
Moments if Weren’t Filmed, Nobody Would Believe

Moments if Weren’t Filmed, Nobody Would Believe

These are the moments you must see to believe and first Jordan P gets his twerk on over miss the [Applause] couple that is versatility with this shimy man that butt don’t quit but neither does number 24 cuz Dylan Brooks is trying his hardest to become the most hated player in the

NBA and he gives his second three little side step in here with move by Brooks it was lose hold on hold on but at least this man isn’t eat his freedom I’ve been the players before that should be everybody’s goal you know is the playo when I think about playo my nipples get

Hurt dang this dude just found the love of his life and once Kevin Hart found out bro was genuinely concerned you comfortable with that description I’m confused uh you know I think we’re talking about two different yeah two different things not sure uh what one

Has to do with the other and um you know if his uniform fits correctly um or what he’s into in his personal life okay that’s that’s one that uh that makes you just tap into his personal life immediately and ask what are you doing outside of basketball fair enough but

It’s too bad the playoffs don’t love him back cuz enus made it to the Conference Finals three times only to lose every single time but now that he’s no longer in the NBA let’s pray he doesn’t become an announcer otherwise we’re going to be hearing a lot more of this open your

Mouth w wi and take it dang almost 4 years have passed and the Chicago Bulls still have their mouths wide open but even when they’re winning at least they aren’t shoving it down other teams throats unlike Zion see in 2022 nobody was more eager to get back on the

Basketball court than Zion Williamson this dude set out the entire 2021-22 season with a foot injury so when he did return to the court bro was feeling himself cuz Not only was he back the full strength but the Pelicans were also feeling themselves and riding a five game win streak however their biggest

Test was still to come because it’s one thing to win a few games but it’s another to take down a loaded son’s roster so once they did my man Zion decided to celebrate in the most Savage way possible oh no no get it done and on

The spin and the reverse the Slam by ey but this is how rivalry start though right this is how they start it’s unfortunate though it’s going to be over before Christmas the season series dang this dude got his W and then hit the home crowd with a dunk contest that’s

Disrespectful but is it as disrespectful as what Dylan Brooks did specifically the time he tried to end a cameraman’s life and Brooks could not keep it up just knock somebody down right at right there at courts side bro straight up tackled another man and didn’t even

Bother to help him up but that’s still not as crazy as number 19 CU Yannis got so mad he almost cost a man his job what what the what what this dude really threw a ladder all cuz he could have practiced his free throws he’s giving like crybaby

A run for his money but LeBron isn’t just known for whining he’s also the king of RZ I oh so LeBron thinks he’s a comedian now you already know Savannah’s pissed but this wouldn’t be the first time see in 2022 LBJ was feeling extra Petty cu the Lakers were just two years removed

From winning an NBA championship and it could have been even less if they didn’t trade Kyle kozma to the Wizards cuz once they did he started playing the best basketball of his career however LeBron still wanted to remind this kid what he was missing so when the two teams faced

Off in 2022 LeBron made things personal shov to LeBron here he comes LeBron James throw it down um did you see LeBron star on kozma’s wife bro is about to be sleeping on the couch only LeBron wasn’t just finished he wanted to make sure it was a night kma’s girlfriend

Would never forget trying to back up clocks down to three LeBron over KZ now you’re doing it in game and LeBron’s third 40-point game he’s underneath make it 42 what a month of Mark so far for LeBron there it is 50 dang 50 points given Jordan POA run for his money but

Not all moves are as subtle imagine watching a game film only to find out a girl wants to violate you man could you imagine if they saw Kyle Lowry close up Pros the Kim Kardashian of Raymond Felton’s but would these girls still be interested if they knew what happen on

The sidelines see these guys give it their all on the court so when they finally get a moment to rest sometimes a guy’s got to let it Loose figure out what goes on right here this is something you can’t do right now coach MOA he just gave a speech this is

Something you cannot do on the bench somebody farted who farted on the bench but a fart comes and goes and offensive comment does not see in 2018 many expected Russell Westbrook to regress after his MVP season but Russ had other plans and the announcers couldn’t believe it taking a bump Russell looking

For Ferguson in the corner for three Westbrook is out of his cotton picking mind nah dude took that way too far which reminds me of the NBA referees see when the Trailblazers and the Pelicans started beefing in 2018 refs were quick to intervene but it wasn’t just to

Prevent fights once AR got his hands on Evan Turner bro was enjoying himself a little too much and stepping into between those two is Evan Turner dang it’s kind of hard to stay impartial when you’ve got a gun between your legs but Isaiah Thomas is the opposite of brick

Du he’s such a hater that he even embarrasses is women on National Television you have a similar skill set to ad with the exception of you know his jumping ability dunking and everything else but hold up does Thomas know who he’s talking to but don’t worry BR

Wasn’t the only one to get caught slacking and now a fan is run on the floor and that is going to stop play for a moment wow this Fan’s two truths and a lie are about a hit different but running on to the court is something

We’re used to by now but at number 11 James Harden forgot he was in the game and he had the move the move would have been beautiful if he didn’t slip he had a clear sail and we got a stoppage of play Oh Harden was sitting on the on the bench

That’s why the ball got deflected I can’t believe James Harden man did this dude really think he can go from half asleep to touching another man’s balls that’s still not enough to crack our top 10 because things are about to ramp up to a level you didn’t even know was

Possible like the time Dennis Ro kicked a stranger in the No No Zone missed it Dennis bites for the rebound tapped it out and it’ll belong to Minnesota he kicked the cameraman he was really upset really [Applause] upset well there’s all kinds of equipment right there and the

Cameraman is hurt now the man acts like he’s dying that man got a trip with the cameraman and then take away his manhood this dudes trying to start a war just like the Utah Jazz cuz this fan base is down bad so bad they haven’t made the Western Conference Final in almost two

Decades but in 2019 one fan took all his pain out on one man Russell Westbrook cuz Russ was watching his team from the sidelines when one fan tried to break him see this man had the audacity to say get down on your knees like you used to

Like come on if I was in Russ’s shoes I’d be livid but even those closest to Russ didn’t expect this response I him up he said I promise you playing I swear to God I swear to God I’ll you up you and your wife I’ll you up once the

Repor is caught up with the man who provoked Russ he finally gave his side of the story he’s got to be a professional I mean she was sitting down the entire time me and him were just it was actually we were kind of having fun to be honest least you thought you were

Having fun yeah he was smiling at one point and there I mean there was a lot of people cuz it was when you know Joe had come by and poked Paul George in the eye and and then Joe goes over and apologizes immediately Russ is just F

Bombing and carrying on acting a fool down here and everybody’s getting on him all right bro don’t act like you’re innocent I mean look at this tweet from 2018 yeah this dude was a hater since day one but somehow that’s not even the worst of it telling another man to go

Back where you came from we got to put an end to this so when Russ was asked whether or not he regretted what he said he let them know how he really felt um I don’t think it’s fair uh to the players not just to me but I don’t think it’s

Fair to the players um and if I had to do it over again I would say the same exact thing because I I truly um will stand up for myself for my family for my kids for my wife for my mom for my dad every single time um I expect anybody

Else to do the same Paul Pierce also let fans know how he really felt see it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Joel embiid is injury-prone so much so that he’s never played more than 70 games in a single season and as frustrating as things are now things used to be much

Worse cuz when embiid was drafted in 2014 a foot injury kept them out of action for two whole years so in 2017 fans were really eager to see the man finally touch a basketball but just as he was getting his feet wet history repeated itself thinking three Blowing by plumbley and throwing it

Down and again Joel is on the wood dang bro embiid is the ultimate tease and believe me Philly fans weren’t the only ones who didn’t trust the process we’re just getting a taste of them I’m like you know I’m tired of getting the taste of them I want the

Whole Lo hold up since where did Paul Pierce have a fetish for 7t centers but that’s not the only fetish going around and in 2012 a fan wanted to surprise her favorite player Kenyan Martin see she had been stalking Martin for years and security was told to watch out for this

Lady but yet that still didn’t stop her from doing this apparently a fan ended up on the floor and she is being ushered off ah this is creepy luckily bro was nowhere to be seen little did she know he had since signed with the Los Angeles Clippers but this would be the first

Time fans went overboard far from it most of the crowd has stayed here at the Pepsi Center that’s ridiculous now whoever threw that should be banned from this arena for life I think fans are trying to identify who well someone next door needs to call

Him out it’s one thing to lose by 30 but throwing a beer bottle onto the court no fans should get that worked up however June 13th 2010 was a different story because this time a bottle was directly thrown at a specific player but interesting Paul piss somebody throws

Something onto the court as Brian is shooting the foul shot hey I know the Celtics Laker rivalry goes deep but this is bigger than basketball someone owes this man an apology but Zaza also owes an apology simply put this man was as dirty as it gets he once ended the Spurs

Entire season that sneaker and get out there Leonard fires from the corner and Leonard goes down again and he’s in pain again in front of the Spurs bench but when it comes to Russell Westbrook this man’s even dirtier and it all started in 2017 when Zaza tried to

Disrespect his manhood fouling a man is one thing but standing over him Pro really doesn’t have a moral code that became especially obvious in 2018 because you’d think that Zaza had enough fun but instead the fun was just getting started Westbrook the high dribble forc that one up bodies falling on the

Floor here comes Curry play continues Curry gets inside layup did you see it what it look like did anybody touch him yes or no I didn’t see the replay oh you didn’t see it but why you asking about something you didn’t see between his cheap shots and his terrible acting

I think Draymond Green finally found his match but Russ isn’t just one to take his beating and move on bro always returns the favor from your Vantage Point was happened on the flagrant with patroli at the end of the first half I don’t know he hit me on the hard but

Sorry I’m going to get his ass back straight up and sure enough Russ wasn’t capping he was ready to wreak havoc let’s just say that the Pistons are still trying to get there oh westbr with a really hard foul inside as he brought the hammer on Zaza pulia if you really

Want to cause chaos pull a Paul Pierce cuz in the 2008 NBA Finals no one was more nervous than Pierce only he did didn’t realize how nervous he was until he stepped onto that court and that’s what it all hit him this wasn’t just another playoffs this was the NBA Finals

Four more wins and it would immortalize him forever four more losses and he would regret it for the rest of his life and worse yet he had to go against one of the all-time greats Kobe Bryant this man was scared out of his mind only the

World was about to see just how nervous he was cuz Midway through game one and out of the Paul Pierce was seen heading into the locker room exactly what happened clear that out certainly not the sight the Celtics and their fans want to see Paul Pearson and once fans saw this they went

Absolutely ballistic because one second he was healthy and the next he’s in a wheelchair so naturally fans couldn’t help but Wonder did this dude poop his pants and in 2019 Paul Pierce finally fessed up I have a confession to make whoa I just had to go to a bathroom

Number one or I had to go to the bathroom why did you need a wheelchair to get to the bathroom it was that bad something went down I had to you were streaking okay any had the Celtics lost that series I don’t think Paul Pierce would have been so upfront

But he’s not the only one who gets nervous in the moment cuz James Harden isn’t known for being the best under pressure and then a left-handed jump Hook from a point guard pardon all right let’s cut hard in some slack cuz all this pressure it’s really getting to my man downhill and blocked

By Tyson theim Celtics demonstrating why they’re top five defensive team hey I’d be laughing too but then again if I was in the NBA I’d also be myself oh brother this guy stinks although there’s a difference between a wardrobe malfunction and say something you can never take back see

This guy his name is Kevin Porter and he’s put together an impressive 10-year career in the NBA even leading the league in assists four times but contrary to popular belief he’s not at all related to Kevin Porter Jr instead his actual dad is a lot less inspiring

Cuz when kpj was only four years old he went through literal hell that’s because Kevin Porter senior was once charged with first-degree murder after shooting a 14-year-old but because the gun accidentally discharged Porter Senor was able to get out of prison after only 4 years so Porter senior pledged he would

Turn his life around and make the most out of his second chance but unfortunately that second chance was shortlived and in 2004 Porter senior was in a heated interaction when things got flipped on their head afterwards Porter senior was shot five times just like that kpj was forced to grow up without a

Father but unfortunately not all announcers know just how hard kpjk childhood it was in fact one announcer made a mistake he’d forever regret he mistook Kevin Porter Jr’s actual dad for the NBA’s other Kevin Porter isoing up top now working on Neto he’ll dance he’ll step he’ll shoot and he hits it

And the buzzer no time left and the rockets had won the game like is that pulled that trigger right at the right time boy that one stung jeez I’m at a loss for words this dude thought he was giving a compliment when in reality he took kpj back to the

Darkest moment of his life but compared to two rookies this moment still falls short of our most inappropriate moment see Grady dick and Anthony black have wasted no time making a splash they’re both rookies out here making a big impact for their teams in February dick was among those nominated for rookie of

The month honors meanwhile black has started in over 30 games this season while boasting one of the League’s better defensive ratings but as recently these players made history for a completely different reason cuz they aren’t just rookies on the come up they also have two of the League’s most

Unique class names so when Anthony black wanted to swap jerseys Brady knew he was about to get heat but then said this magic shooting over 50% as well that’s another good number to keep an eye on 22 and one are the magic when shooting 50% or better when you play the

Kind of Defense the match you do if you’re making shots that’s a winning combination rookies Anthony black and Grady dick one from Arkansas the other from Kansas exchanging jerseys yeah these dudes knew exactly what they were doing cuz they prove to the rest of the NBA it’s not about the

Size of the jersey that matters it’s about how you use use it but you know the NBA wasn’t exactly loving it the same way fans were see this was supposed to be a familyfriendly league well that wasn’t familyfriendly so my man Grady dick knew he had to avoid the smoke and

Get his name out of the NBA’s mouth why did you choose to to swap jerseys with Anthony black that’s my guy yeah I’ve I’ve been playing with him since or against him and with him you know around middle school days so that’s play my guy

For a long time you know guys Jersey SP for their boys mhm that’s that’s my my friend do you have other Jersey swaps planned in the future if I play with them growing up and they’re my they’re my guys then Jersey was more to it these dudes were

Teammates in middle school that’s crazy but you know Brady was just covering all of his bases cuz bro didn’t want to fine and he wanted to ensure he could pull off another legendary Jersey swap in the future I mean can you imagine if he did a jersey squap with nir little or Rudy

Gay man bro is opening up the floodgates for greatness but if you want to see real greatness then you got to click on the video on screen all right bro I’ll meet you over there

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  1. At 15:21 that clip could be played after damn near every single “joke” this guy tried to make. You can tell this person isn’t actually into basketball or just didn’t know about a lot of these incidents before doing the voiceover but whoever wrote that script needs to be more than just fired. Goodness, watching the video was entertaining but listening to corny attempts to be funny or sound cool to 7 year olds is irritating. When doing that, at least try to get someone who actually knows basketball (and isn’t just reading off of a script) because they would at least know when the script was written by someone who doesn’t actually know basketball.

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