@Golden State Warriors

Jonathan Kuminga Might Be The Best Player Of The 2021 NBA Draft

Jonathan Kuminga Might Be The Best Player Of The 2021 NBA Draft

Have increased kaminga nice fake out here comes kaminga kaminga races down the Lan and throws it down wow off the turnover coming again gets inside this kid is something Else Jonathan’s time will come you know he’s a he’s a very very young player he’s very talented he’s just got to keep working things will go well for him as long as he um you know just stays on the on on the path this is how it goes for

Young guys on you know championship teams it’s um there’s just no free minutes this is not a championship team you know it’s if we were we’d be moving on when this NBA season started the warriors were a oneman show with Stephen Curry leading the charge there was no

Definitive second option the team was in desperate need and call for someone not named Stephan Curry to help share the scoring load Jonathan kaminga answered that call hey what’s happening everyone this is switch culture it has been a tough season for Golden State but if there is one bright spot that would be

The Ascension of Jonathan kaminga after dropping 26 points and leading the Warriors to a victory over the Memphis Grizzlies the Warriors Young Star continues to gain the appraise of his coach and teammates while putting the league on notice well what’s so special about what JK is doing and where does this position the

Warriors for the upcoming playoffs as well as next season stick around for the rest of today’s video to find out but before that don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to switch culture for the most analytical and entertaining NBA content on the planet now get ready you’re about to [Applause] get A couple of months ago I brought you Jonathan kaminga through the lens of a pres suuccess Kobe Bryant at the time JK had just demanded that he be given the opportunity to show that he’s more than capable of becoming a major contributor to the Warriors Steve Kerr still had

Trust issues as Jonathan kaminga hadn’t gotten much in the way of development in his first two years while he spent his Summers working out and showed flashes during the season in his second year as a matter of fact putting up 14 points 4 and 1/2 rebounds and 1.8 assists in 25

Minutes over a 13 game Span in March of 2023 during wiggin’s personal leave of absence Steve CER was opposed to giving JK any kind of promotion into a more prominent role despite this performance Wiggins return saw kaminga return to the bench where he spent pretty much the entire 2023 playoffs earning only spot

Minutes and Back Into Obscurity as the team failed to produce any meaningful results getting sent home in the second round by the Lakers after another productive offseason for kaminga who’s been one of the Warriors healthiest players the year started with him in a backup role Not only was he put near the

End of the roster he was actually moved out of the rotation altogether it would take a move of desperation by Steve Kerr who couldn’t find a way to beat the lowly tanking Portland Trailblazers where he would decide to put Jonathan kaminga into the game the team that went

On a run with kaminga on the floor and would never look back it was this game that solidified JK into the Warriors rotation but it wouldn’t stop there kaminga still had a very short leash and still struggled to get consistent playing time after major performances that saw kaminga sit on the

Bench to close games when he was arguably the best or second best player on the floor something had to give after one especially egregious creation of minutes where JK put up 16 points on seven shots shooting 71% from the field four assists and four rebounds in just 19 minutes Steve G sat kaminga

For the rest of the game including the entire fourth quarter he was the best player on the floor that night but didn’t see the floor for even a second during the closing segments of the game The Warriors would end up losing that game this would be the proverbial straw

That broke the camels back J K gave up all hopes on his future as it relates to being in the hands of Steve Kerr and proceeded to call out his coach despite the trust issues Steve G harbored for Jonathan however the Warriors coach wasn’t left with much of a

Choice he’s had some good games and some some down games and uh he’ll start tonight um so we’ll uh he’ll get Draymond slot in the lineup and um we’ll give him every opportunity uh to succeed word not the suspension of Draymond Green and the regression of Andrew

Wiggins he might still be coming off the bench getting 19 minutes a night but KR had no one else in the lineup to play the power forward position as no one outside of Steph Curry could create their own shot and without Draymond it was almost every man for himself it was

Here that Jonathan kaminga would step in and like any Alpha with a mama mentality would say me with the ball there’s nobody that could guard me with those words Jonathan kaming put the biggest Target on his back now Not only was the whole world watching they also had

Expectations now he had no choice but to prove that his coach who has won nine NBA championships five as a player on two separate dynasties and four as a head coach on a third dynasty was completely wrong in assessing his capabilities when it came to playing winning basketball at the highest level

But nothing came easy Steve girl was not just going to hand over the keys Comm Ming received a marginal amount of freedom from coach Steve Kerr while he would be featured in the starting lineup his minutes were still somewhat limited to between 20 and 25 a night and there

Wasn’t much room for error what happened next typically only happens in the bowels of Hollywood Production Studios following that game where he only played 19 minutes while being the best player on the floor Steve immediately gave a 36 minutes the very next game out of sheer

Guilt Not only would he go on to prove himself Jonathan kaminga went on a tear that saw his stock explode he immediately asserted himself as the team’s second option and proceeded to string together a total of eight 20po games in a row more than he had put

Together in his entire career up to that point for 31 games after he sat the fourth quarter Jonathan put up 20.6 points 5.7 rebounds and 2.7 assists per game doing so in only 29 minutes this translates to a per 36 of 25.5 points seven rebounds and 3.3 assists every player taken before kaminga

Including alar and shenon who’s been referred to as the best player in the draft class is a full-time starter and they all have been for pretty much their entire careers up to this point this chart shows the cumulative average of each player’s points rebounds and assists as well as their effective field

Goal percentage this puts alurn shenon of the rockets at the top of the podium with a total of 39.3 points rebounds and assists CAD second kaminga third and so on the only player on this list with more points per 36 than JK is Cam Thomas who’s been averaging 25.6 points per 36

Minutes this season a tenth of a point higher than Kingz although the Warriors young prote has a much higher effective field goal percentage while a redraft of the 2021 n a draft class might not look quite like what’s shown it’s a fairly good indicator of where these players

Currently rank what I can tell you is that shingun is in one tier meanwhile Cade kaminga and Scotty sh up a second tier Evan moley cam Thomas Josh giddy France vogner and Jaylen green are in a third tier as a quick reference I even included Tyrese Maxi who was an All-Star

This season slotting in right between the second and third tiers despite being from a different draft class another interesting fact is that kaminga is not only third overall but he’s third in efficiency as well meaning he’s very likely a top three player in the 2021 draft class if kaminga manages to

Maintain consistency on the defensive end which shouldn’t be too hard being under the toage of Draymond he’d be in serious contention for the top spot with shenon when he’s locked in defensively JK is easily right there with Wiggins as a Defender his issue is that he tends to

Lose focus and disengage on some defensive possessions giving opponent in easy baskets he has the ability to switch and guard one through four but is still figuring out the nuances of his help defense with his teammates now the next part is where it gets tricky when

You try to become a two-way player being a lead on both ends of the floor requires more effort than most guys are willing to exert but beyond that it’s still fairly difficult to balance your duties on the floor with your teammates if roles keep changing now at times it

Seems as if kaminga doesn’t get as many rebounds as he can and while there is some truth to that notion there is reason for it one of the major ways Jonathan kaminga impacts the game for the Warriors is by getting out in transition and attacking the basket it’s

Harder to leak out and get ahead of the pack if you’re grabbing defensive rebounds considering he isn’t the primary or even secondary offense initiator it makes less sense to fight guys like Draymond pods and Steph Curry when it comes to grabbing defensive boards that doesn’t explain him not grabbing offensive boards however

Especially in a starting lineup where he’s the most athletic player if kaminga crashes the boards like we saw Wiggins do in the 2022 playoff run it would certainly Elevate his game the single most important aspect of his game that he could develop however is his passing en Vision JK’s recently displayed some

Incredible reads on offense in finding Guys open he’s made quick extra passes to the better shooter for knockdown threes and he’s also made tough quick decision passes finding Steph or Clay on the perimeter after recovering loose balls while collapsing the paint or grabbing offensive rebounds if he

Continu needs to improve this part of his game it isn’t infeasible that Steve Kirk could use Jonathan as the primary initiator on an increasing number of possessions come playoffs this type of progress would most certainly lead to a lucrative offseason contract extension offer in the triple digits as well as a

Bigger role next season as a definitive second option next to Steph Curry this also puts him in Prime position to become the franchise Cornerstone once 30’s Jersey gets retired the future however will get decided depending on how well the team dynamic between the two workout during the playoffs and if

The potential is there for something bigger next year that could lead to a deep playoff run if not a title run and lastly each game just keeps getting better and better for kaminga the 21-year-old exerted his dominance over a Memphis team that while they weren’t exactly in good shape still put up a

Fight for the first 18 minutes they also had one player from JK’s draft class who went off for a career night in Santi Alma who was also a first round pick drafted 30th overall Alama went for a career-high 6 threes and kept the Grizzlies around much longer than they

Should have been Wiggins and kaminga led the charge for Golden State in the first half in what was a close game until there was about 2 minutes remaining the Warriors went on a 100 run to close never relinquishing their lead with Jonathan kaminga running the break and clearing out the Grizzlies defense Klay

Thompson packing heat downtown and Trace anchoring the lineup the Warriors looked like a team that was ready for the bright lights the only problem beating the Grizzlies isn’t exactly Prime Time although the Highlight reals for kaminga might have you believing otherwise Steve cor believes this to be one of if not

JK’s best performances to date and with compliments like that from the head coach who am I to disagree if true then kaminga is simply getting better each and every day something Steve will eventually have to fully acknowledge by giving kaminga the green light once that’s done it’ll be a new era for the

Golden State Warriors let me know what you seen kaming his future as a warrior is he the future Cornerstone or will the Warriors have to look elsewhere is it too early to even consider the post career era post your thoughts in the comments below just don’t forget to like

The video subscribe to the channel and turn on all your notifications so you don’t miss any of my latest uploads thanks for watching till next time Swish

The Rise Of Jonathan Kuminga

Music: Equalizer by soundridemusic
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Music: Hide and Shoot by soundridemusic
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Music: Hide and Shoot by soundridemusic
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Music: Hide and Shoot by soundridemusic
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  1. Another JK video. Keep them coming, we have been fans from the very beginning. Watching him grow in maturity and knowledge of the game . His star is shining brightly

  2. I'm a Warriors fan as well but cmon dawg Kuminga clearly is not better than guys like Cade. Franz, Scottie & Sengun so there is he "might be" the best player when he's far from it atm.

  3. JK is an amazing athlete. Tons of potential. Handle errors, passing errors, b-ball IQ, and turnovers are still infuriating – especially when GSW have near zero margin for error if they want to make a run. With that said, I'm definitely happy he's on the GSW and he's an obvious keeper. Definitely think he should be a starter. I just have little confidence when the pressure is on – always fear his poor decision making and forcing things will end poorly. Additionally, he seems to keep forcing plays even when the opposing defense shuts it down. The amazing part is that he is only 21 — unbelievable. So the issue really isn't JK, it's more his maturity line compared to what GSW needs now. If he could clean up the errors and improve his awareness/IQ then damn!! He'd be an Allstar. And agree with Swish – the IQ/Awareness/FOCUS on defense needs to improve. He clearly has the ability to do so. He made two awesome anticipatory steels on defense against Indiana. Consistency!

    Sadly – the most consistent aspect of the GSW games for the past few years has been turnovers. If they could consistently perform their awesome stretches and consistently keep turnovers low (always in single digits but preferable under 5) then we'd be contenders.

    In fairness – there are other players that have these negative issues, some part of the veteran core. DG, KT, Wiggins, and even SC have these inexplicable extended moments where they lose focus, make terrible passes, poor shot selection, and TURNOVERS!!!! However, DG and SC especially bring so much awesomeness to the team that they are forgiven. However, you can't have KT, Wiggins, JK and others making these mistakes. Just adds up to too much to overcome. Ironically, I believe Podz and TJD (the two rookies) do less of these carless mistakes than the veterans.

    Side note – my favorite starting line up ….
    * SC
    * DG
    * TJD

    * JK
    * Podz

    2nd 5 ….
    * KT
    * CPIII
    * Wiggins
    * Moody
    * Saric

    Top Bench Reserves:
    – GPII
    – Looney
    – LQ

    Rest of the team should stay in street clothes unless there is an injury.

    I think Wiggins needs to be traded in the offseason. I'm ready to keep him out of a tighter 8 player play off rotation.

    Main 8 man playoff rotation …..
    * SC
    * DG
    * KT
    * JK
    * TJD
    * Podz
    * Moody

    Playoff Match Up Reserves …
    * Saric (#9 out of main rotation, but if matchup calls for it)
    * GPII (#10 out of main rotation, but if matchup calls for it – hasn't been bringing the energy lately and making too many mistakes)
    * Wiggins (#11 out of main rotation, but if matchup calls for it)

    Injured Reserve ….
    * Looney
    * LQ

    # Likely all wishful thinking. If GSW keep playing like they did in the 2nd half of the Indiana game last night, then there won't be a playin game or a playoff game.

    We are not in the post SC error yet.

    JK is not untradable, but pretty darn close. Have to get something incredible.

    JK, PODZ, and TJD are the GSWs future! Love all 3 of them. While JK is athletically spectacular, I actually enjoy watching PODZ and TJD more – their energy, their hustle, their tenacity, their IQ, their mentality, their toughness is infectious.

  4. Going to be interesting to see JK, Podz & TJD in 3 years from now 😳 we’ll see who actually stays with the dubs though 😬

  5. Kerr is a clown and one of the worst coaches in the league. Kuminga has been CLEARLY GS's second best player for two years yet Kerr refuses to give him the keys

    But he loves Podz tho. Rookie white kid gets more PT than your rising star who was forced to CUT HIS LOCKS before Kerr would even think about giving him minutes.

  6. He definitely has enough potential to be the best player from this class. Just look at how he dusted gg jackson.


  8. Before this season started my homie was like, “Looks like the warriors won’t make the playoffs this year.” I was like, “I don’t know Jonathan Kuminga is pretty nice.”

  9. I don’t think coach was holding him back. They know Kuminga has greatness within him. They wanted to prove him. They needed him to understand where he was in the process and allow them to prepare him. Seems like he could no longer go with the flow however. He is talented yes, but his mind needs to mature if wants to become a transformative figure. Steph understood his assignment at an early age. So has Lebron James. Kuminga is cut from a different cloth…I hope he gets it fast because his career depends on it.😮

  10. Kuminga is a great talent, but the glaring weakness I've seen, is that he doesn't study enoug film on his opponents, it's obvious by the way he approaches the game. His total mindset is locked in on attacking his opponent and forcing his will, and that's fine, however, he's got to take the time and watch a lot of film on each of the teams he plays against. Secondly, he's got to stop thinking he can use his athleticism and jump over all of his opponents. He's got to realize it's people far more skilled as himself and can jump as high as he can. Myles Turner did his homework and studied film on him, and it showed in the way he shut him down, totally exposing his youth on the game. He's got to learn that he can't survive in the NBA on just raw talent alone. Opponents have begun to game plan for him so he has to adjust accordingly. Kuminga is a straight down hill player towards the basket, so he's got to expand his game in the offseason and learn how to finesse it and work on his midrange shot more. Otherwise he will continue to have a short leash through Steve Kerr. See Jordan Poole: Teams game planned for him, he didn't expand his game or improve, and it showed is why he had so many bad games his last season with the Warriors. Playing for the Washington Wizards he has gotten even worse, simply because he didn't improve his game. The distinct difference between hall of fame and all star players, is (studying film). He has to embrace being a student of the game. It's not all about the stats, those numbers don't mean anything. Swish I realize you've become a very heavy stat junky on NBA players, but those numbers can be misleading, I've told you that in the past.

  11. People tend not to see that there are times which the coach doesnt set a play for JK. They just expect him to drive the rim doing on his own effort, without any help coming from his teammates. I hope the coach will allow JK to do more iso and spinmoves because its where he's good at. One more thing Warriors leaning on JK was the reason they made a turn around.

  12. Kerr is the problem now with the Warriors, he still doesn’t know his rotations, has no real faith in the youngsters
    Look at TJD, everyone apart from Kerr can see he needs more minutes, Wiggins is a lost cause, he has 1-2 good games then just disappears for 4-5 games.
    It took Kerr too long to help Klay out, he’s better coming off the bench, less pressure on him, less minutes, he’s more productive
    I honestly can’t see Warriors getting into playoffs, perhaps it’s time to admit the season is over, then just play the youngsters, give them big minutes, ready for next season, the warriors need a stretch 5, TJD needs to develop a jump shot/3,

  13. He is still being held by Kerr to his full potential Bec there still Steph and Klay to please coz they are still the face of the franchise, the faces that brings money to GSW from ticket sales to merchandise.
    But JK is there catching up.

  14. It's about time JK need a teacher who can teach him how to hold the ball with more consistency and observation, like DDR or Carmelo Antony, especially after watching the loss to Pacers

  15. 7:15 – come on, man. Sengun wasn't taken before JK in the draft. Hell, Şengün wasn't even taken in the lottery at all.

  16. Kerr is so in love with his old core and Podz. Doesn’t like Moody, Santos, and barely tolerates Kuminga, TJD, and Lester. Kerr has that weird obsession with the 1990’s.

  17. If we can somehow do a sign and trade for Ingram in the offseason and have a rotation of Steph, Podz, Klay, Moody, Joku, BI, Dray, TJD, Loon plus a MLE FA then this team is a contender again because we need someone that can be more of a consistent threat than Wiggs and a tad more size

  18. And Warriors fans on social media, (check the old replies to the @Warriors when he was drafted) said he was gonna be a BUST. shows how casual and stupid this fanbase is and im a Warriors fan.

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