@Toronto Raptors

He was BETTING AGAINST HIMSELF… – Jontay Porter May Have RUINED His Career | Raptors News

He was BETTING AGAINST HIMSELF… – Jontay Porter May Have RUINED His Career | Raptors News

This is one of the most insane stories I’ve seen out of the Toronto Raptors in a long time as Adrian morowski broke that jonte Porter a new acquisition for the Toronto Raptors Midway through this year a guy that the Raptors took a chance on the organization gave him a

Shot after a ton of injuries after a lot of hard work to get back in the NBA had a really awesome story going CU frankly he was earning himself a roster spot he was earning himself a contract for next season and he just decided to throw it all away I guess potentially allegedly

If all this stuff from the reports ends up being accurate again that’s something you do have to take with a grain of salt but if true if this report from Adan wowski if this bomb from Adrian wowski is true this man threw away potentially his entire NBA career for a few extra

Bucks on draft kicks or something this is absolutely insane so we’re going to break down this story about jonte Porter betting on himself but betting the under what it means for his NBA career in the Toronto Raptors and just the bad craziness of this report but before we

Dive into that folks again over 55% of our viewers are not subscribed to the channel and we want to keep you up to date with all the latest Toronto Raptors news so make sure to subscribe to the channel so we can keep you up to date

With all of the madness that goes around this Toronto Raptors theme and it continues to get weirder continues to get crazier because jte Porter as I mentioned had a really cool story going for him had a lot of people rooting for this man but as said Adrian Mor Janowski came out

And dropped a crazy story this man took Fred Van’s betting advice bet on yourself and took it the wrong way basically the full story on the MBA investigation to prop betting irregularities around Raptors jonte Porter has been released so basically this is the full article from AJ

Bojanowski or the most the Snippets from the article in the game on January 26th against the LA Clippers there was increased betting interest on the under for jonte Porters prop bets which for the night were set at 5.5 points 4.5 rebounds and 1.5 assists and to sort of

Translate that cuz again I don’t know much about sports betting I read into this stuff if you’re not into sports betting don’t get into it you lose money onto it but you know not to roast people that are into it but basically the odds you could bet on

Whether or not jonte Porter would score over 5.5 points you could bet whether or not he would get over 4.5 rebounds and you could bet whether or not he would get over or under 1.5 assists so you could bet the over or you could bet the

Under so there was also an over under on jonte Porter making three-pointers which was over 0.5 so if he made a three-pointer and you bet over you’d make some money if you bet under and he didn’t make any threes you’d make some money there so that’s what the sports

Books that’s what uh these sort of bookies were thrown out there for jonte Porter stats and then basically that night Porter played Just 4 minutes before leaving the game due to what the Raptor said was a re-aggravation of an eye injury he suffered days earlier in the game against the Memphis Grizzlies

He did not score in that game against the Clippers he had three rebounds one assist and did not attempt a three meaning he hit the under on all of those props so the people that were betting under on jonte Porter for those stats they ended up making money they made a

Ton of money right so basically the report goes on to say that the next day The Daily Report or uh the daily report for users betting on uh results on draft sports book reported that the under on jonty Porters three-pointers was the biggest Money winner for betters of any

NBA props from games that evening Porter played 14 19 minutes two days later and scored 12 points seven rebounds and three assists so the article goes on to say that on March 20th in a game against the Phoenix Suns Porter played just three minutes before leaving the game

Due to what the Raptor said was an illness and did not return he did not score he attempted and missed one shot and had two rebounds the Sportsbook had his over under set at 7.5 points and 5.5 rebounds the next day draftking sports books reported to its users that Porter

Prop bets were the number one money maker from the night in the NBA Porter the brother of Denver Nuggets Michael Porter Jr is on a 2way contract earning about $415,000 this season and frankly was probably going to get a full out MBA contract next year making a heck ton

More money so basically what he was doing you know the bet on yourself stuff every Raptor fans heard that about Fred vanite and all that he took that but instead of betting you know that he’d be able to do it he bet that he wouldn’t be

Able to do it he wouldn’t be able to put up those stats and made some money or at least allegedly someone was betting with this knowledge with this information that jonte Porter wasn’t going to hit those numbers on his over unders in terms of stats and then he just straight

Up leave the game you know with some injuries again an eye injury it’s easy to kind of fake in illness it’s easy to probably fake and he allegedly left the games in terms of you know so someone could make money on DraftKings that is ridiculous if this is true again I’m

Going to keep saying that because maybe this is a irregularity or doesn’t look like it but maybe in a world that this is that is shocking that is absolutely bananas that a guy fighting for his NBA career a guy that’s young has the opportunity it’s playing well things are

Working out you also have a brother on a Max contract so your family’s Lo didn’t D you’re getting a $415,000 you know in the NBA here right now you’re putting up solid stats I mean 611 4.4 points again not crazy sort of numbers but he was doing some good

Things when he’s actually getting opportunities a lot of raptors fans like this guy in terms of his ability to get some run and then you’re risking it all you’re you’re throwing it all out there because if this gets picked up and he’s purposely you know exiting games in

Order to not hit that over under stats in terms of his stat lines and stuff if he’s leaving games because of this that’s he’s gone like he’s gone from this Raptor’s team and it’s not like he’s sh Otani or someone like that where you know you could blame it on an

Interpreter and then sort of get away with it Scott free or whatever the heck is going to happen to him right jonte Porter is a fringe NBA player he could work his way up you know he could be a solid role player I think at some point

In his career if things went the right way he stayed healthy and stuff but right now he’s a guy that’s on a two-way contract he is not in the position to be just dangling around his career with you know risking sports betting on DraftKings and you know selling games

Leaving games Midway through to sort of just make a few extra bucks on the side or get his fam to make a few extra bucks I don’t know what on Earth this man was thinking that is some of the dumbest if this is true that is some of the dumbest

Sort of logic I have ever seen and probably indicates that there’s more of this stuff actually going on again the the sports betting space is just getting absolutely crazy you know I I learned a lot more about it over the past year we had a couple betting sponsorships a

Couple years ago or early last year I don’t even know we’re not having any more of those in the future but holy smokes like after learning more about it and just how it’s all messed up and it’s affecting the game like we’re seeing Tyrese halber we’re seeing coaches you

Know I forget which coach came out and said it that there’s death threats getting thrown their way because of these prop bets and everything that’s going on people trying to make money and I don’t know man that is this story about jonte Porter specifically is bananas it is absolutely crazy so we’ll

See what comes of it again hopefully it’s not hopefully there’s an exclamation Because again jonte Porter was becoming a favorite amongst fans a guy that could potentially make this team in the future you know one of those sort of Acquisitions we’ve made Midway through this year to potentially make

This team but it seems like the cycle of these players is going to continue it seems like jonte Porter is not going to you know it’s the reason he’s probably away du to personal reasons I think that’s the reason they gave you know him not being in this game and stuff like

That this clearly the reason why he’s not playing the Raptors have to investigate whether or not there’s a guy on their team you know we’re all joking about the tank and this team you know throwing games because they want the better draft pick but I mean like the

Players are trying hard at least we just injured it’s just kind of how our roster looks this man is legitimately leaving his job which I know 415,000 doesn’t sound a lot compared to you know Bruce making 28 million or whatever the heck he’s making right but $415,000 you’re making a bunch of money

And you’re just kind of leaving to make a few extra bucks on DraftKings or something crazy absolutely Madness for me I know the game’s on too the Raptor’s Nets but I saw this I was out working at a Starbucks I had to come home and record give my reaction to this we’ll

See if I do I might drop the Nets reaction in the in the morning we’ll see how this schedule all this but I wanted to get this out as soon as possible but you guys the best make this far subscribe to Channel if you guys haven’t already that is uh bananas cheers

In a recent report from Adrian Wojnarowski, it was revealed that the NBA is investigating Toronto Raptors center Jontay Porter for irregular prop betting. If this story is accurate, it will be one of the most insane stories of the season. Ben Rogers breaks it all down.

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  1. Unfortunately, Porter doesn’t have a translator, so his career will likely be over. Sucks that Porter took FVV’s mantra too literally.

  2. NBA should make Raptors forfeit all games that Porter was in this season due to Game Integrity. There is no way to know forsure whether Porter was altering games that altered the outcome.

  3. This is stupid, we have teams like the spurs and the pistons losing even more games and probably have the bets on their own tanks, why have sports betting commercials every 25 seconds and punish the players for getting in on what owners have been doing for years

  4. The rise in sports betting is ruining pro sports! Also I don’t believe he’s the only player doing this. If you’re seeing this popping up in baseball and now the NBA it’s likely in all sports and likely a huge problem. This is why I believe the refs are also betting on games which is why you’re seeing some of these insane refereed games. Remember Gobert doing the money sign to the refs and getting fined for it ? He likely knows this is going on in the league which is why he did that to the refs.

  5. MPJ – no court vision. Never passes the ball
    Jontay Porter – no financial vision. Threw away entire potential nba career for a few thousand dollars.

    Man they both dumb. Hella dumb.

  6. He may have been faking illness and injuries to make his bets. Career ending mistake. Won’t even play international with this.

  7. I'm going to bet $1000 that MPJ was also in on it and made some cash from his brother.
    If im an opposing team of the Nuggets like the Lakers or T-wolves, I would call the FBI and adam silver to also investigate into MPJ and his family. That would totally F the nuggets by having him sidelined during the playoffs.

  8. Isn’t this a thing throughout the league? What did they expect with legal sports betting? Or is it because the Raptors are tanking and he’s playing his part.

  9. If he did this he is an absolute idiot! No sympathy for him if it's true! What a way to throw away your career, but he deserves it if rumours prove correct!

  10. Listening to the remainder of your video, it will be very difficult to prove. Even if he did leave both games, and someone close to him made the bets, it's still almost impossible to prove anything. It does sound very suspicious, but someone has to snitch on him giving other additional info (like a tape recorded conversation), to really prove it. I suspect there is a snitch involved, otherwise can't see it getting to this point.

  11. Bruce Brown should be investigated 😂 All those blown lay up’s are most definitely suspect 😂

  12. Ben, love the fact you are calling out Shohei for potentially using his interpreter as a fall guy and staying away from gambling sponsors. It is disturbing to me how quickly sports media got in bed with gambling sites and it is actually a part of the broadcasts for hosts to have to pick bets. Gambling is a huge addiction and major league sports now encourage it.

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