@Chicago Bulls

Boston Celtics vs Chicago Bulls Full Highlights 1st QTR | Mar 23 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Boston Celtics vs Chicago Bulls Full Highlights 1st QTR | Mar 23 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Lonzo ball about to be a free agent hasn’t really played much for the Bulls but he can dunk now if you were wondering he’s on the Ben Simmons workout play posting his videos post post out post workout videos o peruso on Tatum dosumu switches onto him Horford from the corner to get

Things started cornette the offensive rebound D guu at a game high 28 last time we were here floats it upstairs for cornette cornette is an elite vertical spacer you love that term that’s the term there’s D rozan he’s patented that mid-range jumper but Derek white with a good

Defense and here’s the Ageless Wonder Al Horford didn’t play last night at Detroit last time we saw him 38 minutes A Game High plus 15 against the Bucks Wednesday as that match up Tatum on Caruso JT created some space cornette almost had another offensive taking revenge on somebody looks like Clint

Eastwood in any movie any movie oh Tatum rips the courts that’s that’s a good place for him to operate against Caruso can shoot right over the top you surprise Billy Donovan going with that match up no no no Caruso’s Elite yeah he just Caruso is a position

Defender as you see D rozan with the footwork he just can’t challenge cuz he didn’t have much length but he did good to Defender white to the corner Sam [Applause] Hower Celtics plus 253 so plus 75 points in the two matchups with the bulls this year both Boston

Wins trying to sweep the season series for the third time since 2008 that championship year when the Celtics were four and0 Tatum thought he was fouled by Kobe white you know Tatum was fouled by Kobe white Brian Forte the crew chief was running along the Baseline didn’t blow the

Whistle the roen going to work again threw it to the feet of Caruso Celtics ball bit of a choppy start [Applause] here no it’s not a choppy start that was a foul you should have called it have you noticed fewer whistles since the All-Star breaks G I

Have and and I’ll get in Celtics winners of eight in a row one more would match the second longest win streak in the NBA this year behind only their own 11 game win streak under five to shoot Horford goes to work haded Stripped by D strong Tatum on the inbound gets it back

From cornette did he get it away not going to matter as D rozan tracks down the rebound the Bulls at 34 and 36 Ninth Place in the East currently slated in that playin game throws and turns draws the foul on white and drops it in professional the Rockets Dylan Brooks bingo

Well too much space for Derek white dmu flies in for the rebound kobby white always has aead of steam [Applause] and Tatum is getting upset right now it’s pretty chippy out there goes to work on do sumu Lefty finish goes has scored in double figures in the first

Quarter every time the longest streak of his career gets his own offensive rebound white on the step back and we’re not shooting it well from three so far oh for four on the start and dosumu kisses it home nice fight by dumu full head his team gets contact

Goes right up smooth layup if you’re not paying attention to the Bulls this might surprise you dumu in his last three games averaging over 30 points small sample but he’s much improved this year I saw his dad in the back D said he’s playing eye harshest critic all [Applause]

Right thumu a HomeTown guy played at Illinois Elina in the middle of a run and March Madness as cornette has it go out of bounds off his foot It’s a Bulls team that yes they’re two gam sub 500 for the season but it’s a little bit misleading they’ve been a lot better as d rozan goes to the Lane since a rough start and in fact you hate to put it like this but since Zack LaVine

Went out of the lineup they were 10 and 15 with him 24 and 21 without him yeah they’ve been a lot better they just play with better pace and uh I think their defense is better move the ball well it leads to a Caruso three from the corner and Joe the

Celtics pton Pritchard told me last night the challenge right now is to wake up hungry to get better every day he says that’s what the great ones do scal I heard you in pregame I know you’re not concerned about the first round so Drew you have any preferences about that

Matchup I am concerned about the first round you said yeah I said I’d prefer not you said you don’t care who they play no i’ prefer not to go to the Conrad in Indiana I see hey anyone from the Conrad is listening I think you’re a

Great Hotel Ro out to Kus I’m okay with it I’m just saying there’s better options outside of Indie that’s it I do think the Pacers would be a fun first round Series games I don’t want to play why caliber is like you like uh too confident he relishes that too much

White with a nice look to D Roan [Applause] nice start for Demar D rozan he’s got seven points Caruso’s got six and the Bulls have a six-point lead yeah you know the PS are just really pacing this game we don’t have a there we go we don’t have you were

Saying yeah we just don’t have a good feel for the pace we need to play at so far but man look at all that being 10 we’re only down by three after that three by Derek white helps when the shots start falling both those threes for the Celtics tonight have come after

After that moua timeout Caruso goes to the rack cornette might have gotten a piece of that white pulls up over Vish folks if you don’t know that shot right there is highly difficult I mean he’s going full speed has to slam the brakes and then float it yeah over a

Seven-footer speaking of bovich gets him right back he’s a great offensive player Pick Pop offensive rebound post up sets the most screens in the NBA by a wide margin too Tatum a good find wford from the corner it always seems like with us it only takes one you know and

And the things will start flowing for us Celtics now three for eight from distance tie ball game under five to play in the first quarter when you highlighted Jason Tatum’s passing this season right off the top of our broadcast and we saw it there again as

He found Horford in the corner this is another part of his game that’s better this season in the post he faces up against the smaller white goes through him create some space did not get the [Applause] roll cornette on Caruso Horford switches out to him now white probes Luke protecting the paint white

Wants nothing to do with it Tatum challenges the shot it’s an airball good defense from the Celtics 66 and 16 these guys are I just think when you watch them I think they dominate every game that we’ve seen this this season not every game but for the most part when

They get rolling offensively like there’s a big gap between them and the next best teams slow start from outside the Celtics now four of nine from D 44% Tatum’s got seven Tory Craigs in the game for Chicago vich in the spin cycle folks for some context the Celtics

Are plus 822 points overall this season plus 822 through 70 games the second best in franchise history at this point plus 691 that was your team in 2008 yeah but the scores are a lot higher now you know what I mean we’re scoring 90 points versus 120 it’s a big

Difference offensive rebound by dalen Terry leads to a dumu three

Boston Celtics vs Chicago Bulls Full Highlights 1st QTR | Mar 23 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

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