@Milwaukee Bucks

Jrue’s thoughts on being traded

Jrue’s thoughts on being traded

by lalalalalanznzn


  1. FlipMoBitch

    I was pro trade Jrue for a while… it was the best option to reshape the roster since Middleton was a UFA after last season. And let’s be honest, we had to shake things up.

    If the bucks KEPTJrue they’d be in quite the pickle. Options this season would be to either:

    Extend Jrue for like $40M/year

    Let him walk in UFA this summer

    Trade him before the deadline.

    A team looking to contend isn’t going to get much for Jrue at the deadline. Good teams aren’t going to help out the bucks by giving them good players, especially if Giannis was about to hit FA.

    Given he’s slowed down this year and has proven his offense can’t be relied on in the postseason, trading him before having to make the decisions above is good

    I think he was especially pissed about being traded because option 1 was more likely if he remained in Milwaukee. He’s eligible for an extension with Boston April 1 so we’ll see how what they do.

  2. WeefBellington24

    All this stuff is old news I don’t like how it keeps getting rehashed closer to playoffs.

    People act like Bucks are the only team to trade a player without any notice

  3. RealWeapons

    I’m so happy this guy got traded. I literally couldn’t believe it when my friend called me and said we traded Jrue for Dame. It felt like when we won the championship again. It’ll happen in June thankfully and people will realize Jrue wasn’t that good after we run through him and the Celtics.

  4. americanbeaver

    Yeah the Bucks upgraded their roster. Can’t trade for value without giving up value.

    I don’t think players actually want to be notified every time their name is in trade talks. They just say they do after they get traded. But it’d fuck with them hard if they got told about every trade that might include them.

  5. bonefire85

    24hrs vs 5 mins what’s the difference, still gonna hurt the same

  6. phillipjacobs

    I understand wanting more notice but I doubt the bucks had that to give. I’m sure the whole thing went from improbable to happening in very short order.

  7. mbucks334

    If you give 24 hours notice, you’re then going to hear you were traded through the media or someone else.

    If you tell them they’re being shopped and then they don’t end up getting traded, they become salty going forward because you were trying to trade them.

    Trades are a tough thing, but I really wish players would stop complaining about it.

  8. thegodfaubel

    Still love Jrue and I understand his frustration about the lack of notice. I also understand the Bucks couldn’t risk leaks and having the deal fall through due to another team upping the offer knowing the Bucks were trying to get Jrue moved for Dame. Will never hold anything against Jrue, but I hope he’d be willing to comeback because he was great for the community alone between he and Lauren. Anything he did on the court was just a bonus

  9. Drain_Surgeon69

    Listen I will personally help build the statue of Jrue in front of the Fiserv when the time comes. It will be 100’ tall and be the envy of all who see it. I love Jrue Holiday.

    But I would trade him 100 times out of 100 for Dame. It isn’t close. Dame’s defensive shortcomings do not detract from the fact he is 10 times the offensive player Jrue is. I love Jrue, he was great for us and he’s a great player. Want nothing but success for him and I hope one day we retire his jersey with Giannis and Khris, but you are *outside of your mind* if you think this trade was a mistake in anyway. It’s a no-brainer.

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