@Houston Rockets

The 2021 NBA Draft Class Is Getting WEIRD…

The 2021 NBA Draft Class Is Getting WEIRD…

It’s crazy to think about but the 2021 NBA draft class is wrapping up their third full season in the NBA right now and that’s plenty of time to evaluate where these guys are and where they’re going but also this is just an unbelievably strange class and that starts at first overall Kate Cunningham

First overall at the time of the draft this was like a consensus selection it was a little bit of Buzz maybe about Jaylen green a little bit of Buzz maybe about Evan moley two guys we’re going to talk about here in a second but for the most part this was a consensus first

Overall pick selection for Kate he was a big guard he could facilitate play on a on a terrible college team but was good enough to still Elevate that team to be decent just because of how good he was and his journey so far in the NBA has definitely been strange and I honestly

Go back and forth on him on like a month-to-month basis in terms of like what I think Kate is going to be I’ve done videos about this on this channel and on other channels where it feels like Kade is in this weird realm of he could either end up being you know

Really good Allstar maybe even all NBA calber guy down the road or maybe he’ll end up like D’Angelo Russell which like D’Angelo Russell is a fine NBA player but and did technically make an All-Star team once but isn’t necessarily someone that you know elevates your ceiling as a

Team or is like a franchise Cornerstone and given where kade’s stock was at the time of the draft it’s weird that that’s where he is now obviously Detroit was terrible this year he missed most of last season with an injury um so we’re still definitely evaluating him but to

Have a first overall pick that was like a consensus selection within a class that had a lot of talent and I still not really know what to make of him a few years later is definitely strange and speaking of not really knowing what to make of a player number two overall is

Jaylen green um Jaylen green is a tough one because the talent is very clearly there and there’s um a confidence level for him especially towards the end of the year here that’s really picking up and there’s when jayen Green’s playing well it all looks right he gets to his

Spot in the mid-range he’s athletic getting to the rim he shoots a ton of Pull-Up threes um but the problem is the efficiency just is not there from three right now and this is kind of the point in your career where you are going to either become a really good starting

Guard and someone that takes up a lot of possessions for a team like Houston that wants to be good over the next couple of Seasons or you start to get relegated maybe towards more of a bench rooll because you’re just not efficient enough as an on ball Creator in order to be you

Know kind of a a starting franchise Cornerstone kind of guy moving forward and he’s kind of in a similar spot to where Kate is although I think Kate is better and even more proven even after um a weird year this year obviously and missing all the last year with an injury

It just feels like the inefficiency is just going to continue to be an issue for Jaylen green he’s unbelievably talented and there’s still a ton of room to grow obviously only a couple years in a league but it feels like we’re kind of reaching Mak or break territory as for

Jaylen green as like a a foundational pece for Houston moving forward and that theme continues with number three overall in Evan Mobley it’s crazy to have a class this talented with this much uncertainty around the first couple of picks Evan Moy is very very good defensively he does a ton of great

Things defensively for Cleveland it’s obviously a weird and sometimes strange fit in the front Court alongside Jared Allen for him in Cleveland um and we’re always just kind of waiting on the next level of offense to develop for Moy when he came back from injury he was making

Some threes on occasion showing off some offensive skill and that’s just always going to be the thing that were’re going to keep an eye on for him because if he can be as impactful as he is defensively and good enough offensively to play at the four that raises the ceiling of your

Team tremendously to be able to put another big alongside the length and the activity level of Evan Mobley in the front court but it’s also possible that he ends up being like a worst version of jiren Jackson Jr like jiren Jackson if he couldn’t shoot would be where

Potentially Evan Moy could end up and it’s still a very good player especially defensively but there’s there’s just something missing for Evan Moy sometimes offensively that’s so frustrating because he’s so so good everywhere else if he could just continue to improve as an offensive player fourth overall now

Is another really really interesting guy and that is Scotty Barnes in torano You could argue you know we can kind of talk about this and think about this throughout the video uh you could argue though that Scotty Barnes maybe his number one overall in a redraft right

Now in this class um he’s developed a ton offensively over his first couple of seasons in the league uh now clearly the main guy in Toronto as they attempt to rebuild post Pascal seak and post OG and Obi trades and still not like uh just give him the ball and let him create

Kind of guy offensively but has taken incredible strides from where he was as a prospect offensively and then all the other stuff that he does he’s has great size great athleticism he’s really impactful defensively as well and someone that is going to be a really good two-way player moving forward how

Good depends on continued growth and Improvement on the offensive end but Scotty Barnes is a really really cool player from this class fifth overall now is where we start to get into the realm of like good player but obviously you know not necessarily star potential here

And that’s jayen sugs Jaylen Suggs was a guy that a lot of people expected to go fourth in this class ends up going Fifth and I I like him he’s a good player I think the magic are happy to have him he’s not going to be a star though like

He’s going to be probably this I I say this generation but like it doesn’t feel like Marcus Smart is that old but this generation’s Marcus Smart I kind of is where I feel like Jaylen Su is going to be energy effort defense can make some occasional threes but just offensively

Hasn’t progressed enough to be you know someone you’re going to give the ball to a ton but is is going to be in big games is going to be on good teams throughout his career just a little bit disappointing in terms of overall offensive impact as a top five pick and

A very talented class speaking of disappointment sixth overall joshh giddy um I’ve talked about this with Oklahoma City a couple of times in a few different videos I think they need to move him this offseason it doesn’t really fit super well offensively they’re continuing to lower his minutes

And I think in the postseason we might see 15 to 20 minutes a game from Josh giddy realistically he just doesn’t shoot the ball well enough they don’t need his on ball creation they have plenty of that in their other guys um and he’s just gotten passed up by Chad

Jaylen Williams and SGA in terms of the hierarchy of the franchise cornerstones he can be good I just think it needs to be in a different situation and I’m looking at Oklahoma City you know possibly making a move for him in offseason to add even more star power to

What is already an incredibly talented team in Oklahoma City and Josh giddy I think is’s just going to get left behind a little bit there seventh is Jonathan kaminga someone that coming into this season I had no idea what to do with and has improved tremendously this year he’s

He’s really leaning into this like physical style of play where he works in the post a lot he still does take threes needs to improve there but a lot of stuff is just getting to the rim getting out transition uh you know active and engaged defensively still making

Mistakes at times but his energy and his athleticism is everywhere on the defensive end of the floor when he’s at his best and someone that definitely is a is a Cornerstone piece for Golden State or potentially a big trade piece for them this off season as well um

Eight is France Vagner who again you want to talk about redraft potentially in this class I mean he probably goes top three he might even go top two or first overall potentially in a redraft this class he’s an incredibly improved uh playmaker and facilitator for Orlando

Brings you know length and size on the defensive end of the floor as well can shoot a perfect compliment honestly alongside Pao because Pao needs spacing but he also needs another Creator on alongside him so that he doesn’t have to do literally everything every time down and that combination of those two guys

I’ve talked about this in recent videos on this channel and other channels um is just such an exciting combination moving forward in Orlando and again no one really expected France vogner to end up being that kind of guy out of the draft class was supposed to be more of like

This roleplayer connecting piece and turning into a legitimate playmaker and and star in Orlando um has been really really surprising then we start to go through kind of the weird part of this class because the top what is that top eight guys in this class there’s Talent there there’s Intrigue there what could

They be in the future not really any huge misses and now we start to get to some of those pieces that just are going to be either low-end role players or Journeymen or maybe not even be in the league over the next couple of seasons and that really kind of limits the

Overall ceiling of this class there’s really good players from this point on but there’s also a lot of Misses number nine Davon Mitchell doesn’t seem to be a huge part of the future plans there in Sacramento um he can definitely guard but he’s just not really that much of an

Offensive threat um and he’s obviously very small and that limits his production um at the NBA level 10 zy Williams I keep wanting it to happen in Memphis they moved up to get him um the offensive skill set just isn’t really there for him right now even with a ton

Of opportunity here towards the end of the season wouldn’t be surprised if he’s just not that big of a piece for them longterm 11 James book Knight doing absolutely nothing um Chris DTE has or excuse me Josh Primo is 12 um he got cut in San Antonio I think he’s hanging

Around with the Clippers or something right now um not that much of an impact 13 Chris warte had a really good rookie season has bounced around I think now he finds himself in Sacramento and again just not really making that much of an impact despite a strong start to his

Rookie year Moses Moody I think still has a chance to be something Golden State but not a huge piece at 14 15 Cory kissper can shoot but I mean it’s the Wizards it’s not necessarily like he’s fighting a ton of high level NBA guys for playing time I think he’s good but

Maybe not you know some great piece moving forward for them 16 and 17 though is where this class gets really cool 16 is shenon who unfortunately has hurt as the recording this video but is absolutely a future star uh for the Rockets as a playmaker as a Creator I

Would argue that for the entirety of the season shangu was the best player on the Rockets this year and this is a guy that Oklahoma City could have had at this pick they traded out of this pick this is a like a controversial selection at the time for Houston where people didn’t

Really know what shangu was going to be at the NBA level his skill set all around is super super fun to watch and definitely a future star within this class and then 17 is Trey Murphy which is the spot that Memphis traded up from 17 to 10 to get zy Williams and Trey

Murphy is awesome like the Pelicans have so many wings and they have so many pieces that fit you know on each end of the floor that Trey Murphy doesn’t always play as much as I would like him to but he can shoot he can guard a really good offensive player and again

Just a fantastic connecting piece especially when you consider that they got got him at 17th uh we skip a little bit ahead here now to one of the more interesting High upside pieces moving forward and that’s Jaylen Johnson in Atlanta there’s some playmaking stuff with him an incredible athlete he can

Shoot as well he’s kind of one of those underrated pieces in Atlanta as they potentially look to kind of change their roster around this offseason Jaylen Johnson could be a huge piece of what they do into the future after really not contributing at all up until this season

And then having a really really good year uh this year 25 Quinton Grimes again kind of one of those nice role player pieces that move from New York now to Detroit we’ll see what he turns into to but probably going to be a good you know shooter Defender throughout his

Career 27 cam Thomas I don’t know what to do with Cam Thomas man I I I fully believe that if you chose to and you wanted cam Thomas to be your primary Creator on your basketball team he could average 25 a game for an entire season I that’s definitely realistic the problem

Is not going to be the most efficient 25 you’ve ever seen and I’m not sure what else he’s going to provide you and so realistically that’s more of like a sixthman kind of role for someone long term throughout their career but the net struggle to score so much that they end

Up having to utilize cam Thomas probably more than that six-man rooll kind entails so definitely a weird future for him you could tell me in two years cam Thomas is average 25 a game you could tell me in two years that cam Thomas is averaging you know 15 a game overseas or

Something like I there’s so many possibilities for where his future is going to be um but definitely kind of an interesting piece towards the end of the first round on this class um 30 STI Alama who’s a nice role player there in Memphis and then 35 uh herb Jones who’s

Really good in New Orleans New Orleans crush this draft they’ve got Trey Murphy and Herb Jones both out of this class and then 38 AO dumu someone that continued to play well towards the end of the year here for Chicago and someone that I think is going to be a good piece

For them as they move around some of their roster this off season and this is kind of what I mean with this 2021 class like it starts off really good in the top 10 middle of it not that great but then you’ve got some real gems from 16

On even into the second round and as this class continues to grow and we see more of their careers really interested to see how it Stacks up within you know a couple of really talented classes 2021 22 and 23 um right now there’s some guys

At the top that are in some really weird spots in their careers but if they end up taking off this going end up be a really it could end up being I should say a really exciting and interesting draft in the long term for the NBA

The 2021 NBA Draft Class Is Getting WEIRD… featuring Jalen Green, Alperen Sengun, Evan Mobley, Cade Cunningham, and more!

#nba #nbadraft #2021nbadraft


  1. Suggs is shooting like 40% from three this year. His offensive ceiling is much higher than Smart, but no way he could ever win DPOY

  2. If OKC kept sengun than I doubt Jalen Williams and Chet would be with them now. I think they’re perfectly fine with how that went. Sengun is definitely the rockets Franchise guy

  3. Mobley is limited at playing 4 next Allen. I think he needs to be a 5 to truly grow. Cleveland will at some point have to decide if that those 2 guys playing together is gonna be apart of their future. Giddey will be moved because I believe he is extension eligible but I doubt OKC is going to extend him before they get Jalen Williams and Chet locked up first. Might as well trade him for someone who can play 30+ minutes with this group

  4. feel like Sengun is slept on in this video absolute steal of a pick is a clear top 3 pick for me in a redraft like Wagner and ¨barnes would be, got a very high sealing and a very interesting European player that will likely make some waves in the coming year as the number 1 option for the rockets.

  5. I don’t really agree with the Mobley-JJJ take. Triple J has the offensive skill—though he’s pretty inconsistent—but is an objectively poor rebounder for his size. Mobley is a much better rebounder, particularly given his lack of bulk, but hasn’t developed nearly as much offensively. All this to say, Mobley is a less impactful 4 than JJJ, but Mobley could easily develop into a more impactful 5.

  6. This guy said there’s a chance cam Thomas is overseas😭😭😭there’s no way u run a basketball YouTube channel

  7. What are your thoughts of Zach Edey as a prospect? An old-school 5 who would be a lock for the top 5 15-20 years ago, but a bit much less valued in today's game. Do you see a fringe-lottery maybe 13-20 range for him or does he slide further than that?

  8. Yeah you’re wrong on Suggs . Smart’s career high in 3pt% is 36.4 and he only came close to that once in his 9 years. Suggs is shooting 40% from 3 this season. He’s an elite 3/D player with potential to be so much more. I still believe he can be an all star level player.
    He’s also a perfect fit for the Magic.

  9. Herb Jones is top 5 in a redraft and shouldn’t be mentioned by just two sentences. Dude can start for a championship team

  10. Suggs was riddled with injuries his first 2 seasons.
    He’s the 2nd most important player on the team when everyone is healthy. His energy, IQ, and defense are next level.
    He could easily develop into a Jrue Holiday or better level player.

    Just needs to be more controlled when driving to the basket.
    I expect at least 1-2 All-Stars for him.

  11. It seems like a ton of guys at the top of this draft class have offensive limitations. It feels like the limitations were possibly made by the AAU experience. The fundamentals aren't being taught in AAU and it's starting to show in the NBA.

  12. Dawg stop regrading drafts every few months. It looks crazy. Shit moves more than the crypto markets. I know you need to make content but good lord

  13. I really appreciate the statement “dropping down the hierarchy” . He 100 % can still play. and that absolutely giddey needs to ask for a trade if okc don’t move him . Brilliant assessment mate

  14. “Jalen Suggs makes occasional 3’s”

    His 3p % was in the 20s his rookie year and now he’s shooting 40% on 5 3’s a game.

    You’re so dumb

  15. Jalen green is the player of the week in the NBA and has been going crazy after the all star break he definitely stepped it way up

  16. Davion was a pick that even Kings fans knew was one of those, "Take the safest possible pick if you can't move up or down in this draft." We knew he could defend. His defensive numbers have proven that to be true. We thought he could shoot the three. He shot 45% his last year in college. We thought was growth but it was an aberration because he has shot about 32%, which is what he shot every other year in college. This (as well as Monk being an incredible 6th man ballhandler/scorer) is what has kept him off the floor. In a redraft he'd fall to the 2nd round for sure.

  17. There was talk among scouts that Scottie Barnes would go number one if he had a decent three ball. I think he does go number in a re-draft now.

  18. Cade can easily be all-NBA. He's got all the tools, the only thing he's missing is the motivation and that mamba mentality. Ivey in my opinion has more desire to win than basically anyone on the team. He also needs to figure out when and when not to turn it on. It seems like the first half he always just tries to facilitate and then the second half he tries, but if he's not shooting good when that time comes, it just kills any run the Pistons make.

  19. Are you serious? cade becoming Deangelo Russell??? cade is so much more well rounded, he can develop into a good two way player which already makes him so much more valuable, he has all the tools and has already shown stretches of being way better than dlo ever was. The question is really whether or not he can develop to a perennial all-nba player which is where his talent should take him

  20. Jalen green all time bust… Cade is the least talked about bust compared to a first pick overall ever.. gets no hate but literally the pistons lose every time
    He is near them

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