@National Basketball Association

[Nicolas Batum] This is the worst that Wembanyama’s ever going to be


Batum asserts that Wemby is the clear ROTY winner and looks ahead to the Olympics, which will be his last bow internationally.

by Mazinogetoffdeeznuts


  1. Drunken_Vike

    that’s not necessarily true, he might have a couple late Shaq seasons or something where age and wear reduce him to a shell of what he was

  2. Purple-List1577

    What about when he’s on his death bed from syphilis at age 37

  3. StoicRetention

    Looking at the trajectory of most No. 1 pick Cs in the league…yeah this is probably not going to be in the case.

  4. Hes probably right BUT…

    We thought the same about MCW and Tyreke Evans etc

  5. Petition to ban this phrase from the sub, so everyone isn’t scrambling to be the first person to comment it under every Wemby highlight.

  6. Le8ronJames

    Or maybe that’s who he’ll stay. Development isn’t a linear process. He might become the GOAT or he might stay like he currently is and that would be amazing already.

  7. Yall expect him to say he’s not going to say this is the 3rd worse Wemby is going to be.

  8. SnakesAlive23

    That’s not true, unless his last season ever is during his prime and he has a career ending injury.

  9. dnfnrheudks

    I think alot of people are banking on him to make a luka / lebron sophomore type of jump

  10. WoodsmallConnor

    Weirdos in the comment section for real. This is facts and if you watch the games you would know this.

  11. PorcelainElixir

    I tend to agree. Tbh the most overlooked thing about him is his IQ and personality. Those two things are the hidden roadblocks that typically make a young star stagnate

  12. He’s gonna go through his sophomore slump and everyone’s gonna forget how good he is and call him a flash in the pan.

    Then he’s gonna transcend and people are going to forget they ever called him trash

  13. noknownothing

    Nope. There’s a chance he gets hurt or gains too much weight. Also 100% chance that he gets too old. Or his teammate has babies with his wife, or whatever.

  14. Bonesawisready5

    I hope we sign vets like Batum, even if bench warmers, to help mentor Vic and Devin

  15. graymulligan

    Perhaps I’m not following the last part of that statement, but why would this Olympics be his “last bow internationally”. Is he going to retire before the next Olympics?

  16. JayVenture90

    Lol, yeah sure. This guy is never going to get injured! A long healthy career for the unusually tall guy!

  17. blazer4ever

    The only thing that’s going to stop Wemby is injury. But I just don’t see a scenario where he would just stay healthy for his entire career. The hype for Porzingis was high as well until he got injured and became a role player.

  18. RunninOnMT

    How is Batum doing these days? He was a starter his rookie year and if i remember correctly had a pretty nice rookie season. He’s probably still putting up better numbers than his rookie…but i’m not 100 percent sure.

  19. mightymatty

    “This is the worst that he’s ever gonna be.”

    “Every night, he does something that we’ve literally never seen before.”

    “He’s an alien!”

    Can we come up with some new phrases to describe Wemby, it’s kind of weird that literally everyone in the media uses the same exact soundbites over and over to describe this guy.

  20. I mean nah? What if he gets injured and doesn’t bounce back or has celtics shaq seasons late in his career

  21. GotMoFans

    That’s a jinx.

    Ask Ralph Sampson after his Rookie of the Year first season.

  22. Awanderingleaf

    Tyreke Evans would like a word. He peaked at 20/6/5 in his rookie season. You could count the number of rookies to have averaged those numbers on one hand prior to him doing it. He became worse progressively worse each season afterwards. Will Wemby be better than he is now? Probably. Is it an absolute guarantee? Nope.

  23. I really can’t help but be salty that an instant HOFer got handed to a franchise with 5 championships in the last 25 years. At least with Lebron you really couldn’t hate Cleveland for it.

  24. AutographedSnorkel

    There have been plenty of guys that had great rookie seasons then fell off the face of the earth. I’m sure everybody remembers Michael Carter Williams

  25. IMakeMyOwnLunch

    ITT people taking this way too literally: “but WhAt AbOuT iN HiS lAsT sEaSoN wHeN hE’s 80 hurrr durrr gotcha!”

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