@Boston Celtics

NBA Gametime| Boston is UNBEATABLE – Shaq on Celtics beat Bulls for 9th straight win, near No.1 seed

NBA Gametime| Boston is UNBEATABLE – Shaq on Celtics beat Bulls for 9th straight win, near No.1 seed

About what we expected from the Boston Celtics which is that they just win they’re just better than everybody else right now ninth straight win for the Celtics they finish a 5- 0 week how often does that happen in the NBA R you play five games let alone win five games

And they’re 15 and zero on the season when they hit 20 or more threes it’s a game time presented by KIA here from our Atlanta Studio good to have you with us the Hall of Famer Isaiah Thomas Sam Mitchell I’m Matt Wier we talked about how good Boston was before the game and

There was nothing about that game which would lead any of us to change our opinions Celtics are they are the state of the art right now in the NBA they they are the standard and and what you love about them is that every night they come out and they play to their standard

Very rarely have we seen this season where they’ve had just a real stinker right they they come out every night and they play how they’re going they do what they they want to do they play to their style and they forced teams to play the way they want them to play not

Necessarily adjusting their style to other teams yeah it’s weird to me teams try to play their style it reminds me of Golden State when they were winning everybody tried to out shoot them and I sit back and laugh how can you go outshoot two of the greatest Shooters to

Have Boston how many teams back up Center and back up two guard when you’re starting other fourward Jaylen Brown and other guards Drew holiday and guys are Al porzingis and he can step in and get your 20 and the backup two guard can get your 20 and shoot a great percentage I

Mean this team is loaded with talent and the number one thing that they do to Isaiah point they play to their strength they know who they are and what they are and they don’t deviate and the thing about it in order to beat them you’re going to have to create a different

Style of play in order to beat them and try to make them play a different game but if you try to play their game look they got how many wins by 20 and 30 points this year I mean the point differential 11 and 12 points game

They’re blowing people out I I don’t see anybody in the Eastern Conference that can challenge them maybe get one maybe get two games but I can see Boston losing two games going through the whole playoffs until they get to the finals well they’re a really good defensive

Team as well number two in the NBA and defensive efficiency and the number one offense but it’s a modern NBA offense which is why the efficiency is so high they had more threes than anybody in the league they shoot them at a very high clip tonight 21 of 48 which means they

Were plus 36 from the three-point line Bulls aren’t a very good three-point shooting team they’re not a very prolific three-point shooting team at this point can you win if you’re not an elite three-point shooting team at a high level you can if you can stop the other

Team from making threes the problem is say that one more time if you can stop the other team from making if you can guard him yeah you can win but the problem is look of the way that Boston offense is set who you shut down because

This is the problem they’ll take the two jayen brown and Tatum and others can get to the paint when they get to the paint what do you as a coach I don’t care what you say you rather give up a guy chasing out trying to chase down a three than

Give up a layup I don’t care how good a shooting team you are you’re not going to sit there and let teams just get layup after layup after layup that defense is going to collapse but you got to figure out a way to keep your guy in

Front so you can stay home so if you can’t guard your man individually against him that’s the problem nobody can guard those five guys they’re going to find a weak Link at some point that they’re going to exploit yeah I I would say those eight guys yeah because they they

Have Shooters all around the floor and this is where you got again the front office and the coaching staff is in sync right the front office is saying we’re going to go get Shooters and we’re going to shoot approximately 40 to 50 threes a night this is how we’re going to play

And we’re going to find the players who can shoot the basketball and then we got a coach who understands the type of system we want to play so everybody’s in sync and nobody’s deviating there’s no well what do you think of is what do you think of that no everybody is on the

Same page and that’s what makes them so difficult to be you know everybody’s using the same math everybody around the NBA wants the same shots they have the players stop but you have to have the players on the bo and this team is loaded that way and they just it all

Fits it all makes it fits for them because the players fit the system you can’t take this system and do it in Orlando why Orlando don’t have the shooters those young guys can’t make threes like Boston can so Orlando give them credit they play in their strength

Because they’re trying to get to the free throw line 50 times a game now how do you beat it right that’s that’s the next question you have to defend and this is what I know about NBA players right the 450 of them has good as they

Are on offense they can be that good on defense when they decide that they want to lock up and not let you get a a three-point open shot off they can do it now come playoff time right that’s that’s the question for me how different does it get yeah playoff time you know

Th those 53s and we we watched the Atlanta Hawks a couple of years ago when Biser was here right and you know they they were shooting threes you know crazy they got to the playoffs played against the Pacers and I think they went like you know two for 40 or some some crazy

Number we watch Houston do it y lose the playoff series so we have seen in the past where teams are good enough to to shed off the three-point line and make it difficult Boston adjust yeah typically those looks aren’t there the way they are in the regular season when

A team when an entire franchise has a chance to scout a team yeah for days on end put together report really think about a team for a week at a time that’ll be a challenge for Boston because they’re they’re very three heavy offense but man they are a machine right

Now nine straight wins for the Celtics in progress in DC Raptors in town this one’s tight 104 103 right now take a break continue here on game time Fore we got s toing for for for for Bab for for for for spe

NBA Gametime | Boston is UNBEATABLE – Shaq on Celtics beat Bulls for 9th straight win, near No.1 seed


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