@Boston Celtics

PSA: The Celtics have blown the fewest leads in the NBA

The Celtics rank dead last in the NBA in blown leads this year with 13. They rank 28th in 4th quarter blown leads and 21st in 10 point blown leads. Last year they were second to last behind only the Bucks.

To everyone calling this team embarrassing and saying that we “always” do this, please relax. Remind yourself that every other team in the NBA has done this more often than we have and we have already clinched the #1 seed.

Seems like folks really need to hear this after tonight’s loss.

Edit: [Source](

by readingonthetoilet


  1. _---__________---_

    Is it a disappointing loss? Yes. Do we still have the best record in the league by a few games? Also yes. While this is something that they should learn from, this is also something that they haven’t done frequently 

  2. StarScourge7

    That’s 13 out of there 15 loses bro, that’s a big problem no matter how you put it

  3. Full-Flight-5211

    Fuck the loss, that is irrelevant. The two things that are worrisome are the late game offense and their tendency to all of a sudden go iso for no reason. They play best when the ball is moving.

  4. JaysonTatumIsDaddy

    Stop giving me stats. You are making it hard to doom

  5. AcrobaticFeedback

    I’m not worried about the blown lead. They stopped trying, they missed open 3s, 3rd game in 4 nights on the road. It happens.

    I am just disappointed at how slow and lack of movement the 4th quarter offense was. I still don’t understand why we revert to slow paced isolation ball in close games when it has bit us in the butt so many times.

  6. but when they blow them, they blow them with style…

  7. GooseMay0

    I don’t care about the blown lead. That’s not the issue. It’s the isolation, slow ass pace basketball at the end of a close game.

  8. hashbrown-17

    For the 1000th time. It’s not about the L or the blown lead. It’s about how they revert to iso at the end of close games against teams that are bad mediocre and good. It’s about that being a risk against great teams we *can’t* rely on blowing our 4x in a 7 game series.

  9. justiceway1

    I don’t think the problem is that we do it a lot because we don’t, it’s that when we do it it’s royally fucked. Blowing a 30 point lead to the fucking Hawks if pretty disappointing and that goes for all the teams, let alone the team that’s head and shoulders above the rest in seeding.

  10. youngkenya

    I’m just glad we learned from blowing that big lead to the Cavs 

  11. The rest of the regular season is almost completely irrelevant at this point, there’s no point reading into how we play when clearly we’re just waiting for the playoffs to start now.

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