@Houston Rockets

This Trade Rumor Just BROKE My Brain…

This Trade Rumor Just BROKE My Brain…

So you’re probably wondering Tucker it’s almost the playoffs why are we talking about a trade rumor video we can’t even make trades until the off season um this would be why let’s go ahead and put the tweet on screen here the Brooklyn Nets reportedly turned down a trade offer

From the Houston Rockets that included Jaylen green and multiple first round picks for Mel Bridges that’s why for those of you who don’t know uh I’m an Nets fan so this is particularly infuriating given the current state of the Brooklyn Nets and what I mean by the

Current state of the Brooklyn Nets is that they are one of the worst organizations in the entire League they’re not well set up for the future and they have played like the Washington Wizards for about two months now they have been one of the worst teams in the

League for about two months and they’re not going to make the playin game they don’t have their first- round pick it’s actually owned by the Houston Rockets and clearly there is a lack of Direction in the front office because decision- making like this doesn’t make any sense

Now to be fair the report just says multiple first round picks we don’t necessarily know what the offer was we don’t know what the picks were we don’t know what the protections were and we know that the N really highly value Mel Bridges they turned down four first

Round picks from the Memphis Grizzlies for Mel Bridges when they traded for him in exchange for Kevin Durant uh last off SE or excuse me last trade deadline here’s the problem with all this though okay this is like one of five or six different reports that we got at the

Deadline about what was offered in exchange for Mel Bridges and one of those reports mentioned that the Rockets were willing to give back most of if not all of the Nets first round picks that they own pick swaps and all that in exchange for male Bridges which is just

A complete franchise doover for a franchise that desperately needs it now now on the surface Mel Bridges is worth a lot and maybe getting your own picks back isn’t necessarily top TI your value for Mel Bridges he’s had a a season where he’s definitely not been as good

As you would have hoped but he’s a really good complimentary player good 2A player on a great contract as well there’s a reason teams want Mel Bridges but if you’re Brooklyn the ability to reset everything and get your own picks back and be bad and get good players in

The building as a result of being bad opens up an Avenue for team building that they just don’t currently have on the roster and looking back on it now this is an incredibly interesting rumor there’s a reason this rumor is coming out now and it’s because Jaylen green is

Playing out of his mind he’s averaging like 27 points a game in his last 10 games as of the recording of this video he’s averaging like 24 game post Allstar break the Rockets are on their way to potentially making the playin game as of the recording of this video they’ve won

Eight straight games and then that’s could have had Jaylen green multiple first round picks in exchange for Mel Bridges and it’s interesting to look back on that rumor now because where would the Rockets be now had they made the trade for Bridges Shang gun goes down Jaylen green has become a the

Primary reason really that they’ve been so good and then obviously having Jabari Smith playing the five some other contributions from some other guys where would we be if this was a trade that the Nets actually accepted and then also one of the reasons the Nets are so bad is

Because they don’t have a Creator like Mel Bridges is a fine offensive player they have a couple of guards like cam Thomas is is pretty good depending on your opinion of him but having someone like Jaylen green that can create for everyone else is like by far the biggest

Issue with the roster in Brooklyn right now and yes trading way Mel Bridges you know kind of weakens the rest of the roster but getting someone that has been averaging 2 four game post All-Star break plus multiple first- round picks in exchange for Mel Bridges definitely

Would have helped with where the team is going in the future and it’s just an unfortunate situation for Brooklyn because they made it clear that they weren’t trading male Bridges at the deadline they made that clear when they traded for him in exchange for Kevin Durant last trade deadline as well they

Are committed to keeping him there and some of you might be wondering why are they so committed to keeping Mel Bridges it doesn’t necessarily have to do with his value on the floor I mean he’s good like I said he’s on a good contract good two-way player he’s having to play too

Much of an offensive role for this team right now um and that’s definitely hurting his efficiency and things like that but the Nets believe that whether it be via a trade or in free agency them having male bridges on the roster makes them an attractive star destination in

The off season at next year’s trade deadline and in the following offseason as well they believe probably correctly that there are stars around the league that would really like to play with Mel Bridges because of his complimentary skill set and they feel like having him on the roster is more valuable than just

The actual value that he provides on the floor because their whole goal over the next couple of seasons to try and get back to where they were is to attract stars to Brooklyn they think that having the the location be where it is there is still a star destination and Mel Bridges

Is a huge part of that my problem with that is the re not necessarily the reason but one of the reasons why the Nets were a you know potential star destination in 2019 when they got Kyrie and they got KD was the team was decent they were like 42 and something and and

They weren’t like a contender by any means but there were a lot of complimentary pieces there that would make you think okay we can do something here as in this case Kyrie and KD two stars show up there’s complimentary pieces there’s future assets there’s all this stuff and the Nets don’t really

Have that right now I mean yes they have you know some good Wings they have Mel Bridges Nick claxon is someone they’re probably going to bring back and they have future assets from other teams they have future first round picks they have actually a good amount of them but the

The situation is just not even comparable comparable to where they were in 2019 and if you’re reasoning for keeping mckel Bridges is to attract Stars I don’t think the Nets are a a top five star destination around the league right now when it comes to trades or

Free agency and so if you’re overvaluing kale Bridges and in this case turning down a trade offer that you should not have turned down certainly in hindsight that shows um just like I said just a lack of Direction and poor decision-making by the front office in Brooklyn which is a huge huge concern

And again you know the the reason that this is all coming up is because Jaylen Green’s been playing really well Jaylen green was averaging 16 points a game and shooting 35% from the full post Allstar break this wouldn’t be as big of a deal right but it also shines a light on some

Of those reports that we got that the Nets could have just reset it was an unbelievable offer that Brooklyn got reportedly to just get their first round picks back from Houston and trade with Mel Bridges and I understand having an idea of hey Mel Bridges is here we want

To try and ATT track stars one I don’t necessarily agree with that mindset but two maybe you could kind of you know Steer in a different direction here and say okay this opens up a completely different path for us and one that is probably better off for us rather than

Just trying to attract these stars and Houston as well I mean adding Mel Bridges to that roster is something that they’ve been trying to do for like a year now I mean they brought in Dylan Brooks van Fleet they brought in amoka the young guys are playing really well

And they clearly believe that having someone like Mel Bridges on the roster would help them tremendously as a two-way player as a veteran as as someone that’s on a good contract over the next couple of seasons and it’s interesting to think about how Brooklyn values mckel Bridges as an asset and how

Other teams value mckel Bridges as an asset and and the difference in those two things where teams clearly really like him and the Nets are still even way above whatever that asking price would be to the point where apparently Mel Bridges is basically Untouchable and all this is really important information as

We go into the offseason where maybe there is still a deal to be made between Brooklyn um and between Houston I mean maybe there is still an opportunity to make a similar kind of deal in the off season the Nets like I said do not have

Their own first round pick um in this draft they don’t control any of their first- round picks over the next couple of Seasons those are controlled by Houston and maybe they take the opportunity to to move Jaylen green and some stuff in exchange from K Bridges depending on how the season ends and

Then I mean the Nets just there’s just so many question marks for them right now and it’s difficult as a fan to really be excited about the future of the team I mean maybe in a year or two years they do have a star or two and Mel

Bridges is still there and I’m completely wrong about all this stuff but a team that continues to go through as many head coaches as they do uh doesn’t change anything in the front office uh loses guys in the front office that are highly regarded around the

League to go to some other spots and it seems like every year there’s some kind of deal or some kind of rumor report that comes out like this that shows that the front office mishandled the situation you go back to the first James Harden trade obviously trading away all

Their picks that that didn’t go well could have gone much better but it didn’t go well and then the the Harden trade where they get Ben Simmons in exchange from Philadelphia and just it it gets exhausting right every single year when you look at oh there’s new

Report there’s a new trade rumor and every single time the Nets are the ones that that screwed it up right so we’ll just kind of have to see what happens with the Nets moving forward I do think people are undervaluing the amount of first round picks that they do have they

Have those Phoenix picks they have a a Philly pick they have a Dallas pick they have a couple of different things still working for them and maybe you know their vision for keeping Mel Bridges and for adding Stars will ultimately end up being the right choice but when you look

At rumors and things like this it’s really disheartening one as a fan and two incredibly interesting to think about where Houston was was on Jaylen green a couple of weeks ago you know 6 eight weeks ago compared to where they are now on him potentially pushing towards the playin is just a uh

Unbelievable turn of events that makes this a really interesting trade R to look back on

As a Brooklyn Nets fan, this NBA trade rumor is tough to hear…

#nets #nba #brooklynnets


  1. I just dont see the rockets moving green till at least the next years deadline if he doesn't play well next year

  2. How do you have KD, Harden, Kyrie and get 0 value back except a 3rd option at best on a championship team in mikal bridges terrible front office.

  3. Hard to conclude without undertaking what multiple first round picks are. Like is it s couple. Did they protect them etc.

    I personally dont think Houston would've offered more than two of the picks sinde the Nets are such a sinking ship right now theyre gonns be quite valuable. Green isnt too bad and think they will be happy to see how he ends up before extensions

  4. Why does Sean Marks forget that the only reason they lucked their way into Kyrie and KD was because the Knicks were a complete dumpster fire? Nobody is going to play for the nets, especially to play alongside Bridges, who, at best, is a 3rd option on a playoff squad

  5. This would be silly for Houston. Green is really starting to come into his own. He’s better than Bridges right this second

  6. Mikal bridges has been one of my favorite players and as a nets fan the fact hes on the team is great but even i would have traded him without any hesitation. Absolutely comical

  7. I said this alot of times and I am going to say it again.

    BLOW THE WHOLE TEAM UP AND REBUILD… but also keep Cam Thomas

    Trade for picks and younger players ( and a couple vets) and just start from scratch. Build a culture that creates stars or the very least have stars want to come over to the team

  8. Yeah that Bridges trade is probably done from a Rockets standpoint. The Nets blew it. Now the Rockets will simply get the Nets picks for the next few years while already being a better team

  9. Nets need to go into a full rebuild Asap and commit to it, forget about chasing stars, it failed twice plus what stars are thinking to go to the Nets, didnt they see what happened last time

  10. The opinion voiced in this video is dependent on Bridges playing below expectations and Green playing above expectations. When the offer was made, perhaps that was not the case.

  11. This valuation of Bridges is basically the equivalent of Kevin Durant. One of these things is not like the other. I think Bridges has a great contract, but lack of direction and other Nets contracts is the bigger issue.

  12. No way the rockets trade jalen for bridges now. Jalen was playing horrible at that time. It took time patience and coaching but he's gettin it together now. This offseason and 4th yr jalen should be crazy. I would of took that trade for jalen, the talent always been there and flashed. Its just finally coming together now. Poor nets.

  13. If anything that Rockets could probably just finesse them and give them their pic back for bridges because they are totally fucked and I can guarantee you, Jaylen Green’s, not on the table anymore if they want to truly suck they could probably take on the bad contract of like Van Fleet but honestly, they blew their only chance of getting a due over

  14. Yeah, the Mikhail bridge is things not happening for Houston maybe if they want to trade for Vanvleet and their pics back but they are truly fucked ,green is not on the table anymore 😂

  15. JG basically went straight to the pro's he's super young. The Rockets would be dumb as h*ll to trade someone with his talent level. He is by far the best young scorer in his class. I honestly think this would be like trading a young Kobe or DWade. If JG figures things out he will be DEADLY.

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