@Oklahoma City Thunder

Everytime I see a Coach Mark quote he amazes me more and more. He doesn’t feed into that ego mentality that the NBA is about today it’s about the team and he is not afraid to say that over and over and over again.

Everytime I see a Coach Mark quote he amazes me more and more. He doesn’t feed into that ego mentality that the NBA is about today it’s about the team and he is not afraid to say that over and over and over again.

by rb1242


  1. conquistadorcum

    ChatGPT couldnā€™t have come up with a better response

  2. New-Candy-800

    It’s insane that Mark D is younger than both Reddick and Lebron

  3. Thatā€™s a quality leadership response.

    Also, from what things LeBron has said as of late, I think he low key is considering making a play to purchase the Thunder when heā€™s retired. Or at the very least try to hire some of their personnel for whatever team he does acquire.

  4. Apprehensive-Sir-411

    this right here exemplifies the Thunder organization and fan experience. no player or staff member is bigger than the team, but the team needs ALL of them to be successful. from a meticulous yet patient general manager, a brilliant yet developmental coach, to uber-talented yet unselfish players, everyone involved is working toward the same goal. weā€™re only at the beginning of the rollercoaster and I canā€™t wait to see how this core grows even more āš”ļø

  5. What a quote.

    Hearing Mark talk about the matchups before each game makes me feel like I know basketball.

  6. sterphles

    We all know he’s intelligent and well-spoken, but he’s totally genuine in a way we’ve rarely seen. The guys all buy in because it’s pure truth, no empty platitudes or smoke blown up someone’s ass.

  7. yglaflamee

    cmon down king i know you want to come here so bad

  8. Spare-Water-7672

    Iā€™m surprised he didnā€™t say anything to give credit to Bron or talk about how itā€™s an honor to have him say something good about him or something, I know he canā€™t tamper or anything but I want to leave the door open for Bron to play for us one day as weird as that sounds. Like outside it being a big market this is his favorite organization. He also wouldnā€™t come and start being LeGM because heā€™s said how good Presti is and we have good player communication and he would know exactly what his role was. I doubt that ever happens but I donā€™t think it would be a bad thing like some people think.

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