@Denver Nuggets

Nuggets General Manager Calvin Booth Interview With Chris Dempsey πŸŽ™

Nuggets General Manager Calvin Booth Interview With Chris Dempsey πŸŽ™

Calvin it’s good to see you again nuggets general manager Calvin Booth here with us this is your office this is you know the where it all happens let me just ask you something right off the top which is uh this is now your second year second season um as a general manager

When you first got here did you have a kind of a a pinch me moment that hey I am now been elevated to GM um this is what I’ve worked for a long journey to get to this point did you have that moment um I think more so the pinch me

Moment is just the culmination of the Year winning the championship and everything I pretty much try to stay in the moment and do my job so I’m sure years now reflect upon it be like man that was pretty cool to have that position and be able to do the things

I’m able to do your first season and and now you’re into your second season what have you learned what did you expect that did come true what you what didn’t you expect that now is coming to pass all of the kind of the ends and outs yeah I think

Uh the expectation this year was going to be a lot of unknowns and uh didn’t know how we were going to perform based on how fatigued we were and uh the competition being a little bit more Fierce because we have a Target on our back and honestly I felt like our teams

Handled it great I felt like uh coach Malone’s done a great job and uh all of our starting lineup and the young guys have all contributed to have us were r with a good shot of finishing first and and a very very good shot to having home

Court going into the playoffs what’s the day in life of a GM look like when you when when do you get here and and how does that how’s a typical day look like well I think it depends on whether it’s a game day or non-game day and uh the

Time of year on a typical day like during a trade deadline we’ll get we we get here like 800 in the morning and I’ll you know talk and make calls and watch video and then probably take a lunch break especially we have a game and then we’ll come back in the

Afternoon stay for the game and uh you know do do that whole deal but it’s a it’s a shifting schedule the hours change depending on what’s going on but definitely a lot of hours put into it and a lot of thought and preparation that goes into everything where do you

Watch the games from well lately we’ve gotten sweets which has been good so like uh for a long time we had a ritual of watching the conference room mhm um which is it’s good for conversation and camaraderie and everything like that but it’s not a very good view All right here’s the practice court yeah here’s where the magic happens it really is Magic because this is a team that has obviously won the title before U I want to ask you about Nicole yic um but before that is it harder to get a team

To win a title or to now have said team that has won a title win it again I think it’s much harder to defend the title and is to win it yeah you know the the mental challenges and uh as I alluded to the unknowns and uh you know

There’s not that been that been that many repeat Champions right so it’s something that’s very difficult to do and hopefully we’re able to achieve that yeah um your lead player Nicole yic um he will go down as one of the all-time greats and I wonder with a big man with

A skill set like that the way you guys use him he’s super unique do you think we’ll ever see another Talent quite like him um ever again honestly I don’t I mean and that’s what makes great a special because they’re unique in their own way um so I don’t think you you’ll

Ever see another guy like ni yic yeah um ball Arena I mean we’re here this practice court is in ball Arena uh it has been sold out for every single game and the crowd has been such a huge Advantage I mean what for you how satisfying and gratifying is it to see

The support that this team has gotten it’s I mean it’s unbelievable you know the fans come out they cheer loud we we have the best homec court advantage in the league and a big part of it’s the fans a little part of altitude but you know I think the fans deserve their fair

Share of credit for it yeah no doubt um really quickly what do you do in your free time well I just uh travel around Scout spend time with family you know uh it’s not a lot of free time in this business you know like I I’ll randomly

Read books or watching uh HBO series or whatever but you know that’s pretty much it March Madness is coming up do you Scout any of the how much College scouting do you do I do a good amount cuz uh you know at the end of the day

Ultimately these are guys are going to be transitioning to our team and you want to see them play play and how they perform under pressure and uh that’s an exciting time of the year uh a lot of times we might get together and watch as a group on TV or if we’re missing

Certain uh prospects we’ll try to hit the events live but it’s a fun time of year we have made it now to the Nuggets locker room and this is a cool hallway this didn’t used to always be here with the greats uh of the franchise on the

Left with the logos every iteration of the logo on the right uh when you walk through this hallway what kind of comes to mind for you well I think it’s always good to have the young guys know the history of the the team and the NBA and

To have all these greats up here is amazing you know you have guys like d kimbe and David Thompson and hle and you know all these all these guys that were really impactful for the team and so for a guy like Peyton Watson to come in here

And see these guys and know who they are and and learn about the history I think is very very impactful and very soon well maybe hopefully not too soon Nicole yic will be on this as well we’re going to end here at the trophy and um this has got to be a

Memory that you’ll never forget yeah special moment man uh you know seeing the banner go up in opening night was really uh surreal um and then every day we get to come in and see this beautiful trophy so hopefully we get to keep it here for a while yeah I promised you a

Car and all right let’s see it we are going to see the car let’s do it let’s go wow this is the Lexus TX I promised you we got the car and this is state to the art man look at that incredible a great great looking car it’s got all

Kinds of fun features inside it’s like what it’s like a wellness vehicle and the car all rolled into one it’s got really fun features let’s get in and check them out all right beautiful sunroof by the way I’m a sunroof guy um but the thing about this car that I think is really

Super cool is that it is a performance vehicle and I’m not talking about the engine I’m talking about the person that is in it because we have red light therapy which you can see on the sides there and the back uh we have blue light therapy because of course you need blue

Light therapy it is amazing um we have a massage Gun there’s aroma therapy look you are it’s not just about um you know results of games with the I it is but it’s also about the health and wellness of players and when you’re talking about recovery uh after games and over the

Course of I mean 82 games is a long season just talk about the importance of you know little aspects like this in ter in terms of a what they can do for what that can do for a player um during a long season yeah I mean it’s reported

All over across many teams how important it is to invest in your body and some players invest as much as seven figures in taking care of the body so when you have something that’s this this convenient you can get in and get your massage get your massage done and and

Just relax and go home I think that that’s an extra benefit I think God’s G to always put time in after the game whether lifting or icing or doing whatever and this is just an extra added benefit look you played in the in the NBA play in college all this like just

You’re how quickly does your body break down and and um how important is a just a routine after every single game to keeping yourself in the best condition possible I think it’s very important uh the level of competition so high and the margins are so small having that routine

In place and having that consistency just helps you maintain your performance Level Nicole yic is a is a guy we talked about him a little bit before um but he’s starting to be really known for his postgame routine ice tubs and all that kind of stuff when you see the dedication that he puts into um health and wellness uh how satisfying is that

For you well I know how much she puts into it and to know that he’s taking care of himself and get himself back to the point where he can go out and do it again I think is very important and uh you know it’s important for our team if

We want to try to win it again as well Yeah all right let’s get to the back here oh what is this oh wow I got to do I have a treat for you soft drinks baby soft drinks Pepsi definely ably no doubt Cheers Cheers thanks great car

Chris Dempsey takes Denver Nuggets General Manager Calvin Booth around Ball Arena and shows Calvin Booth Lexus’s new car that is aimed to help athletes of all levels recover. Presented by Lexus.

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Nuggets General Manager Calvin Booth Interview With Chris Dempsey πŸŽ™


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