@Charlotte Hornets

Brandon Miller bounces back as Charlotte Hornets yearn for home

Brandon Miller bounces back as Charlotte Hornets yearn for home

The Hornets lose their last game on the road in a while thank goodness they’re back at home Brandon Miller bounces back and we discuss it all today on locked on Hornets you are locked on Hornets your daily Charlotte Hornets podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team

Every day in a minute cuz we Live it’s lockon hornets part of the lockon podcast Network it’s your team every day thanks for making us your first listen we’re free and available anywhere you get your podcast and that includes YouTube today’s episode is brought to you by priz piic it’s the easiest and most exciting way to play

Daily fantasy sports go to locked on NBA use code all lowercase locked on NBA for a first deposit match up to $100 there’s Doug Branson as always you can find him on his substack every Hornet spox I’m Walker mail you can catch me on wfn every

Weekday from 12: to 3 p.m. and there’s David Walker making his weekly appearance you can follow him on Twitter David B Walker guys the Hornets are back home and I’m glad that they’re back home like so Steve Clifford he was even telling you after last night’s game after a poor performance especially late

It it was within Striking Distance for a while and then in the fourth quarter that’s when you had different guys hitting three-pointers they got hot and eventually that game was Was Out Of Reach for them but even Steve Clifford was telling you like I’m tired Sam

Farber was on Mac and Bone telling you that he’s tired and he’s glad to be back at home for so long eight straight games at home it’s a ridiculous home stretch it’s a record setting home stretch for the Charlotte Hornets how much should fatigue be a factor in how much this

Thing kind of fell off the tracks over the last what I guess like is it too short of a time to say last two weeks it’s probably three weeks they’ve been at home some over the last month but it’s been pretty bad here David how much

Should fatigue be a factor in what we saw with their Road uh stretch watching them lose finally to Cleveland yesterday I mean I think it is a factor whether it should be or not I mean you can see it kind of in their posture and their gate

In their uh facial expressions you could see it just littered all over I mean when Farber when Farber is not bringing the the heat you know uh not not no shots but when he’s exhausted come on guys they’re out there getting pounded cannot score the basketball their any

Efficiency and uh yeah it’s been a long stretch I bet they’re very angry at the ntaa like Doug was last week like most people are all the time uh it’s just ridiculous Doug how bad should it be is it is it a legitimate excuse for what

We’ve seen lately I think I mean 14 out of 18 on the road I mean that is that’s a pretty brutal stretch there’s there’s no doubt about it and the level of competition and we said this from the very beginning when we looked at the schedule all the way back in August of

Last year we looked at the schedule and went wow I mean they really they really better do some work early because the latter part of their schedule uh gets pretty intense uh and and we talked yesterday about how Brandon Miller and particular looked different a different kind of

Player was it just didn’t have that spark that he had earlier in the season and you know we speculate we I said look I hope it’s something physical you know and not mental and and I think it is physical I think he’s tired I think the

Team is tired of being out on the road and uh so it’ll be good for them to come back home and you know when you when you just look at them like offensively they’re completely out of rhythm they’re completely out of place they’re frustrated with each other and I

Just think it’s yeah it’s staying in hotel rooms it’s being away from family it’s all of that stuff that just takes a takes a toll on you at some point and they’ve got to regroup here because it’s it still is important now that they’re back home that they actually play well

To close the season out uh so hopefully hopefully that is other than other than the core issues of this team which are the injuries which are the fact that your two best players right now miles Bridges and Brandon Miller are high volume low efficiency scorers like other than that yeah sure

Fatigue is a problem well and so when we go back home this doesn’t mean oh okay now the Hornets are back at home expect the wins to roll in because it was only their road trip that contributed to their losses note the schedule is hard we just went over the schedule yesterday

You have a lot of really good teams coming to town and you really have to evaluate the product that you’re watching more so than the win loss record because they’re still going to stockpile a lot of losses despite them playing I guess they have 11 more games

Left in in the season eight at home and then the last three they’re going to be on the road so now when when you have the YouTube comment that says Oh I thought y’all just said it was fatigue that was the problem they’re still losing they’re still losing at Spectrum

Okay Walker okay Doug David you too you make a weekly periods you can catch this heat as well no man they’re still going to lose a lot I just hope that the product looks a lot better at Spectrum Center too yeah yeah yeah I mean first

Of all I’m a man of the comments so uh that’s true you do represent the wrong party yeah but but but but yeah I will say like this is not excuse making this is just fact of the matter uh right now and like excuses uh be what they may the offense is still

Deplorable and like what they’re putting out there right now is not only a factor of fatigue yes they are beat down and exhausted but you know the way the team was made up the way the injuries are piled up with them uh the execution has just not been good enough and the

Numbers bear that out I mean they are playing like one of the worst teams in the league right now uh so it’s it’s it is what it is but it’s no excuse for not being able to get to 100 points well but that’s what we’re really talking about here right we’re talking

About degrees like they’re they’re not going to suddenly come home to Spectrum Center and be a good team but they they you know can probably stand not to get blanked by 20 plus every game and but but when I talk about systemic issues guys there are only four players that

Have dawned a hornet Jersey this season four that have an above average points per shot attempt according to cleaning glass that’s going to be your your measure of offensive efficiency relative to the position that you play there are only four players three of them or two

Of them one of them doesn’t play for the Hornets two of them are injured and one of them is Nick Richards Nick Richards Mark Williams Terry Rosier who plays for the heat now and Seth Curry who was injured okay four that’s it everybody else is below average yeah it’s been it’s been really

Bad offensively and you see this again against the Cavaliers last night when Cleveland’s able to separate they score 15 to 92 now maybe we get to the get to this in the next segment Brandon Miller did bounce back and so let’s do that let’s go to the next break or a segment

And then we can talk about the rookie finally giving us a good game the first one in a little while coming up next on lockdown Hornets don’t go to sleep on the Hornets just yet what contributed to Brandon Miller scoring 24 points I believe it

Was one of of his 10 game highs this year it’s in the top 10 scoring performances of his season so far what went into to that we’ll get to that in just a moment here on lockdown Hornets before we do that I want to tell you that this episode is brought to you by prize picks prize pick is America’s number one fantasy sports app with over 3 million members the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy Sports it’s just you against the numbers

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Watching on YouTube the video looks uh considerably different because we’ve had a number of technical issues here trying to uh record this episode so many technical issues in fact that Walker had to leave to go do his professional radio show so it’s just David and I here with

You uh via Zoom uh to figure this thing out and to continue to talk about the Hornets but that’s how dedicated we are David we are we are going to fight through this haunted house that is this podcast right now and continue to talk about the Hornets absolutely we’re a man down but

You know uh the pro has left so with him go all the rules let’s get crazy let’s talk about Brandon Miller uh we promised it he had a bounceback game walker and I yesterday discussed how he didn’t look like the same player but all of a sudden

He scores uh 24 points on uh 44% from the field not crazy efficient but 37.5% from three looked like the three-point shot was back David had you noticed Brandon Miller looking a bit sluggish and and what did you think about his performance in this game against

Cleveland yeah I mean like we said a little bit earlier uh everybody looks a little bit sluggish right now coming off of this road trip just kind of beaten down and you can see it a little bit in Brandon I mean we’ve seen so much from him this season in terms of energy

Trying to fire up his teammates being fiery towards his teammates right yelling at guys to get back so it feels like a guy that that that really takes a lot on himself to perform in his best every night and that hadn’t been the case as of late uh his minutes have

Still been there uh as you guys probably hit on you know he’s still playing pretty big time minutes for this team because he has to one uh but also because he’s one of the you know yeah yeah but he’s also you know one of the best offensive players they have out

There so uh yeah it’s good to see him bounce back and I mean that was really all you were watching for right now or it’s like one of the things it’s a silver lining throughout this whole season the fact that he’s been able to really you know stay healthy the whole

Season and have a really good rookie year so you’re very glad to see that he just can’t do it I mean he can’t do it on himself 24 points the team doesn’t get to 100 uh you know so you can see the slack that needs to be picked up

Well we’re going to see a game sometime in the future where Brandon Miller does is able to drag this team to a good offensive performance that’s what all NBA players do they’re able to score enough have enough assists play make enough get enough rebounds where they

Can drag a bad roster an injured roster to a couple of wins it’s just Brandon Miller isn’t there yet in his rookie season but what I liked about this performance is that he was able to score on all three levels he was showcasing it all scoring-wise he was hitting his

Three-point shot he was getting to the mid range and then he drew uh four Cleveland fouls and had five free throw attempt in the in this game and I and here’s my other thought as I watched Caris LeVert really stay locked in to Brandon Miller especially when when

Miller was floating in the corner waiting for man or meic to drive and kick Levert was just not moving from the spot and and really staying locked on to Brandon Miller and I thought man you know I think Miller Eastern Conference rookie of the month uh a couple of times

Now you know is he a victim of his own success in that defenses are finally starting to respect him a and what there’s two sides of this right they’re respecting him but they also understand that they can take him away especially if he’s playing without miles Bridges and they’re fairly confident that they

Could still function defensively if they leave Caris lever out on the island with him because it’s going to open up driving lanes for mijic for man for miles but none of those three guys are Elite finishers at The Rim you’re not going to do that if lamelo balls on the

Floor but they don’t have an elite finisher at the rim and so that that makes it a lot easier to make that calculation uh but but he looked you know locked he looked locked down by lever at at certain points of the game and then when the ball got in his hands

And when he was initiating the offense he looked a lot better yeah and plus with Cleveland with those two big guys back there you know those guys can also afford to hang right and stick with their guy a little bit more and there’s you know when there’s one guy they’re

Going to stick with it’s going to be Brandon biller right now now which is a lot you know it’s a lot for any rookie and it’s a lot for someone who’s a young guy who’s trying to carry the team the offensive load for a team but look I

Mean the good news is you know he did have a couple games like that at Alabama last year so he has been the guy I mean obviously we knew that about him so I think you’re right like you can kind of project that going forward as he gets

Stronger as he’s able to kind of um manage an NBA season as he learns that as he plays a little bit more uh so yeah you know and and to your point like the he’s able to add that um the creation element up for himself uh to his game

It’s just going to be that much better but I mean you just have to be continue to be happy with what you’re seeing applaud the effort that he’s giving and you know you’d love to hear something from at the end of this season maybe

Like how much uh it took out of him at times because I mean you talk about the grind you talk about the dog days of the NBA season right now with literally nothing to play for like there’s nothing on the horizon that light they see is a

Train like and it’s coming it’s it’s heading right for them you know what I mean so like it’ll be interesting to see over these next uh eight games at home what kind of energy they can bring and try and get a few wins here yeah you

Know the other part of his game that’s gone away and it’s not it’s not really his fault at all and that’s the his transition play how strong he was in transition and I think you can trace a lot of that back to to the the fatigue that they’re experiencing right now

Having been on the road they’re not pushing the pace anymore they’re not getting a ton of deflections the defensive aggressiveness is gone we didn’t mention this in the first uh segment but they’ve they’ve done 14 of 18 on the road yes they’ve done that largely with an eight-man rotation no

One runs an eight man rotation anymore that’s like 90 stuff you know I mean even the the the really good teams are running nine 10man rotations as they get ready for the playoffs and the Hornets are running eight guys out there for a significant portion of the game

And so you know that yeah a lot of the the the zip uh the zest of Life of this offense is gone and that means less transition opportunities and the transition opportunities that they do get and you saw it in this Cleveland game the transition opportunities that

They do get they blow it I mean how many transition books did they get against Cleveland where like Manor mic was running out or uh poku blew a layup uh man had a turnover he had four turnovers in the first half they get these opport unties on the run and they can’t execute

On them and so you know once C once Curry comes back once lamelo comes back once you know they maybe add another playmaker in the draft or you know Cody Martin is somebody that also has a high assist percentage they got to get some playmaking back on the floor before you

Can ever you know before you can ever really fairly evaluate where Brandon Miller is so I think we have to say that as well so yes but it was good to see him though you know this last game on the road before coming back home get out

Of the offensive Funk and be more aggressive I think he took eight shots in the first half I think 10 in the second half and and so that’s I I did enjoy seeing that I think it was important for him yeah and five of five from the free throw line and those five

Attempts are the most he’s had in you know all month I think he had another five attempt against Phoenix uh so he was able to get some from the line I mean nobody goes to the line anymore in the NBA I guess uh is the new thing so

There’s not many free throws to go around but but yeah so he’s able to get a few there help help him get a few more points easy points right and saw some of those go in so uh man it’s just like you know he’s been a he’s been a revelation

I think and like to the point where you guys were talking about it a little bit you know the national folks or if they do peek in on the Hornets they are looking at Brandon Miller they are liking what they are seeing um and yeah just protect him at all cost give him

Whatever he wants give him his favorite meal when he gets back to Charlotte uh I can’t imagine these guys are going too hard at practice either right now right I mean just trying to finish out the season healthy um and maybe get a few wins so Brandon Miller man it’s been the

Like I said the literally the only Silver Lining uh you know all season this team and I said it last show you know to to actually compete for a win against any of these teams everybody has to play perfectly I mean that when you’re running an eight man rotation or

Play at least play right like like their new pieces are not haven’t been playing at all I mean that was the little jolt of energy they saw in that little mini run and the J AR most of them aren available right but but to not get blown

Out by 40 which they didn’t to be fair this was not a 40 Point loss to not do that you’ve got to have one or both preferably Brandon Miller and Miles Bridges stepped up miles struggled to shoot in this game thought he played okay defensively uh but Brandon I

Thought opposite he scored really well and I thought defensively he didn’t look very good um he was I mean wasn’t generating uh much in the way of deflections and then Caris lvert really and and theang um had their way with him off ball and he wasn’t the only one

Wasn’t just him everybody defensively uh was especially in that second quarter uh speaking of second quarter David I’ve got a stat for you I’ve got two stats for you one about the second quarter one about Nick Richards some Neato stats uh coming up next on the lockon Hornets

Podcast I’ll get to those Neato stats also Rod Boon uh produced a column I guess I guess it’s a column it’s a article I don’t know what we call it these days but it was about miles Bridges um is he crucial to the Hornet success next season that was the that

Was the basis of the article I will ask David that question coming up Next this next segment is brought To Us by our sponsor betterhelp sometimes we all need the opportunity to get something off of our chest big or small certain things can really start to get to you and it’s important to let that out especially to someone who who is

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Lockon NBA to get 10% off your first month that’s betterhelp lockon NBA more locked on Hornets Ahead back here on the locked on Hornets podcast David I promise you two stats for your face one on the Hornets in the second quarter and one on Nick Richards I give the choice to you my friend the freedom of choice what would you like to

Hear first yeah you know uh I’m I’m always a fan for Nick Richards stats so give me that one uh this comes to us courtesy from NBA University on Twitter NBA University Nick Richards has 26 goal tending violations this year that is 11 more than second

Place feels like a maybe a point of emphasis on the old chalk board um before one of these games just to Ball’s going down bad no block when the ball’s going up block maybe he’s maybe he’s showing his hand for feba you know maybe uh send some tape out to some feea I

Don’t know they can do that over there uh yeah I mean I think this is probably something that they can clean up uh that he can clean up in the off season I think too you have to factor in the idea that he is the only Center on the roster

Right that’s true he has had a lot of responsibility down low you saw it in this game against Cleveland um he was you know anytime that Garland or lever got free and got going towards the rim he was having to you know help side block and so there have been a lot of

Opportunities and I think when there are so many opportunities because so many guys are getting into the paint you know just statistically you’re probably going to be more likely to commit the goal um so there you go Nick I let you off the hook all right I’m not letting the

Hornets off the hook in the second quarter uh David I look this up because man another stinker in the second quarter 31- 17 in this game against the Cavaliers they allowed the Cavs to shoot seven of 10 from three and they also scored eight points off of three

Turnovers over the last three games the the Hornets are only averaging 17 points per second quarter and this is incredible I just I cannot stress how incredible this stat is in terms of net rating so taking your offensive rating your defensive rating combining it together net rating points per 100 possessions minus

76.4 in the second quarter over the last three games wow if you stretch that out to the last five games it does a little bit better at minus 55 second quarter when they break the lineup and they don’t even break it all the way cuz they’re only playing eight man rotation

So you’re going to have you know two sometimes three starters mixed in with the bench but when they go to this bench it is an unmitigated disaster yeah that’s terrifying you look at the at the first quarter they’re hanging in there you know things are okay and then that second quarter just

Knocks them straight out man I mean but there’s not much you can do when when when you know when JT Thor’s back in the rotation you kind of know how it’s going to play out that was not meant to be a direct shot at JT Thor uh or or anyone

Else out there throwing their best thing throwing their best uh you know effort out there but like that’s just fact of the matter they’re having trouble keeping up as they were you know kind of before they made some of those trades and and and retooled the roster a little

Bit uh with you know NBA rosters at this point and that second that second quarter is is just brutal and and and I I I feel for them like it’s it’s they see it happening they see it coming again they just want to get home you

Know what I mean and so all those factors come in and these guys are are fighting a stay above water right now but yeah that’s um that’s not a good sign for the second quarter no but it but look when now that they are home you

Know if it if it is truly a thing where it’s like fatigue then then hopefully we’ll start to see those second second quarter numbers um even out a bit all right so let’s shift gears uh David you’re on the show so of course yeah it’s like clockwork man anytime you’re

On the show something about miles Bridges happens uh or or is released and in this case it’s something I think that we could say is uh at least not negative um this was a a article or a column by Rod Boon and the Charlotte Observer and it’s titled bringing back miles Bridges

Is quote very crucial the future of the Charlotte Hornets and in this column it’s it’s really an interview I guess that he did with Grant Williams who has known miles Bridges uh since they were 15 years old and just interviewing grants one of the new additions to the

Team about what he thinks about miles’s game and and what he means to the Hornets and Grant Williams is the one that said that you know miles Bridges is very crucial to um the future of the Hornets I want to read some stuff here and then get your thoughts this is a

Quote from Grant Williams if you know miles is a person you know how he is and how respectful and how much of a good guy he is it’s just a matter of making a mistake for him he’s just trying to be the best player he can be and he’s done

A phenomenal job of that and recuperating his former self uh this year and um rod for his part uh me throws some stats for you here on uh on Miles Bridges who will be an unrestricted free agent in July rod says he’s done little to decrease his value

On the court posting per game career highs and point points 21.3 rebounds 7.5 defensive rebound 6.4 steals field goals Main and three-pointers his points average ranks Tops on the team among those who’ve played in enough outings to qualify at his usage rate 24.9% has never been better also goes on

To mention how many minutes miles has played for the team this year and how AA you know after his suspension was up how available he’s been he hasn’t missed uh where he only missed one game the one where he wasn’t allowed into Toronto due to um not being able to get through

Customs because of the felony domestic or the charges I think that he was that he was facing post those felony domestic violence charges so uh David I threw a lot at you there um what do you think about this this piece here by Rod Boone

I guess I mean I don’t I don’t know how you could take it as anything other than advocating for Miles Bridges return to the Charlotte Hornets and free agency next season yeah and the question I have with Miles uh and the organization as a whole

And and has been kind of since um they made their initial run at him before all the offc court issues had was he had was is that their only plan or do they have a backup plan I mean do they have another way to work things because uh if

You’re looking at this roster right now yeah I mean he’s indispensable to this roster as it set up right now to this roster as it’s currently constructed right now yes exactly exactly and so uh I would agree with Grant Williams and anyone else making that assessment at

This point the thing they’ve got to ask themselves and and I hope this has been a continual evaluation throughout the season which has been tough to do with with the injuries and whatnot is that going to be the plan moving forward um and you know I I think in the past you

Had to look at him as a onea a 1B type of guy do you even need to look at him when that lenss right now because of the addition with Brandon Miller um so I think that changed the landscape a little bit um and you know you mentioned

He’s going to be unrestricted free agent I I guess that changes things a little bit you think his team and and he will go out and and talk to other teams at this point um you know he he he said no to the trade in the season but uh that’s still

A bit of an unknown I mean you feel like the Hornets I guess if they wanted to had a had a leg up but like for me it’s an overall view of the team how they’ve confident they are that lamelo ball is going to come back how confident they

Are that they can maybe hand at least some of the keys to Brandon Miller moving forward and how those pieces are going to fit together and if not you know what’s their backup plan because here’s the thing they do need the talent uh anything moving forward their the

Roster is going to need the talent whether it’s from Miles Bridges or whether it’s from you know that same tier level of player so like that’s dead on they can’t afford to move forward without someone in that role that’s going to be to give them you know 20 and

Seven on a nightly basis exactly he he is a talented player he’s in above average offensive player and I think average to above average defensive player um at that position and and the stats bear that out um and now as a scorer he has been very inefficient this season because

Like that that’s the the the issue that I take with this article is that all those stats I just listed are just kind of stats points rebounds steals field goals made they don’t take into account the fact that he’s just been uh awful in terms of his efficiency

And in terms of his shot profile the question that the Hornets have to ask and answer themselves is how much of that was a product of lamelo ball not being on the floor right and how how much is it going to cost you uh because he is an unrestricted free agent how

Much is it going to cost you to bring back a player that I think you’re you’re pretty confident is not a 1A anymore you’re you’re certainly not as confident as you were when you were about to offer him a near Max contract several years ago and this yeah I’m just going to put

All of the off thec court stuff to the side for a second and say just on the court he doesn’t look like that player and again how much of that is lamelo ball how much of how much are you willing to risk because some other team

Might look at the context and say all right I get there are efficiency issues I get there are shot profile issues I get that there’s just shooting issues in general but I’m going to discard that because my team actually is even more Talent deficient they might be competing

With Detroit who is even more Talent deficient than the Charlotte Hornets are but I agree with you like he is a talented player and the Hornets are pretty short on talent and so uh I I think this this really is going to be a a difficult decision I I I’m going to be

Very fair about it and say this is not going to be an e easy decision for the Charlotte Hornets I would say you know after those uh charges were dropped on earlier this uh earlier this year you know he he has he has not come up in the headlines for anything

Negative so if if that continues to happen then at least the pr side of this gets a lot easier but um yeah this this is going to be a difficult decision just basketball-wise for the Hornets yeah and and from miles’s standpoint like he you know because sometimes you say well

Maybe he’ll do like a short-term contract with maybe a contender have a good year but but at this point like he’s really gone two years now obviously he got paid this year but he didn’t get the 30 million he never got that and there was a twoyear gap where he well he

Didn’t get paid at all one year and then he got you know really a minimum type of deal versus what he could have gotten this year you know what I mean so he’s gone two years of his prime without you know that big payday or that that

That security of a of a guaranteed contract longer than one year so how he approaches that is going to be really interesting well yeah and and look when he took the qualifying offer we I think we talked about the risk of that being him getting injured well he hasn’t

Gotten injured this season he’s been very available very durable but I but I guess what we failed to talk enough about is that you’re not only putting yourself at risk of being being a victim of circumstance in terms of your own body when you sign the short-term deal

Especially when you need it to be a pro it deal you’re also putting yourself up to be a victim of the circumstances of your own team right because if this team were healthy I imagine some of these stats for for miles would look a lot better and and so but but they don’t

Because this team has been uh short on Playmakers who who would probably make miles U make some of these stats for Miles look a little bit better miles has definitely played outside of the bounds playmaking wise that he’s capable of and it’s led to a lot of turnovers for him

And a lot of play where you go God what’s what’s going on there why take that shot um so yeah I mean this is this it’s going to be difficult for him I I’m I’m in agreement with you I think that well certainly I don’t think he’s going

To take another oneyear deal could he take maybe a two or threee deal as opposed to maxing out the distance of contract yeah maybe maybe we’ll have to see how it plays out um but yeah it’s gonna I think is this is going to be one of the more interesting

Negotiations um in Charlotte Hornets history but I it’s almost a guarantee that they’re going to be part of that discussion right yeah and they’re not guaranteed to to to get miles Bridges at the end of the day but they’re going to be part of that discussion and they do

Have some inbuilt advantages in terms of both the amount of money that they could offer him if they wanted to and also some of the player relationships that he’s built here uh that that could play a factor when we get to July Yeah final I mean you know well are

They gonna have you how those conversations are going to shake out you know they’re not gonna be able to go to Miles and say hey we need you to be Team friendly on this one because we still need some money to add other pieces right so I mean they’re still looking to

Change the landscape of the roster with adding a draft pick hopefully getting some free agents you know they’ve got more uh flexibility than they have in the past but that’s going to be B piece like how big of a piece is that going to

Be I could see you know could you see a team that’s not as good throwing years in money at him and him taking it I could certainly see that just because of what he’s lost over the last two years but um yeah it’s going to be fascinating

It’s going to be interesting again for like the third year in a row right this is still going on around and around she goes wherever she stops nobody knows uh so we will see um thank you for tuning in to this edition of locked on Hornets bearing

With us through some of these Tech issues if you’ve been listening other than not hearing Walker’s voice it’s it’s been pretty similar for you um but we’ll get back to it uh tomorrow uh thanks so much uh to uh the people that made this show happen thanks to Walker

For joining us and thanks to you for listening and continuing to support uh what we do here every single day for free for you uh join me on uh my substack every Hornets boox follow David on Twitter at davidb Walker and we will be back tomorrow go Hornets go America let’s swarm Sharp

Brandon Miller got his scoring going on all 3 levels but the Hornets offense still wasn’t good enough to compete with a good NBA team. The Charlotte Hornets are very tired of sleeping in hotels. Is Miles Bridges “very crucial” to the Hornets future success?

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  1. Miles Bridges shouldn’t be in the league. But you guys do a great show and hopefully I can start rooting for this team again once Miles is out of there.

  2. Steve Cliff should stay.
    Being like advisory role or have position he held in BKN
    STEVE knows what HOR are missing him coaching these guys aint help

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