@Toronto Raptors

Toronto Raptors set franchise assist record in loss to Nets | Jontay Porter gambling investigation

Toronto Raptors set franchise assist record in loss to Nets | Jontay Porter gambling investigation

On your Tuesday episode of Locked on Raptors one small loss in a string of many small losses but one major win for darkar rakovich and his system you are locked on Raptors your daily Toronto Raptors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day hey what’s going on and welcome to another episode of Locked on rap is part of the lockon podcast Network your team every day it is Tuesday March the 26th and I’m your host Sean Woodley I’ve been covering the Toronto Raptors now for 10 seasons on various platforms got all my

Work over on the hell website at Woodley Shan you can find the show on Instagram at lockon Raptors and of course you can join us in the lockdown Raptors Discord server baby the link is in the description of the podcast it’s a great place to come hang out talk about your

Favorite basketball team talk about March Madness talk about movies talk about food talk about whatever you want to talk about with sickos just like you who love this here podcast again it’s free to join as always a link in the description of the show you can also find the show

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Show is BU to Premier so You’ never miss a second of that sweet sweet locked on Raptors action and we begin the locked on Raptors action today breaking down a loss to the Brooklyn Nets uh one of the few wins that might have been for the taking on the schedule for the remaining

Raptors games on the Slate that was a weird sentence but you got the picture and they do not pull out said win they fall to 23 and 49 in the year one away from a 50 loss season first time in quite some time for that to be on the

Table for your Raptors uh they can’t lose 60 so yay that’s good yay math but we’re gonna get into uh what went wrong for the Raptors and not really what went wrong I guess because like you know we know what went wrong they’re not healthy don’t have players we’ll get into The

Good the Bad and the H we’ll talk about the jonte porter thing which I guess we got to talk about um but I do want to maybe kind of focus on some more positive angles from this game because I’m sick of being a grump all the time and

There’s nothing to do to change the station of the team so might as well find some Silver Linings in the plight that is watching Toronto basketball Toronto Raptors basketball right now so we’ll talk about Javon Freeman Liberty coming up later on I want to begin though with a milestone hit by your

Toronto Raptors last night 2,086 assists as a team over the course of the season to date 72 games worth of action uh it’s a lot of assists it is the most assists the Toronto Raptors have ever compiled as a team in a single season as a franchise which is pretty

Cool and I think a pretty good acknowledgement that Darko ball has very much arrived and look you know we’ll get into some of the the numbers on the on the assists and stuff for the Raptors this year we know that the numbers on the offensive end have not been pretty

They currently sit 24th in the NBA in offensive efficiency over on cleaning the glass um you know that sounds about right this team has been completely obliterated over the course the last month they have fallen down the standings of every significant metric uh other than losses where they keep on

Racking those bad boys up uh it’s just been a tough go here for the team and it’s been a tough season right it’s been fracture there’s been upheaval there has been uh constant unrest and uneasiness and other unwords and you know just like a a to a total Cloud hanging over the

Team for long stretches of uncertainty and sort of a lack of clarity of where things are going what the team actually is but the one through line the entire way has been that this team has played the way dark rakovich rakovich wants them to play which I think is pretty admirable for

The Raptors to have achieved for darkar rakovich to have kind of kept the system running despite the many many players who have come in and out the door 10 different starting lineups just in the month of March alone for your Toronto Raptors kind of crazy crazy 29 different

Players have come through the door and played at least one game for the Raptors this season 18 different players have started at least one game it’s been a season again of like total upheaval uncertainty and uh you know sort of fractured Min Seasons all kind of

Sandwiched into one and yet in his first season on the job sort of handed a really tough hand darkar rakovic has man to have managed to have this team play the way he wants them to play throughout the year and it would be really easy right now for this team with so little

In the way of guys who are guaranteed to be on next year’s team it would be so easy for it to devolve into sort of trading herob ball right now right like different guys just trying to make their point make their Mark carve their way into the league you know pending ufas

Guys fighting on the fringes of the NBA to just get into NBA jobs on a team where there is plenty of opportunity you know you could totally see a a World in which this team devolves into a sort of Houston Rockets of last yeares mess where there’s just no direction there’s

No plan it’s just guys out there heaving up shots playing like it’s a YMCA run and that has just not been the case they have throughout the entire season all the different iterations of this team maintained the ball movement heavy system the cutting the using the bigs at

The elbows and sort of slotting different guys in and out of those roles all season long but the one through line has been yeah this is how we play if you’re not going to play this way you’re not going to play and I I I think it’s

Just been a real Testament to the coaching staff that they able to kind of keep the hands on the Reigns despite what a nightmare season this has been start to finish you know a lot of teams under these circumstances would completely dissolve into uh like a chaos

Just total chaos ball and I think you’re seeing it frankly with the team they played last night the Brooklyn Nets who unquestionably right now have way more Talent on hand than the Raptors do but ever since like the middle of the Season where they had that Bizarro game against

The Bucks where they like rested guys like they’re some sort of title Contender needing to prepare their guys for the postseason RI riggers um you know that ever since that game you know jacqu Von got fired the team is not played connected whatsoever that team is

Loaded with dudes who just want to call their own number from cam Thomas to uh you know Dennis schruder now Spencer dwy before like this was not a connected basketball team and they have frankly vastly underperformed compared to their talent you know they’re 27 and 45 I

Don’t think they’re any great shakes but they have enough like competent NBA players on the roster that they should have been something a little bit closer to average a little bit closer to the Atlanta Hawks in the standings in the race for the playin but they’ve just not

Been and I think that speaks to something that the Raptors have been able to sort of have and instill that the Nets simply were not and a lot of teams of that ilk that just kind of have nothing to play for tend to fall into the Hornets are like this the Wizards

Are like this teams that just have no direction whatsoever no defined way of wanting to play and if you’re looking for optimism going into next season the fact that the Raptors are able to maintain this system where they are so so uh just in forcing ball movement next

Decision make the right play in the sequence to get yourselves a good shot you know right now the players executing the system are not scoring they’re not hitting uh they’re not sort of executing at the level you want to see but that’s because they’re not so talented when you

Have more talented guys in there playing the way that the Raptors have prescribed that they want to play it’s going to lead to better results and we’ve seen it throughout the season right this is a season of tiny little samples and sort of gleaning what you can from Little

Moments of oh that looked pretty interesting for a hot second there before a disaster befell the team or oh that looked interesting before this guy got traded you know even before the very first trade of oan and Obi that offense Raptors had with the Dennis shudder starting five was kind of miserable but

Starting like mid November to the time OG got traded they had actually kind of rounded into form they were not sort of getting stuck and bogg down in the half court they were playing the system within tight confines because of a lack of spacing and sort of downhill creation

From the guard spot but and you know pull up three-point shooting as well would be pretty damn helpful in that early stage of the Season too but they were still playing within the system that they wanted to play and again it’s not that assist lead to offensive

Production right it’s just not how it works there’s very little through line of oh this playmaking is leading to this winning this you know eager ball movement is leading to you know X number of wins on the board but there are certain benefits to playing this way I I

Think you know number one when you play this way I think it definitely has impact on like the connectedness of the team I think it makes it so you know look everyone wants to touch the ball these guys are Pros they’ve been the best player on their teams their entire

Lives before coming to the NBA everyone wants to be involved everyone wants to feel like they can have the ball in their hands and do something with it and the Raptor’s offense empowers guys to go ahead and do that I think that’s a valuable thing for maintaining the

Connectivity the chemistry of a team over the course of an 82 game grind it’s a lot harder and we saw this with last year’s Raptors when the offense boils down to well that guy’s gonna go ISO or post up and then everything’s going to

Flow out of that you may get a touch you may not just kind of stand there and see what happens like that that’s just not the way the Raptors have played this season I think that’s been a serious step up and also you know it doesn’t correlate to wins necessarily but it

Does correlate to a far more watchable product and look the team is not very watchable right now because no one’s finishing the ends of these beautiful sequences of passing but for the most part this team has been more watchable than last year’s team was when they were healthy they were eminently watchable in

The stretches where they had quickly and Barrett and Barnes all together you know either before the Pascal trade or or in the stretch after the Pascal trade after the deadline where they looked like they were finding something before Scotty got hurt um they’re been little pockets where you’ve seen the results match the

Beautiful process the team has put together and you would think that it’s only going to get better you know that stretch after they got uh quickly and Barett I believe the Raptors were like sixth in offense for you know a three-week stretch before Pascal got traded and then they were about 15th or

So 14th or so when you know post Pascal Trade Post deadline where they kind of figured out what their team was and everything was sort of falling into place the team was making real strides on offense so I think you’ve seen that you know the the system can work and

It’s not translating to great ball right now but it certainly can when you have more talented players in there and and sort of more guys with Runway to play with one another and learn one another because that’s what the system requires as well is kind of knowing the beats and

Rhythms of the guys you want to play with um so yeah to put a bow on it franchise record for assists in a season very cool a big win for Darko ball um the number two in assist percentage the season number six in assist of turnover

Ratio the fact that they’re 18th in the league in turnover percentage uh despite being so uh Talent bereft at the moment and having so many different iterations of the team pretty impressive as well at their middle of the pack in that department despite the ratcheted up playmaking and number of passes they’re

Throwing around every game which they are tied for number one in the NBA in passes per game um again we’ll see if it can translate to real offensive results next season I have a hunch it will and it’s a reason to feel pretty good they’ve kept the system intact all

Season long which is kind of an achievement considering what a nightmare the season has been on the ho we’ll come back on the other side talk about a guy who popped last night against the Nets we’re not going to get into the X’s and O’s of why they

Lost to the Nets 9688 because that’s not interesting and it’s kind of depressing so we’ll just get into a guy who popped it’s Javon Freeman Liberty we’ll talk about that coming up in just one sec Today’s Show is brought to you by our friends over at eBay Motors passion

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Tuesday episode of lock on Raptors digging into a guy who I thought really showed out last night in his 29 minutes of action starting his second straight game and a guy who I think should be starting every game from now to the end of the season or at least every game

That Emanual quickly is not available for and hell maybe even those games too uh let’s let’s get into Javon Freeman Liberty last night 15 points four boards two assists a steel seven of 12 from the field seven of 10 from two-point range uh a really nice game from Javon Freeman

Liberty who got back in the starting lineup again for the second straight game was sort of weirdly at The Fringe of the rotation over the last week or so before that and I don’t really agree with that uh because I think he of all these sort of fringy roster dudes on the

Team is pretty clearly to me the most likely NBA player of the bunch and I I think this was a really nice complete game for him that showed a lot of what Javon Freeman Liberty brings to the table you know I think there’s clearly an NBA player here um you know if

Quickley is coming into next season as the go-to starting point guard you got Scotty Barnes coming in as your sort of secondary playmaker type he’s going to run bench units I think it’s kind of an interesting team when it comes to how they can approach their backup point

Guard position and I do think there’s a world in which Javon Freeman Liberty is kind of given the keys as the back up guard without the same duties that your typical backup point guard would have like he’s not going to be asked to be tus Jones on the jant Grizzlies or

Anything like that and you probably want to have a little more guard insulation just you know it can’t ever hurt to have too many guards all that stuff but I do think because of the way this team is set up because a lot of stuff is going

To flow through Scotty and quickly and The Bigs I do think there’s a world in which Javon Freeman Liberty can come into next season and just kind of be like an eighth ninth man who is their nominal back back up point guard and runs with second units and you know he’s

Maybe more of a combo guard type you know he hasn’t quite flashed the playmaking chops that he’s shown in the g-league and obviously the scoring punch has really been what’s popped off the screen in the g-league for him as well but I think there’s some interesting

Stuff here for a point guard to have he’s big right he’s like six foot4 his arms go for days he’s got a pretty thick chest like he’s got a clear NBA level body he’s a real athlete I think and I think that’s a big thing at the guard

Position in the modern NBA you’re seeing more and more like guards are skewing bigger and the smaller guys it’s harder for them to cope it’s harder for them to exist against the just the sheer length that is proliferating around the NBA so if you can have some with a little bit

Of size and a little bit of you know beef to them at the at the point guard spot as your backup I think that’s a pretty good place to be um I think he’s also like a pretty good Defender he slides his feet super well tries really

Hard stays massive right he’s like a coach’s dream you don’t have to scream at him to put his arms up his arms are just always there and his arms are ample and so uh he offers just like really nice resistance at the point of attack I

Think um I’m pretty in on the Javon Freeman Liberty experience he’s shooting 56% on twos this season for the Raptors just 12 games he’s played he’s only averaging Five Points a game he’s attempting like three twos a game but still 56% pretty good start there and you know I think the three-point shot

Will come along he’s only shooting 12% from Deep right now that’s not sustainable that’s going to come back in some way shape or form via the lovely wave of positive regression to the mean and I I absolutely think that if quickley is not going to be back in the

Lineup and we’ll see you know him and RJ Barrett were on the bench last night I certainly wouldn’t be against seeing them play um you know good to see them back around the team and smiling and stuff on the bench and and hopefully both are doing well um with their uh you

Know things they’re dealing with personally right now but you know if they’re going to come back great obviously you start quickly and you start Barrett and you play them and JFL comes off the bench but if they’re just going to let those guys hang out and not

Play the rest of the season have no idea what their plan is there again I’d prefer to just see the good players play basketball uh to make the last 10 games somewhat palatable but if it is going to be this crew they have I think Javon Freeman Liberty needs to start I think

He needs to play like 30 minutes I think you should be treating him very similar similarly to what how you’re treating oai abaji I think um you know aaji obviously has a bit more track record as an NBA player but his track record is not exactly Sterling and I think Javon

Freeman Liberty despite being a little bit older I I think he kind of has the uh the makeup and the profile of a guy who can go from being one of those g-league studs to being like a pretty decent you know back end of the rotation

NBA quality player and this is all about seeing who can be those guys for you next season we know who the core guys are going to be on next year’s team you would assume they’re going to try to make an addition of some kind whether it’s via free agency whether it’s via a

Trade something like that there’s going to be draft picks coming in um so there’s going to be those sort of in between rotation spots filled but spots 8 n 10 like I think those are up for grabs and you should be using this back part of the season if it’s going to be

Used for anything it might as well be to see okay like who are the guys with the best shots and give them those looks you know I don’t think for example like Kobe Simmons who you know had a nice debut last night seven points you know hit a

Hit a three three six overall not so bad um but you know he’s a little longer than the Toth been around a little longer than Javon Freeman Liberty has I I think it’s probably unlikely he’s a long-term NBA player but I think JFL of all these guys and look I am like you

Usually very resistant to the idea of any sort of g-league or two-way guy being that special guy who’s going to hit but I do think JFL has the best shot of really any of these guys the Raptors have had over the last couple seasons of being a legitimate NBA player who sticks

Around he’s obviously got the contract going into next year too with the partial guarantee and it’ll be fully guaranteed if he makes the team I believe is the sort of language of the deal um I think there’s something here and I was really encouraged to see him

Play last night the rim pressure he was getting was pretty nice and that Nets team for all their foibles and there are many they’ve got some real Rim protection on that team you know drron sharp had a couple super loud blocks or had one really loud block that is uh

Nick Claxton is just like kind of always there arms for days constantly contesting shots we know what a good Defender he is and it was still a situation where you know he was able to get downhill collect his own misses a couple times put him right back up and

In uh I thought it was a nice game from Javon Freeman Liberty overall and again sort of a reason why he should be playing over Jordan War he should be playing over Kobe Simmons he should be playing over um you know Bruce Brown even at this point like I’m not even

Opposed to the idea of Bruce Brown coming back on next year’s team but I think at this point we know you know coming in off the bench he’s kind of settling in playing decent ball coming off the bench but we know what Bruce Brown is don’t think we need to see

These starting lineups without really a true point guard lead guard type would much rather Javon frean Liberty in that spot for Bruce Brown just to see what he can do this is what this is about throw stuff at the wall see what can stick and I think if anything’s going to stick of

These end of bench guys I think JFL is probably the guy with the best shots so uh I liked what I saw encouraging stuff hopefully we see a little bit more of JFL getting cut loose over the next little bit here we’ll come back on the

Other side rounded up with The Good the Bad and the H to round out the show The Way We round out every episode on the heels of a Raptor’s basketball game just 10 more of these left mercifully we’ll get to this one coming up in just one second Today’s Show is sponsored by

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Your Tuesday episode Yeah Tuesday right I don’t know days are falling together at this point uh but yeah Tuesday episode of Locked on Raptors thanks for hanging of course uh a reminder you can find locked on Sports to day 247 on YouTube just search it up you’ll actually be redirected there if you’re

Watching the YouTube version of the podcast as well uh and you can check out that wonderful Channel where you have lock On’s National shows and local shows covering the biggest stories and all of the big event coverage MLB season preview March Madness all that covered

Over for you lock on sports today 20 247 a wonderful thing to just have on in the background all the live long day all right let’s uh round it out here with The Good the Bad and the H the way we recap or finish up every recap episode

After a game here on the podcast a thing I liked thing I didn’t like and a thing that’s got me a little bit in intrigued or interested from the latest game uh my good in this one has nothing to do with this basketball game it is the Washington Wizards rattling off an East

Best three game winning streak at the most optimal of times give me that 31st overall pick baby give me the pick of the entire second round field in the draft this year uh the Wizards with this uh torid win streak are now two games up

On the or two games down on I don’t know two games SE seate from the Pistons who are currently last in the standings of course that pick from the ogn and Obi trade coming back from the Knicks is the Pistons second round pick and so the Pistons being last good for the Raptors

You get the whole second round options available for you whoever Falls from that first round into that second round you get to go and scoop them up if you want them um not a bad place to be I mean 31st or 32nd is fine but uh we’re

In the business of small winds here so uh go Wizards I guess I also think it’s funny that the Jazz have the Wizards second rounder as part of this subplot like neither the Pistons or Wizards have their second round picks this year which feels bad for teams as bad as the

Pistons and wizards but either way I love it it’s a wonderful dumb draft pick storyline that I am getting some joy out of so yeah go go Wizards um bonus good I mentioned it earlier but seeing IQ and RJ back on the bench no idea what the

Plan’s going to be for them I hope we see them but if we don’t get it um but yeah nice to see them back with the team smiling laughing doing that stuff and know it’s been a tough go for both of them of late so uh very good to see them

Back and hopefully we see them back in the uniform sometime soon I don’t want to have gone you know like eight months or six months however long it’ll be before October without seeing RJ Barrett and Emanuel quickly play basketball for the Toronto Raptors it’s pretty fun watching them play basketball for the

Toronto Raptors my bad in this game this is not from the game we’re not really talking about the game at all in this one Whatever um but jonte Porter guess we got to talk about this one huh uh reported by W yesterday that he is under investigation for suspicious prop bets

On jonte Porter props in the games uh January 26th against the Clippers and March 20th against the Kings um look there’s not a ton to add to this one we we know what we know we have the reporting out it’s under investigation nothing has been proven

All of those caveats apply if true uh absolutely boneheaded stuff from jonte Porter who very well could find himself banned from the NBA for life after taking many years to get back to the NBA after dealing with injury stuff it’s uh kind of a bummer of a way for his tale

To end if that’s how it ends but again you kind of make your own bed when you do this stuff if he did in fact do what is being accused of or being implied um sort of detail on the story is the sort of Integrity commissions that work for

These Sports books they’re sort of the conduit between the sports books and the leagues uh they kind of picked up on some strange action on these jonte Porter prop bets I think specifically under 0.5 threp pointers made in these two games against the Clippers on the 26

Of January and the Kings on last week on the 20th of March both games that jonte Porter left early as well um and so you know that adds to the the speculation I’m sure for for those who were trying to connect dots and it it seems like you

Know those games there were just like insane rushes to have a ton of money put down on those prop bets I believe from the reporting in the athletic from I think it was Mike voranov and Eric Karine it could be someone else with Kine but Ken’s in there um the reporting is that

You know you know requests of like upwards of 10 or $20,000 bets on these props were put in there are limits on what you can bet on these props for sort of role players I think to protect against this very kind of thing and so that raised the alarm Bells at the

Integrity commissions and all of that and so now we have this investigation and I know the sort of first blush is to say man this is going to be so pervasive around the NBA this is going on everywhere I actually think I’m kind of encouraged but you know when it comes to

Just like the Integrity of the game concern that they have these Commissions in place to alert when some weird stuff’s going on with a guy and look you can’t you know you know cover everything I’m sure there’s stuff that slips through the cracks with this stuff but I

Do think it’s nice and good that there does seem to be plenty of incentive on the part of the betting companies to flag this stuff and get it you know sort of rooted out and I think the leagues obviously are very incentivized to do it as well that’s why I’m not so concerned

About this becoming any more pervasive than sort of other vices that get guys into trouble off the court like there are going to be guys who step outside the lines and do stuff that’s you know unor and under the table and all this stuff but if there are structures in

Place to catch it then you catch them and you say hey bad slap them on the wrist with a lifetime ban if that’s a slap the wrist and then you move on and then you hope that serves as a warning to other people about doing it you know

Pete Rose was betting on baseball games like this is not a new thing it feels more pervasive now because there’s betting ads on every single thing you look at related to sports I get it but I think you know as far as like as like a

Com a ratio of amount of betting content there is to number of players being caught up in betting scandals I think it’s actually a pretty decent uh ratio we’re working with right here so I’m not all that concerned about like the grander scheme implications of the jonte

Porter case I think it’s good that if true he’s been caught and something will go down it sucks that this is just like another strange layer to a bizarre season for the Raptors and um you know I don’t think it hurts them on the court necessarily if he’s not around he would

Have been nothing better than like a nice third big if he were to stick around on the team long term I I think um the lack of two-point shooting ability 45% on on twos he should have taken the under on twos made I think maybe in some of these games uh for

Looking for uh you know things to joke about um you know can’t hit twos he’s not a very good Defender can’t slide his feet super well he’s pretty slow can’t get up vertically all that stuff like I don’t think he was ever going to be more

Than a third big on this team so I don’t think this like tangibly hurts the Raptors as like a a building Enterprise going forward but uh certainly bizarre certainly a wild story I’m sure we’re going to learn a whole lot more don’t have a whole lot else glad he got caught

If it’s true and uh you know it’s a real loss for the BET on yourself Hive I suppose last thing we got the H and my H is simply uh are the Toronto Raptors going to win another basketball game this season they’ve lost 11 in a row

They’ve a chance to extend this losing streak to 21 if in fact they uh lose out the rest of the way I really hope they don’t do that man that’s just like a nasty Mark to have on you from this season on a season where they’ve already

Lost to the piston twice one of those losses being the end of the Piston Zone ridiculous losing streak like you just don’t want to have that on your CV as a team um I don’t care their results or I don’t care you know where they are in the standings the tank standings you

Know who’s on the team like losing 21 games in a row was absolutely embarrassing you should not lose a quarter of your season’s worth of games and it would represent like a pretty massive like just sort of example of oh yeah they like wasted and totally just

Like mailed in the back part of the Season again not entirely in their control with the injuries and personal leaves and stuff like that but um you know a quarter of a season’s a long time to not win a basketball game and it’s very much on the table for the Raptors

To do that I think that sucks uh they play the Knicks tomorrow night probably going to lose that they play the Sixers the 31st maybe you win that because they don’t have MB but the Sixers are picking up some wins here and there um they’re probably going to beat the Raptors

Tyrese Maxi alone is enough to beat the Raptors I would assume um he’s been that in the past even when ‘s been healthy because Tyrese Max is really good and it’s annoying uh Lakers Raptors Tuesday April 2nd probably a Lakers win they’re fighting for Stuff they’re actually playing for Meaningful position etc etc

Trying to ward off the Houston Rockets they probably win that game uh the Timberwolves yeah I feel like Anthony Edwards will have his way with the skeleton Raptors on Wednesday April the 3 the Bucks the 5th of April probably losing that one as well Sunday April 7th

That is the chance it’s against the Wizards it’s at home maybe like I might buy tickets for that one ahead of time just to be there for the one win in this stretch down the season uh we’ll see uh that’s probably the one you get the Pacers at home Tuesday April 9th Pascal

In town the Pacers still likely fighting for playoff positioning they’re probably going to win that game the other opportunity here is Raptors Nets April 10th maybe they pick up both these wins and it’s you finish with a tidy 25 wins on the season um God the Nets are not

Good but and maybe they’ll be benching guys by then too who knows they don’t really have much to tank for because they don’t have their draft pick anyway but um yeah those are the two games Wizards on the seventh Nets on the 10th they have the heat in the last two games

12th and 14th the heat are battling for position in that morass of pretty good Eastern Conference teams probably going to be a couple of L’s for the Raptors there as well so uh maybe two and eight down the stretch probably one- nine hope

To God it’s not to Wi 10 man we got to have like one more win to satiate us the last win the Raptors had cannot be when was their last win even oh my God uh over the Hornets the Hornets March the 3 that cannot be your last win that

Cannot be how you go out anyway uh we will leave it there for now before I get too depressed uh thank you so much for tuning into the show as always thank you for following subscribing rating reviewing telling a friend all that jazz it’s much appreciated when you support

The show however it is that you support the show we’ll be back again tomorrow and I think we’re going to talk a little Nick’s trade with our Pal’s G and Alex from lock on Knicks kind of you know the Raptors play New York tomorrow do a little check in on how that trade

Has gone for both sides get a little update on OG precious toua of course sorry Malachi Flynn will not be in the conversation for this one um but we’ll get into all that coming up a little bit later on this week tomorrow uh we’ll talk about well Jamar Hines along for

Wednesday to talk about the Knicks game and recap it all Friday probably gon do some draft stuff with Richard’s Damon from locked in NBA big board so we got a loaded week for you keep it locked even though the team is very bad and pathetic and losing all of their games there’s

Still stuff to talk about I’m finding a way uh I’m like life in Jurassic Park finding a way to talk about this old basketball team so thank you so much for tuning in we will talk to you again on Wednesday on the episode of lock on Raptors thanks for hanging byebye

In Episode 1602, Sean Woodley goes solo to talk about the Toronto Raptors falling 96-88 to the Brooklyn Nets in a game that saw them break their franchise record for assists in a season, which is pretty cool! Off the top, Sean digs into the Raptors’ breaking their own single season assist mark in year on under Darko Rajakovic, and why it’s a pretty amazing thing that the Raptors have maintained the integrity of their play style on offense throughout a season with so much upheaval and variable personnel. It can only bode well going forward, one would think. Next, Sean talks about a strong night from Javon Freeman-Liberty, and why he should be getting heavy run down the stretch of the season as the fringe NBA guy on the roster with the best shot of sticking as a real rotation piece on the Raptors next season. Lastly, Sean runs through The Good (The Wizards winning streak), The Bad (Jontay Porter’s gambling investigation) and The Hmmmm (will the Raptors win another game this year?) to round out the show.

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