@Dallas Mavericks

Cuban and Irving both bid $77,000 each for #Mavs charities in auction of a week in Slovenia!

Cuban and Irving both bid $77,000 each for #Mavs charities in auction of a week in Slovenia!

60,000 go to 70 don’t stop at an odd number go to 70 go to 70 $77,000 [Applause] $777,000 who’s going to take that out 80 go to 80 go to 90 bark go to 100 round number 100 I got 77 I got 7 7 it’s for the foundation go to

80 one week of practice and a game in slovania he just said it he just said the national team will be there one we of practice one game the national team will be there this is a surprise I bet 77,000 go to 80 go to 80 go to 88 two games two

Gam two games huh two Dr 77 once 77 twice so $40,000 here


  1. Luštna kombinacija Kyria – siva oblekca, majčka. Na zadnje sem tkole zgledu na maturancu. Tud Luka ima dobro kombinacijo. Siva je kul barva.

  2. I do not understand. Could someone explain it to me? They donated $77,000 to visit SLO and be the national team's guests?

  3. Lepo jih je takole videti, res dobra kemija, vendar nočem biti zopern, ampak v ponedeljek morajo premagati Jazz in nato Kingse, ker bodo po vsej verjetnosti zaradi urnika in tekem, ki jih imajo Suns in Kings, zopet na 7, ali 8 mestu na zahodu, z nadaljnimi zmagami pa bodo sigurno zopet nazaj, morda celo višje.

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