@Detroit Pistons

Can You Name All 30 Players Who Suited Up For The Detroit Pistons This Season?

Can You Name All 30 Players Who Suited Up For The Detroit Pistons This Season?

The Detroit Pistons have set a lot of not so great records this year and one of them they tied last week the most players played in the entire season in one single season the Pistons have played 30 players in their uniform this year it ties the record can you name all

30 of the players they have suited up for the Detroit Pistons this year we’re going to try to do that in today’s episode of the lockdown Pistons podcast you are locked on Pistons your daily Detroit Pistons podcast part of the locked on Network your team every Day what’s the deal welcome back to another episode of the lockdown Pistons podcast per usual I’m your host kahill you can find me over on Twitter at Cahill I want to thank you guys Mak lockon Pistons your first listen of every single day we’re freom all your podcast platforms and if you haven’t

Already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a fire star review whatever podcast platform you’re listening to us on that’s another great way to support the podcast and today’s episode is brought to you by prize picks the easiest most exciting way to play daily

Fantasy sports go to lockon NBA and use code all lower case locked in NBA for a first deposit match up to $100 later on the podcast we’ll talk about some injury concerns with this team not just this year but just overall with this with this core with

This with this roster the injury concerns are they concerning how concerning they are I guess um we’ll talk about that later and will the Pistons at some point by the end of this year win three straight games they’ve yet to do it this year will they end the year without having one three-game

Winning streak we’ll talk about that a little later as well but this past week the Detroit Pistons played their 30th player of the Season it ties the record I believe with the Houston Rockets in 2020 2021 for most players played in a single in a single season for one

Franchise um and instead of you know you probably could have take this like a oh we know it doesn’t mean great things it’s obviously a really bad thing that they’ve had to cycle through this many players y yada y I want to have some fun with it so without cheating without

Cheating I want you guys with me to try and name all 30 players that have played for the Detroit Pistons this year now I’m not cheating either I don’t have it up don’t know like I I I don’t have it up I’m not I’m not looking at anything

I’m going to try to name I didn’t look at before the podcast I’m going to try to name all 30 players that played for the Detroit Pistons this year and see how far I get in and then I want you guys to tell me in the comment section down below or

Over on Twitter um how far did you guys get how many players were you guys able to name this past season so without further Ado let’s get into it so I’m GNA write it down you guys see it’s blank my phone is blank I don’t have no cheating

On it it’s it’s it’s just blank so I’m going to write down the players I name so I can keep track so first one obviously K Cunningham that’s one we got um Jay Ivy that’s two we got Jaylen durren that’s three Isaiah Stewart that’s four we got um Simone

Fonio that’s five we got assar Thompson that’s six um Boon bonovich that’s seven Alec Burks eight see look it’s not that I’m forgetting these guys it’s just once you start getting into this like start your brain starts like uh you start you start to like have brain farts okay okay Marcus Sasser that’s

Nine James wisman 10 why am I like drawing blanks out of nowhere quen Grimes 11 Killian Hayes 12 um Shake Milton I’m naming players that aren’t even on the roster still that I could be naming the the roster right now Malai Flynn 14 Malai Flynn 14 um why am I like

What’s going on right now Troy Brown Jr Troy Brown Jr that’s 15 um I’m forgetting people dude what’s going on I’m forgetting oh Isaiah livers Marvin baggley at 16117 I’m drawing a blank on some people that are like on the team right now for some reason when you do these lists it

Just gets harder like that um God Marvin Bagley 17 who else why am I like stuck at 17 right now uh met to metu that’s 18 rhen 19 tosan 20 okay now we’re at 20 we’re 10 away um God oh Monte Monte Morris Joe Harris how could I forget the Pistons

Famous offseason Morris Joe Harris okay now I think this is going to get tough now because now I’m drawing a blink um um oh buddy beheim buddy beheim that’s 23 Evan forier how did I forget Evan for 24 okay six more to go can I name I’m gonna set myself a timer

We six minutes into the podcast if I can’t get all 30 by the time we hit eight minutes we’re just GNA give up um oh my God I can like I’m pretty sure there’s like nine players or like six players I think these players might be

On the team right now I just I just can’t think of them K Jaden Jaylen dur Isaiah Stewart simoney F Teo assar Thompson James baggley Killian oh my God man like I can’t I can’t I can’t think of anybody oh Kevin Knox Kevin Knox that’s 25 vant Legend I

Forget him I couldn’t forget him it’s 25 I I I think I’m gonna be stumped I got one minute left I think I’m gonna be stumped after this I think I’m gonna be stumped at oh Todd Todd Gibson Todd Gib 26 okay so there you go

I’m at 26 you guys better not be cheating either you guys see that how this is struggling for me and you guys see I’m not like look where’s the where’s the camera you can see I’m just typing in the name I’m not looking up anything I’m just typing in the names

Todd Gibson I got 26 I got 40 seconds to name four more players oh my God why can I not think of these last players I’m gonna be so mad at myself when I look at this list in like 40 seconds and realize I couldn’t get the

Last like 30 like what oh my God go or the last four it’s going to be some players that are like literally playing rotation minutes right now that for some reason I just forgot while we were doing this list you know what I I trolled i s

Of just named like the rotation right now and then went on from that I started bouncing all over the season I had boan and then Killian and then Milton like I screwed myself over all right so I mean we’re at eight minutes now so whatever 26 I got the 26

I could maybe if you gave me another two minutes I maybe could have got it but 26 that’s as far as I got I don’t want I want to hear from you guys how many were you guys able to name before we gave up here do not cheat do not cheat all right

So now I’m pull up the list and let’s see if I can let’s see the guys that I forgot oh my God Stanley mudig how did I like see I told you someone that was and Mike muscala and Danilo galari that’s three like how did I miss those

Guys who is the other one I missed I’m looking at these names who did I miss oh calone yeah I didn’t say calone so there’s the four I didn’t say so ginar muscala how did I miss those guys I literally said the guys they were traded for muscala galinari um yumu and kazum

So those are the names I missed but I was able to get 26 out of 30 um that should just let you know though to wrap up the this segment that’s let you know how many players how much turn how much Turn Style has been in the Piston season

This year how it’s just been all over the place no consistency like it’s just been they they’re playing with like random players off the streets they’re basically playing pickup basketball half the time they don’t like there’s no familiarity like it’s just been rough it’s been

Rough and I couldn’t even name all 30 I watched this team every single I had to record about this team every single day I wasn’t able to to answer all 30 so how many were you guys able to do do you guys think the players like if you think

If I got Kade on the podcast right now and say k name all 29 of your teammates that you’ve played with this year how many do you think he would have been able to name actually you know what I might get a player you know what that is

That when I get I’m going to get a player on the podcast this off season I promise you when I do this is gonna be one of the questions I asked them can you name all 29 of your teammates this past year that’s going to be the goal um

But yeah let me know in the comments section down below or over on Twitter were you guys able to name all 30 and if not I know you didn’t if you say 30 I know you cheated let me know how many you actually were able to get um but

When we come back I want to talk about the Pistons injury concerns with their roster and whether just how how concerned should Pistons fans be with it we’ll talk about that and break it all down when we come back prize pick is America’s number one fantasy sports app with over 3 million

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You haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at ldon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast uh so injuries they happen to every team they happen to all NBA teams they happen

In all sports you know it’s part of the game it happens however I think that it’s fair for a piston and I know I’ve had Pistons fans comment on on the videos I’ve had Pistons fans tweet at me it should should fans be concerned about the injuries for this team the

Injury concerns for this team How concerned should they be and to just go through what I’m talking about here um so obviously it starts at the top with K Cunningham so I guess we should answer that question first should fans be concerned about K Cunningham’s injury

History I think I I don’t think you should be concerned about like do I think kage’s about to be like missing 40 games a year no I don’t think that’s like his I don’t think that’s what you should be concerned about I think what’s fair to be concerned

About which is maybe unfair it’s may be unfair to to say this about him and really what’s his second year in the NBA after having major surgery last year this is basically his second year of basketball or NBA basketball probably unfair to do that especially coming off

The surgery that season um but I think if anything it’s fair for some fans to have concerns about his ability to stay 100% throughout the season when I say that I mean not that he’s missing games but can he remain like close to 100 like because every player is sore and dealing

With stuff but can he remain as close as possible to 100% throughout a season and the reason why that is is because like look we’ve seen Cade for about three months of the season so at the first like 12 games we talked about it many times first 12 games playing with that

Lineup killing him S Thompson isaah Stewart Jaylen dur it just wasn’t working it was no spacing it was killing them soon as they went away from that the next like 46 48 games three months or so just incredible game by K C incredible play was improving three-point shot played exceptional play

Played really really good basketball but over the last five games now is it six now it might be five six games well last five or six games he popped back up on the injury report because of a a sore and ever since then he’s shooting 38% from the field he’s

Shooting underneath 40% from the field I think the concern fans may have is every time do they need to be concerned about Cade not being 100% all the time during the season because even remember his rookie year start off the year he wasn’t 100% it took him a few

Weeks to ramp back up I think that’s a concern I’ve seen from some fans that hey is it going to take like is he going to have like just a few weeks every season where he’s just like not 100% And it impacts his play we have to wait for

Him to come back to be 100% healthy and then have to worry about him maybe getting sore or dinged up again I think that’s fair to concern am I concerned about it not so much I’d like to see how this season ends out so I’m not

Concerned that much about it but I do think that’s a fair concern to have with the Pistons franchise player if you’re a Pistons fan I don’t think that’s unreasonable at all so when it when it’s when these injury concerns start with your franchise player I think you’re already your your

You know your eyebrows are raised I guess guess a little bit but then let’s even go to Jaylen durren Jaylen Duran’s dealt with multiple injuries this year he’s at 54 games played last year he played 67 games this year he’s played numerous games What we feel like not 100% he’s

Had multiple ankle injuries he’s now dealing with back spasms he’s questionable for the next game is he going to get to 60 games played this year I don’t know um that’s probably another player that the Pistons that Pistons fans are witnessing not play you know close to a full season and

I guess another thing you should take into account here is that not many players play a full season anymore in today’s NBA so I don’t know if that’s a pass I’m not going to give it a pass you should be trying to play as close to 82

Games as possible playing 60 games every year is not reliable I don’t think I don’t care if like more players are doing it it doesn’t make it more reliable um so is there some injury concerns with Jaylen durren if fans wanted to feel that way I mean I guess I

Guess espe after this year so I mean I I’d get that but again keep going down the list now you got assar Thompson with his thing is bigger than basketball okay absolutely bigger than basketball but that’s just another thing on the Pistons radar another another thing on Pistons

Fans Minds that and that’s just another thing that they’re dealing with in the injury department and the and again asars isn’t like an injury but is a long-term health risk and and a health concern that that is concerning again for the the franchise and for the fans

Obviously so um move on to the next player you got Isaiah Stewart another player that is going to end back-to-back Seasons under 50 games played last year he played 50 games this year he’s going to end his season with 46 games played so this is back-to-back years of that

Should you be concerned about Stu I don’t know I like I think it’s fair for fans to point that out like I I can’t say yes or no How concerned I’d be about that it’s tough then you if you even go to players that

Have you know left the team a lot of the young Corp members that you know Isaiah livers dealt with a lot of injuries while he was in in Detroit even after he left dealt with has left dealt with some injuries in Washington obviously kilan Hayes dealt with injuries while he was

Here it just feels like the Pistons have either one been bit by the injury bug really bad or like something must be up because it feels like almost every player obviously Ban’s older so that’s not you know I’m not going to mark that but I do think that there’s legitimate

Like legitimate because I I’ve had some fans reach out to me over the last few days and say it feels like every player on this team you gota be concerned about healthwise and at first I scoffed at it I was like come on let’s let’s relax but

Then I started looking at I’m like man Jaylen dur dealt with a lot of injuries this year the only player who hasn’t really dealt with injuries is Jay Ivy Jay Ivy is the only one who’s really been like reliable outside when he got sick I don’t think anyone’s holding that

Against him like outside when he got sick earlier in the year he’s been reliable almost entirely and outside of him you’ve had that all throughout the roster from Kade to Duren to to St to it’s been all over now you got Quinn Grimes who the Pistons are going to have

To probably I think at this point decide whether they want to resign him or not without even getting to really see him play at all because he’s dealing with injuries and then that it’s a just it’s a tough situation the Pistons have had a terrible terrible injury luck over the

Last two years and I do think some of it when it comes to like Stu last year I guess like would he have played if the team was like better maybe like I I wonder how many of these games guys are being shut down or guys are missing

Games because the Pistons are that bad and it’s just like oh what’s the point of playing at the end of the year like I’m sure like some of Stu’s games last year like maybe he could have played I’m not sure though I don’t quote me on that

I’m not a doctor I’m not in the facility um but I I I I guess you could think of it think of that a little bit um but yeah I mean I think it’s reasonable for fans to to be concerned about this a little bit that it feels like it’s

Really impacting a lot of the key players on this team again besides Jane Ivy so um yeah man hopefully the Pistons get this sorted out I don’t know what’s up with the injury bug the Pistons got I don’t know if it I I know some analyst I

Know SVG stand by guny former Pistons coach has talk talked about how they how NBA practices nowadays that you know whatever it is I just hope the Pistons training staff coaching staff like whatever I hope they do and not saying it’s their fault or anything but just

That they get the best program possible to keep guys healthy throughout the year they whatever it is because the Pistons have dealt with it quite a lot the last two years to where it is a bit concerning so let me know what you guys think comment section down below do the

Pistons roster do the Pistons young Corp have legit injury concerns or is it a whole lot of nothing let me know in the comments section down below or over on Twitter UK Hill when we come back will the Pistons win three straight games at some point this year where they end this

Season without a three- game winning streak we’ll talk about that when we come back passion drive and patience what brings home the winning trophy is also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle level it up to Peak Performance from superchargers to

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Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review or whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast will the Pistons win three straight games this year now again I said this earlier the Pistons have not won three straight

Games at all this year not one time after they won two games in a row I believe last week or two weeks ago one of my friends from Chicago he started messaging me he was like what’s that video um oh my God what is that video

It’s the that’s two in a row you win another one that is a winning streak I I forget what video it was but he sent me that video and of course the Pistons went out I believe they got pretty handedly beat after their two- game winning streak uh yeah by the heat they

Lost by 13 I say they beat the Hornets and then the Raptors back to back um will they win three straight by the end of the year they have one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 games left the Piston season has 12

Games left which my God the season went by I almost wanted to say fast but honestly it feels like it’s went by really slow if you want to be honest it feels like a long season uh but everyone knows as soon as it ends everyone’s going to be like man we with Miss

Pistons basketball there ain’t nothing to watch man C down the days for the next game to play um so I guess before we talk about this just enjoy the last 12 games as much as you can because everyone knows that when it’s gone you’re gonna be itching for it um but

Anyways will the Pistons win three straight games well let’s look at their schedule they’re losing tomorrow or today when you listen to this against the Pelicans on Sunday they’re going to lose the Knicks on Monday they’re going to lose the Tim Bulls on Wednesday they do have we talked about

This a few episodes ago they have a legit chance to win three in a row this year because after they play the timber wolves on Wednesday they got the Wizards on Friday they can beat that they got the Grizzlies on Monday two days of rest at

Home should be able to win that one then they got the Hawks on Wednesday then they got the Grizzlies on Friday again then they got the Nets on April 6th that’s one two three four five straight games of winnable games am I predicting a winning streak

For the Detroit Pistons by the end of the year I don’t know I don’t know man would I put my money on you know what book it write it down quote me hold me to it the Detroit Pistons will win three straight St games by the end of this year they

Will win three straight games they will beat I’m going to call it I’m gonna call it out right now I’m gonna call it now they are going to beat the Grizzlies the Hawks and then the Grizzlies again from April 1 to April 5th they will win all three of those

Games and they will be on a three- game winning streak I’m not going to guarantee you win against the Wizards that’s not going to do it not going to guarantee you win against the Nets but that having the Grizzlies twice and then the Hawks in the middle of

That I’m calling it now they will win three straight at that point right there and when it happens if you guys want to go put money on it hey if you guys want to go do that might have to cut me a little bit of the slack

You feel me you might have to cut me a portion of it um make sure you credit me for it and if it doesn’t happen act like I didn’t say it and justes erase this from your memory because we’re just gonna act like it didn’t happen but um I

Guess I’ll ask you guys now will the Pistons win three straight games by the end of the year and what games will they be if you’re bold enough to take a GU which three games if you say yes what three games will they be I didn’t mention the end of their schedule the

Last four games because it’s tough they got the Sixers Bulls Mavericks and then they end the season with the Spurs but the Sixers and Mavericks is tough and then the Bulls they’re decent so I it’s not it’s not a hard game but having the Sixers and Mavericks I think that

Basically ends the possibility of a win streak in that that little time frame um but yeah man that that that Wizards Grizzlies hulkz Grizzlies Nets uh set of games win streak should come out of that if they’re if they’re playing better basketball um so yeah let me know in the

Comment section down below or over on Twitter at Cahill will the Pistons win three straight games that’s all I’ve got for you guys today thank you guys for making locked on Pistons your first listen of every single day you AV on your podcast platforms hit that subscribe button the YouTube channel

Leave us a five star review or whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on and until next time I’ll see you guys later stay safe out there until next time peace out

The Detroit Pistons have played a record-tying 30 players this season, another not-so-great record the Pistons have set this year. Can you name all 30 players that have played for the Pistons this year?

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  1. cade
    troy brown jr

  2. Cade
    Don’t Google Fournier
    Buddy Boheim
    Taj Gibson
    Mike Moo
    Monte Morris
    Jared Rohden
    Dream Shake Milton
    Troy Brown

    Could only get 26 🙁

  3. Whaddup Ku, I think the team had a good chance to actually close out the season strong, ngl with people out and damn near everyone in a slump/playing for themselves, I gotta disagree with a 3 game winning streak, I think they will beat the Wizards, and Grizzlies once respectively, but thats it imo

  4. I think the Pistons will be hard pressed to win two games total for the remainder of the season and they won't be back to back

  5. Half of the injuries fake per FanDuel protocol the other 50pct from the vaccine that made players genetically insufficient 🤣

  6. Do you see Jalen Green and the Rockets their on a 8 game winning streak, Jalen is playing amazing, and they are 10-1 without Sengun. Green has passed Cade and Scottie as the best in that draft now.

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