@Oklahoma City Thunder

Milwaukee Bucks vs Oklahoma City Thunder Full Highlights 4th QTR | Mar 24 | 2024 NBA Regular Seasons

Milwaukee Bucks vs Oklahoma City Thunder Full Highlights 4th QTR | Mar 24 | 2024 NBA Regular Seasons

Here’s [Applause] Lillard Bingo yeah don’t let him get on one don’t let him find his stroke coming here down the stretch it would be just what the the doctor ordered for the bucks here in the fourth quarter 113 run going back now to the third quarter and

By the way that’s just the second bucket for Dame bucks are doing this with Damien Lillard scoring Just Four Points so far Wallace to G he was hitting those early not that time that’s good good defense D good help defense to stop penetration by K Wallace and that was

Also happening early haven’t seen much of it lately but that’s a good looking shot there from the seconde man Williams and aved Oklahoma City need that one gets him back to within 20 this is a rugged defensive unit the Bucks have on the floor right now great ball movement here for the

Bucks open three Pat conon couldn’t finish it but boy that ball was moving spot to spot bur down good shot for great shots Wiggins lost it D hands the quick hands of Damen Lillard find Bobby the other way lays it in and Milwaukee riding that defense to offense again 20-point lead

For the bucks yeah Bobby one of the fastest big men in the league great job blitzing again Jody was part of that Colorado team that played Marquette earlier today freshman on Marquette Golden Eagles I know somewhere our guy Steve Noak is smiling I think ever stopped three-pointer from D Allen for

The second most three-pointers ever in a buck season he closing around number one which is also rayen good help by rep this is aing defensive unit on the floor right now OKC really in the woods right now trying to find their way out no shot going uncontested Bobby poris great job

Running out on K and wallers the 20-year-old could knock down 42% of his Point look the bucks’s veteran team has just imposed its will tonight I mean that’s just the bottom line on this younger OKC team ninth youngest team in the league coming in here’s a pass inside conon inside chisel for Fox

Points yanx with another tug you can count it and it’s an guys on a strin multiple efforts two and three contest on one possession everything you got if we can make a make a dent I may put my other guys back in Third youngest active head coach in the league it’s is 38 years old Mark D here’s Pat conon now Bobby trying to get to 15 points not here OKC has Trail by as many as 25 that lead is 22 as we speak we got a techn with I mean you see

Him in practice he is barking at his teammates he’s barking at everybody whether they’re listening or not that’s up a layup there for see Williams get one to go gets that deficit inside of 20 points now and Milwaukee certainly has the clock on its side now Chris Middleton teas up another three got

It rips the courts for a second time here tonight on the other end he comes away with a rebound on the Miss shot There and Chris once more there’s PC driving conathan sends out to Lillard 10 to shoot now for the bucks just over eight minutes to play in a regulation of this one first of two between these teams they’ll play again in the penultimate game this year shot clock winding down Middleton has to test

His range but another long rebound rebounding as advertised has been a problem and Damen Lillard going to punish him as he sinks his second one this quarter great hustle Pat Bev nice job by Dame to relocate to that left break line and Dame heating up just at the right

Time the Bucks were able to get that lead without him now he can carry him on home to Victory just with his ability to get open for his shots on the outside Middleton running downhill bring that ball around again Con Air Mills one very R you see

Pat miss that badly from one of his favorite spots on the floor Conan fcks doubling up on the Thunder in the third quarter holding them to 17 points you got the Razer backs the Arkansas guys J Williams Bobby is kind of going at each other keep a close eye on that there’s a

Lot of lot of bumping banging and talking going on between the two second chance points there as Guinea hits his fourth one on his sixth try tonight be a disagreement about their favorite eating spots in bville or maybe they’re just talking about whether they should have split up the SEC East and

Southwest and con takes a good feed inside lays that one in and Milwaukee answering right back mid right spin a little spin delivery that M he put on the basketball he’s right now nines are wild for him on the statued as the three-point try would not fall but more

Offensive Bo Roar here at five serve for him going for those wings the free wings at Wing Stop couldn’t get him there though as he knocks down the second so once again we they narly missed last time they were out and they just missed right there again Bobby poris laes Giannis with a

Rebound he’s in a crowd can he get it back he does you bring it down bad things happen but there it is B well and and I think the most valuable player in this game not even player most valuable would be Rex camian and his defensive

Scheme that he came in this game with and for this team for executing it to Perfection good looking shot right there is Lindy Waters one of the few Native Americans in the league Mar bamp with the the Bucks also Native American blood in his background Wiggins

Came away with that steal on the other side good job Bobby poris just keeping that ball hand in front of him nice contest against Ken and those numbers they’ve been pretty staggering for Milwaukee when they’ve had these chances as the inbound pass goes and there’s Wiggins getting it

To drop but bus this season 41 and four this year when they’ve led by double digits it does not bod well for the thunder in this spot clock is definitely on the buck side now Yannis got foul going up he will set outcome of this one

Looks like our outcome of this one is pretty much in hand for the bucks well Doc’s going to stay with the you know four of his five starters plus like a six starter Bobby poris with a 20-point lead now here we here we go start to

Clear the bench now with Bo champ com coming to check in well water says all right you can take my three-way I’ll do it just like Crowder did I’ll hit it the next time down yep Lindy Waters nice new teammate of Trey young out of Norman Oklahoma Lo pass cleans it up and

Plunges it through with a thunderous one hand slam and there is that cash money to Greek prak connection again that’s what 10 assists for Chris Middleton a beautiful oops upside your head five pass to Giannis none better than that one Giannis climbed a lad to send that one

Down on the other end of this the Thunder answer back after a thunderous dunk looking at it again Chris is Chris is going for it jiannis kind of bail out on it that that chemistry between these two is just something to behold though

And it is a big reason why I think a lot of teams might want to rethink their consideration of his buck team with Middleton back in the mix he’s missed some time the last couple years as the numbers would tell you play Just 78 of 151 regular season games the last couple

Years as the shot fires on the other end as well and now we’re going to see

Milwaukee Bucks vs Oklahoma City Thunder Full Highlights 4th QTR | Mar 24 | 2024 NBA Regular Seasons


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