@Philadelphia 76ers

In honor of beating James Harden, I want to thank him for one of the funniest moments ever: him teaching Joel the step back and then Joel getting called for a travel trying it the very same day

Pompey and others tweeted this training video on Feb 15

Joel gets called for a travel trying it and fucking up the footwork at the end of the 2nd quarter that same day. Absolutely legendary shenanigans s=46

by zincinzincout


  1. James Harden has taken more steps than Moses and the Israelites.

  2. lukelionsword

    Oh man I remember seeing this and thinking I was the one that glitched😂
    Luckily Maxey picked up the legit version of this step back!

  3. HisExcellency20

    This was funny as hell. Of course, in keeping with tradition, Joel did learn it properly later.

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