@New York Knicks

The Deuce Is Loose – Thibs Wants The Bag – Brunson vs SGA | Knicks Weekly

The Deuce Is Loose – Thibs Wants The Bag – Brunson vs SGA | Knicks Weekly

Start from the top all right here we go salute to Nick Nation on this Sunday evening another edition of Nick weekly presented by Underdog go to Underdog fantasy and use our code kftv for an instant deposit match of up to $100 the ncks go two and one

On the week’s campaign including a dog fight in San Francisco a tough one against the Champs and then a Smackdown against the swamp dragons we’re going to talk about it give you our highlights of the week plus the Knicks getting some good news in the standings we’re going

To talk about that right away man this Eastern Conference race between 4 through 8 is going to be a dog fight as we know and the Knicks got some good news today so we’re going to hear about it Tom hibo wants the bag let’s get into

That as well and our new segment of worst take will debut tonight and it’s going to the tonight’s topic is going to be SGA versus Brunson we’re going to critique the comments by one Stephen aith so lock in hit that like button hit the share button and subscribe to the

Channel another edition of kftv weekly episode 91 man TB the franchise Alex on the ones and twos Al how was your weekend man how you feeling man how you feeling it was good man it was good you know went down in New York I was in the area for this

Weekend shout out to my sister Cory and her fiance Andy on their baby shower for their little girl that’s on the way so salute to them it was a good weekend man got to celebrate for New Beginnings you know what I mean that’s good that that’s

Good how was your weekend uh it was good it was good man at the homies 40th you know so uh a little toast to old age if you will and uh you know celebrate the fact that I I’m not there yet it was his turn so you know ped up some some nice

Scotch some some some net brands that I hadn’t tried before know he’s yeah he’s got very expensive taste so I like to go there so you know and and he’s a very good host so I like to go there and drink up a lot of the free Scotch that I

Didn’t have to pay for uh but no I did buy him a nice bottle you know I did buy him a nice bottle but no it was a good time okay okay yeah was you’re not going to over there just empty in you know his Pantry

Over finishing it you got to have proper etiquette when when when when your peoples have a gathering you always bring something you know what I mean that’s a Jamaican thing I think sure you always got to bring something you never go empty-handed and just take take take

Bring a little something even if it’s a little bottom shelf bottle of wine you know you go to liquor store you wrap it up you hand it to them by the time the night’s over they didn’t even know who bought them the $ five uh you know Carlo rosi you know what I’m

Saying meanwhile you’re indulging in the top shelf finest that’s a trick that’s a trick next time you go to a friends given or something that’s a trick bro R get it wrapped put it put it with the rest of the stuff they’ll never know who got it for him

D Brooklyn Vega says facts salute to Brooklyn vega see if he about to show with the Ray and nephew for somebody oh no I don’t want to kill him trust me I I don’t want to but yeah n it was a good weekend man just just lowkey VI enjoyed it and and

Yeah that’s the story man so let’s get into the standings because we we’re going to be on standings watch between now and the end of the season there’s no question about it and the Nick’s got some good news today shout out to our friends down in Miami Jimmy Butler and

Those guys out the Miami Heat who went into Cleveland and uh laid the smackdown they were home matter of fact they were home matter of fact beat the Cavs last night so the Nicks who were one game behind the Cavs for the third seed in

The East now fall to Within a half game of the third seed and then on top of that you had Orlando who the Knicks were behind going into today by half game losing to the Sacramento Queens last night and the Knicks have gained ground in Orlando by

A half game so the Knicks are back and forth order is restored and our sights are set on Cleveland your thoughts let’s go you know I want to see the Knicks get Third Man bump the Cavs down take their place show them that you still own them

Look we won the series too so we should be Full Throttle going for the third seed you know what I mean like it’s the thing that I’ll say about this though is that a lot of it is within the Knicks control I’ll say let me take this some

Of it’s in the Knicks control some of it is out of the Knicks control right within the control they got the Ser they got the series advantage on the Cavs not in their control the magic have the upper hand against the Knicks right so the Knicks have to make they win as many

Games as possible you know some of us want to still see if they can get to 50 wins yeah that’ll probably secure them for the third seat if possible but the thing with this positioning is that we’re not going to know where the Knicks finish yeah until the end of the season

Because as you see right now everything’s still up for grabs everyone’s just moving back and forth in the standings there’s no nothing is solidified yet I mean even though right now it’s between the magic Knicks and the Cavs you still got the Pacers behind and you also got the Miami Heat too they

Are hot on the trail as well the Sixers right yeah those teams are not out of it yet three through eight man the next playoff uh opponent I I think this comes down to the last day because if they move in third which I I I think they

Will by tomorrow once they beat the Pistons they’ll move in third now you’re looking at the Pacers could be Miami could be Philly could still be Orlando like those are those are the teams you’re looking at right now or could be the Cavs in a four five match

Up could be the Cavs again in a four five matchup so those are the teams you’re looking at five teams that the dicks could potentially be looking at in the first round and you probably won’t know until the end of this season but one thing is for sure you know we don’t

Want to keep mentioning this team’s name like we scared because we certainly not scared but to avoid the Boston Celtics in the second round you need two three six7 4 five you you’re going to Boston right after that 2 three six seven you get you handle your

Business you move on in the second round you you win in a in in a tough one you grind it out get it out the mud then you go to Boston in the Eastern Conference Finals that’s that’s like two three are the numbers two three three more three

More likely than than uh two because the Bucks you know they’re they got a good distance too so yes um man I mean I hear you CP but I’m just at this point you just got to see how the cards land yeah right because at the

End of the day it would be awesome to see the Knicks you know not have to face the Celtics in the second round it’d be ideal if you can we could see the Knicks go all the way to the Eastern Conference Finals but look man I I’m Not Afraid

Either way I’m ready for whatever the playoffs may be especially if we have a healthy Knicks team but outside of you know Cleveland who I’d love to see again and you know beat the living breaks off of them what other team would you be open to if the Nick say got the third

Seed is it the magic I’m with Brandon yeah I’m with Brandon in the chat salute to everybody in the chat we got Brandon fizzy Flex Ryan animal Chuck D salute to everybody our franchise channel members as well let us know that you’re in hand throw an emoji in the chat I would go

Orlando next with their offensive futility their inexperience I would pick on them I think the Pacers with their off offensive potential the pace with which they run I think that could be a tricky series not to say that we lose but I think it could be a trickier series I

Think could be a little bit trickier series you’re not sure if the Knicks are ready for a track race gonna have to be a track meet um so I I would go with that the the playoff experience of a Carlile over a Mosley who’s just getting into

It Carl bit more battle tested yakum now the mix Championship tested I think I’d say I’d say Orlando next to Cleveland would be my preferred team to play I would even say Philly oh I would love to see Phil Philly third um I think even with Philly even with Jo

And be I still think the Nicks have a greater chance against that team I just there’s just something about them that the Knicks have so much depth where I’m not too worried about Philly especially when you have Joel and be playoff history not being Stellar Maxi being in

A new role you’ve seen that jayen brunson’s able to go toe-to-toe with Maxie and I I’m not necessarily worried about Philly what about the Miami Heat CP tough I I think that gets tough you think that’s a tough matchup I I think if you even with how they’ve been

Performing this season where they’ve been up and down yeah because I don’t think you see you see the real Team yet and I think if you give spoler time to divide a game plan with focusing on Brunson with uh you don’t know what you’re G to get from Julius I have I I

Don’t expect much I think that could be tough I think they can make it tough tough series and somebody in the chat said seak I’m just outlined Anthony Davis and a couple Lakers in chalk So speaking of the devil Pacers and Lakers playing right now Pacers and Lakers playing

Right now yeah I would say I’m worried about the not necessarily from a strategic standpoint because we’ve s seen Brunson just not get slown down by anybody or their coach yeah um I think it’s more so to what you said it’s Julius Randall and the fact that this

Miami Heat team is the same team that has injured him two seasons in a row yeah one waser for the ankle this year for the shoulder and I don’t know man there’s just something about the Miami Heat that I’m like it’s it just feels like bad

Juju I think part of that give give respect where yo bam is a problem defensively I don’t want to say he’s a dirty play and all that fine I take him on my team in a heartbeat he’s he’s disgusting defensively and he and you know he’s he’s a part of why they can

Give you problems in the half court because of his ability um to be so versatile either as a rim protector or perimeter defense he he’s a big piece yeah he’s a Sol he’s a solid R protector he’s a solid defensive you know uh playmaker but I don’t know man like outside of the

Injury history with Julius and that team I wouldn’t be I’d be optimistic in that battle just because the Knicks offensively this year is much different and even during the regular season we see that they can keep up with them I’m just I’m I don’t know there’s just

Something about that team that I would don’t want to see in because this is like a team that just goes under the radar they C they catch fire and the next thing you know it’s just yeah then next thing you know it’s a problem and they you know there the swapping of

Rosier for Lowry I think will be big for them as well I’m not too keen on that I just like between Julius getting injured from this team and this team just like if if this team catches fire if they you know play extremely physical which they

Will I think they can I think they can rattle some guys true toe right and and you know a lot of guys are the Knicks are going to get get tested for their first time in a in a larger role Dante as a starter Deuce coming off the

Bench guys are going to get tested those guys are going to get tested and and they’re going to be relied upon to make plays in a bigger spot as punch forever in the chat playoff is a different animal that’s that’s correct so let let’s see how they

Faire there but we got a couple weeks to worry about playoffs and standings as as we keep watching but um two- one in the campaign this week man a a great wire-to-wire victory in San Francisco over the dubs where you saw McBride with the career high at 29 Brunson with 34 he

Had outstanding play by just about everyone on that Nick team I believe Josh Hart had a triple double in that game as well they just had absolutely outstanding play from from that Nick starting unit they go into uh Denver obviously uh you know it was going to be

A tall order to to beat the Champs and they weren’t un aable to do that Champs just uh and Michael Porter Jr just having their way with the Knicks late in in the fourth and separating themselves and then they rebound against Brooklyn who uh fought the Knicks valiantly for

For three quarters but in the fourth it was Dante it was Duce putting that team away man so two and one in the campaign what was your uh your big takeaway from this week man big takeaway is that this team has just continues to be res resilient you

Know the fact that this team has now relied on I mean we can go to the Warriors game how you know you you go to any player it was each quarter a different player stepped up right yeah and I think you see that again in the

Net series but then even in the Nuggets loss like you still see guys chipping chipping in at different moments throughout the game trying to get the game in their favor but resiliency is what I’m going to go with man I just like this team is not backing down from

Any challenge while being short-handed and that should play into their favor going into the playoffs right you get like I’ve always said these guys are getting experience playing above what their roles are so when they get to those moments these guys will be prepared and understand you know the

Different situations that they’ve been you know that they’ve had to adjust to throughout the regular season so with that I think that’s what I’m going to stick with which is just resilience and look if anything I know we’re going to talk about it but bride has just been on

One uh this week man and so far just entering the start entering the rotation not starting rotation but just entering the rotation I think McBride is another guy that we got to Big up and I know we’re going to do that to yeah absolutely have to salute Deuce man

Because the deuce was loose this week and it was so fitting that they kind of started the week in Golden state with his career high and then they end the week with him you know notching pretty much close to it 26 points for deuce and

When you look at guys being in and out of the rotation the injuries and all of that the trade the big trade he has emerged as a significant figure in this Knicks rotation and so he deserves a lot of the credit man had to chase Steph

Curry around on Monday he had to chase Jamal Murray around on Thursday and then look no cam Thomas is not on the level of those guys but still as a bucket getter a guy that can make it things tough you on many of occasions so um you

Know du certainly had his work cut out for him this week and I thought he handled it very well now Jamal Murray certainly seemed to take that match up personal and didn’t want to be on the losing end of that battle as many players have so that was a tough one for

Duce but you know Jamal Murray is Jamal Murray but overall I thought he had an outstanding Week shooting the ball defensively playmaking uh shot creation shot selection he he was great this week great job by him man absolutely and on this week you had McBride averaging 13 points shooting

58% from the field 50% from downtown on close to nine attempts per game he’s getting it about three assists two rebounds well and he’s giving you Stout defense as well McBride has just certainly elevated his game and CP on this week he’s a he averaged 46 minutes

So mcbrien 46 minutes is giving you some good production solid defense whether it’s just pressing as soon as the guy gets the inbounded pass on the other on the other end all 94 feet this guy is just he he’s taken every week it just seems he gets to improve man yeah from

When he entered the rotation you’re like okay we’re seeing some three he’s knocking down his threes on on some four TS per game you know he’s playing really good defense he’s bringing the ball up not really you know creating much but it’s like okay he’s serviceable for

Right now for based on what the rotation the effects of the OG an anobi trade now he’s doing more he’s starting to attack the paint he’s facilitating better he’s shooting in Rhythm he’s creating his own shot even side stepping at some moments catch and shoot has been solid um I’m

Liking what McBride has been doing man he’s just been he’s been invaluable to this point especially for what that second unit needs and especially a three a consistent three-point shooter you know that’s what we were hoping we get out of Grimes he’s now giving that to

You and then when you look at the contract that he got right three years was it 13 was it how much 13 his contract was uh three years 13 million three years years 13 million and for what he’s doing right now on that type of contract that’s a

Steal so yeah McBride right now man he’s playing above his contract level awesome awesome play from Miles McBride so far man I’m I’m looking forward to see what even next year brings because he’s developed in so much time in such little time since January 1 after the trade

Yeah no no question about it man no question about it the deuce has been loose three years 13 million as we said also um since the trade on December 30th when he got the extension uh eight appearance eight appearances of more than 35 minutes with six of them of 40

Plus minutes so talk about the guy who went from not seeing any action to being situational to come on the bench here and there to now being in starter overload he’s a Tom timido favorite once you get to the 40s you’re a guy remember I tell you the three

People he trusts it’s Brunson it’s heart and it’s deuce and look at all those minutes man look at all those minutes the minutes eaters those are the guys man and and over those eight games averaging 17 points a game over those eight games bro a great job by him and what and what

Does that say about Tom Tibido believing in him man to give him that many minutes you know even when Brunson went down against the Cavaliers he played 47 minutes he might as well played the entire 48 I’m going to consider 48 even when Brunson went down just for a minute

But McBride didn’t come out he played that entire game and it’s like you have Alec Burks who you just traded for that was Tom tibo’s guy you know back in that 2021 season where he’s playing point Burks right no he doesn’t go with him

He’s like I’m going to rely on my my was my thirdy year guy in Duce McBride he’s going to play some solid minutes and he’s going to get us the production that we need and just keep this game a flat for us and in that game against the Cavs

Nicks won obviously was great great effort by the entire Team without without Jaylen Brunson but the fact that Tom Tio can go to Duce McBride now it just says a lot and I’m looking forward to what he’s going to do in the playoffs C because you said it he used to be

Situational it’s like all right go in there for def possession like with one two minutes left in the quarter and now it’s like no no get it to Deuce let’s go make sure we find him let’s make sure he’s getting up gotta find shots got gotta find it man

And uh the video is skipping a little bit on the stream but uh suit to everybody in the chat once again hit that thumbs up button for for your boys CP and Alex on the ones and twos and the deuce has been absolutely loose and uh I caught him with a little

Bit of a dad joke on postgame on on yesterday man you might have missed it so they should call him Trey Trey yeah Trey McBride now Allan me God can she making threes instead of Alan Han called me out and said it was a dad joke you know goodness gracious part

Of my life now you know it’s part of my life you know yeah I expect better at of you I know I know I got to work on it man I got to the chat was not feeling it I got tomatoes in the chat you know rightfully

So hopefully you got a lot of tomatoes how about this one this one’s from the Nicks chick I got to give her credit I still a lot of her takes but I give her credit for this one she said uh two Ghost Rider is that where is that where

We’re getting hold sometimes yeah sometimes she’s got very notable takes so I I I bring it forward and and share with the people uh two for three o it’s good that’s Whittier yeah that’s a good one is it that’s a good one that’s Wittier I like that yeah two

For three two for three what do you guys think in the chat what you guys think in the chat shout out to Constantine Alice 6 Euro Super Chat I guy Constantine checking in from Germany says just want to show some love I’ve been a longtime listener

Member for a month now love the show peace from Germany just working a night shift shout out to our guy Constantine he’s working a night night ship I mean what time is it over there in Germany man gotta be what 3 3: a.m. thereabouts let me see doing a quick Google yeah

Time in Germany yeah you should you should know that man know your geography man 338 look at you 338 yeah but dipl man bro I I told you that man oh my God I told you that man chter Ry animal Chuck D in the chat okay so yeah so that was Deuce

Great week for him and uh and that should continue let me Shut these highlights off I think it’s these highlights that’s making it worse okay um so on the tibs AL you know there was an article in athletic our guy Fred cat continues to do great great work there

Um had a nice article which kind of went against the common myth about tibs and the players not wanting to play for him remember the the I remember that yes I remember that the anonymous poll 450 players he’s the he’s the coach that they least want to play for well D vento

Basically was quoting in this article saying you know damn the poll you know I came here I signed here uh you know and and you know the outside world has a different view than how we see TBS on the inside and I I think I think you

Know yes you could say well players are going to say anything but look at how they’re playing look at where they are in the standings look at how they are able to overcome adversity look at the guys that are running through walls for the guy continuously day after day from Brunson

To Heart divon chenzo iHeart Dukes McBride pre atua OG like even when randle’s Healthy Man Randle does Rand Randle look how locked in they are for the guy year after year after year I think I think that should tell you everything you need to know about

How legit uh uh the quote by divon chenzo is and you know who got a lot of push back for right in the article of saying uh maybe Tom tibo gets an extension with uh Stephan Bondi yeah friend of the program he did you know but this is you

Know I’ve critiqued tibs and when it comes to some of the coaching schemes but for the most part I always say that he’s but I always tell you that he’s done a good job right I have nothing against tips I think he does a phenomenal job some may even in the chat

Call me you know a guy who always Praises tibs a little too much I find things to critique though you know we try to keep it balanced around here try to keep fair and balanced fair and balanced go ahead but you have to respect the work that he’s done and what

Anything about that poll tells me CP yep is that I don’t know and I think it could go a couple of ways right with obviously during the Bulls era different time period you know playing your players a lot of minutes was you know not frowned upon that’s just kind of the

Norm like if you had Melo on the team you’re playing Melo a bulk of minutes because your stars get a bulk of minutes yeah then we had the the wave of load management he goes to Minnesota when it’s starting to take effect right and I think the exper experience with cat and

Hearing like how everything you know ruptured over there especially after trading for Jimmy Butler how Jimmy Butler you know went and had that crazy practice calling everybody out and then you have tibs who is not only the head coach but the general manager and even when we listen to our guy John krinski

Of the athletic and talks about that time period too you hear how tibs just wasn’t fit to do both roles and being that guy who oversees the entire operations different personality it was just Doom and Gloom from the start now he’s solidified in in the role that he

Is and maybe that’s just past dealings that everyone gives for that that that you know that Doom and Gloom look for Tom tib on why he didn’t get a favorable Outlook in the poll but I think another thing is too CP is that there’s just some players as we know in the league

That aren’t about that that aren’t about you know wanting to get after it every single day day in and day out okay and that’s where you see the great ones from the guys who just want to take it casually and then when you have a bunch

Of players on the Knicks who are about that life this is the results that you get for a Tom tiptoed team and it’s just awesome to see true indeed true true indeed man so uh more of this article from Sam amch of the athletic talked about the tibs extension who he says

According to League sources which could mean anything these guys you know anybody could be a league Source I could be a league Source it says uh tibs is expecting or hoping to get one this summer obviously right now when you look at some of the more notable coaching

Salaries in the league right now uh and tips is getting about 7 million a year right now you got Monty Williams who took uh a sixe who stole uh $ 78.5 million from the Detroit Pistons 6 years 78 five okay so that is about 13 you got

Pop who is at uh 580 5 for 80 for pop so he’s at uh 16 and then you have Eric spoler eight years 100 for Coach SPO Doc Rivers his deal in Milwaukee in January runs through the 26 27 Seasons worth about 40 combined and you got

Steve Kerr 2year 35 so a lot of coach Coes in the league are getting bags and I think tibs is on his way man I give him all of man’s money I give him all of Mon’s money uh yeah I mean Monty hasn’t won anything so that’s uh that’s not tough

He he stole it my man said yeah I don’t want to coach and Detroit was like all right how about $80 million all right where’s where’s my clipboard tough like what’s crazy is that actually what’s crazy is Greg papovich signing a five-year extension for only 80 it feels like he should be

He feels like he should have the same type of yeah money that uh Eric spoler is getting just for the amount of championships that he’s won spoler you know the time that he won with uh Lebron James and you had two files appearances with Jimmy Butler so it makes sense um

Doc still making money off one ring impressive man I have no idea how this man does it from from from almost two decades ago bro like this guy is still living off a one ring which Tom Tibido helped him win by the way but hey we won’t go down that

Road that’s not what we’re about right right now so and then we have Steve CER for two years 35 million yeah man I feel like you could give him Monty’s money like I mean for what he’s done like this will be the third year the Knicks have made the

Playoffs out of Four Seasons under his watch and and he’s made it you know to the second round last season let’s see what he does this year um I think what happens this year will dictate the type of money he gets because I think if you get another

Second round appearance then you got to give him I say he’s definitely worth Monty’s money like there’s no there’s no arguing that I think if if it’s a if it’s a one and done depending on the matchup and how everything’s Falls right yeah uh I think you could say less than

That but it will all be determined by this postseason I I think he gets it man I think he gets it back 0 you think he gets 80 uh 80 they go to like Conference Finals if they go to Conference Finals I think he could they go to the conference he

Didn’t do a damn thing yeah but they go to the Conference Finals mean he went to an NBA Finals let me take that back he went to an NBA Finals with the Suns granted coach of the year like it’s one finals that he’s been to yeah I I I

Think you know four three out of the four years you’re in the playoffs you’re fourth fifth seed each of those times you’re in the middle of the pack of East right so you’re not like waiting for help to scrape in and you’re not in the playing you’re right there in the East

You’re bringing Dolan money into the playoffs the season ticket holders are getting dragged right now everybody’s on Twitter complaining about uh how Dolan is breaking bottles over their head for uh playoff tickets so he’s tips is filling the seats he’s got people playing the premiums for playoffs he got

Fans outside Seventh Avenue having parades he’s going to reward tibs man it’s not it’s not you know operating in the same cash as as the team books don’t only give him whatever he wants if it’s a good year man and it is the Knicks remember that it’s the Knicks you

Know the Knicks are it’s it’s a different story it’s not like Monty taking the Suns where it’s like oh you know that’s a very well-known franchise but no one’s like really paying attention on the Suns and when they’re gonna make you know the the moves and start winning again it’s the Knicks

We’re talking about you know one of the original franchises of the NBA you know it’s them and Boston to have not relocated none of that yeah and so the fact that we went through damn near 20 years of just Doom and Gloom you know we

Had a good we had a good run with Melo yeah until uh Phil Jackson but you know I feel like the weight the weight of what Tom Tibido has done for this franchise outweighs what Monty did with the Suns yeah it’s a new day man no more LOL Nicks no more

Trauma no more turning on you know a certain uh Big Brother Network that just constantly Cycles how the Nicks stink you know we don’t have to hear Max big perk is with us man big perk what a world we live in where somebody at a major network is with us CP what a

World and we did you see the whole Fiasco with big perk on the show last night yesterday post game which one uh no no I didn’t oh we had oh Nick na Nick Nation we we basically rally the troops like the night King and Game of Thrones

And we had Nick Nation they oh man we set it off on on Twitter a bullying campaign if you will but friendly friendly bullying oh to come on the show ah and and he he finally answered a text oh yeah I’ve been trying to reach out to

Him a couple of times now uh yeah so you know Nicks Nation we we we just had to assemble and you know get some straightening out here we’ll carry the hell on then I guess yeah so we’ll see what happens bad perk claims he’s coming to kftv we’ll

Try to make it happen we do have uh Mike vof off the athletic coming through on Tuesday and then a special guest Al of the ESPN caliber but I haven’t named him coming on Friday you know Friday is our 500th episode of post game live so we will have a big postgame show

As well but we’re gonna kick the day off with a surprise guest for the lunchtime live stream surprise guest I heard CP is buying champagne for everybody we will be sipping Friday night we will be sipping Friday night for sure for sure shout out I’ll be

Waiting in the I’ll be waiting for my gift in the mail CP yeah yeah we we we will be sipping uh your your watch and your pen is on the way as well man you’re watching you go watch the watching the pen yeah you go watch the

The pen so yeah um so no Friday we we will be great we’ll try to schedule perk and we’ll see what’s good there other news Al not so good news we we gave him 30 minutes of great news uh not so good news though on the injury front

OG will be missing the Pistons game OG anobi will have missed four games due to what the Knicks says injury maintenance on his surgically repaired right elbow scale of one to five Al one being not concerned five being very concerned where you at on the OG front three okay

All right all right look I told you and everybody else everyone thought I was crazy to say oh Alex you’re over Bing this it’s just a bone spur why you concerned now he’s missing games yeah now he’s missing games and my thing is that I always come back to this guy says

He needs to play at 100% CP we talked about it I know you’re a firm believer in saying seeing thinking that he will play the entire playoffs because he wants to greatest bag I need to see it to believe it I need to see that he will

Be out there competing at all costs no matter the pain no matter whatever and just be out there because when I hear a guy has to be 100% a guy that has missed a playoffs due to an injury that that believe that was the same year that the

Raptors won the championship with kawhai yeah you know this is a guy that we just know that that’s what happens man and he has all these obscure injuries not these routine injuries not not an ankle brain nothing of that nature it’s always like something unique yeah when it comes to

This guy and it’s like it always holds him back and this is this is just the same thing that we’ve seen in the past if you follow the league that OG has a random injury now he’s missing games again is it something concerned where he can re-aggravate it no but it’s just

Managing the pain tolerance and yeah unlike Julius who tibs always gives credit to for being able to have a high tolerance for pain and playing through injury that’s not on OG’s map anywhere yeah so it’s out of three I do believe he’ll come back I believe this is just

Maintenance because why risk one of your best your you know the premier defenders in the NBA to getting hurt prior to where it’s the most important part of the year which is postseason I expect him to be back for then you know we had that discussion

Where this is a guy that if rols were reversed I’d rather Randall be able to come back sooner and then you you can keep OG fresh for the playoffs so I expect him to be back in the playoffs but it’s just giving me concern to once

The playoffs happen yeah will he be able to make it through the entire postseason yeah I I agree I would say one to five I’m about a two you know it’s disappointing to see him come back and then you know be screaming in pain Sacramento game and then look terrible

The rest of the way until he went back onto the Shelf it’s a concern in terms of longterm just like uh is this thing going to be a problem because I believe you know the honeymoon phase right now is great it’s all sweet looks great

Once he gets the bag it’s all out the window all it’s all out the window once he gets the bag this summer and then you start missing games and it becomes kind of same old Nick type thing fans fans are going to slowly turn on him so I think it become

A dangerous thing so hopefully he can bounce back have a big playoff and then and then you worry about the offseason when it comes the good thing is is that they’re fine right now even though I think this some of the starters will be overloaded because of the

Ineffectiveness of the bench so being short-handed although they are winning and surviving I have to think that it’s going to wear on them and wear them down by the time they get to the end of the season so that could be a little bit of a concern but for right now seating wise

And where they are playoff positioning it hasn’t hurt them for him being out so I think they could stretch they could probably stretch this thing out until probably day one in the playoffs I think him and Julius man day one in the playoffs is probably when when you see

These guys back so they won’t need him tomorrow night against the 12- win lowly Pistons but I hope not yeah D Deuce is enough man Deuce got it got us and and we’ll hold us down so there it is on the OG front let us know your thoughts in

The chat man one through five one being conern a little concerned five being very concerned leave your comments in the chat we’ll shout you guys outout out D Tyler in the chat said Trad him for maau Bridges he’s trying to complete the Nova quadrant trying to complete that you

Know Ma you saw that Josh heart quote yeah what what he say what what did Josh oh well I don’t know if you’re a big sponge that was past my time that was past my time okay like that SpongeBob eror wasn’t me so there’s a meme yeah

From a from a great moment in SpongeBob where Patrick and SpongeBob are outside playing they’re frolicking they’re frolicking outside and Squidward is inside looking through the shades and so you know he’s looking jealously essentially as watching two people who could just be happy and you know for no

Reason while he’s just a miserable guy in his house and that’s what he’s saying Macau Bridges Macau bridge is just Squidward inside looking out the window watching Dante Brunson and Josh Hart have fun on the other side at the at the true New York team while maau Bridges is

Suffering on that God awful swamp dragon team that is the New Jersey Nets I love the fact what I love the fact that heartt is able it’s almost like the anti-tampering where Hart a guy like a heart that’s a good thing that’s a good way to call it like you can’t find plays

For tampering first and foremost but for Josh Hart it’s almost like that anti-tampering where through through lesser words he’s showing him like yo you know you want to be here and he’s done it so many times on Twitter it’s great it’s an incredible troll job by Josh Hart it’s very funny

And and uh great job by you articulating such an important critical pivotal moment in SpongeBob history great job by you man that that’s I try man I try to be that bridge between you know your generation and the Millennials I appreciate you I appreciate you translating for me man no problem I know

You were just at your boy’s 40th birthday so I know you you see that number you’re like hold on one second like I said you know I was just sitting back throwing the scotch back that wasn’t mine I was looking around the room I was like yeah

You made it you made it I’m I’m still waiting so I’m good you know I’m still young compared to them I’m still young so don’t need to you know your knees are still working they ain’t squeaking yet oh oh they’re definitely squeaking but uh yeah yeah the morning the mornings

Can be rough you know you gota that I’m at the age now where like it’s mandatory to stretch you know back in the day like stretching used to be a luxury now it’s like you’re cooked if you don’t stretch in the morning um I did watch X-Men though the reboot X-Men

97 ah excellent excellent production excellent production I can’t say enough I mean worldwide people are just like raving about this thing LeBron James went on Twitter like yo when is episode three coming out we itching right now that’s my generation you know I was watching that

Too we’re not that how old were you in 97 97 I think you you was you was still in your pull-ups man you still drinking simac in9 you was still drinking Similac in 97 wasn’t you Similac Jesus you still a geret baby back in them days was did you tell the truth bro

Excuse me sir I was I was having my fruit rollups you know my string things my capric sons okay and having orange slices after soccer [Laughter] practice yeah yeah yeah yeah no I hear you man no um very well done man Xmen 97 it’s on Disney

Plus they they did a hell of a job on the first two hell of a job the animation is great um storyline excellent they they did a really really good job so far I highly recommend it even if you haven’t watched you know you could probably catch up in the original

Series somewhere some alternative you and sources but um yeah it’s good it was good man definitely good okay salute to everybody in the chat once again salute to Ryme animal Chuck D five Super Chat says Taps will be heading into the playoffs with a bit of pressure it’s his

Canvas and he has lots of paints 2024 will be his moment to prove his culture can he get it done we shall see man just give just give us a fully healthy Nicks team CP and I know not everyone’s gonna be like 100% healthy for the playoffs but just give me I just

Need to see Julius and OG and Mitch on the court that’s it yeah all right yep being able to contribute in some fashion and it seems like the black nness monster will be coming back soon he’s been participating as time Tom tib said this week it’s going to be a slow ramp

Up for Mitch so you expect to see more hartenstein who’s playing well getting better more precious and a little bit of Mitch as he ramps up over the final two three weeks of the Season no word on Julius hold on CP hold on one second shout out to Chuck D throw

A hasht PE in the chat for he says Alex the same age as my kids so yeah I’m familiar with SpongeBob Chuck Dino SpongeBob what are you doing out here I I know it I wasn’t watching it I wasn’t watching the the SpongeBob and by by

That time I was watching uh what year was what year was SpongeBob what year was that I think 99 he came out 99 yeah I was in high school but then bro I wasn’t watching no spons I was watching Stone Cold Steve Austin stomp a mud hole through people on Monday nights

Drinking beers and whatnot that’s what I was doing and then I would replicate that in high school so I would see my friend I would catch him lacking as he’s at his locker catch with a stone cold stunner that’s what we were doing in high school man we thought we was you

Know Stone Cold we thought we was in the end he was doing all kind of crazy stuff I wasn’t watching SpongeBob man yeah that was a little past my time I was familiar but it was just you know past my time bro oh okay okay Austin 316 that was my God man

100% 100% man shout out John Johnson you f out Super Chat says do you think Leon Rose can pull off putting injury stipulations into OG’s extension I’m not sure that that’s probably a question for or uh like a Marx or something I’m not sure you know injury stipulation yeah I think it goes

To the amount of games right yeah probably like incentives you know or bonuses like you know you could probably structure with some bonuses in there but right I don’t think it’s going to be based on like you got to stay healthy that’s a little wild yeah injur

Is part of the game yeah um but I’m sure it’s like if you play x amount of games as we’re seeing right now with like the awards right got to play at least 65 and I think this is a good segue to for me to ask you this question everyone in the

Chat how many games would be appropriate for OG to play on a year-to-year basis for the fan base not to turn on him right because CPI said that earlier in the show where it’s like if he starts missing you know many games right uh Define many what what what is the

Appropriate number that you need to see from OG in and out is it 50 games is it 60 games 65 barely anybody’s playing 70 so what’s the amount of games that you need to see from OG on a season I mean I would have to say like 60 60

60 okay 60 you know 65 about that okay we’re getting some good num we’re getting some interesting numbers in the chat we’re getting 55 70 55 65 65 okay de Mario Mont say 82 no playl to let’s let’s stop yeah um shout out to Kobe in the

Chat to co yeah I’d say 60 is 65 you know what I’m saying 50 okay JJ saying 55 to 60 okay G5 Wii saying 50 to 60 somewhere between there I think that I think that’s a solid range okay with that with that being said you have to be there for the

Playoffs you can play that many games but you got to be there for the playoffs you got to be there you start missing playoffs that’s a real big problem yeah yeah Anthony says whatever the eligibility is to make Awards which in OG’s case would be defensive play of the Year all defense 655

65 65 there it is okay good segment so far Nicks and pistons tomorrow postgame tap in with us will be there Mike Vin off of the athletic on Tuesday Big Show Friday for the 500 last segment of the show Al worst take let’s get to worst

Take man and for worst take we want you guys to send us as we ramp up for each next weekly if there’s a bad take out there whether it’s you know somebody from the major Network said something ridiculous or or your homies in the group chat a whiling out over at Nick

Tape send it to us on social media or email us kftv Medi and we will react to the best ones on the addition of worst take all right Al so the first one up is our Guy Stephen A Smith and he was on first take earlier this week and he was

Asked about Jaylen Brunson versus Shay gilis Alexander let’s hear what Stephen A had to say on uh on such things here we go and has been Sensational as a native New York and a Die Hard Knicks fan I’m so thankful and grateful for the greatness that he’s put

On let’s let’s reset it just make sure you got it it’s been Sensational Jaylen Bruns has been Sensational as a native New York and a Die Hard Knicks fan I’m so thankful and grateful for the greatness that he’s put on display I think he’s been arguably the greatest

Free agent pickup this decade outside of LeBron James I mean he’s been that phenomenal averaging 29 a game by the way since Julius Randall and OG and anobi has gone down and having said that he’s still behind Shay gilis Alexander let’s pump the breaks just to touch and put into

Perspective who Shay gilgas Alexander is and what this brother brings to the table he’s second in the league and scoring he’s averaging 30.9 points per game career high 54.4% shooting from the field 37.5% from three-point range leads the NBA in over two steals per game career high 6.4

Assist per game right there with Brunson at 65 14 .7 points in the paint per game which is fifth in the NBA and check out this stat perk on Pace to join Michael Jordan as the only players in league history with two seasons averaging 30 points and five assists shooting 50%

From the field by the age of 25 this brother is something special all right Al is that a good take or the worst take yeah thoughts SGA Brunson rate Stephen A’s uh take there good take worse take what do you think I think it’s a worst take talk

About it look man how many times do we have to watch Jaylen Brunson not have his guy his his running mate out there Julius Randall and still go out there and win and still maintain fourth in the Eastern Conference I’m looking at OKC and this is not to discredit what SGA has done

For that team SGA has been averaging 30 he did it last season too SGA is a talent but are we also going to ignore the addition of Chad hren to this rotation are we also going to ignore that Jaylen Wills has stepped up to being that secondary score for this team

Are we also going to ignore Isaiah Joe the other jayen Williams coming off the bench are we going to ignore L Dort and what he does for this team it just seems like when we talk about SGA and as great as he is he is that dude he is the guy

That makes that team run without him they’re not in the position that they are no doubt about it but they also need the rest of those guys on that team to stay in contention okay even giddy gives you some games here and there yeah so they have a stacked roster the Knicks

Are deep team but I wouldn’t put them without Julius Randall a fully stacked roster whereas like I’m looking when I look at that Thunder team I could say you know what jayen Williams he could probably go be his own guy on his own

Team C can go be his own guy on his own team SGA is the guy on his team how many guys outside of Brunson right now can you say this guy could be the guy on his own team without Julius because Julius showed us the first year he won most

Improved was an Allstar all NBA he could be a guy to lead the team and and take you you know to get that good positioning for the playoffs Brunson shown that but you don’t have your guy who is it Dante I don’t see Dante being

A guy that can run his own team I don’t see Josh Hart being a guy that can run his own team these guys are great role players but you need Jaylen Brunson to be that engine that keeps this car moving so I give Brunson that edge

Because he’s had to do more with less than sgaa on this season but what do you think it’s good good stuff good good take by you man I I I I uh appreciate how you broke that down against Guy s uh Stephen A

Smith I got to go the other way man oh I got to go the other way as much as I would like to say this is a worst take candidate I think it’s actually a good take I I think it is a good take by

Stephen a um I mean if you look at the two players side by side comparison SGA SGA uh is gonna take Brunson man he’s gonna take Brunson here I’m pulling up the stats here on um on uh basketball reference hang tight salute to everybody in the chat once

Again hit that thumbs up button for your boys SJ is going to take it here he’s played both guys have played relatively the same amount of games um I’m just making it bigger here for the people both guys have relatively played the same amount of games here you

Had SJ at 68 Brunson at 65 uh SGA 30 points per game Brunson 27 SGA five rebounds big a guard Brunson three uh relatively same in assist per game now what I would say SGA where he’s a little bit different than Brunson he’s not the three-point

Shooter that Brunson is right he not the three-point Sho shooting 37% from three Brunson shoting 30 but SGA gets his buckets a little bit differently because he is a mid-range assassin in his own right how about this they played roughly the same amount of games Jaylen Brunson now 30 plus point

Games this season 27 how much you think Shay has that I mean he’s averaging 30 CP how many how many 30 plus point games 50 50 50 that that’s not all if you go to the advanced numbers he’s clearing them from VOR to box plus minus you talking about play efficiency

Rating I mean s he’s he’s Claren Brunson in a lot lot of these stats especially the advanced stats um true shooting percentage 64% to 58% uh like I said the player efficiency rating 30 for SGA 22 for Brunson win shares 14 for SGA 8.7 for Brunson I mentioned the vorb 6.8 to

4.3 I mean these are MV MVP type numbers like legit MVP type numbers not like you know you deserve to be in the conversation like these are legit legit MVP type numbers here um from SGA as compared to Brunson I think they are comparable players like in a crunch time

Scenario who am I looking for I think it’s a tossup you know I love Brunson in crunch time SJ statistically has shown that uh he’s one of the best clutch players in the sport but I think you can literally toss it up I but I think SGA clears him he’s a better

Defender I think he’s a better playmaker and and the advanced numbers show that in terms of impact who’s more impactful for their team I’m I’m going to give it to SGA and I think that’s why he’s a legitimate uh MVP candidate whereas Brunson is in the conversation but SGA can legitimately

Win it and then on top of that I mean you take your team from 10th in the west to the best in the west yes there’s a lot of a lot of guys deserve that credit like you said chat for sure chat for sure especially defensively and as a

Rebounder he’s helped them Jaylen Williams star you know in the making I still think it SG is he’s he’s the straw for that entire thing man he’s the straw for that entire thing I I gotta give it a SGA man this is you know it’s uh it’s

Not like we’re it’s not like we’re arguing SGA or Trey or SGA or or somebody else you know it’s not like we’re it I think both these guys are more than qualified for the award I hear what you’re saying I would just say this to you CP I’ve seen SGA average 30 last

Year and be a playing Team yeah I’ve seen where Brunton has Hades even though he doesn’t have to do that just the gravity it’s him just by himself changes the Dynamics of what this team is and for a guy like Jaylen Brunson to not be stopped by any play any team last year

Okay he went through the Cavs Miami didn’t have an answer for him we just heard uh Mike Brown talk about how he got the Steph Curry treatment this year and you know blitzing him and making sure you make him uncomfortable but that didn’t stop him against the Sacramento

Kings this is a guy that doesn’t get waiver that still gets to his spots wherever he wants to no one can stop his game and I think when you think about that type of aspect to a player yeah you can go to the numbers what you give to

SGA but for Jaylen Brunson he’s doing stuff that just by the eye test Alone says this guy’s a dog this guy you got to respect this guy is just Unstoppable and yes SGA is also Unstoppable but when I look at the impact that he’s made on a

Team not only for his own team here on the New York Knicks for two seasons in a row think about what happened when he when luku was out in that first round of the playoffs it was him that took down helped that take down to take down the

Utah Jazz and that’s got to be accounted for as well because this is sga’s first time first time being a guy that is leading his team to the playoffs not play in playoffs and we still have to see what he do does in the players I get

The MVPs a regular season award I guess that I get that is the meas I’m not saying SJ is buns I’m not saying SJ is that he’s more than like more than worthy to be in this conversation but I’m going to go with my guy Jaylen Brunson because to do it again where

You’re now still you were fifth last year now you’re fourth this year you’re maintaining and this is a guy that just takes it to another level in the playoffs I’m GNA go with my guy shout out guy Anthony pariso on the chat he says let’s take a look at the clutch

Numbers so in the clutch right now you look at season total totals and clutch being defined as you know game being within five points or less within the final five minutes of a game uh SGA ninth in clutch points with 98 boy Steph Curry 176 clutch points this year crazy

Wow Demar D rozan 166 wait how many clutch points is Steph Curry this year 176 bro and how are they still in the play right right right so in total clutch points uh SGA in ninth overall with 98 I think Brunson is about 24th with 72 clutch points brunon was like a

Top five clutch player last year if you go to um averages these are totals per game in the clutch you have uh SGA is 16th with 3.2 points per game in the clutch and then Brunson is where’s Brunson at 20th so sga’s 16th brunson’s 20th with uh looks like two

Point no Brunson is 2.8 points per game or 3.0 points per game in the clutch SJ 3.2 SJ shooting 61% from the field in the clutch Brunson 46 SGA 36% from three in the clutch Brunson 26 this year let’s take a look at where it was

Last year just for uh Giggles I know Brunson was way up there if you go to points per game last year in the clutch Brunson was at he was eighth in the league with four points per game in the clutch SGA was 19th with 3.4 Brunson

Was shooting last year 50% 51% from the clutch 37 from three SGA 38% 25 from three so almost reverse numbers between this year and last year between the two guys in in the clutch interesting very interesting indeed man what do you guys think of the chat man

Brunson or SGA what do you what you make of uh Stephen A’s take was it a good take was it a worst take leave us a comment in the comment section and we will respond to it uh as we go along man but great great segment and like I said

To play along on wor take send us your submissions if it’s a video if it’s a clip if it’s a tweet if it’s take from the group chat send a screenshot and we will react to it oh yes for the group chat wow this is getting messy right oh

The group chat the group chat is where all the debates go man so we so we have to be the arbitrators of this you know what I’m saying I hear you worst take worst take and if you want CP to do food reviews especially from Cleveland make sure to send them all his

Way no testimonial man anyway great show out great show all the mods great show all the producers man gamit Tyler great show uh TM great show Ryme animal Chuck D junr caroma inhan Al we got Andrew H big Nick energy salute Damen Palmer salute salute Anthony Paro once again

Man great show see you guys tomorrow for our postgame live Nicks versus Pistons remember that the show is available in audio podcast format man no reason to miss it you can catch us on all major podcast platforms and salute to our sponsors man salute to our sponsors at Underdog fantasy go to Underdog use promo code kftv for instant deposit match up to $100 salute to our guys at manscape go to use our code kftv for 20% off plus free shipping and that’s that man great show Al we said 30 minutes we did an hour so so you won you won the

Bet man how many times CP how many times I got to tell you look man sometimes you just having fun you get carried away you know what I’m saying for sure just don’t just don’t lie at me man don’t lie to me oh 30 minute show 30 minute show 40

Minute come on man I know it’s going to be an hour no matter how high hard how hard I try you know somebody’s got to do it you Ain talking to me man I know you you like talking to me anyway man check y’all tomorrow for

Post game great show man we out of here

The Deuce Is Loose – Thibs Wants The Bag – Brunson vs SGA



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  1. I hate to admit it but you gotta pay Thibs… He is the best coach we had since Jeff Van .. He doing This with one Starter from opening night

  2. Pistons will be hungry after the missed call. Don’t take them lightly. Trap game. But we gotta win that game.

  3. The Knicks is much better physical team than last year more replacement parts. We just have to get healthy period. 😮

  4. Deuce is the Xfactor getting better game by game brick brick the second coming of Nate Robinson and Marcus smart combined. Blue blood 💙 next man up mentally student of the game.

  5. This Dad loved the Trey McBride. Keep ‘em coming CP!
    But that was Clyde’s (and mine) from months ago lol

    I had said last year that if he shoots 3s better he’d be Trey McBride

  6. We don't need OG to beat the Detroit pistons. But he has to understand no pain no gain. He may miss the money 💰 this off season.

  7. I rather the Knicks play Philly and Heat vs Celtics in the first round. This will give everybody a chance to see a strategy vs Celtics and Heat.

  8. When you comparing those SGA and Brunson size does Matter. Imagine Brunson at 6.4 .6.5 running the point. That would make a huge difference.

  9. Play to win. Matchup chasing for the playoffs can get you burned, you never know who gets hurt, who starts slow, or who heats up. Play to win. That being said, if you knew that our squad would be 💯healthy, in sync, and ready for the ECF, then sure hold ☘off until then…but you can't know for sure, so play to win and let the matchups fall where they may. Salute & Peace.

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