@Portland Trail Blazers

Portland Trail Blazers vs Los Angeles Clippers Recap and Highlights | Blazers Uprise Postgame Show

Portland Trail Blazers vs Los Angeles Clippers Recap and Highlights | Blazers Uprise Postgame Show

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot bike last year every game I watch Watch all got e what’s going on everybody welcome into the Blazers ESS post game show here on a Friday night the Blazers played the Clippers once again and lost once again but they made it look a little bit better falling 125 to 117 with a uh impressive garbage time

Run there in the fourth quarter uh as well as some good individual performances that we’re going to talk about the Blazers being much short-handed in this game without Jeremy Grant who who knows if he’s going to play again the rest of the season um I don’t know if there’s been an update on

Him but we can talk about injuries a little bit with his absence Anthony Simons goes down uh he only played 22 minutes in this game and only had three points before that so we’ll see if there’s an update on him but also DeAndre Aton missed this game he had of

Course been playing recently and playing well but after a tough performance last game uh was shut down for this game and the Blazers very short-handed were able to make it competitive especially there uh in the fourth quarter kind of getting this game back to a respectable score

Despite the loss and uh man this game had some interesting stuff Eric you had Ryan ruper hitting a three quarter court shot that barely didn’t count unfortunately that was cool um you had uh Delano Banton having a good offensive Game Chris Murray sets a career high he

Had a good game um Tani Kamara still doing some things offensively that you like to see scoot Henderson 2410 and four boards uh which is a pretty solid performance and I think there’s some good things to talk about from this game offensively defensively still a big struggle still a bunch of

Drop scheme that obviously got picked for the second night in a row against this Clippers team um but before we get into it Eric how’s it going how have you been enjoying the NCAA tournament and uh what’ you think of this game man uh well screw Jack gki or whatever his name is

That gu ruined my bracket but uh let me let me just say screw SEC teams in general because Alburn ruined my bracket so yeah um no I mean it’s fun I it doesn’t really matter right it’s it’s cool to see performances like that um yeah so good good for

Uh who what team was that Oakland Oakland yeah good for them um but anyways uh Blazers h i I get why people enjoyed this game and I’m not like trying to crap on it or anything but I mean we’re kind of ignoring that they were down 20 plus

Most of the game it just made a a furious’s rally there in the last couple minutes it was mostly kind of boring and uh Blazers did not do a lot for most of this game and then some people uh you know made some buckets late and uh a lot

Of the stat lines look pretty good which I’m happy for that we can talk about some positive box score but this game was pretty boring throughout most of it yeah I got a good new AI image up there I got something in mind let’s see

What it Cooks up for me but uh yeah I mean this game wasn’t really competitive the final score makes it look a lot better hence the uh the title of the thumbnail and all that uh still like to see them keep fighting playing hard there in the fourth quarter putting 37

On the board the fourth this was definitely a better offensive game than the last game especially considering anreddy Simons basically contributed nothing offensively outside of six assists to this game uh and DeAndre Aton wasn’t there uh and you had some some rookies some young players step up have

Some good offensive moments which is good to see uh and basically just all we’re looking for out of the rest of this uh forsaken season cuz man I mean watching March Madness lately Eric it’s uh I’ve been enjoying it a lot and it’s been a minute since I’ve enjoyed watching basketball like still

Watching this team and I enjoy when you know if Ryan ruper does something good or scoot Henderson does something good um you know I’m watching it for the young guys it’s always cool to see them do well but um just to purely enjoy basketball it’s been a minute and being

Able to watch March Madness even though my bracket was screwed just just being able to watch what I think is a very pure form of basketball that is college basketball uh has been enjoyable and it kind of reminded me of oh yeah yeah man it’s been a minute since I’ve had this

Feeling watching this Portland Trailblazers team um well when your team wins the first round what a lot of other teams got upset yeah of course of course of course but uh you know it’s um those guys just play hard like it’s March Madness so it’s Ste or dies so of course

Guys are going to play hard you know and it’s the regular season in the NBA but it’s just refreshing to see teams just fight and Claw for every inch out there on the court compared to watching some NBA basketball which is you know it’s funny because we gave chony bips a lot

Of credit for getting his teams to play hard earlier in the season and then I go and watch a a division one game I go and watch a March Madness game and it’s like man were the Blazers really playing that hard earlier in the season because that’s what playing hard looks like um

What you see in the NCAA tournament so uh you know at this point in the season rough season obviously and we’re just looking for some of these young players to show something offensively so despite the fact fact that they were you know down by much more than eight and

Basically this is them just clawing it closer in garbage time essentially still had some good young players have good individual performances and I mean that’s all I can hope for at this point yeah right there’s not much else to be positive about and I mean honestly

We don’t want him to win so I guess games like this is fine right yeah yeah the games like this this is fine um I wouldn’t change change anything about this game really I I just want to see them stop running freaking dropsky mer I that’s that’s what I would change is uh

Just maybe uh Chanty getting into some of the guys for their defensive effort um it’s not necessarily one particular person but um several of the players just seem to be really slow getting back on defense really slowing in their rotations giving up on plays and uh it’s just indicative of a not very

Well coached or well uh account accountable team I don’t know that’s what I’m saying but you know what I mean yeah we talked about it a lot last postgame show I mean since we’re playing the Clippers again I don’t want to make this just a repeat of last

Last game’s postgame show although we definitely could with some of the defensive things so you know we can touch a little bit upon maybe some of the same issues uh but my goal with this postgame stream is it for it to be a little bit more of an

Bridged version of talking about the same stuff because we literally just played this team literally just saw basically the same exact game that we saw last game this is also part of the reason why I don’t like playing the same team twice in a row it makes it a little

Difficult to do postgame shows on back toback nights especially when the Blazers are uh tanking and hopefully I don’t know what the situation is with anthon Simons but you know hopefully he’s okay um he L back to the locker room for those that didn’t watch yeah so I don’t

Know you know how long he’s going to be out for I don’t know what the situation is going to be with that but it I don’t know we haven’t like clearly started hardcore tanking right or do you think we have because this time last year we had clearly started

Hardcore tanking and this year it doesn’t really feel the same it’s a little little stranger I don’t know man we if you see some of the lineups we try to out there I it’s hard to it’s hard to imagine that we’re not um but I still think they’re not like

Purposely trying to lose they’re just putting the players out there that they know will not win a game late tonight and that and you hear rumors that sharp might be back soon um that he’s ramping up activity it’s like why like I I want I want to see play but

Like why would you risk that this year like I don’t why would you risk him coming back too soon and making it a possibly lingering thing um or the surgery having to be done again or something like I I know it’s a very low possibility but what would be the point

In playing him this year I mean he’s not going to get that much development playing you know a handful of games at the end of the season or whatever but I mean it would be fun to see him out there I just I’m worried about playing

Him at all yeah like I don’t think he’s going to get reinjured but then again our luck is Blazer fans I mean who knows M um but like there are people out there who just apparently just want to see him for a couple of games for whatever

Reason and it’s like okay what for the long term what’s the long-term benefit of seeing Shaden sharp for a couple games at the end of the season I mean if he’s healthy fine like if he’s 100% gets cleared and all that if there’s no downside yeah but like like

My whole thing is just there’s no long-term benefit in that if he’s only playing a couple games at the end of the season so if there’s any risk or if it’s sore at all if there’s literally any problem with it whatsoever just be just

Just don’t do it um I I don’t think they would let have him return for the final couple games if there was an issue but we’ve had question marks about how they’ve handled injuries in the past and it’s just it’s just weird you know there’s a reason why

We question this organization and how they handle injuries and I mean we get players here all the time and uh we get players that are like close to coming back and then they have a setback and we have so many re-evaluation dates and there’s a reason why this organization doesn’t really get

The benefit of the doubt in regards to hand handling player injuries and it’s not even necessarily to say specifically that they’ve done this or that wrong um you know there’s a couple things we can point out to in the past such as you know if we go all the way back to year

One of postgame shows with this channel Rodney Hood having Achilles soreness and playing and tearing his Achilles right like you probably shouldn’t have been playing with the Sor ailles cuz he then went and tore it but uh other than maybe a couple instances like you know it

Could it feels like a lot of circumstance but when you’re dealt with the circumstances this team is dealt with all you can do is be careful especially when there really isn’t anything to gain by rushing them back at all right and uh as Spencer and John

Point out in chat there needs to be a heavy heavy emphasis on a minute’s restriction of like 20 minutes because if chony plays him 40 plus minutes like he did earlier in the season uh if he plays a few games that’s uh I can’t imagine risking him for that to to play

Him that much so hopefully it’s it’s just in limited action if that happens yep absolutely so who knows um end of the day we said this year at least I said I think you felt the same way you can correct me if I’m wrong I felt like this year was a good

Evaluation year for Chanty buildups with it being in his third year we talked about some of the struggles with defensive execution on the last postgame show I mean has he just thrown in the towel on this season because when I watch him Coach especially lately it feels like

He’s just whatever like we’re just going to run drop occasionally we’ll switch to his own at one point they did have wreath playing a little closer to the point of the screen so great but given the seeming lack of accountability when guys aren’t hustling back like some of that

Effort lately has been very very questionable and I haven’t seen a change in temperament from chony Bops okay uh the scheme’s extremely passive I mean you’re going into a game against James Harden who will use the space you give him in the mid-range to find his way to

The rim or make a kickout pass he’s still one of the best passers in the league um kawhai loves mid-range shots Paul George can get hot on mid-range shots and you’re running drop scheme against these guys like okay not great and then the execution mistakes as we

Said on last postgame show have not gotten better all season long so I sometimes when I watch chony and just see what’s going out there on the court and see what his reaction is to it I wonder if he’s kind of thrown in the towel on this season a little bit do you

Have that same feeling Eric no and this is why I just think he’s not a good coach he thinks he’s good but he’s not so like I think he thinks if he had like a healthy team right now that he’d be a good coach for it you know like I don’t think

He he thinks that he’s doing a bad job I think he thinks it’s just I mean what is he supposed to do with starting Chris Murray and and you know that kind of thing you know dwop wreath and you know absolutely absolutely like sitting here as somebody that talks about team like

Absolutely he’s out there you know he’s running out lineups that are nowhere near as talented as the Clippers okay like but that can’t be his mindset his I know it can’t be but I think it is that’s that’s the problem I don’t disagree with you at all I don’t

Disagree with you at all but it should not be um as a coach you’re supposed to do the best job possible with what you’re given okay and obviously it makes it easier to do a good job if you’re given a lot of talent but at

The end of the day you got to try and do the best with what you have you can’t sit here and say oh I don’t have my guys and you know we’re just super short-handed what can we do that can’t that can’t be the attitude okay like you’re short-handed you’re playing a lot

Of young guys it has to be okay we need to um hold them accountable for getting back on defense for some of these defensive mistakes we need to develop them we need to hold them to a certain standard although they’re not as talented as the players they’re going

Against there’s a difference between um executing defensively and being beat by a better player a better offensive player and just making silly defensive mistakes um you know both will end up in points on the board for the opposing offense but there’s a big difference in okay we’re doing we’re doing the right

Things um we’re not making as many mistakes we are executing better and teams are making shots and my problem is a lot of coaches uh in the league seem to use the other team made shots to just absolve themselves of any responsibility of anything they or their team could

Have done better you know what I mean like sometimes it might apply because it’s the NBA in 2024 and guys are going to hit shots but there’s you know been a lot of games in the past that we’ve lamented listening to some postgame press conferences from head coaches

Where it’s okay yeah they made some shots but you made a lot of defensive mistakes it’s not as simple as you playing good defense and them just making shots so I mean I just hope that chony has the right mindset I mean I can only sit here and guess and speculate I

Don’t know the guy I don’t talk to the guy right um I can only sit here and speculate as to what his mindset is but it can’t be oh we you know look at the lineups we have we don’t have my guys and we’ve heard stuff in the past of

Like chony not being happy with certain players on the team because they’re not his guys how much have we talked about in terms of Chanty and his guys right and it all it goes back to what I always said Eric with good coaches okay will have a good

System that they’ll try and adapt their players to great coaches will adapt their system to their players right and sometimes you might be given mix both a little bit yeah sometimes you might be given the perfect roster for the system you want to run right sometime you know you might be

Given a perfect team for the temperament of the coach what they want to run Etc okay and each coaches are going to have their preferences but the best coaches know how to a formulate a culture B mold his system a little bit to his players and see get them to execute it

Even if they have lesser players we talked about Memphis L postgame show you know where they rank defensively with all their injuries but they’re still playing above average defense somehow we look at Miami and the players that they bring in they haven’t uh been too good in the regular season the past couple

Years but but I mean they made the finals last year the regular season doesn’t seem to matter too much to them um but they they get guys out of nowhere and they make them produce like those guys produce for Miami they get players off the undrafted pile all the time and

Turn them into guys that end up getting multiple contracts and end up getting paid so my whole thing is man like hopefully chony is still um trying his best and if that is his mindset Eric I got I kind of got a problem with that

Like at the end of the day you got to do the best thing for what you’re given whether that’s try and win games or develop them or whatever and uh you know it’s just seeing some of these executional mistakes from players that should know better by now or should have improved

More by now this season has me wondering what is up with chony because um just some of the some of the defense that we’re seeing I the Clippers are a good team but some of the defense that we’ve seen as of late is just a little too uh messy for

Me yeah but at the same time if I’m Chanty I’m pointing to how well Chris Murray has been playing lately uh scoot has a good game tonight you know some of the younger players um that have had to play you know I’ve had some decent moments so I’m

Yeah the offensive side of the Court yeah I’m not saying I’m uh I’m okay with any of these things I’m just saying from chanta’s point of view he’s probably sitting there thinking look what I’m making like Chris Murray into you know like and like that

Kind of stuff and and so he thinks he’s developing these guys really well uh because a lot of people only look at the box score after a game I mean there’s not many people actually watching the games right now right so uh I I think think um you know the the effort on

Defense um I mean we’re always going to pay attention to that but I think a large portion of this fan base has not even watched or cared enough to examine how much their effort they’re giving on defense and things like that or schemes or anything they just see oh well Chris

Murray’s got his career high the last two games you know like um he must Chelsea must be doing something right to develop these guys I mean Chris Murray last two games has been good little premature to act like you know chony turned him into anything no I know but

I’m just saying like the development thing is what he can lean on and you could also say there’s he started four rookies tonight like how am I supposed to have a good defensive scheme with four rookies like I I sure that excuse is around there I mean but that’s the

Problem is his excuses mhm that’s the problem yeah if that’s the reason people will go to bat for him and say oh well look who look who he has to play he has a bunch of people with platforms and shoot I’ll say it too on on some nights

If it’s like you know scooted and overpowered one-on-one against a player that’s bigger or you know wreath just right like not being able to vertically challenge a player at The Rim like there’s situations where you can easily point to it and be like yeah if you had

DeAndre instead of du breath there that defensive play is a little bit different right but at the end of the day in terms of um simple stuff such as position in how you position yourself towards a screen making sure both players are on the same page in a defending a pick and

Role in terms of what scheme you’re running not one guy icing it one guy playing towards the middle of the Court like there is a there’s a bunch of little things like that that you can’t just gloss over with the Personnel excuse and that’s the problem is if

You’re sitting here looking at it like man you got four rookies um you know how can you expect me to have a good defense it’s not good it’s not good because at the end of the day this team I thought a big goal this year Eric on

Top of development was to De not fully develop a culture by any means because they were never going to do that in a year where they lost as many games as they’re going to lose this year but start to develop a little bit of a culture in terms of okay we’re going to

Have this is our identity defensively and this is what we’re going to do on that end of the floor and if we’re not doing it we’re going to hold players accountable for it and um you know like play hard all the time if you’re not playing hard like that’s not acceptable

Right these are all just like basic Staples of culture stuff where like if we had a coach like you know Eric spoler hypothetically I don’t think he’d be letting as much of this stuff slide and I don’t think some of the effort mistakes that like scoot has been making

Getting back on defense and stuff like that would be sliding as much as it is I mean listen they could be going over all this stuff in film and trying to hold him accountable that way but I think there’s a difference between that and a player doing it in a game and you’re

Gonna immediately in the middle of the game hold him accountable um for not running back on defense or falling asleep and getting back cut for the millionth time so um that’s that’s where you know like I said I’m just speculating I’m just watching the game the same games that you guys are if

You’re actually watching games and that is kind of what I come to one thinging about Chanty is man is he uh is he just waiting for this off season is he just waiting till next season cuz sometimes I get that feeling yeah uh I just think he just I

Mean I he’s still fairly inexperienced I just think he doesn’t know what to do like or how to improve some of these things he he thinks it like he he knows what needs to be done he just doesn’t know how to accomplish those things and maybe someday he will uh but it probably

Won’t be as a Blazer coach uh after next year probably but um yeah like so you get people like Todd Keith and chat who say no coach is ever going to coach this team to 30 plus wins like um that comment if it’s regarding what I said Eric just is completely

Missing the point I know well I mean you see that this is the argument on Twitter with everyone like media everyone it’s like well what’s he supposed to do with this roster like papovich has losing record this season or whatever is well pop has also has five championships so like he’s

Given a little bit of Grace to know that when he’s coaching a bad team they’re most likely getting good coaching because he’s been a good coach for 25 years now um whereas when Chanty is not getting the most out of a team especially on defense where you should

Be seeing a young team improve throughout the year you should see them flying around and giving maximum effort because that’s how you make it in the league um it is I mean that’s not I don’t think he should be given the benefit of the doubt cuz he hasn’t been he hasn’t proven that

He can actually get a team to do those things on the defensive end so um good um any anyone who uses Greg papovich to defend chony as a comparison is not debating well that that that’s all I’m going to say because they’re completely opposites as coaches in terms

Of what they’ve accomplished number one number two it’s more about building a process yeah than outcome right like and that’s developing players so hopefully we can get better outcomes in the future so hopefully we can win more games in the future but also coaching is is a process

Man and just like in business before you achieve your outcome you got to develop a process that gets you there and there’s going to be multiple things that are inputed into that right there’s going to be multiple parts of the process regarding a basketball team right like a big part of the process

Defensively is little executional stuff that nobody’s expecting to be close to perfect perfected with a young team right and we’re going to lose games because of defensive mistakes because we don’t have that experience but we expect it to a be held accountable B improve during the season right like these

Players need to be taught how to position themselves to get through screens um we need to just not throw our hands up and just simply run drop because that’s not doing anything anyone any favors defensively in terms of developing right like it’s literally the other three guys stay home and the big

Just sits in the paint and the guard just like follows the the ball handler over and even the guy getting screen does a pretty bad job about that but like run them through some different schemes they’re gonna make mistakes out of it and lose a bunch of games because

Of it but they can learn from trying to run different stuff especially if it’s being taught correctly especially if some of this technique technique stuff is being taught correctly um and there’s just so many mistakes defensively with effort but also technique and just little executional stuff positioning

That with with a lot of players on this team I feel like it hasn’t really gotten better over the course of the season and that’s where it’s not about them losing a bunch of games or they were never going to win a bunch of games that’s

When it comes all the way back to okay why aren’t they improving more is the process a little bit broken are these guys not being coached correctly on the defensive end because um there’s just some things that certain guys are are doing right now that I I don’t think should be happening

Still yeah and so um T Keith followed up by saying well what coach would you want like what kind of coach would you want coaching this team right now teaches coach as well like I I don’t know we didn’t know Mark diagonal before he was OKC’s coach he’s a good coach we didn’t

Know will hardy before he became Utah’s coach he’s a good coach like who knows and uh why am I blanking who was the Memphis coach uh Taylor Jenkins Taylor Jenkins uh so these guys are they don’t have great rosters or didn’t have good rosters and or had injuries or things like that and

Um their defenses were like diagonal even when OKC wasn’t made the playoffs uh like two years ago they were pushing being a top 10 defense for a lot of the season um we talked about the Grizzlies being 11th in defensive rating this year um you know I don’t know where the Jazz

Defensive rating is but it feels like they compete a lot so and and Hardy is when you watch him he does a pretty good job in my mind of holding the young guys accountable um so I want a but all those guys what they all had in common were they were longtime

Assistants and had good a good reputation as a good assistant coach and then got promoted whereas chony was an assistant for one season hasn’t didn’t really have a lot of experience uh didn’t have something that uh like well Hardy was like you always heard his name associated with

The Boston Celtics and a big part of their success and and um you know uh Taylor Jenkins the same thing you heard rumors about him dagal I think was on OKC staff with Donovan beforehand um so like you hear stuff about these guys about how they’re on

The come up um and uh it may take several years to do it but in year three none of those guys teams were looking like they the Blazers look right now where they’re just like totally lost and and I mean I watched do up reath tonight like the guy

Just I mean I don’t know what you can do when he’s your starting center you know on defense um you’re already at a disadvantage but that guy just like left zubach like it was like 10 times he just like wandered away and like didn’t make

It to the ball wasn’t helping on a drive or anything he just like left where he was supposed to be and gave up a pass or or an offensive rebound or something and it’s just like what are we doing oh like I I don’t understand man um and then

There’s the Blazers were shooting a freaking free throw and uh we we let Paul George beat us down on a missed free throw they just throw it ahead to Paul George no one gets back on defense and he gets I think we end up fouling him before he could dunk it or

If it was an and one or something I I don’t remember but like stuff like that doesn’t happen this much on on like a well coach team so I don’t really care who it is as long as they’re hammering home all these principles and and fundamentals and

Habits of a young team that should be etched into their brain right now that there’s no excuse for not getting back on defense or for our transition defense to look this poor throughout the whole season it’s okay if it looks bad at the beginning of the season when these Zone

Guys haven’t been in the system for a while but if it’s like regressing or the same as it was as bad as it was at the beginning of the Season there was no improvement that’s a I think with coaching yeah like there’s possessions and there was a possession in this game

And it was dwop where we just run away from the ball in transition yeah a did it too he left Harden I think what like at the free throw line he just like walked was that was that the play they called the timeout in the first

Quarter uh I don’t remember if it was the first or second quarter but yeah there was a play where so that’s the play I’m I’m talking about there’s a play where wath is running and he’s right in front of the ball and just keeps running down into the paint like

Towards the corner ant was got guarding the guy in the corner so like ant like came up and tried to bait him into passing but like a was stuck in no man’s land because reath didn’t pick up the freaking ball I think it happened another time where aunt picked up ball

But he thought someone else was coming to pick up ball so he went and got the quter and then no one came out and yeah yeah I think it’s the play we’re talking about cuz yeah he like came up like he was going to pick up ball and then tried

To go back to the corner and left the guy wi open but like at the start of that play man it’s just wreath like we do a really bad job of matching up and transition there’s another play where um scoop picks up Harden and Scoot actually played decent

Transition defense I think it was Harden uh it was someone I think ant was on Kawai on the wing and Scoot picks up the ball and actually keeps him in front does a decent job and ant’s guarding uh Kawai on the wing and an’s just like way

Too far off him but he’s also not fully in a spot where he could even stop a drive so he’s just in no man’s land and they kick out to kawhai and ant does a okay job of getting back out and contesting the shot but you’re talking about Kawhi Leonard like it doesn’t

Really matter if it’s an okay contest he might as well be wide open uh and he hits a three and it’s just like man you’re one pass away in transition you see the ball coming towards you you see your guy coming towards you why are you three steps off of them four steps

Off of them especially when scoot is there in front of the ball and we actually pick up ball so a lot of our problems stem from like we suck at picking up ball we suck at actually like staying in front of the ball handler which that is more

Like you know maybe some individual defensive uh limitations potentially when you got a guy coming at you full steam especially some of the best players in the league they are kind of hard to stop but you know that’s different if a player scores on that compared to like we don’t pick up ball

Or one pass away we’re just in no man’s land and like not even close to our got one pass away in transition when it was like an easy matchup opportunity and that’s just some of the defensive mistakes that guys still make that they were making at the start of the season

Remember game one we had awful transition defense against this very same Clippers team and it looked exactly the same tonight like they they made a living in transition in the first half and there’s just too many too many problems right um so transition defense is a major

Problem yeah the other thing that’s a major problem still is uh Closeouts jump everything there’s several horrible ones yeah we fall for every pump F dude there was one in the middle of the paint kawhai lettered literally like it was the slowest pump fake I’ve ever seen like and he knew it

Was going to get I forgot who it was um but like whoever it was jumped and he just went right around him and laid it in like we jump at every PP fake um we we close out too hard uh like you said we jump too often on close outs and they

Just go right around uh our Defenders and and um once again if this kind of stuff is being hammered home and taught and technique and and accountability all these things um film study if it’s being studied the right way if you’re calling out the appropriate uh people

For for messing up uh plays that they should be doing better at and it’s not getting any better then somehow you’re not teaching it right so yeah yeah I’m tired of the let’s run a double team half-heartedly at the ball and then get picked apart behind it yeah especially because like certain guys

Just don’t rotate like d bre rotates slow as hell yeah um there was one good double team in this game that was like one of the first plays of the game where scoot came on a double team in the post and stole the ball that was the only

Like good double team the entire game all the rest of them were like too slow and not in the right times or positions and didn’t really lead to much yeah like you got to know when to double and you got to rotate but like you know the dunk

That zubach had that was wide open in Middle second quarter when we doubled George in the post you know what play I’m talking about I mean they’re running some action up top so like ant and Kamar are like above the three-point line so they can’t really rotate down and they

Throw the ball into George and he like posting up almost at the three-point line like he’s 17t away from the rim and Rath just like slowly jogs over to him just like slowly jogs over to him so like zubot is just wide open in the paint I mean it’s just like what our

Doubles are horrible our doubles are are a joke and like some of it is like wreath has to know when he should not double I’m not really necessarily going to hold Chanty accountable for like this specific instin where if you are trying to double like um W has to know he can’t double

There but you you double down you don’t double from under the rim because you’re already have a defender in between the ball and the rim so why are you sending another Defender from the rim right he’s not like blocking any sort of passing Lane that the initial Defender already isn’t

And it’s just it’s just stupid because you’re leaving a guy under the rim you have to rotate down towards the rim some situations if you have like two guys Baseline it’s different but if you have an offense that is four out without anyone in the corner you can’t double

From underneath the rim because you have no backside help basically somebody has to help down from the free throw line down but it’s too late when you’re able to just throw the ball up around the rim and it’s a seven-footer standing there so that’s just our double teams seem to

Have no thought behind them there’s no rotations behind most of them and some of them you could see coming from a mile away and it’s like we’re doing it so much Eric that part of it definitely is by Design yeah there’s no way we’d be doing

It this much and it’s just it’s it’s amateur it’s a joke it’s you know what it is tor it’s we need to start double teaming and so you’d be like okay scoot you need to double team on this next next play but like that’s not how you double someone

Right like like like you don’t just you don’t just call for a double we talked about this last show so we don’t have to hit hit at home too much but like um we don’t double out of pick and roll that’s when the best time to double is out of

Pick and roll where you can trap them um or some sort of action where they you’re already near you already have a second Defender near the ball handler um and how many times tonight did Kawai get the ball in the wing get a a screen AC and

Go across the paint and you know take a guy um one of one it it we don’t trap that we don’t do anything it’s so weird I I I don’t understand why we why we call for double teams when we do and don’t call for double teams when they’re

Appropriate yeah I’m also Eric I’m sick of the zone I’m sick of the zone you can’t run Zone in the NBA regularly and expect to stop anyone and we’re trying to develop players why the what why the hell are we running so much Zone because

We do a terrible job of it and guys look visibly confused it’s dumb it’s so so so dumb after one rotation no one knows what they’re supposed to do or yeah I got a I got a picture actually and I’m pretty the thing is is our defense is so messed up like watching

Back some of these clips it’s like I think we’re in zone but maybe not like like this this this picture Eric just just take a look at this picture it’s going to load for you like five seconds after I put on the screen but um so so

I’m pretty sure we’re in a Zone here and the top guys are Kamar and Scoot but kamara’s on scoot’s side of the floor and Scoot is guarding no one and ant is like telling like telling scoot to go up and this was the play at the end of

The half where like Chris is just stuck in no man’s land like I think he backed up a little bit here so Harden kicked it to George and George just hit a catch and shoot three but also had like man wide open and it’s just like what wh why

Why do we have scoot at the top here just guarding nobody yeah that’s why I hate like a two3 Zone uh because it it’s like all you have to do is if you have like a guy like Kamar who’s going to always take ball all you have to do

Is then dribble to the the side where the second guy is up top like this like Harden does and that’s it’s like really simple to beat in um yeah it’s it’s super simple I mean the alternative is you could shift The Zone where scoot shifts down to like ant spot ant shifts

To the middle and Moses Brown shifts to like where man is and the Zone shifts that way but that doesn’t work when it’s ant shifting under the rim right like if you had both guards up top then you’d have a forward shifting under the rim and if you had a mobile mobile center

Say DeAndre Aon um in like a good secondary rim protector you know if we get Alex SAR hopefully or you know if you have Jeremy Grant then it’s possible to shift the zone to like let Kamar pick up the ball and you’re fine but when you play a

Guard in the bottom of the Zone like we do with if the Zone has to shift towards the camera towards where man is cu Chris Murray is Shifting up Moses has to shift towards man and has to shift under the rim that’s a 6-3 guard and that’s part

Of the reason why it’s not great to play a 6-3 guard at the bottom of a zone so I mean just stuff like this happens all the time and it’s just like what the hell what the hell are we doing like this this does not look like a well-

Coached team this you cannot excuse this with youth like a possession like this you cannot excuse it with youth youth like you start running two three zones in Middle School bro like like everybody knows how to run a two three Zone that’s ever played organized basketball at any

Sore level um now there’s certain nuances of it that some guys will um execute more consistently than others but like this is just a complete breakdown for no reason we were set and they’re just walking the ball up the court in it’s complete breakdown from the get-go that’s a problem and that

Can’t be explained away with youth and that’s where a lot of the criticism for chy comes in well Tori one first of all we don’t have enough time to practice so what do you what do you expect them to do two um God I wish I could remember

Which team this was but I was watching a college game yeah and what they had uh so what they were doing is if tamman like picked up ball and then he d to the side that the other top Defender was on like scoot was in this play scoot

Would then just very quickly just flip with it with tamani and be the other side of the top instead of just standing there in no man’s land so he would recognize as soon as Harden started dribbling to his right he’s got a cover for tamman up top and so I was watching

This college team once again I’m sorry I can’t remember who it was but they kept flipping around like and it was like awesome and and they like didn’t give up a single open man um they just kept moving around and around and around and around and everyone knew what to do and

Was was like just flying around getting to their spots and uh like it was like beautiful and and I know you can play zone differently in college but this was all preter stuff so you could do the same in the NBA um yeah as B says college students

Have time to practice so that’s what it was but that’s not guys that is very simplistic very simplistic the thing is is I I just I feel like some people think some of this stuff is more complex than it actually is like that is an extended it basically starts off as a

13 and the guy at the top stays with the ball and it morphs down into a two three so the guy up top stays with the ball and the guy behind them goes to the other side mhm and it morphs in a two3 like that’s that’s so

So simplistic like I used to talk a lot more about um you know my playing experience running just complicated stuff because like conversations like this because I feel like some people think a lot of the stuff is complicated when it’s not so I’d bring up like

Guys I was in freaking high school and rean a like Zone that was a mix between a 122 and a 131 hybrid and we executed it well right but you know oh you’re in high you in high school you can’t play in the NBA this is NBA basketball [ __ ]

I’m going to go start a Reddit threat about it like you know so I don’t talk about any of my own experience ever but the point is is there’s stuff that’s that’s run that kids run in high school that is more complex in terms of zones than anything

You see in the NBA maybe they don’t anymore Tori well maybe not anymore I mean we we had a good we had a good high school coach that was uh that drilled stuff into us but he knew how to teach stuff you know um high school kids could

Pick it up amazing um but like at the end of the day like it’s it’s none of none of the Zone stuff is complex and we make so many mistakes out of it that boggles my mind it would have been timeout cussed out if we made that type

Of mistake if we we never ran a 23 but if we ever ran a 23 and made that type of mistake that I just show on the screen it’d be instant time out we’re getting cussed out on the bench in high school you know what I mean like it’s

Just it’s just silly and that’s where it’s like man we it’s the NBA you cannot be making these types of mistakes in the NBA some of the defensive mistakes that we make as regularly as we do I understand maybe once or twice you’re going to have a brght and fart not not this

Often yeah what are you doing running the zone so much if you’re going to have these mistakes so often too and that’s it’s like it’s not getting better like we’re still making stupid mistakes like that man the same thing happened last year Tor it was like this Zone worked

Because no one had adjusted to it and then so we get off to a hot start and then as soon as we as soon as teams start to figure out how to attack it and how to break it down it we just kept running it because it worked at the

Beginning of the year so why like it’s got to be able to work again right um and uh yeah so nope uh they just keep running a gimmick defense as their one of their main package defenses and uh it’s just it’s not going to work in the NBA unless they change

Some sort of rule about about it but um it’s just it’s not going to work it’s good to throw out there like you come out of a timeout they have a a set play you haven’t run Zone all game and you like throw a zone at him like you can

You can throw someone off uh but like to have it I mean I don’t know about you but like I would love to play against the play through Zone and drop scheme on man like I don’t know like either way there like I would I would just love it as a

Player you know like going at their Zone man uh there’s so many holes so many ways you can find it all you’d have to do is um I mean like it’s not even hard but like if it was difficult or or even if they were doing a good job of

Stopping the perimeter all you need is someone to come up to that high post area and get them the ball and it would be just like uh any other time where we have one person trying to guard two people down there and uh yeah it’s just

It’s weird yeah no it’s not good I mean duop wreath is is not playable on a good team no matter how well he’s doing offensively because of his defense like like his defense might be worse than NIS caner and I feel like we’ve given them a pass or really haven’t really focused on

It I’m just going back and watching through literally every mid basket they have wreath tries Eric M he is so bad unfortunately I wish he I wish he was a good Defender I wish he was a serviceable Defender I’d take simply somewhat below average defense from him

Given the things he can do offensively oh my goodness he rotates too slow he doesn’t provide any vertical challenge at The Rim like no Rim protection he’s not somebody somebody you can exactly switch out and expect to stay in front of guys um he bites at almost every pump fake just like Tren

Watford did last year like that that Kawai drive and dunk that was the player you’re talking about earlier right the the one where Kawai just like curls to the mid-range and like barely even pump fakes and doop jumps at it yeah and he gets a dunk

Like the game plan the thing is if you got a guy like that in the rotation the game plan is if you have good perimeter players try and force him to switch on you and then pump fake MH and then their Center is just completely out of the picture

And then you have a free Lane to the rib or you know maybe you can s side step and shoot a wide open three like you have your pick you you have a bunch of great options off of that if you got your center with switching as much as

Like chony loves to switch we one of the heaviest switching teams in the league if you got du bre switching out on to guys that much and biting at every pump fake it’s easy it is so easy and that like in a playoff series if D ever finds

A way to be in the rotation on a team in a playoff series that’s something that teams if they don’t figure it out before the series will figure out at some point in the series and he’ll get played off the floor it sucks I I love duop I love his

Story I love that he’s in the NBA he’s a good offive player but my goodness man the defense is really really rough yeah I mean he can he hasn’t done a good job at least I felt like he was doing a little better job earlier in in

The season but the last uh couple weeks have not been good in this regard and that’s just positioning and and being in the right spot to help and we’ve seen a lot of lesser athletes and uh you know unathletic people be decent Defenders if they’re in the right

Positions and are you know kind of have a smart awareness and IQ on defense um and so when you don’t have that I mean you pretty much have to have a Forman who’s like an elite rim protector or like the best point of attack Defenders of all time on

The perimeter so that he’s not getting exposed and uh but it’s in today’s NBA it’s almost impossible to hide a bad defensive Center um you can hide like an average one maybe but a bad one it’s it’s just really hard to to like you can’t just have him go guard

The corner guy right um like you kind with a guard who can’t play defense so um yeah I don’t I don’t really know how to fix it because um it’s not I don’t think it’s his defense unfortunately isn’t that fixable yeah yeah and I mean not to pick

On duab man I mean like just watching through some of these clips like tamman guarding a screener guarding Paul George who’s setting a back screen and tumani sets a better back screen than Paul George does CU he doesn’t get out of the way doesn’t give the big man a gap to get

Through and it’s like if you if you have a guy setting a back screen like around the free throw line he’s most likely going to pop to the top of the key he’s most likely not going to back cut you because he literally just set a back

Screen for somebody who went to that area anyway so there’s somebody occupying it okay so it’s just situational stuff like that comes with experience right like that’s not maybe necessarily A coaching thing but that’s something with tatti where like he’s a solid Defender but you got a guy setting

A back screen you got to give the guy getting screened a gap you don’t want to make the screen twice as wide and there was a play end of the third quarter um towards the end of the third quarter that uh Paul George hit a um it was actually like about 654 left

Third quarter where Paul George set a back screen for Tyson literally Moses Brown and Kamar just trip over each other so then Paul George pops and it’s like Tani and Brown are screening each other it was it’s bad like you you got to you got to teach

These guys in certain situations what to do in certain situations are going to be different than others it’s not oh you always give a gap on the screen sometimes you need to jam the screener but if he’s setting a back screen okay you probably want to give him a

Little bit of a gap and shade towards the ball some coaches will Coach it differently okay some coaches might teach you on a back screen Jam you know hug the screener basically um stay behind the screener so that the guy getting back screen can get through um I

Prefer to give a gap there and you can shade up the line towards where the guy is probably going to pop to but I mean there’s we just don’t do little things like that we just don’t we don’t execute we switch and I mean it’s frustrating because like I’ve seen a couple plays

Lately where Jabari is not giving much effort and he’s a guy that always seems to be an effort guy Eric there’s a play in the third quarter where he just switches and just like jogs after the guy that set the screen and as he rolls as he slips the screen

And he gets a bucket and jabari’s just like joing after him yeah there was also a play where he didn’t get a caller rebound or something under the hoop and him and Scoot was already near half court um and him and Scoot were the last two down the court out of all 10

Players um just I don’t know what they were doing just like walking up the court and it wasn’t like a a short amount of time it was like a pretty long noticeable time it’s like where’s Jabari why is he not down the court yet so it’s

It’s a yes man you know what I was wondering though what okay I know he’s super raw and he’s he’s probably not going to amount to anything anytime soon but of all the centers we have on our team if any of them right now without Aiden is going to

Figure out how to become a like a defensive impact type player it’s buaji why is he not getting any minutes in a game like this like why why are we playing Moses Brown over him uh like I I don’t understand man like see put baji

In see if he can his Rim protection can make a difference in some of these things that we’re not getting from the other players yeah yep see how he handles some of the defensive situations that DW can’t yeah um but I mean people have said like Chris Murray’s playing good

Defense I think he has good moments Eric but he has enough bad ones that I don’t want to say he’s more than just solid on that end um just some of it’s a little bit how he navigates screens which I I get it most guys that size aren’t going to be the

Best at navigating screens um he’s solid he a rookie so this isn’t really even a knock on him you expect him to make some mistakes he still has uh a little ways to go defensively I think um I don’t think he’s been bad but I’m not ready to

Join people in saying that he’s been good or really good defensively yeah I don’t I wouldn’t say really good I think he stands out as being decent defensively because the rest of our defense has been so bad yeah um I think he’s doing a fairly good job um and I

Mean this gets talked about all the time like on broadcast and stuff but I mean he’s just like okay at a lot of different things and unfortunately shooting’s not one of them um tonight he was he was good but uh yeah like defense he’s okay uh both

Off ball and on ball I think he’s he’s decent and that I think a lot of people are just um are used to not being okay you know like um like so many players just are terrible on defense um so it it just stands out I think when players do play

Good defense but at the same time I mean like tonight he was guarding Kawai a little bit um and the matchups are just it’s kind of weird when taman’s taken Harden and uh Kawai is being guarded by Chris Murray so you got your forwards guarding them and then like scoot has to take

Paul George then and then you like we talked about you have a center who’s not helping any of these guys out so I don’t know if you can really judge our perimeter defense tonight that well but um yeah a case where uh I think Chris is doing an okay

Job but at the same time most nights he’s not getting the toughest defensive assignment like tamman is where he’s up front on the ball handler yep yep 100% um yeah scoot scoot you’ve talked about his effort I’m sorry to get annoyed um he had a really

Bad play in this game where he uh just didn’t even look to box out and his guy crashed the board and the ball was kind of by scoot but scoot didn’t even jump for it just like literally let his guy walk in for an offensive rebound and

Just Shrugged it off like scoot is not playing with um a consistent level of intensity right now and it’s not good and I know it’s tough they’re losing a bunch of games but what you can control day in day out is your approach to the game and have some level of

Competitiveness as a pro and it’s been rough with him I I we’ve chilled on chony criticism lately I feel like Eric but I am so far out on him just because we’ve chilled on criticism doesn’t mean I’m not completely out on him being the coach of

This team it just means okay yeah they are um in a rough spot line up in rotation wise and I’m not going to hold Chanty over the coals every postgame stream given who he’s trotting out there I feel like these past couple streams have been uh good because I

Think we’ve been light on him we’ve maybe taken it maybe a little too easy on him the past two three four weeks because we haven’t really sat here and criticized chy a whole lot I me it’s the same crap though exactly you don’t want to talk about the

Same stuff as Wednesday said that intro and I mean we kind of have but what else is there to talk about like offensively I guess we can talk about a couple good performances I don’t want to F go ahead go ahead I just want to say one thing about scoot since we’re on

There I I’m just I cannot believe we’re sitting here talking about like his effort level in motor like because that that was like his shooting and stuff you know was one thing um you know there’s other things we could have wouldn’t have surprised me if if he

Struggled with his rookie year but the the level of effort on defense like I just I couldn’t have imagined when we drafted him and hearing all the things about how hard he works and all that kind of stuff how that would look the way it has this

This season like I just I’m I’m shocked about it like I I just I don’t understand how it could be this bad for someone who apparently has all the intangibles all the the right work ethic the right mindset all that kind of stuff like I I just I cannot believe this is a

Conversation yeah um it’s frustrating bro it’s frustrating um and it’s just it’s still crazy to me like let me just summarize it this way to me it is very clear that Chanty bips is not a good NBA coach and not going to be one anytime soon And there’s people that will give him the ultimate pass because of who he has in the lineup okay um that’s funny um like there’s some people that give him the ultimate pass and say like how can you judge him given what he’s had to gone through in the past

Three years I mean it’s funny because we give the head coach a pass for what he has to go through but then we give the GM a pass for what he’s made the head coach go through um it’s kind of fascinating that way obviously some of

It is out of their hands in terms of injuries but my goodness like at some point stop making freaking EXC excuses and start um improving because there’s just some people that think that all the evaluation of a coach should be is who he has and whether or not you should expect

Them to win games and they think the evaluation of a coach stops there and maybe throw in like oh if this player like this young player starts making more shots like that’s development and it’s a pretty like slim down version of what evaluating coach should actually be and uh end then

The day not expecting them to win Games The Measure should not be wins and losses the measure should be Improvement and fixing some of the problems that despite who they’re playing these players should be improving on in terms of some of their executional mistakes that they’re not that’s the full

Evaluation and it goes back to I don’t trust chy phips to um coach a good defense I don’t expect Chanty to um get players under him to execute defenses correctly I don’t I don’t believe in his ability as a teacher or as somebody that can Implement some sort

Of scheme on either side of the floor and get his players to consistently execute it and know how to handle different situations that arise Within in whatever scheme whatever set whatever defense they’re running yeah it’s just too too too often teams have been very ill-prepared and I don’t think it’s

Going to change I think it transcends lineups because I think ultimately it’s uh chony just unfortunately I don’t think is a good coach yeah so yeah well my problem is I think chony would be okay if he was like a CEO type of Coach where he let his assistants do

A lot of work and he just kind of oversaw the grand scheme of things um but he needed to clean I think they needed to have different assistance they they should have cleaned house last last offseason um and instead they kept pretty much everyone I think and so

You’re running it back with the same assistance there’s no new voices there um from last year it’s the same stuff um you don’t have anyone on this coaching staff that um like I mean maybe Scott Brooks does but I mean he’s flamed out as a coach as

Well but um like there’s no one that’s going to challenge chony or question what he’s doing or whatever um it seems like it’s all people I mean it for sure is a couple of them um like his brother um like like there’s no there’s no one

On the on on this coaching staff that’s like oh well he’s an upand cominging head coach like we talked about with other assistants um they’re all just kind of there and happy to have a job and um I just I thought they should have because we knew they weren’t firing

Chanty I thought they should have at least given him some different voices maybe make him a little uncomfortable with how much um like bring in some people that aren’t necessarily his handick guys um and you bring in a smart mind like Anisha Curry or whatever and she gets let go after

One season and you you still don’t know what happen happened there like I don’t know it just it feels like the whole coaching staff is is all struggling with the same thing yep anyway um I’ll drop a video on chony maybe before the end of the season but

Probably after this season just kind of reviewing his season as coach and talking about some of these issues and maybe showcasing some examples and so forth but but uh yeah man uh offensively let’s just quickly touch I mean we got to start with Chris I guess 21 points uh

Second high score for the Blazers scoot had 24 but Chris career high um I’ve said this if he makes threes at a really high clip he’s a role player okay I still even if he ends up becoming a good three-point shooter I still don’t like the pick for the Blazers entering a uh

Rebuild because it would have made much more sense to uh swing for upside considering the Blazers don’t have a guy and obviously a 23 you’re kind of limited there but uh you know if there was any way to trade up for cam Whitmore that ultimately would have been the play

Unfortunately uh didn’t make it happen like he’s impressed me with his shooting um the last two games he’s still shooting 28% on the season from three he’s still shooting worse on the season from three than scoot Henderson okay and is going to be hard to play him unless

He figures out that three-point shot and hopefully these past two games is him starting to figure out that three-point shot it’s really that simple for me yeah um I mean repeat that line for several Fighters right um but uh yeah I think all the forwards we have right now

If they consistently hit in the upper 30% percentile for three point shots they’d be fine if not they’re probably not rotation players on really good teams they’re decent ones on average teams um but not on good teams so I think I mean we know what forwards I’m

Talking about but like um yeah I I completely agree it’s just going to come down to how well they develop their three-point shots yep absolutely you know we’ve had we’ve seen Jabari Walker have 20 point games this season and have games where he’s made a couple threes

And done the little things and that sort of thing it seems like we’re kind of at a point with Jabari where even when he has a decent performance and like he made a couple threes last game we it feels like we’re getting to the point with him where like we’re starting to

Get used to him just being like okay and solid and the bar for him maybe is raised a little bit and he’s not really exceeding it um so he’s not really standing out in the same way like Chris because he’s struggled with his shot all season you know he starts making threes

And he started playing recently like you I feel like it’s easier to notice like him when he does good things at some point he’s going to have to provide legitimate value the easiest thing for him is going to be that three-point shot um and and then doing everything else

Solid you know he’s a solid player but um well we’ll see we’ll see the thing about Chris though that I the only reason uh like I didn’t write him completely off is he’s he’s like the only one this season that didn’t get a legit chance to show anything earlier in the season and

Now later in the season when he has been given a chance he has shown Improvement and the minutes I think have been good for him so like I I do think a little bit of I mean it it’s tough because he is an older rookie so you would expect him to

Be better than a younger rookie um but we definitely have seen him as he got put into the lineup uh started several games now um you know gotten consistent minutes instead of just like playing every once in a while I mean you have seen him start to play a little better

And that’s encouraging at least at least he’s progressing um somewhat whereas I don’t know if a lot of other players you can say that they’re that much better than they were earlier in the season I just think unless he sustains some of what he’s done the last three games is just

Inconsistency since he started um just if you know you look at things like he’s doing something solid you know and he does things outside the box score so you know I’ll give him credit for that but I mean before the last three games he had 26 points of five games and was starting

And play playing um approximately just eyeballing at like 26 27 minutes a game averaging like five points per game and during that stretch was um three for 11 four for four for 16 from three right 25% um the last two games he shot the three ball well that’s always going to

Make him look a lot better but until that stretch like he still was not shooting well until the last two games you know Chicago had 10 points was five for n you know just some impressive things off the drive but still was over for two from three so I

Like that he followed up last game with another good shooting night I don’t expect him to go three for six every night but he needs to go three for six more often because he what didn’t have a single night shooting like that other than maybe a two for three game um he

Did have a three for six game earlier in the year against Phoenix but like it can’t be followed up by you know 0 for four then one for five then one for six so I like they Str games together I still think that you know he he has been

Playing a bit better as a starter but I don’t know if it’s more than just inconsistency because one game he’ll have 14 you know just as a score one game he’ll have 14 one like he had 38 minute game against Memphis earlier in the month he had two points and was one

For six so just statistically it’s inconsistency the good thing is he does things outside of the box score so that gives him a higher floor when he’s not scoring the ball but in terms of contribution offensively like I am not ready until the end of the season to like have a more firm

Evaluation on him that’s different than what I had earlier in the season when I was very down on him for sure I’m not saying he’s earned a starting level spot or rotation spot moving forward past this season all I’m saying is he has seemed to gotten more comfortable the

More he plays whether that is resulting in him making shots he just he does not seem as jittery or whatever as he was a few weeks ago and I think if tamman had these last two games that he did we’d be like really ecstatic about tamman right

Now right I mean tomman had a stretch where he shot like 46% from three over I know but it wasn’t but he didn’t have like a 20 point game or anything like you know what I mean yeah I I mean I’ll I’ll pull up his game

But I don’t know if he had a 20po game at all maybe I’m forgetting one but I mean he had a stretch there where he was shooting the ball well but most games he was playing I’ll just read off the minutes here yeah I know it was only

Like three or four threes and he make one or two yeah but you know that stretch where you started shooting the ball well and we like talked about how it like changed uh and it was basically uh at the start of February mhm right so February 4th that’s when he really

Started shooting the ball better his minutes from then on I’m just going to read them off I’m going to round okay 23 36 20 22 18 24 18 32 21 he wasn’t being given consistently heavy minutes like Chris has gotten until uh March 8th he missed a couple

Games and then 30 31 24 30 34 33 past couple uh games before tonight uh 14 17 so I feel like he hasn’t you know maybe Chris lately has had a little bit more of an opportunity to have a 20-point game but the Benchmark shouldn’t be like

Onepoint game um toan had a had you know he had a game um where he had 15 points nine rebounds four assists was 5 for 10 two for four from three um had a three for four shooting game uh uh against Memphis had 15 points in uh 36 minutes

He had a 17-point game against Miami with 10 boards like it’s pretty close you know what I mean and he does it with a really impressive defense and I don’t know it’s most games yeah Mo most games but I feel like we would not be going crazy

For tman if he had a three for six game with 21 points I we say oh man that’s a good game but I feel like he’s had close to that game and we haven’t got gone crazy over him like tonight Eric he had a Oh No not tonight I’m thinking about

What was it yesterday I don’t know 11 points some for some reason I thought he had 15 but he’s five for 11 one for four from three like okay me whatever but I feel like there’s been nights where he’s had 15 points and shot the ball well and

We haven’t even really talked about him yeah I mean I guess I don’t know I just I think he’s been he’s been fine like it’s I’m not saying anything bad about tman I’m just saying I think we’re being a little less harsh on Tani’s up and down inconsistencies that we are Chris is

Really no no no no no when he’s had a two for game I’ve always said that with Tani as well like he has a good shooting game or two and I’ve always said he needs to keep this up for like a month he needs to show me okay he can keep

Drilling threes for a more extended period of time and then he has a 20 game stretch he shoots 46% from three or whatever it was like um that’s what I was looking for right if Chris Murray has a 20 game stretch where he shoots 46% from three I’ll give

Him credit you know for having a good shooting stretch that’s more than just two games mhm okay so unfortunately tman has followed up that stretch lately not shooting the ball too well since starting March 11th against Boston 0 for one 0 for one one for three one

For five yeah the game against Chicago we didn’t shoot he only played 14 minutes and then uh was one for one against the Clippers in the first game and then tonight was 1 for four so that makes him two for five 3 for 10 4 for 13

4 for 14 he’s four for 15 in his last seven games yeah such a small sample size it’s hard to yeah I said the same thing when he was making shots it’s like still you know you miss a couple or you make a couple and it’s looks completely

Different when you’re only shooting 15 in seven games so yeah tough to yeah exactly so like that’s why I haven’t been too hard on his shooting as of late um before this game he was what three for a three for 11 like it’s just too small for a sample size right um I

Mean tamone on the season is shooting 32.5% from three Chris even after the last two games is still shooting 28% he’s still almost five percentage points below Tani so that’s why I haven’t been as hard on Tani yeah with his shooting yep also part of it was I

Expected Chris to be a better shooter than tamman too so anyway um hopefully Chris can keep it up though yeah hopefully the shot looks better to me lately did he speed up his release um I think the thing with his shot is not even necessarily speeding up the release

It’s speeding up the um shot prep like getting his feet set getting his I don’t know like he earlier in the season he catched the ball and it seems like he needed to get settled once he catched the ball you don’t have time in the NBA to get

Settled once you catch the ball you got to be ready when you catch the ball to go straight up with it straight up into your shot pocket um and it seems like he’s a little more settled I don’t know if it just looks like that because he’s catching

The ball going straight into his shot but he’s doing a better job catching the ball going straight into his shot M I don’t know if it’s like the catch dip into the the shot pocket the set point and then release I don’t I don’t know how much of

That needs to speed up as much as him just like getting to that faster because he’d catch the ball and pause earlier in the year so yeah does that make sense ER yeah they’re just going to have to put in a lot of work this off season yeah yeah definitely like

He he’s still shooting threes that are pretty much wide open like he had a kick out pass from scoot he stepped into it going to the side it was actually pretty nice his shot does look a little quicker though mhm it’s still something where with a

Good close out I don’t I don’t know like the third one he hit was completely wide open um the first one he hit was pretty wide open the second one he hit there was traffic but there was no contest so that’s the other thing with his shooting is like if he starts

Hitting threes that are that the defense does a little better job of contesting then I’ll feel better about a shot as well yeah and I’m going to have I’m going to have a player review on him after the season where I take a look at

His misses and take a look at his makes and like look for themes and then break it down in a video nice so that should be good looking forward to that uh other players want talk about offensively well real quick before we uh forget Tay play

Had a $2 donation he said I’m going to be Club level tomorrow cheers thanks for the donation I’ve never sat in the club level so that’d be pretty cool I’ve gone to a I think I was in a suite so I got to see it a little bit but yeah it’s a

Club level should be fun man enjoy I appreciate you I’m actually going to the game tomorrow as well T so I might be a little late well there will be college basketball March Madness on I think so uh might you wanted to start it later anyway it might start later anyway just

Like we did tonight because I’m enjoying college basketball at least I can call 12 seeds over five apparently the the one 11 seed I had going far in the tournament was the one 11 seed that lost unfortunately um we’ll talk a little bit about the tournament

In a second when we get to tank ofon and all that good stuff um what players offensively do you want to talk about scoo I feel like we haven’t really talked about him yeah I mean he had uh several good drives with that little reverse Lane and he does

Um he got to the Lane a couple times or got to the free throw Lane a couple times as I meant to say and then um yeah hit a few threes um so not uh his only lay in um he had at least three reverse Lan

That he scored on in this game so I don’t know what you mean his only lane but um oh that’s his only finished move yeah he’s I think he’s most comfortable with that finish um like the over theh shoulder reverse lay in um but hey I mean if he’s comfortable

Doing that and he can get to that spot just keep doing it um he had 10 assists tonight too so that’s good uh thought he did a pretty good job moving the ball but he also takes a lot of shots too so I don’t know like

Sometimes I wish he would get even more assists or pass the ball even more yeah I mean if a had 18 shots and Tennis we’d be saying see he’s not selfish he’s passing like we’d praise him for it so no I know but like scoot to me is more

More of a past first like ideally pass first point guard so that’s yeah 18 shoted times 10 assist I think is a is a fine Balan you know yeah fine ratio um what he make eight eight of 18 yeah He so much of his finishing is just like he I don’t know dude I don’t know what to make out of his some of his finishing struggles just rewatching some of his like misses I you know I like to do that after a game and just look at the way

He’s going into some of his layups there is times where it’s like dude you don’t have to forc that layup that is a tough layup that you don’t have down you still have enough on the shot clock like kick it out and make the next play and he would be more

Efficient some of the problems I think with this finishing finishing is he tries some really tough finishes um that like he tries because he can get him off at The Rim so the calculation in the future maybe needs to not be can I get this

Layup off and it needs to be can I get a good layup off that I’m likely to make yeah cuz he had that like you know the play that I that kind of had me stumbling over my words a little bit the backhand finish he had at the start of

The second quarter that he just bricked off the backboard didn’t even hit Rim past Ty yeah that’s a tough finish he needs to get better with his left still he needs to finish there with his left instead he tries a right hand backhand finish off two feet there is a

Proper time for an inside hand finish he uses his right way too much cuz he’s not comfortable enough with his left yeah so he in a lot of them he’ll like he won’t even jump because of the way he’s trying to set up a right-and inside finish so

Then he’s finishing below the backboard and he’s at like a really tough ankle whereas if he just extended and jumped off his right leg with his left hand and knew how to finish with his left it would be an easy layup so the biggest thing for him improving his finishing is

That left hand um that’s number one because when he goes left it’s rough there’s also times where he goes right and it’s uh and it’s rough um there’s more that goes into his finishing unfortunately the thing that I like Eric is like he is getting into the paint though

Yeah he’s just not doing a good enough job once he’s there but he is getting there like that’s the first step you do have a couple times where he got the big switched on and couldn’t get by him but yeah for the most part he is doing a

Good job of getting into the which is a good sign yeah I would like to see him maybe cross over in the mid-range more um like change direction in the mid-range more um when a Defender steps over uh like cross over take one quick dribble and

And get to that reverse that he loves so much he had a good game though I mean he had some tough finishes had some nice finishes a couple nice floaters um was also three for six from three which he had been struggling shooting the three

Ball lately so it was good to see him have a game where he got back on track a little bit um you know he started shooting the three ball well after he came back from injury and especially like before the All-Star break so it was really good to see him

Um hopefully get his mind right a little bit because I know he was in a little bit of a slump um still curious to see just where his shooting ends up at the end of the season yeah but yeah it was nice to see getting there pretty quickly yeah yeah that’s crazy that’s

Crazy that that yeah that reverse layup though is is definitely his BR butter definitely um who else you want to talk about uh Anthony was very passive this game um he only makes one out of five shots I think yeah something like that one for six had to leave the game

With that injury we talked about um I I just have a feeling he’s going to be shut down at some point and we’re going to go another season with him getting shut down yeah yep um Banton 7 for6 kind of a Banton game there I mean seven for6 is

Decent um I did like that repera got a couple buckets um one where he was used as a screener and roll ruper can finish Eric like he has Finishing Touch yeah he needs to get stronger a lot of his finishes he has no balance on or a

Lot of times when he drives he loses his balance I think part of it is he just needs better core strength okay like he he’s just not he doesn’t have enough balance on his own but part of it just like overall strength upper body strength lower body strength like

Contact bothers him a little too much which is fine cuz he’s young you know it’s it’s fine he can get in the weight room and I think that will help him defensively too because um guys can kind of just bump him and create space a little too much space by just bumping

Him yeah I think much like what you’re talking about with scoot I just think he’s still learning like when you’re attacking when it’s a good idea to realize you’re not to get a good shot and back it back out or or pass back out or you know dribble back out or

Something and when to keep going with it I think um not necessarily in this game but overall throughout the minutes he’s played this year I think he kind of struggles with attacking when it’s not there sometimes um but yeah overall it’s good to see him play and he can get a

Shot off over a lot of people yeah the doesn’t have the right angle sometimes yeah the thing is is he has such a crazy wingspan and he can finish like extended layups little floaters like at weird angles um for his age like I’ve been impressed with some of the ways he’s

Able to finish around the rim I just think man if he was strong and could use his body even if he doesn’t get past people if he could just use his body and get to like some of these little right-handed Runners um little right-handed floaters

He would be good because a lot of times it’s like he’s struggling to get by guys and then when there’s contact then he’s off balance and then he’s like falling down and trying to pass the ball out or like you know gets completely bumped off his line and gets stuck right uh and

I’ve seen you know I think there’s games where he’ll try and drive have that happen a couple times then he’ll stop trying to drive and then he’ll just like make their next pass whatever he’s not going to force things as he gets stronger and is able to actually like create that contact

Himself in a way that benefits him and absorb that contact I think he’ll look completely different as a slasher yeah maybe get to the free throw line a little bit too yeah yeah because he has crazy wingspan he’s I think he’s impressive finishing wise he just can’t

Handle contact at all and if you’re going to drive in the NBA you got to be able to handle some sort of contact I tamman is the same way right now so yeah yeah got to get these guys wait room plenty of time to figure it out hopefully he does yeah

So now the half court man I wish that three quarter court shot counted that was sick that was sick um anyone else offensively I don’t have anyone else I want to get to uh Taylor Packer says I will say Man Bon shot looks legit improved he’s pretty reliable on the cat and

Shoot um yeah I’m still hesitant to say that about any anyone with the small sample size especially considering the rest of the career has not looked very good shooting the ball yeah but I don’t I do think he’s got a solid shot um and sometimes all it takes is someone

Believing in you and giving you the green light and stuff but yeah it’s kind of hard to tell with a tanking team if that’s the case moving forward if he’s just going to be a a decent enough three-point shooter or if it’s just kind

Of a random outlier of a few weeks on a team that’s not playing for anything yeah he his follow through isn’t consistent Eric but also it might be like his lower body isn’t consistent I I I just he has smooth form it just always goes back to

Me like his form looks good but if you actually like really look at it and compared to other shots it doesn’t look like he’s shooting the same way every time and you know the best Shooters they look like they’re shooting the same way every time like sometimes obviously like Steph I mean

Steph’s insane he’s an outlier but like he’ll shoot at weird angles and um Contour his body and this and that like somebody for like if if Steph is wide open his shot looks the same time the same every time if it’s a wide open Catch and shoot it looks the same every

Time okay Banton that’s where it’s going to be interesting to like compile the clips at the end of the year do player reviews like Banton his shot doesn’t look the the same every time like sometimes he’s jumping to the side sometimes he’s following through a little lower and he’s still been making shots

So maybe he can just make it work but I just wonder how good of a shooter could he be if he just made his shot a little bit more repetitive yeah I think that’s hope that’s what he works on this summer yeah espe he’s on the team next year for sure

For sure all right let’s do tank th yeah all right so Blazers one and a half games back out Charlotte they’re two wins back but uh Charlotte is in a stretch where they’re like not playing they have three days off I believe so we’ve actually played

One more game than Charlotte for a while it was Charlotte playing one more game than us so we’re two wins off from Charlotte one and a half games behind we still have a game coming up against them uh on April 3rd so that’s getting closer

Uh so that’s a game I mean if Charlotte can pick up a win between now and then if they can pick up a win on us that’s a game that I feel like we could definitely lose given all the injuries that are piling up still a chance to get

Fourth best odds Memphis won tonight so Portland has a five- win cushion on Memphis I don’t think there’s any chance Portland catches Memphis I mean there’s a chance but like I don’t think I don’t think they’re winning five games the rest of the year but they have

To go five and seven the rest of the year and Memphis would have to lose every game for Portland to tie them I just don’t think that’s that’s realistic so um Toronto is actually in six now they’re 23 and 47 and they’re hardcore tanking because they want to keep their

Pick so s it’s top six protected so they are they’ve lost nine in a row they suck they suck um Golden State pick uh Houston has one seven in a row they’re trying to catch them they’re only two games off of them right now so there is a chance and Chicago’s only two

And a half games off of them both teams two wins off of them so if that pick can move up back up to 11 then you’re cooking with something then you’re really cooking with something if those mock drafts that hate Ron Holland so much that they have at 11 come true I

Hope Portland has the 11th pick imagine being able to get ra Holland with a second pick oh my goodness I’d be ecstatic it would be crazy but I don’t think there’s any chance let simulate this thing screw up from the bottom like we normally do 14 is New Orleans 13 is

Portland 12 is OKC 11 Chicago 10 Atlanta nine is Utah eight is Houston via Brooklyn seven is San Antonio and six is Charlotte six is Charlotte five is Detroit Eric good old Detroit always getting screwed so we got Blazers Wizards Spurs Spurs Toronto lost their pick yeah so Spurs Wizards Blazers and

Grizzlies all right you got fourth overall San Antonio I got C up the soundboard make sure the soundboard is actually ready to go third overall pick is your Portland Trailblazers once again I don’t even know if the soundboard played the soundboard has been glitchy lately unfortunately anyway wait let me try no the

Beautiful no the second overall pick is Memphis and Washington gets the first overall pick topit SAR please that’s what sucks about topit being hurt lately like he might be falling down boards and it might be more likely that SAR wouldn’t fall to three in a scenario like this earlier in the

Season with Washington maybe wanting a point guard guard and SAR or not SAR re making a lot of sense for Memphis it could have been a chance where SAR could have F to three but uh I don’t think that’s likely it sounds like Ree and SAR are the top

Two picks in this upcoming draft ER yeah I’d be surprised if those two guys aren’t the top two picks yeah I think some workouts and some measurements could maybe sway that a little bit but overall yeah I agree yeah um three if those two are off the board I mean I’m taking Ron

Holland I guess yeah the dude can defend and has offensive upside like what if he’s 65 he ain’t 65 he’s as tall as he’s like no I’ve seen him stand right next to Mo right in front of me so he’s at least 66 he Ain 6’5

Um he’ll be able to play three he’ll be able to defend taking him over Matas Matas been playing good lately man I don’t know actually he had a Matas had another good game recently it’s him or Matas for me at three easily him or Matas um Cody Williams is playing with a hurt

Ankle so he doesn’t look like himself I’m not going to Discount him that much but I did have some concerns of his game already so Andy’s been a little bit banged up this year like I’m not going to Discount him for his injuries but you

Do have to wonder if maybe he’s going to be a guy that’s a little injury prone he looks just a little more frail than his brother unfortunately so needs to put on weight I think he’ll be able to I mean bar does have a couple years

Till he’s his brother’s age when he came in yes did J did Jaylen Williams look that skinny as a freshman though I don’t remember him as a freshman so being interesting to see yeah be very interesting to see um I like Ms Man actually at three I’d maybe go Matos Portland needs A they need a talent at a forward position that’s more than just a score maybe Matas is only just a scorer though I don’t know I have faith in his upside as a passer though and I like his ball handling like I don’t think he’s I think he’s a little more

Dynamic if he pans out then Jeremy Grant and he’s a little bigger and and he’s a better rebounder what would you do at at three right now um yeah I don’t have a problem with either of those guys I do still really like salon but yeah measurements will be big for Salon

I like him more if he’s at least like 610 yeah I think he might be 610 I yeah I don’t know he’s he’s just like the old he’s the ultimate lottery ticket I would feel much more comfortable if he showed me more of a feel for the game a feel for creating

Um he has impressive off the dribble stuff but I feel like that’s more so because of his physical tools when he does it’s not necessarily skill I don’t know he’s just raw so I have a tough time with him Eric I don’t know but I’m swinging

On the chance that he does does he have more upside than Matas though and do you have more faith in him reaching that upside than Matas reaching his um I think Matas is safer but I think sonan has a higher upside yeah see I feel like Matas is safer I feel like

Their upside is comparable and I feel like Matas is more likely to reach his so I’d go Matas but because people just talk about ceiling and that’s the conversation that we’ve started to have especially the past couple of drafts is like yes there one thing like their ceiling best case

Scenario but there’s also How likely are they to get close or reach that best case scenario yeah I’d rather have somebody with a little lower ceiling if I was much more confident in their ability to reach that ceiling if that ceiling was high enough right if it’s

Like a rle player versus Fringe Allstar you know might as well just take the chance on somebody becoming a fringe Allstar but if you’re talking about Ms I think he has a chance to become a fringe Allstar level player I mean best case scenario just a b ified star so rather

Take the chance on that um Salon I think also has that upside just not as confident in his ability to reach it but that’s where if Salan is uh a little bigger and can maybe you know if he gets stronger play some five and it’s just more of a physical presence just having

A couple extra inches on them then um then I feel more okay with swinging on him at the top of the draft so I don’t know if in my mind I don’t think Matas has that high of a ceiling I mean not not like a bad way

It’s just I I just don’t know if he’s other than making more shots than he’s done this year I don’t know if he’s adding M other elements to his game I think he has a lot of upside as a passer ball handler but I think I think Salon does

Too I think I think buus has shown a lot more a lot more in that regard so I mean that’s the that’s the difference for me um Matas uh lately March 3rd man he the G league did they not play or was Matas hurt I don’t know started shutting all those guys

Down didn’t they Tyler Smith since March 5th the only game for him is March 15th so I don’t know what Friday yeah I don’t know what the deal was but I just I saw a tweet tonight that Matas played and had a good game um let me search it let me see what

His stat line was tonight um jiggling night forward Matas buzas tonight 21 points seven rebounds four assists 9 for 19 from the field two for four from three had a couple of blocks um so in the last three games he’s had four four and seven assists you know it’s only a three- game

Sample it’s small but I think he flashes a little more Fu there um Salon averages more turnovers than assists you know I think Salon has potential in that I just think he’s further away and I’m a little less confident so yeah I’d go I’d go Matas there I also think

There’s a chance the salon could fall to the Warriors pick if it’s like 11 to 14 yeah and I would I would love to get Salon in that range um I think there will be a good player available at that range that’s why I really hope that pick

Stays in the lottery because I think they that the Blazers could get somebody that could hypothetically be their jayen Williams like GC has now Jaylen Williams was a three-year college player was ready to go right away a guy like Salon would be more of a project more of a developmental

Piece but if it’s a guy like Stefan Castle Falls or Ron Holland Falls or I don’t know is there any other names you’d want to toss into that like chomi if he declares and measures well works out well um connect even if he’s big enough to play the

Three I think all those guys could be steals Eric yeah uh see I think hold on I’m cutting yeah I think there’s arguably in my mind like well I guess if you exclude Chi there’s like 11 12 guys that I would just be praying one of them fell to

And uh if all of them are gone we might have some tough choices but I think at least one of them will still be there yeah I mean because you got to think like guys that you don’t have in that top 13 probably go before then so like some team will take filipowski

Maybe before then um yeah or one of the centors or um call I didn’t include colier just because it’s the Blazers but did you include shepher yeah Shepherd and Dyan him I did just cuz I I will say man shepher what Shephard did nothing against Oakland he was rough man he had

Some like were the lights too bright really bad plays at the end yeah I don’t want to Discount him for one game yeahp but it doesn’t Inspire much confidence man like he’s if he’s like 6’1 I don’t know he’s just he’s a he’s an enigma with how well he shoots the ball but

Also He’s listed 6’3 he’s price 6’1 and he can kind of pass for a shooter so maybe he can be a point guard but also there’s question marks there he won’t fall out of my top 10 but he might I might move him down at some point a little bit lower um

Was the hype getting to be a little too much you think yeah I don’t know I don’t know Dillingham didn’t look good either though yeah yeah he had a couple big plays down the stretch but two for nine I mean why why aren’t those guys getting more shots

Like calap pario needs to go bro well it’s cuz they there’s too many of them like that’s why that’s why I’ve been saying all year those teams that have too many players you don’t get to see um cuz like a lot of the teams that have

Success have like one or two guys that take over game and yeah it’s I don’t know yeah rough rough it’s tough when you’re taking turns with like three other players you know what do you think of grand Canyon’s tyion tyen however you say his first name tyan Grant

Foster uh honestly tonight was the first time I ever really saw saw gr Kenyon play um so I don’t really know a lot about him other than what I saw tonight I don’t really have a good feel so I think he’s I think he’s 23 yeah I know he’s

Older but like he hasn’t he had like a medical scare collapse like couldn’t play a couple Seasons like played a little bit at Kansas as a bench guy mhm so like he maybe would have declared for the draft earlier right so maybe don’t discount him but like he just he’s one of the

Guys like averages 20 game but he plays for a mid major right 33% from three but he looks like a legit 67 he just Eric you know all love my movement pattern guys he just looks like an NBA player like I I can’t describe it any simpler

Than that like just looks like an NBA player when just the way he slashes his first step is good he’s can handle the ball a bit Shifty athletic um can pull up from all three levels would like for him to shoot the three ball a little

Better um kind of struggled with it a a little bit earlier in his career right but he did shoot 76% from the free throw line this year he’s only played like two years of D1 college basketball how tall is he like 67 night he looks like a legitimate

67 so he looks like somebody that could play a small forward and be uh just a bucket getter at that position defensively I don’t know much about him but he hasn’t really been on draft boards and like early second round pick I would love to take a chance on

Him like he’s he’s one of those he’s older but he feels like a high upside swing yeah that maybe teams pass on because he’s older but I could see him coming in right away and being a bit electric like definitely watch their next game and pay attention to him and

Then because I’m curious what you think about him given that you haven’t really been able to watch him much because I watched their conference Championship game and I had heard of him and I had seen like couple of Clips here and there but I like really didn’t know much and um I

Watched a conference Championship game and it was like damn this dude looks like he should not be playing for a mid major like I was impressed with G Kane because they looked like a power Conference Team not a team that should be playing in whatever conference they’re playing in I

Forget what it’s called what the whack wac so that’s what imp like impressed me with him man he um he’s athletic good first step good body control like just looks looks the part so looks like a guy that’s just going to be a guy you know yeah so but I

Mean he might not even get drafted like but that’s the type of guy one of these second round picks given what’s going to be there I’m taking a chance on him or if he doesn’t get drafted that’s the guy you call and bring him on two with yeah yeah

Um shout to uh shout out to Grant Canyon though for real because picked them to go the sweet 16 we’ll see if they can actually do it they won their first round game but I know PE there’s been a couple people in chat that I think have brought him up in the

Past that have been on the TGF train any of you in chat watched them any of you uh have opinions on him bouquet says there’s a Weber State guard we could get in the second round that is uh Dylan Jones and he’s more of a forward that’s

A little undersized if he’s not big enough to play the three or if he’s like 4 then I not as high on him but if he’s like a legit 66 I don’t know what he’s going to measure in at but if he’s like a legit 66 legit small forward size I actually

Like him as a late first round grade yeah me too depending on his size I just say he’s going to be a little bit of a tweener otherwise he’d be probably higher than late first right yeah yeah it’s definitely measurement it’s measurement plus AE Eric

But you know a lot of steals are guys that are older I mean even last you’re highi hawz right are guys that are older that don’t get drafted higher because of their age yeah so um anyway we’ll talk more about prospects maybe tomorrow or the next postgame show

Um this tournament’s been fun I uh next time I fill out a bracket I’m just going to Discount like every SEC school and Every Mountain wellest School except I had TCU go into the s 16 and then Utah State wanted to win even though I was

High on Utah State last year and they got whacked so SEC and Mountain West sold me and I was high on like New Mexico and Nevada and Auburn I had in the championship I know you had Kentucky going all the way yeah um so SEC schools sold

Us yeah Alabama and Tennessee won every other team lost uh Auburn got upset as a four seed Kentucky got upset as a three seed should have just had uh Texas S&M and Oregon going further like I thought I was originally going to do dude you Texas A&M looked phenomenal yeah they looked phenomenal

Way Taylor went off I mean Nebraska plays no defense it’s a Fred hyberg team you know they don’t play defense yeah also they got those two guards reford and and Taylor man yep so sometimes that’s all you need yep I had Western Kentucky Over Marquette and they looked good they were

Up like six and a half time and then they literally like completely dissolved in the second half and lost by like 20 dude they had this guy Tyrone Marshall I think this is name this guy comes in the game hits like three threes he’s like clapping for

The ball uh like wanting it and like he’s getting it just like firing it immediately like with a defender in his face yeah and like he looked like a legit star for like a few minutes in the first half and then you look at his stats and he averag like eight points a

Game and like healing himself in the tournament yeah was like dude that’s it’s so weird like that freaking gky guy dude like dude shot eight two-point shot how is that even possible Tor eight twos and like 327 threes how how do you like cuz you’re going to get run off the

Three-point line right if you shoot that many like how do you not take like or get to the lane or get a steal and get more than eight freaking fast break points or something like I don’t understand man somebody said like oh he’s shot more or he’s made more

Threes than he has two-o attempts All Season I’m like wow that’s kind of crazy actually and then I looked at it and it was like 130 made threes to eight twoo attempts I was like it’s not even close absurd so yeah that dude hey that’s a door Dash

Legend right there he said like when he was playing D2 ball before he went to Oakland he was uh would like drive an hour away right after his like D2 home games to go door Dash in like college towns and do Uber and stuff and like apparently a bunch of uh like Michigan

State students online were like saying that oh I’ve had him as an Uber before like I remember that guy so you know good old March Madness creates story lines out of door Dash drivers like him um but like he comes in the game and he’s like acting like he’s

Freaking Michael Jordan out there like he’s getting the ball just like chucking like like he’s this Unstoppable dude and he was yesterday but like I don’t it’s just it’s crazy to me how like you just find these random people who aren’t even that good on their own team throughout the whole year

And then just something happens in these big moments and they just like take off I don’t know yeah yeah facts you know what moment we were robbed of though could have been one of the greatest March moments ever Samford you’re still mad about that well okay I’m mad because I picked them right

I’m also mad because it would have been nice for Gaga to face them but also bro they’re down for they were down like what 20 at one point or something close to that complete this like huge comeback right Stadium’s on their side Stadium’s rocking they’re down four with like 22

Seconds left have a just a insane like wheel play off a baseline out of bounds they get a wide open three cash it they’re down one Kansas throws it long I’m explaining it for anybody who didn’t watch to play what what was that guy’s name uh they hit the three he was he’s

Another one of those guys who was playing awesome yeah yeah so so they hit a wide open three to cut it to one then Kansas inbounds has somebody go long there’s nobody back for for Samford um so they throw a a deep ball pass basically staking down the court

There’s the Justin timberl yeah yeah to um to somebody on Kansas so because it’s open they go for a two-hand dunk this sford player just chases them down full speed from behind gets his hand on the ball forces a Miss gets all ball right so the ball goes off like the backboard

And into a Samford player’s hands and they’re like turning to run the other way with numbers with like 14 seconds left down one and they call foul and it was all ball it was all ball Eric Baseline inbounds open three chase down block like that then run the other way and get

A big bucket that would have been such an epic moment that would have been insane just that chain of events mhm and as a basketball fan not even as a fan of my own bracket which is busted as a basketball fan Eric I’m still hurt because we were robbed for no freaking

Reason yeah unfortunately there hasn’t been I mean there has been some there’s the Florida col k k Simpson hit that kawii Leonard bouncing off the ring shot today to win 102 to 100 in regulation dude that’s so crazy yeah that’s ridiculous that game was insane but uh yeah and then uh who was

It was it the Dayton game were they oh yeah I had Nevada go into the sweet 16 and they choke a 20-point lead yeah I love it what what what team was it that had like three shots at tying the game at the end or something and missed all uh I

Forget oh oh Auburn yeah I gotta screw that one too yeah Auburn unfortunately oh Auburn missed more than just the three3 they miss yeah I don’t know that possession where they miss like four LS off offensive rebounds the dude missed two free throws thr me crazy that was miserable yeah yeah anyway yeah

I mean Gonzaga plays tomorrow Gonzaga blew out MCN oh my goodness Ina’s favorites right now against uhas so we better get this win they play at 12:15 cuz I think inaga can also beat Purdue yeah I think Gaga could go on a run maybe maybe the final

Four the I’m a I’m a beaver but um and shot go beavers they they won today and the women’s bracket uh but uh I’m really looking forward to the or Katon game and uh but that’s it like 640 or something like it’s right the start of the Blazer

Game it goes Gonzaga Washington State then Oregon yeah because Washington State’s at like 3:30 310 yeah Gonzaga at 12:15 the Washington State at 3:10 then Oregon plays at 640 some good games tomorrow you also got NC State and Oakland we’ll see if Oakland can make a sweet 16 I think

They’d be like the third 14 ever to make a sweet 16 it’s funny right now you have more 15 seeds than to made a sweet 16 gku is going to go like two for 17 and they’re going to get blown out watch yeah DJ Burns is gonna have 40

Points and put like three people in the hospital yeah man NC State’s fun to roof where I should have put my s 16 I shouldn’t have had that much faith in Kentucky I was just like guard play I love picking guard play in March M yeah

Yeah I need a value experience more and I need to Discount the SEC and the Mountain West more is what I’ve discovered Eric that’s what I learned from this here and I’ve also learned that uh I should not put Faith in h Chanty bips to coach a defense yeah but says predictions how

Many points we lose by tomorrow oh um 20 probably like 2200 something um a lot a whole lot yeah uh I would take the I would take Denver’s side of the spread unless the spread is above 20 Denver right now is a 15 and a half point spread so I take Denver

There anyway anything else for this post game we do it again tomorrow night Eric well thanks every for watching once again um the post game show might be a little late one because I’m going to the game and two because if there’s some good college games still happening might

Wait till the end of those um but uh yeah luckily the last game start is supposed to start at 640 and there’s not more there’s only one game before it so um should be right after game time because I think that game will be done

But if it goes long yeah could be a little late we’ll see we shall see I appreciate everyone tuning in I hope you have a good night and uh enjoy basketball tomorrow and then shout out to JP Savvy with the twoo Dono says totally missed the 10K congrats thank you JP Savvy appreciate

You yes we hit 10K you love to see it five digits on the YouTube Studio page is pretty cool to see so appreciate you guys and uh yeah we’re going to do it again tomorrow jpack schedule for the rest of the season pretty much so um looking forward to offseason content

Though for real but always enjoy send down with you guys talking about hoops and I look forward to doing again tomorrow and until then as always peace out go Blazers

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  1. Fwiw, heard from Josh Lloyd, Sharpe will try to come back to make his case for Canada's national team

  2. You’re telling me you enjoy watching march madness and not the Portland Trail Blazers? I was told college basketball is unwatchable and that people should stop complaining about the NBA… 🤔🤔

  3. Re: Kris vs Tou — the difference is that Tou’s defense is so good that it’s hard to keep him off the floor regardless. Him being a good shooter is what would make him an elite role player. If Kris develops a jumper, he’s maybe a 7th man. Tou’s jumper developing would have a more significant impact on the upside of this franchise. For Kris, it’s the difference between him being an NBA-caliber player or not

  4. I’d disagree with Eric’s assessment of Scoot’s shots:assists ratio. I don’t want Scoot to be a pass first point guard. I just don’t like that as an archetype. I want him to hunt his shots, knowing he’s a capable passer if the shot isn’t there. I was concerned that he wouldn’t be aggressive enough in hunting his shots, so I’m glad he’s been more aggressive

  5. First of all, you needa coach who can use a young cre to build confidence and chemistry . Second you need size to go along with ayton. Also some veterans off the bench

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