@Philadelphia 76ers

Clippers are fake contenders – ESPN reacts to 76ers DESTROYING James Harden, L.A. without Embiid

Clippers are fake contenders – ESPN reacts to 76ers DESTROYING James Harden, L.A. without Embiid

We welcome you here inside our Studios this is Sixers postgame live brought to you by Cur auto insurance I’m Amy fiddle alongside the coach Jim Lam and our Big Man Mark Jackson and listen it’s been a tough road trip we knew that this is a Clippers team sitting in fourth in the

West they do need a little separation between them and the Pelicans because they’re basically a little bit in a tie with them as far as the tiebreaker goes they don’t want to fall into an actual tiebreaker but the Sixers are the ones that came out with some serious fire out

Of the gates I mean 63 points at the half mark we haven’t seen that in a while hey we was fin all s Amy and it was great to see that we completed the game on the same type of pace it’s good to see the 7 get out and run and I think

When they make a violent effort to do that consistently every play it works in their benefit because of the amount of guards we have that can actually go so it’s good that they did that and I don’t think the Clippers keep as you can see the Clippers tonight with 13 turnovers

And I thought that was difficult for them to try to keep up with the Sixers 47 pitch points led the way with campaign 23 what an afternoon for him Jim yeah campaign was terrific and I love the way he and Tyrese complimented one another the second half started Amy

With the Clippers like really responding they tied this game in a short period of time but how about the Sixers bouncing back with an 181 run wow and literally put the game away right at that point yeah they led by 20 points uh six and a half through the fourth quarter but we

Were talking about campaign what a game for him here he is with Kate Scott and Al abs and Abby campaign in a season High 23 points man and we’re just so excited to talk to you because you’ve looked so good the last couple of weeks what what’s been

Working the last couple of weeks it feels like you finally settled in uh now I’m starting to get real comfortable with my teammates uh we starting to learn each other a little bit more they starting to learn me a little bit more uh coach kind of let me loose a little

Bit uh but ever since uh the next games man my shots been working my shots been knocking it down I’ve been knocking my shots down and I’ve been feeling good offensively tell me about how important it is for you to come in and kind of play the point guard role and allow guys

Like Tyrese to play off the ball so they can get to roam and move and do some things your dis here is key but tell me about that specific part of your attack uh it’s it’s it’s big time you know a lot of uh focus is on tyes uh while he’s

In the game uh so getting him a little relief uh once I get going they kind of lay off uh to tyres a little bit i’ be having a lot of space uh with him being out there uh so I know I can punch the

Gaps uh play a little bit more free uh but like I said once I get going that kind of let up on Reese a little bit then Reese get to get going this time it was in the second half he know he’s getting blitzed he’s starting to figure

Out his game he’s starting to figure out how to handle the blitzes when to go when not to go uh so being out there kind of kind of help him get a little break uh sometimes yeah I dropped a little turbo into the broadcast this afternoon cam for you but you know I

Mean I have you seen another guy who’s as fast as you other than Tyrese tell us a little bit more about what absolutely Tyrese hit a layup today I was checking in I was like hey hey n he faster than me um he know how to uh stop it on the

Brakes too man but uh it’s it’s real fun to be out there with him I know that means we can run a lot uh we can push the pace uh at a at a at a big time uh Pace well listen in your short time here in Philadelphia we could all tell how

Much you’re enjoying yourself out there we can tell in this interview how much you’re enjoying yourself but what’s with the reactions when you’re coming back after made 3s the little Skip and letting us know about the tell me about that man hey hey one thing about our

Offense and and our guys in the locker room we got to keep our Swagger up that’s what I’m bringing to this team I’m bringing my energy I’m bringing my Swagger so I mean me man I like having fun so if that jumper rolling y’all

Going to see me having a lot of fun man shout out to Mel bridg and C yeah a Philly guy Mal and Zone we love Mel except when we’re playing the Brooklyn absolutely let’s take that swag back to the plane and fly up to Sacramento good job let’s do it thank you

Guys uh little shout out to male Brides Great Valley High School product of course he had that celebration those guys were teammates back when male was with the sons Kate Scott mentioning these from malver right there so fun stuff and listen when you beat a team like the Clippers by this much after

Some of the games that have been disappointing especially coming off that Lakers game I think it gives you a little bit more even juice like it’s always good to get the win but it’s good to get it with the circumstances that are going on right now absolutely Amy

Anything that drive momentum anything to get positive characteristics from everyone out there this jumping right here just said look my jump is going yall going to see it and I’m happy that he really he’s really got to have that conversation there because he deserve it

Cuz like I said from day one he’s been giving us nothing but great works as he got here and then go to the L the Clipper land oh I’m show Lakers sorry going to Clipper land get that win and beating James Harden yes I said beating

James Harden you know for me it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s a good thing let’s just say that absolutely so 24 minutes for campaign 23 points that is a picture of efficiency as you take a look at his day out there five of 10 I mean we

Didn’t know if they could continue their hot shooting from the first half they said yes we can as you can see there I think it’s going to be hard when the playoffs come to keep him out of the rotation I don’t care if everyone’s healthy I think this gentleman has

Played such good basketball it’s be very hard for Nick nurse not to find a way to get him on the court yeah it’ll be interesting to watch but it’s a good problem to have Absolut and that is what comes to be let’s check in with Nick nurse

Now we had six assists I that’s a high for him how valuable is it to have a guy who can pressure the room the way he does it’s good it’s good he’s you’re seeing that grow a little bit with him I think he’s I keep saying this like he

Gets by his guy right and now it’s what decisions he going to make and I think I think when you got a a big like um zubot down there um Davis the I mean you’re going to have to not take those guys on those guys are

Big and can block shots and and uh he he makes the right read with continue continue to hope hope he grows that part of his game we talked about perhaps three of your best if not three best defenders are are all at home right now and to guard their three best offensive

Players the way that you did um how proud are you of these sort of role playing Defenders and Rising Defenders that you’ve managed to put together well they’re they’re I I keep saying this I I think the one thing we are doing is getting better defensively and these

Guys are are taking the challenge you could see how hard they were working I mean that’s that’s where it starts right if they’re going to get up and and put that much effort into it and take the challenge you know there was just no no fear they were they were taking all the

Bumps and and working um all the way through it and listen those guys are they’re athletic and they’re long right so you put those two things with some effort right and then some team execution on the schemes you you can see some improvement was Nico a an Emergency

Inbounder he was he was yes we always we decided if he’s not playing he is still going to be an emergency inbounder yeah shots going in what else do you think contri to the balance across the board Ju Just ball movement I think I think we

Got off the ball to the to the open man right um um and I didn’t think we got we had we had a few there’s always a handful where the ball sticks and gets us in trouble but we just we just when it wasn’t there we just moved it on to the

Next guy and moved it on to the next guy and and I thought when we got late and clocks guys just started beating people off the dribble and then continuing either to make shots or or make make the next dump off or kick out so it was just

It was just hit the open man offense have four assists yep I guess do do you feel like he’s improved in terms of making reads doesn’t seem like he was making the right reads well we we kind of we yes we we got into that because they when they matched up their center

With him um so and they were blitzing at the same time so he was kind of the automatic short roll guy but then when we saw that we started kind of setting a few things up for him to be cuz he CU he made some good plays and then we kind of

Continued to go with that so yeah that was good because he was he’s he’s was doing it decisive right he was doing it with some speed and and some quick decisions so it was good usually rest Tyrese to start the fourth um was sticking with him was that about kind of

Get getting back the momentum after the and made that run I guess what went into that decision probably uh G’s question before the game about what are the rotations looking like and things that was one of the things we discussed is that we may let him run through there a little bit

And then we couldn’t take him out he didn’t want to come out he just I tried to sub him and he kept not coming out so he said he wasn’t tired so and that’s good yeah as a as a sort of second half score I’m to be more aggressive in first

Halfes but during the stretch without Joelle he can stay really calm and score down the stretch in high pressure situations how helpful is that going to be on the stretch well I thought he made a good read of the game I thought early they were they were um blitzing him and

He was just getting off it early and then he decided that he would just race around some of those double teams and and he got in there and finish through some physicality so I thought he made a good really good read of the game he doesn’t see him he ignores big people

Cuz he scores over them he scores around him he draws fouls he was huge coming down the stretch yes he was we can see where the Sixers stand right now they entered this one in eighth now they’re in seventh but it is so close when you

See really only one game back in the loss column between them and the Pacers huge games down the stretch of course the seven seed if they remain there they would host that 7 eight playin game so it’s it’s just so close every single game we got 11 games to go a majority of

Them on the road so does that make this one that much bigger mark it does Amy it does because like every game counts it’s like the six are in playoff mode now 15 18 games earlier you know they still win in playoff mode like I we’ve talked

About it off air like I don’t want to be in that playing thing I don’t I don’t care if Joelle is here or what I don’t even with the big fell I don’t want to be in a playing scenario I want to have seven games to really get to it and it’s

Just I’m praying every night that we get out of there period yeah we mentioned that run that they went on in the fourth quarter and how big everyone stepped up in that I mean 18 to two at one point the Clippers only had five Five Points

In the entire frame you’re looking at a a team in the Sixers as that’s our colonal Nissan Game Changer that 18-2 run Sixers struggled in the fourth quarter of the previous game that was definitely not the case Jim no they really uh their offense to me was Sensational start to finish and in

Saying that their defense wasn’t far behind they forced turnovers they blocked shots you said mentioned the defensive performance they had against what Miami I guess it was and they came real close to duplicating in this game they really responded I thought tremendously yeah in that Heat game they

Had 12 blocks Seven Seals in this game they had 10 blocks Seven Seals it’s the first time a bench for the Sixers have scored over 35 points had more than five threes and had more than five blocks since May 5th of 2021 that’s a pandemic game that’s how old that was but 47

Points and you’re looking at just the the allaround game from everybody we mentioned being more consistent everyone up and down the court if they on the you scored tonight absolutely and that’s a major contribution from everyone and that’s what you need because Five Guys don’t play the entire game you need your

Your role players to come in and and just start at their role and if you get that that leads to cissi now because the 76 had so many guys in and out the line with injuries they’re they’re developing their rotation guys because they’re getting more minutes able to play

Through more mistakes and it just helps the team in Long Run yeah I mean you really need contributions in every way shape and form when the big guy is out campaign talked about it listen we we know what we’re up against and they do Jim they know what they’re going against

But when you have something like this I mean seem scored 63 points at the half they haven’t had this kind of offensive efficiency in a long while was it something just extra going or was it the the shots that went in from the Lakers game that didn’t go before without

Question the latter a I hate to oversimplify you it’s an old coaching tenant that your offense always looks a lot better if you make a few more shots and the Sixers the fact of the matter is over this long stretch with ad embid they’re three-point shooting for whatever reason whether it’s a factor

That Joe’s not there my guess is yes but their three-point shooting has nose dive to bit and all you have to do is contrast the Laker game they played you heard Nick Nur say it again he liked their execution the Laker game they were like what six for 30 something they shot

22% from three tonight they were almost at 50% from three I think they had 17 or 18 for 37 from three just under making half when you shoot that kind of percentage from three-point land your offense has go almost without question is going to be tremendous yeah I can’t

Remember the last time I saw him score 121 points without Joel embid all right this a good sign of things to come this road trip does continue we’re going to hear from Tobias Harris who had a monster first half that really helped the Sixers get out to that lead and help

Get this win we’ll be right back here on Sixers postgame live brought to you by C A Insurance don’t chase plays down so that’s a great effort play number one by UB and just a sensational athletic block yeah I mean when you’re looking at this it was just a really overall great

Effort but defensively you know I asked earlier when we were talking in the fourth quarter what was more impressive the Sixers you know offense kind of really came alive or their defense came through which was more impressive to you mark to me it was the you know it was

Their ability to defend at a high level consistently the activity by the six on the defensive end got contributed to a lot of other things going on the other way and I think to me the best thing I seen in Sixers was the activity defensive well James Harden we wondered

How he might Faire against his former team one of the many former teams that he has at this point in his career uh if he thought it was a Revenge game he did not get the Revenge uh a pedestrian KN by all standards for the beard 12 points

Five of 13 uh did have 14 assists no surprise he is always a a great facilitator but you can see those um those numbers right there on three-point Lan Jim these are not normal for him obviously he’s a pretty good shooter no he’s a terrific three points here he’s

Gotten himself up into that 40% area and that means you’re one of the better ones in the league but the sixer defense didn’t give him any open looks out there and they chased him off the line put him on penetration and as a result he penetrating game with that outside shot

Uh interesting fact Gina miselle of the Philadelphian Inquirer reporting that James Harden left the locker room before tyo even entered it post game so I don’t think we’re going to be hearing any quotes from James hard so you wondered if he might might be bitter about his

Former team that might answer it there mark you look surprised by that you look surprised by something James Harden would do I mean what point do we learn to change our ways I mean really I mean you you’ve seen him I I mean new tricks I mean Ain happening V got change of

Ways I mean he’s he went to a good a good situation it worked out well he wanted to be out he got his wish went to go where he wanted to go got his wish that team was rolling before he got there they Contin with him there and at

What point do you say hey man it didn’t work out you know but I’m here and I’m going to be a good soldier like at what time I I’m just baffled I’m just I know I shouldn’t be I should expect it no but like enough’s enough Dar man come on

With what 11 games left in the season yeah like come on yeah you would think it would have been kind of like water under the bridge now but listen I’m surprised he just didn’t miss he missed a chance to like throw some more shots across somebody’s bow like that’s

Usually kind of his cup of tea but listen I’m sure we’ll hear from James Harden at some point I can’t imagine that was going to go over too well with his teammates because it was not a very good game for them as a whole and I imagine it’s disappointing and as one of

The leaders on the team you would want him to be in there when the coach comes out to address Jim yeah without question uh you know they’ve been they were coming off two wins all in trouble getting wins but the fact of the matter is they’ve been inconsistent they’ve not

Been able to establish you know a continuity to their play at the level that you’d like going into the playoffs so it lose a home home game like this yeah you this a time where you need your troops to Rally you know not being divisive and worry about personal things

Divisive James Harden same sentence uh let’s check in now with Tobias Harris isos with James now that it’s over uh anything special to playing against him for the first time since that trade I mean uh you know James is a a hell of a player and um you know I

Always have a huge amount of respect for him playing with him here and it’s good to see him in La uh flourishing and playing his game and you know just uh just balling out so you know it’s all it’s all love and respect he’s a Hall of

Fame player and uh for me it was honor being here playing with him but and to see him on the other side happy and enjoying what he’s doing you know that’s that that that’s more that’s really what the game is about and so it’s great just seeing him and hooping against

Him all right Tobias want to see him hoop against him he didn’t want to hang out with his teammates James Harden didn’t but whatever uh it doesn’t really matter James Harden listen the clips are doing just fine out there they’re out there in la la land we will see them

Coming up of course they play that home game here Wednesday against the Clippers we’re going to talk a little bit about the Sixers defense overall a much better defensive effort very similar as we mentioned to that Heat game foree Spee fore fore for speeech foreign spee Speeech For First Blood an ally has been defeated you have defeated an ally has been defeated double kill you have been defeated enemy Ultimate an ally has been defeated enemy on an ally has been defe enemy blood For you have defeated an enemy enemy Ultimate Enemy double kill Fore an enemy has been defeated enemy Dominating is under Attack enemy legendary enemy double kill enemy our base is under Attack for fore for first blun shameful failure the hunger is real an ally has been defeated an enemy has been defeated you have been defeated an ally has been defeated jum on youre an ally has been defeated you have defeated an enemy you have been defeated enemy double kill an enemy has been

Defeated enemy onl enemy bloodb an enemy has been defeated your tower has been destroyed enemy dominated enemy legendary an ally has been defeated an enemy has been defeated enemy legendary our base is under attack an enemy has been defeated come closer oh lit Ultimate Enemy legendary shut down enemy double kill

Oh an ally has been defeated

Clippers are fake contenders – ESPN reacts to Tyrese Maxey & 76ers DESTROYING James Harden, Clippers 121-107 without Embiid


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