lock on podcast Network your team every day it is Friday March 22nd

I’m your host Shawn Woodley I’ve been covering the Toronto Raptors now for 10 seasons on various platforms you can find all my work over on the very bad website at Woodley Shan you can find the show on Instagram at lockon Raptors and of course you can join us in the locked

On Raptors Discord server lots of great March m talk going on lots of draft stuff and movie talk and all sorts of things not talking about your currently spiraling Toronto Raptors it’s a great place to come hang out with Raptors fan sickos just like you though so please

Join us it’s free Link in the description uh come on in we would love to have you be part part of our listener community over there on the Discord of course you can find the show for free wh get your podcast follow subscribe rate review tell a friend much appreciated

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Sports go to loock on NBA use the code all lowercase locked on ba for first deposit match up to $100 all right let’s get rolling here on the show today where I have a fun exercise planned not fun for me cuz I spent the entire morning before recording combing through cleaning the

Glass basketball reference looking for some of the most grim and upsetting and frankly hilarious stats the Toronto Raptors have procured for themselves over the course of the last three weeks since Scot Scotty barns went down of course it’s been just three weeks to the day since he

Broke his hand against the Warriors it feels like it has been much much longer than that in that time your Raptors are one and nine Andy they’ve been just like uh really really bad at a lot of stuff and so I thought it would be fun just to

Sort of like illuminate just how bad things have been have some fun with it laugh at our Misfortune as fans watching this team and just kind of highlight some of the things that have gone just exceedingly wrong for the Toronto Raptors this month as a bit of a light

Fun pallet cleanser going into your weekend of course all these numbers are going to get worse tonight as the Raptors host the Oklahoma City Thunder who are uh really really good and probably going to absolutely steamroll the Raptors and uh you know that’ll be its own sort of fun Jaylen Williams is

Fun Shay gild’s Alexander is incredible we know this Chad holgren is going to have himself a day one would assume uh there will be you know reasons to watch and be interested you know outside of the Toronto Raptor side of things and I hope you do enjoy that but before the

Numbers get uh even more out of hand let’s dive in shall we I got three numbers to kind of dig into we’ll get into some of the things the Raptors are dead last in over the course of the last month we’ll get into the Raptors uh you

Know not being good at the one thing they’re supposed to be really good at anymore as well but I want to start here with the starting lineup SL starting lineups uh of course it’s been a rocky month for the Raptors in the starting lineup Department guys in and out Scotty

Barnes was in the starting lineup to begin this month and then uh got hurt and we saw him for a half in this month and it was the best half of basketball the Toronto Raptors have played in the entire month of March and so yeah uh it’s all been downhill since that pretty

Spirited first half against the Warriors after that the Raptors have used a handful of different starting lineups and the one they’ve used the most has had like numbers and sort of results that are a little mind-breaking a little bit um the Toronto Raptor most used starting lineup in the month of March is

Emanuel quickley alongside Gary Trent Jr oai abagi Grady Dick Kelly oen they played 50 minutes this month the most used lineup for the Toronto Raptors in the m month of March and uh yeah six times it’s started over the course of the last 10 games as the Raptors have

Gone one to nine in this month this lineup quickly Trent aaji dick oen has the worst net rating in the entire NBA among the 49 93 lineups that have played 50 minutes or more this season 493 lineups that is more lineups than there are players in the NBA and the

Toronto Raptors starting lineup this month of quickly Trent aagi dick oin minus 49.7 net rating getting absolutely demolished they are a minus 49 in 50 minutes played it is really hard to lose by a a point per minute but the Toronto Raptor starting lineup is doing that

There is only one lineup in the league of those 493 lineups with 50 or more minutes played this is all per lineup data uh there’s only one lineup in basketball that’s even within 10 points of the Raptor’s Mark of futility at 49.7 uh negative points per 100

Possessions that is the Blazers they have a group of scoot Henderson and Fernie Simons Tani Kamara Jeremy Grant and dwap wreath that is a minus 47.8 in 67 minutes also very bad uh every other lineup of 493 that have played 50 or more minutes this season is at least 10

Points better per 100 possessions than the Toronto Raptor starting lineup not great Bob this group as a collective as we dig into some more of the sort of grim underlying numbers from this group this as a collective this lineup has a true shooting percentage in 50 minutes play together of

44.1% which is lower than oai Abi’s true shooting percentage as a Toronto Raptor which is 45.2 which is extremely extremely bad it’s the same true shooting percentage for this lineup 44.1% That Malachi Flynn has as a Detroit Piston these are the levels the Toronto Raptors starting lineup has

Stooped to when it comes to shot making they just they’re not making anything um it’s you know I guess there’s some solace in that it’s not quite as bad as the other Raptor starting lineup that it’s been used in the last couple here with oom manual quickly with Bruce Brown

In place of quickly with Trent dick aaji and oen the toron Raptors have a minus 61.4 net rating they are a minus 26 overall and 18 minutes played so like it could be worse than the most used starting lineup this is of course the lineup they’re working with now until

Quickly’s back which who knows when that’s going to be it’s rough stuff the starters are having no shot so like what does all this mean I suppose is the place to take this next is this actually concerning for the big picture of the Toronto Raptors I am of the mind that

Basically nothing that’s happened down the last third of this season means anything at all um yeah I guess last quarter ever since Scotty went out it just has not had much Merit to you know look into it too too deeply and sort of pull conclusions but when your numbers

Are that bad it maybe warrants a bit of a a closer look a little more analysis as to whether or not this is actually kind of a concerning thing going forward and and I suppose it is somewhat concerning that this starting group is comprised largely of guys who figure to

Be part of the Raptor’s second unit at least next season obviously quickly and Trent have been starting for the Raptors um they are you know heavily involved in the rotation you don’t love that they’re involved in a lineup with this just miserable uh set of results you have

Aaji who I don’t know man it’s been pretty rough go for him we’ll see how much he’s in the plans next season but he’s going to be on the team he’s still on his rookie deal I would be shocked if he’s not on the team next season he

Probably is going to have a shot to be an eighth or ninth guy so that’s concerning Grady dick obviously he’s getting absolutely demolished in his minutes we talked about his on offs yesterday uh they’re like 20 points worse with him on the floor than when

He’s off uh over the course of the month of March it’s just the way it is that’s what happens with rookies they’re not very good they don’t drive winning but still he’s going to be a big part of this team next season presumably a key fixture in the second unit along with

Kelly oen who’s been the anchor of these lineups and it’s not been pretty I’m Not terribly concerned that this transfers over to next season at all and I think that’s mostly because it’s not like this group is going to be playing against opposing starters every night right like

This is the thing they’re getting thrown out there against the Phoenix Sun starters they’re getting thrown out there against really good teams you know the Denver Nuggets starters all of these teams they played on their West Coast trip they’re just getting thrown in there and it’s like all right go figure

It out and you know to their credit they’ve had some moments where they’ve kind of hung tight for first halves and then lost the rope in the second half um but overall this lineup has been an absolute mess it’s been totally destroyed I don’t think however that it

Would be the same level of extreme losing minutes uh next season when they’re up against second units obviously Scotty Barnes has been heavily involved in these second units as well boy oh boy do they miss Scotty Barnes in some kind of way we’ll get into some

Other ways they miss him badly uh sort of a through line of the stats we’re talking about here it’s all stuff that Scotty would help out with that they’re just not very good at and so no I is this a red flag for me it’s not it’s

Just the way it is this lineup has been totally overextended put up against very good opposing teams and you know you’re going to lose when you’re you know your best player is Kelly oin right it’s just kind of the way it is um you know quickly obviously is a big part of

Things too but he’s been out so it’s uh it’s a rough scene I don’t 493 lineups dead last of 493 lineups with 50 minutes or more crazy stuff um and hey you know the sort of Solace you find here is that the starting lineup that the Raptors should be rolling out

Next season or at least some version of it has had some real success quickly Barnes Trent Barrett purle that was a plus 10.3 per 100 possession lineup in 10 games together so as bad as all this is the parts where the team has actually been together since the trade deadline

Since all the moves of Pascal SE yakum when they’ve had their group and they’ve had some actual Runway to play and get instilled in the system things have worked out all right so while the starting lineup right now is an absolute uh disaster class of basketball or sort of basketball adjacent uh whatever

They’re playing um I don’t think it’s going to carry over and be something that hampers the second unit next season Once these guys all sort of reassume their actual role in which they’re not overextended with that we’ll come back on the other side and get into a whole

Bunch of things that the Toronto Raptors are dead last in over the course of the m month of March there are 30 teams it’s hard to be last in this many things in sort of base stats but they are we’ll get to that and talk about a little bit

How it compares to the March that they endured in Tampa Bay a couple years ago which I think we all thought it was never going to be as bad as that wrong you are my friend we’ll come back and get into that in just one sec Today’s Show is brought to you by

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Check him out pick more pick less it’s that easy all right we continue on here your first listen of the day digging into some pretty Grim stats from the month of March that’s been for the Toronto Raptors again one and N over the course

Of their last 10 games and uh you know I guess we can begin the discussion of things the Toronto Raptors are last out of 30 teams in over the course of the month of March with the record they are one and N they are the worst team in the

NBA by win percentage in the month of March not what you want unless you’re someone who really wants to keep the sixth overall pick or have a 46% chance of keeping the sixth overall pick then I guess you’re getting exactly what you want but I can’t imagine the level of

Brainworms that would make you want to watch this level of basketball we’ve seen I digress so beyond that there’s like a lot of things the Raptors are dead last in over the course of this month and a lot of things that players on the Raptors are also dead last in um

The big thing is net rating per 100 possessions the Toronto Raptors are in even minus 14 per 100 over the course of the month of March that is 2.3 points per 100 possessions worse than the Washington Wizards the Washington Wizards who I believe are starting Marvin baggley thei

Third as their Center not what you want uh like even with this depleted roster you would hope that better than the Wizards is attainable apparently that’s not the case for your Toronto Raptors right now they’re also nearly five points worse than the 28th Place Utah Jabs who are at

About a minus 9.2 per 100 minus 14 for 100 really hard to do impressive stuff frankly that the Raptors have gotten waxed this uh convincingly by their opponents over the course of this month uh for comparison March 2021 think back to that we’re all locked inside extremely sad the Raptors aren’t even

Playing in Canada they’re down in Tampa getting booed off their Court to the point that they just stopped letting fans in the building Freddy Gillespie is at the height of his tenure with the Raptors Malachi Flynn is putting together a rookie of the month level uh performance over the course of the month

Of March the entire team is racked with Co after making a pretty spirited push to the middle of the playoff standings then you see uh complete Tumbl down with Kyle Lowry getting sick and Pascal SE yakum and OG anobi and Fred man vet all falling ill this was a skeleton crew

This was the Kem Burch era oh my goodness Kem Burch the push shots they have a center again this is unbelievable we never thought March 2021 was going to be topped in terms of ineptitude in terms of desol but no this month much worse the Toronto Raptors back in March 2021 when they

Went 1 and3 that one win being a win over the Denver Nuggets somehow um but they went one in 13 that month have had a minus 7.5 net rating outscored by seven and a half points per 100 possession so uh about twice as bad they’ve been this month of March 2024

Minus 14 per 100 pretty hilarious the Raptors are also dead last in rebounding rate in the month of March 45% even they’re getting absolutely cooked on the glass and a big part of that is that they simply cannot rebound when Kelly oen on the floor and Kelly oin on the

Floor a lot because he’s kind of their best available player right now Kelly oin right now speaking of dudes ranking last currently ranks in the first percentile the bottom 1% in terms of onc Court defensive rebounding impact when he is on the floor per clean the glass the Raptors are getting absolutely

Pummeled on the boards and Kelly oin is the through line of a lot of very bad rebounding lineups for this Raptor team the starting five getting absolutely crushed on the boards as well I believe like a 43% rebounding rate for the starters that we talked about in the

Last segment it’s not looking good and we’ll talk about whether this is like a red flag regarding Kelly oin who the Raptors just extended for two years Beyond this one coming up but more stuff they’re dead last in on cleaning the glass which isolates for garbage time

And gets rid of it throws it out the Raptors are dead last in offensive rating at 105.1 points per 100 possessions on cleaning the glass on which doesn’t take out cleaning the glass the Raptors are also dead last at offensive rating at 103.3 points per uh that means that they’re not

Even juicing their stats in garbage time their garbage time lineups are also completely inept at scoring baskets which is kind of hilarious um they’re just they’re dead last in a lot or close to the bottom in a lot of stuff very near the bottom in true shooting percentage 54.1% true shooting in the

Month of March that’s good for third last in the NBA uh they’re bottom five in basically every rebounding category they are just not a good basketball team right now I’m not telling Tales at of school you know that that’s an obvious thing for me to say but they are just

Getting waxed they are not competitive right now less competitive Than The Wiz s in most departments and so what does that mean is this concerning that they’re this bad without their best players again not really right like if they had Scotty Barnes RJ Barrett Emanuel quickly yaka purle healthy for

All of these games they would not be in this situation those guys on pure talent alone are going to carry you to you know probably close to like an even net rating because they’ve been crushing it together as a starting group and they fit very well skill setwise we know how

Good RJ’s been we know how good Quickly’s been um we know what Barnes was doing yakob hurtle ties the whole thing together it’s uh you know it’s not going to be this bad the real thing that I think is the sort of question here is Kelly olenic right the rebounding stuff

I think is definitely troubling this is something that’s going to have to be something the Raptors scheme around going forward it’s pretty clear that for OIC lineups to have like truly viable rebounding numbers next season they’re going to have to pair him with size guys who rebound above their station who

Rebound better than their position suggest they should Scotty Barnes obviously a very good rebounder averaged eight a game this year had moments where he would kind of just decide all right I’m grabbing 15 rebounds in this game and you can’t do anything about it they’re gonna need a lot of that

Especially if they’re going to run those bench lineups with Scotty and Kelly o lenck together like Scotty’s gonna have to be someone who really really helps clean up the glass they’re going to have to gang rebound they’re going to have to get rebounding from their guards iaj is

Gonna have to get in there and grab boards Grady dick you know we know he’s a good offensive rebounder good instincts there we’re going to have to see him figure out that on the defensive end as well they’re just going to have to rebound above their station when

Kelly alen’s on the floor it’s just the way it is Kelly brings a lot of really good things to the table I’m very glad they’ve extended him I think having him as your sort of uh table setting big and second units is going to be really valuable but there’s a reason why I’m

Pretty staunch in like yaka purle needs to start ahead of Kelly and that’s because of rebounding like you cannot exist when you’re giving up this crazy percentage of rebounding north of 30% offensive rebounding rates it just it neuters a lot of the stuff the Raptors

Like to do right Raptors like to run off of boards we’ll get to that coming up in just a second actually in the last segment but Raptors love to grab and go you can’t grab and go if you’re not grabbing first and I don’t think Kelly

Oen gives those lineups a great shot of doing that so they’re going to have to figure out a way to make those lineups viable I don’t think you’re going to be able to play super small with Kelly for example and you know maybe it works with

Him at the four maybe he rebounds better for his position at the four as opposed to the five but but then you bring in all sorts of defensive questions and matchup things you got to sort through as well so um I like Kelly oen I think

That the deal is perfectly fine I think he’s gonna offer a ton I think he’s an amplifying player but right now he’s just it’s really tough on the rebounding side of things when he’s on the floor they’re going to have to scheme around that and have a plan for that going into

Next season and this again speaks to the need to just go find some size find some dudes who are big who can kind of mix it up get in the dirt grab some boards that’s going to be a huge thing that the Raptors got to focus on this summer and

Look the numbers for alen have been pretty rough the entire month he’s not hitting his threes he has been on the floor for some really bad lineups they’re getting absolutely waxed we know this but I don’t think this is really anything other than the answer to the of

Pondered question what would a team look like if Kelly oen was the most important player thankfully he’s not the most important player on this team when it’s fully intact and so I don’t think these are questions or concerns you got to worry about um but yeah like shocker Kelly oin being the best

Player on a team the most important Hub of offense on a team is not going to create you know Wonderful results this is why context context and situation and role matter and I think in the context and role he’s going to be in on this team at full strength it’s perfectly

Fine but yeah there are some things that have to be ironed out and I do think we’ve learned something that the rebounding with Kelly is always going to be a challenge always something that has to be schemed for and that doesn’t mean you can’t do it you just work around it

Every team has it flaws and things you have to scheme around but I think if we’re looking for concrete takeaways from this month rebounding and Kelly inic oil and water not going so well you got to figure out a way to make those things mix we’ll come back on the other

Side close it out with a look at transition a thing the Raptors used to be so so good at they still do it a lot but they’re not so good at actually converting we’re going to get into that coming up in just one sec as the absence

Of Scotty Barnes this might be the place where it’s being felt the most over the last three weeks we get to that coming up in just one sec all right today’s show is brought to you by your friends over at eBay Motors passion drive and patience what brings

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Today’s show with a last look at a stat of ineptitude a depressing numbers the Raptors have posted over the course of a very depressing month of basketball before we dive into the last one just a heads up locked on sports today 247 is your all day streaming Channel covering

All the biggest stories around the Sports World lots of incredible March mandis coverage from her folks over the locked on College Channel locked on college basketball is like maybe the best college basketball podcast there is so you should definitely go check that out uh and the local College shows

Covering the upsets the surprises the Kentucky failures uh you can go check that out over at the lockdown sports today 247 YouTube channel subscribe and just watch it all bloody day huh all right let’s get to it my last sort of uh stat of note the thing the Raptors are really

Really not doing so hot in the month of March has to do with a thing that usually they’re very very good at and that is transition in particular transition off of steals live ball turnovers right now this number floored me the Tonto Raptors are actually costing themselves points on off steel

Attempts and transition yes they are costing themselves points per clean the glass the Toronto Raptors are negative 0.1 points per 100 possessions better so a tenth of a point worse in transition when they’re coming off steals they’re they’re taking away points it’s points added per 100 is the

Number we’re looking at here um per clean the glass they’re sort of metric for overall transition efficiency and their points added over the course of 100 possessions in transition off of steals particularly is a minus 0.1 they are costing themselves points I guess one point per 10,000 possessions but still

They’re costing themselves in the negative when they get a steal and try to score in transition and this is not surprising right Scotty Barnes is one of the best transition players in basketball whether as a finisher and most notably as an orchestrator organizing things grabbing going picking

Out the passes finding guys fing Lanes finding Shooters on the trail Scotty Barnes is incredibly good at it it might be the thing he’s best at as an NBA player he’s a bloody fantastic transition player and it’s why the Raptors lean into transition right this

Is a team that runs a ton and to credit they have maintained that identity over the course of this month in March they are running more than 20% of the time 2.9% of their possessions are in transition that is great like that’s what you want the open court is where

You’re going to get easy looks we know this Raptor team needs easy looks and also like at full health Barnes is an awesome transition player we know that Emanuel quickley and RJ Barrett have played very well in transition you know before uh he went uh out for his

Personal leave Emanuel quickley was like really kind of coming into his own as a guy who was attacking with a quickness in transition and semi-traditional ruthlessly efficient transition player just barreling into dudes scoring with those Lefty finishes fantastic and so it’s nice that they’ve continued to uphold their transition identity and

They’re doing it a ton that’s fantastic it also speaks to I think the way they’ve maintained their identity and sort of stuck with the game plan that they despite all of their problems on offense are still top five in assist percentage which again assist percentage does not equal offensive Effectiveness

But they’re clearly sticking with the Darko scheme of it all which is I think a good thing they’re not just playing schoolyard ball out there they’re not playing prove it ball with a bunch of guys hoping to secure a next contract like they’re playing within the system

That’s great it speaks to Darko kind of being able to maintain some level of consistency throughout the year with the game plan at least through all of the upheaval with the roster it’s a pretty impressive thing that they’ve been able to still play the way they want to play

Specifically on offense and again they’re running better than 20% of the time that is massive they are totally getting out whenever they want but they’re just not really scoring when they’re getting it off of steals funnily enough they’re still very very efficient top of the League top two three when it

Comes to transition efficiency coming off of rebounds but as we talked about they’re not getting many rebounds so those possessions are like a smaller percentage um off steals they just cannot get anything going and we’ve seen it right Jordan wara is a mess trying to orchestrate the break uh he gets up the

Floor panics throws weird passes to dudes that are kind of not open for passes saw this a couple times against the Kings for example um you know Gary Trent Jr for all of his good things he brings to the table as a transition operator not good a transition Wing

Finisher you know catch and shoot threes sure totally fine but if he’s got the ball and he’s going downhill it’s a big reason why the Raptors kind of underperformed in transition last year was Gary Trent Jr was getting a ton of steals and just couldn’t do a ton with

Them when he was out in the open court by himself he’s just not you know he’s not turning the corner on guys he’s not Euro stepping dudes into Oblivion he’s just kind of driving head down into traffic into extra bodies and possessions are dying on the vine um so

Yeah like it’s just stunning to me that the thing the Raptors have done so well both under Darko and under Nick nurse over the last few years is get Steals and score on them they are costing themselves a tenth of a point per 100 possessions taking away from their

Overall potency trying to score off of Steels those live ball turnovers the most valuable turnovers there are they cannot convert worth a dam and they’re lucky the Charlotte Hornets are like historically terrible at transition across R cross the board otherwise the Raptors would be dead last in this stat

As well but the Hornets are like a whole another level of truly wretched in transition so thank you to the Hornets for that I suppose um you know again this just speaks to how important Scotty Barnes is all the stuff we talked about here today starting lineup when Scotty’s

In there at the very least they’re competing they’re they’re fighting to be even you know they they weren’t a positive team when he was on the floor this year but they were a way more close to positive team when he was on the floor versus when he’s been off they are

Just they fall apart without Scotty Barnes transition obviously that’s the thing he does best he brings transition to the table he makes it easier for everybody to score in transition they don’t have that right now and then you know obviously the the situation with the rebounding like Scotty would

Certainly help with that as well this is a tiny tiny team right now they’re a small team anyway when Scotty’s healthy without Scotty without Yak obviously they have no shot um but Scotty in addition to Yak would really really help on the glass and kind of make it so they

Can turn those rebounds into the transition opportunities the effective ones that they’ve been able to finish off of um it’s tough man it’s just uh a whole lot of pretty upsetting stats when you look at the readout from the last three weeks for the Raptors life without Scotty barns has been pretty miserable

And man oh man am I excited to watch Scotty Barnes play basketball again every day that goes by I get more hopeful because hey we’re one day closer to seeing Scotty Barnes play for the Toronto Raptors once again hopefully come the uh spring training spring training training camp in September

October fingers crossed uh we’ll leave it there hopefully I didn’t depress you too much it’s fun it’s it’s funny none of this is like all that serious it’s not meaning anything really for the most part it’s just like uh fun to laugh and point at some really bad numbers I think

Maybe I depressed you maybe you feel completely uh you know concerned and full of dread about where this team is headed because of what’s happened this month if that’s the case I’m sorry for putting you in that spot going into the weekend but I do hope you found this to

Be a little bit therapeutic just to sort of get it out there acknowledge oo this is really bad but it’s not going to always be this bad it can’t be this bad this is like historically bad stuff we’ve seen more historically bad than Tampa March 2021 crazy either way thank

You so much for tuning into the show for rocking with it all week I know it’s not the most exciting of times to be with the Toronto Raptors but I’m glad to be here every day with you I’ll still keep on watching these games so you don’t

Have to I’ll still be here to break it all down for you more draft stuff coming up obviously too the March Madness continues on etc etc so thank you for all of that look forward to more excuse me more stuff next week on that topic

And we will uh send you off in the weekend enjoy Raptors thunder tonight we’ll talk to you again on Monday another episode of lock on Raptors in the meantime follow subscribe rate review tell a friend all that good stuff love you very much have a great weekend bye-bye

In Episode 1600, Sean Woodley goes solo to highlight some of the most hilarious and upsetting stats from the Toronto Raptors’ 1-9 start to the month of March, which has seen Scottie Barnes, Jakob Poeltl, RJ Barrett and Immanuel Quickley all miss significant time. Off the top, Sean digs into the Raptors’ most-used starting lineup this month, and it’s unfortunate distinction as the worst lineup in all of basketball among lineups playing 50+ minutes this season. Next, Sean digs into the many stat categories that the Raptors rank dead last in in March, including win percentage, NET Rating and rebounding rate, as well as Kelly Olynyk’s status as one of the single worst players in the league at driving rebounding when he’s on the floor. Are there any concerns about Olynyk to be drawn from this month, during which he inked a 2-year extension with the team? Or is this simply a byproduct of being the most important player on the team right now? Lastly, Sean takes a look at how the Raptors have fallen off a cliff in their ability to score off of live ball turnovers. It’s baffling. They simply refused to finish in the open court! Anyway, the Raptors play the Thunder tonight, so all these numbers are sure to get much, much worse.

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#NBA #Raptors #TorontoRaptors

1 Comment

  1. @sean woodley think of it as the painting a masterpiece, it may not look like much for a good while, and may even look ugly. the raptors must tank for a few years to turn into a masterpiece of a picasso after they draft and develop their players like okc thunder. its why good things come to those who wait and have patience.

    also the raptors are rebuilding, so they are suppose to be bad, and they are suppose to lose alot of games. allows scottie barnes to develop ball handling like siakam so he can handle double teams and create his own shot. Gives time for scottie barnes to develop so he can carry the team to the playoffs by himself just like SGA. you cant rush that.

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