@Detroit Pistons

Interviewing Detroit Pistons Fans To Hear the Fanbases Thoughts On This Season!

Interviewing Detroit Pistons Fans To Hear the Fanbases Thoughts On This Season!

In today’s episode I’ll be talking with three random Pistons fans to get their thoughts and get their frustrations out with how this Detroit Pistons season has gone stay tuned for all of that in today’s episode of the locked on Pistons podcast you are locked on Pistons your daily Detroit Pistons podcast part of

The locked on podcast Network your team every Day what’s the deal welcome back to another episode of the lock on Pistons podcast per usual I’m your host cah Hill you can find me over on Twitter at caill been covering this team for lockdown over the last three years was a riter for numerous piston blogs um before

These last three years we’ve been covering this team for a while I want to thank you guys make lock on Pistons your first listen of every single day we are free to all your podcast platforms hit that subscribe button the YouTube channel or leave us a five star review

On whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast in today’s episode we’ll be interviewing three Pistons fans to get their grievances out to get their frustrations out and see where the Pistons fan base stands at uh we’re going to be doing

This often I’ll be getting three random fans to come on the podcast and give them o each their own segment if you want to be one of those lucky fans again comment in the YouTube section down below or tweet at me over on Twitter

Cilman and try to get as many fans on as possible from here until the end of the offseason so that’s what we’re going to do I hope you guys enjoyed today’s episode that’s it for the intro and I hope you guys enjoy it I am here with

The first piston fan for our first episode of interviewing Pistons fans based off of this season how do they feel about this season how it’s went how are they feeling right now and the first fan that we are going to be talking with is Tyler dun Tyler thank you first of

All for making time to come on to the podcast um but like I said before we start recording I’m not going to talk a lot this is for you guys to get everything you guys want out and for other fans to listen to you guys and see

How you’re feeling if you guys feel the same way how Pistons fans in the fan base are you know just overall feeling so Tyler let’s start off with just give us a brief explanation of your how do you became a Pistons fan were you just Burn Detroit like H what’s your what’s

Your story as a Pistons fan just real quickly yeah absolutely so born in Detroit born and raised uh been a fan for you know 28 years now um started writing for uh you know just some some uh friends and stuff here doing some sports blogs and everything uh and then

Just started like live streaming our games and uh putting putting up with all the other fans have the season um so I’ve seen the good I’ve seen the bad I thought we were gonna be seeing some good this season or at least a little more good but you know here we are so

All right so if you want to shout out where some of your stuff is some where you’re doing some writing uh you can throughout the podcast don’t be shy to do that um a rider contributor at piston powered I used to be a site expert over at piston powered um but anyways all

Right so this season like you said it has not went according to plan at all from top down I don’t think any fans expected to be be this bad did you think ever in your wildest dreams it could get this bad no no you know I I thought we were kind of Beyond

This point in the rebuild I mean everyone everyone says the same thing we’re in year four and it really still feels like you know we’re we’re in year zero um I I thought this was the year like everyone else kind of this was the year that we were gonna be turning that

Corner um there was going to be you know I I wasn’t delusional I knew you know we weren’t going to be making it very far making any noise really uh in the playoffs I personally um thought that this would be the year in which maybe we

Made a move at the deadline you know maybe even going into the season something towards uh the last offseason um and we were gonna be playing meaningful basketball this time of year it would be whether we actually made it into the playing games or if you know we

Just came up short regardless uh with this you know the schedule as coming up of the next month a few of those games were expected to be winnable and so I really thought coming to this time uh it would be playing meaningful basketball in which you know you cut you’re tuning

In every night where in a race with one team or another team and again that might just be for a playing game but it’s meaningful basketball it’s not just you know who cares if we want or loss it the records mean nothing so to be here

You know in year four to have to have that meaning that meaningless basketball where you don’t really care you know just kind of checking in on injuries and stuff no I never really thought uh in year four the rebuild that would that we’d be you know in this spot here yeah

And I I don’t think any pison s would think that after what Troy Weaver said to them before the season that the goal was to play 82 meaningful games and now here we are with this um we’ll dive a little deeper into some of your some of

The things you may be most upset about this season um but I think you have to start here asking you this how do you feel about the Pistons core guys are do you feel you know do you feel strong on them are you low on them after this type

Of season I mean like I said we’ll get to other parts of the Season that maybe you are very upset about but I think that obviously might be where we have to start maybe also Kate Cunningham but just how do you feel about those young

Guys now yeah and you know what I would say that probably is where most my grievance and lies it’s you know we’ve had this you know you did quotes for the core you know the four core five core whatever you want to consider there and while we coming into the season I

Definitely was on that same train of those are the core guys we’re going to build around them they’re all going to be taking these steps forward uh they’re going to be the ones that lead us into meaningful basketball this time of year now looking back I think that’s where I

Honestly struggle the most with uh our guys here in that these the Pistons were were so long at the bottom of the barrel they would had top draft picks and they didn’t really have the luxury of of identifying fit and identifying who plays with who you know complimentary

Basketball it really was just the best player available when you you know when the cupboards bare you got to take the best player you can and for so long we did that and then you know so then we ended up with guy you know Kade Ivy and

When Ivy fell into our laps when uh Keegan Murray was taken right before us I don’t think anyone was really worried about fit at that point there was K Ivy was a great player and we were happy to have him here in Detroit but I think one

Of my largest grievances this year is that issue and that these guys that they all were Talent they all are talented in their own uh their own regards but they’re not very complimentary they don’t play off each other so well they’re everyone’s Talent up and down

The line K Cade jayen Jaylen uh jayen Ivy assar all these guys are so talented uh but they don’t necessarily mesh together so I almost feel like we’re we’re we put together all this talent but now we’re making this rebuild so much harder we’re trying to force these guys together that necessarily they

Don’t play so well together um you know you got Kade the big guard coming down who has shown that he can take over games he’s shown he can light up from three but he’s not necessarily um you know that outside threat um jayen Ivy is such a great guy getting to the line

Getting downhill um in getting calls and he’s so electric um but outside of his you know month and a half when he was shooting about 40 or so percent from three he’s I think in the since March she’s only shooting 23% from three pairing that alongside Kade is is in my

Opinion just not work especially when you look down the line and you know you got guys like um you know Duren down low that is you know great within the paint um but he’s not gonna spray it away from the basket you got assar Thompson who again great in his own right fantastic

Defense so athletic a pick and roll uh threat you know for lobs um but he’s not going to space away from the basket either so by pairing our our core that we have together you know the quote unquote core by forcing them together it’s almost it’s almost like we’re

Hindering our rebuild and trying to M ma match these guys together that aren’t playing so complimentary together so um you know I know you mentioned last week uh in a podcast that you know we might need to move on from one of these guys eventually and that’s kind of where I

Sit with after watching basketball this year and seeing where this team is at uh I personally just don’t see how we can continue moving forward with those four core guys you know or five or how you know whoever you want to consider uh to

Be in that group um you know it leads me back to uh the a few years ago the trade that you know between the Kings and the Pacers both of them I felt were kind of in similar aspect in a similar situation where they both drafted guys that were

At the time considered to be you know well thought of and and re and building blocks you know foundational pieces um but they weren’t necessarily great fits on the Kings you had hel Burton um being uh drafted there but you already kind of had Deon fox running point for the

Pacers um for you know deonis sabonis um you know drafted there but you already had miles miles Turner in there and they kind of identified is Isaiah uh to be their down low future guy so they identified that maybe this we love these guys they’re talented in their own

Rights uh but they maybe AR not aren’t not going to fit with our team and our roster as we have it now so they made you know that the difficult decision that probably stung you know in the uh in real time and getting rid of some of

Their prize possessions um for a guy that maybe might fit their roster better so I I I I I used to really believe in that core that four or five core whoever you want to put putting there but as the year went on I I my my belief in making

That they can take us back to the play playoffs together as a group you know just it just got smaller and smaller and smaller and and now I’m I’m kind of firmly in that that camp that uh you know a difficult decision might need to

Be made here um in order to maybe move on from one of our guys that originally thought were foundational pieces uh for somebody that you know is is still proven talent but fits better alongside those guys this season has been rough for every one from from the organization

To the players to the fans how do you feel about the piss organization right now from from Tom gors to Troy Weaver and Company whoever you want include in the front office Monty Williams how do you feel about the organization as we sit here on March 26 yeah it’s so hard

It’s so hard to to Really wrap your head around and in my opinion come to a real conclusion on what to do with any of them because you got you know you have an owner in town Gores and people have you know criticized him really for for

Quite some time and his lack of interest and you know some of his um his tactics but um you know so you don’t really know how you really feel with him and then you go down the line you have uh Troy Weaver and there was all the the um the

Discrepancy and the rumors about who he wanted who was his guy to be uh you know the head coach who um you know who Tom gors and arell and who they wanted uh so it’s there’s so much he said she said with that front office um that it almost

Was like doomed to start no matter who got their way somebody was you know for lack of better terms going to be stuck with a guy that they NE didn’t necessarily thought think was best for the position um and so you know I I think I even think you look back at uh

You know Troy Weaver’s um the stuff he did with OKC and you look back and you say God you would have he had to have some sort of hand in what they did down there they’re they they’re the team we want the Pistons to be they’re young they’re exciting they’re winning

Meaningful games you know Troy Weaver had to have something to do with that and I think each year that goes by that the the OKC continue to have success and we don’t it it hinders what I think he really was doing within you know those draft picks and within those that

Organization um you know and then all the way down to to Monty being added to this front office this offseason um he drove me up a wall like he did you know most other Pistons fans to start the season with the the kiling and Hayes getting minutes over Jaden Ivy um even

You know when Marvin Bagley play had a good stretch he suddenly got sent to the bench um you know so his minute rotations um have drove me up a wall now over the past few you know few weeks I feel like he has beg to stagger a few of

His starters and and bench units back when you know a few weeks ago when they were healthy so I I I’ve kind of come around a little bit on Monty I think I never really thought he was obviously on the hot seat you need to give him time

Um whatever kind of system he was trying to implement is going to take time so I never really thought he was on the hot seat I think more so Troy Weaver was on the hot seat um but I I I I would be I would be shocked and a little

Disappointed if they moved on from Monty so quickly just because you need you can’t you can’t judge a guy off his first season I think in more so Troy Weaver would be you know he’s got it this offseason to prove um you know make a firm Decision One Way or Another

Whether he’s going all in with this this lineup and these guys and this roster and adding to it or like I said he makes that tough decision and kind of moves on from a few guys and tries to fit uh some different guys in together uh more uh

You know more harmoniously so last thing real quickly because we’re running out time here but I want to get this from you what do you think happens this off season quick summary of what you believe will happen will Pistons fans get a wge notification to their phone will

Something happen this what do you think’s gonna happen yeah I I think I think I don’t see that you know that W bomb coming for Detroit in which a Jaden Ivy has been traded in part of a package for somebody bigger I don’t think we’ll

See a you know a Jaylen Duran get traded for draft piics or something I I just don’t see that large of a move um from this office I think that’s uh radical like I said it might be the right one uh to make a move like that but I don’t see

It happening I more so see them um uh addressing you know taking their top three whatever pick it is addressing that three or four position a 69ine you know a r who’s you know 69ine can shoot the three um to fill a hole there and

Then uh as much as I’d like to see them make more of a splash in the free agency obviously not via real free agency but via trade or something I also don’t see them going out and doing something big like that I don’t see them going out and

Getting a a Trey Murphy type guy or a Jaylen Johnson type guy I kind of see them coming up short in that regard and and settling unfortunately for Tobias Harris you know he’d be great for this team in the short run but you know I I don’t think many people are begging for

Tobi Tobias Harris I you know I so I see you kind of a combination of let’s try and keep squeezing this roster together and trying to make it work for Better or For Worse all right Tyler thank you for coming on man I appreciate you hopefully the Pistons give Pistons fans like

Yourself something the route for moving forward and something to smile about on the offseason and next season so I appreciate you coming on you guys can find um some of his work uh some of his freelance work over at piss empowered again Tyler appreciate you coming on man

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Eligible items only exclusive Supply eBay guarantee fit only available to us customers at we are back with another Pistons fan I’m lucky enough to be joined by philli Banks Phillip thank you for taking time here to day to come on and talk about this Pistons team this Pistons season um

Before we get into the Pistons season how you feel about everything that’s going on just give everyone a brief explanation of your story as a Pistons fan how did you become a Pistons fan just give them a brief story of how you got here yeah uh thanks for having me on

First and foremost uh my journey as a Pistons fan of course uh my middle school years that’s when um you know the hope for Pistons so uh my mom had season tickets um I was able to go to a lot of gamees see Brian the first time there a

Lot of that stuff so um my love for that team just you know grew that way um as I transitioned into a adult I got my own season tickets and uh it’s kind of this is the season you know I chose to do that

So so with this season and how it went I I guess what what we’ll start with is this did you ever think in your wildest imagination that this season particular could have gotten this bad before the year what were your thoughts and did you think this was even a possibility they

Could go this South uh to be very honest um like in a summer off season going into the season I had high hop for the team uh that’s kind of why I got the tickets I was like okay we got finally get a healthy uh

Cade along with Ivy um and then to be honest when we didn’t get wimy and then we dropped five I was like to be honest this season is it’s feeling a little weird right here okay even the energy there because I had it at the Pistons facility uh practice facility I was at

The draft party so I’m like the energy here kind of weird hold on so uh probably the day before the NBA season started like I said I had High Hopes I looked at the roster again I’m not gonna lie I was like are we that

Good so to be honest that’s kind of my thoughts on on before this season I had a a weird feeling something like this could happen but not 12 uh wins at least 20 is what I was expecting fair fair enough um so I guess this is

The next place will go then I think the the most talked about aspect of this team from fans um from people like myself from from the NBA discourse is the young core where do you stand now with the young core do you do you do you have confidence in the Pistons young

Guys and the young Court do you think they need move on like where are you at now after the season with what people call the Pistons young core um if we right now if we want to be more patient uh of course I saw glimpses

Just like you and the rest of the fans saw so I feel confident in that aspect but far as where we like going into year five of a rebuild um how much more patient can I and fans be so it’s like uh when you see us late in this season

And you see a cade take a shot that could have eventually won it with 10 seconds left on the clock where these spurts of the lazy defense from Darren you kind of you kind of your face turns into Cade after that uh losing streak uh continue you know you kind of bite

You like hold on what’s going on right here so uh my confidence is still there with them but on this team that’s kind of where I’m starting to question like if all of them went to a uh their own team they could probably be even more

Valuable but uh far as them being here and growing I don’t know how much longer fans are G to be patient so I guess the next spot is obviously what are your feelings on the Pistons organization as this season when I say that I mean ownership to the front

Office with Troy Weaver and Company to the head coaching St or the head coach in Monty Williams where do you stand with these guys um I feel like the Twitter space is uh joining with you and like Pistons talks and stuff like that uh I’ve kind

Of learned more about the aspect of the front office and uh Troy Weaver kind of more so moves they already made or lack thereof so um probably from ownership I mean he’s just trying to make his money so I don’t really have any thoughts on

That far as Troy Weaver I feel like uh he’s kind of putting us in a very bad position like even to trade around like even if you were on 2K it would be hard to create some value on this team outside of what we are already have um

And as far as the coaching um I I’m uh honestly tired of Monty like I feel like that’s even if we brought Anthony Edwards here and St Curry like he would be like you know what forier at the at the one is better than step like I feel

Like that’s where his mind would go so I wouldn’t even have confidence if we got the players we need so fair enough um that’s funny but um so let let me ask you this where is your where are you most frustrated at like what what what after this season what you’ve

Watched so far what are you most frustrated about with this season what what gets you riled up the most um I feel like the F hope that was so you know at the beginning of the season um and you brought that up a lot on the show which I salute on that

Because going into it I feel like no one could imagine we would be where we are right now as a team on the Pistons so I felt like it was kind of like if you’re texted the girl and she saying like oh I’m on this and y’all

Hang out and she ain’t on that like it’s like Dam y y’all run in the y’all in the open gym going crazy then you got the letters coming out from Trey Weaver like I couldn’t imagine this so so we going into the off season you know it we don’t know who’s going to

Play for the rest of the year how many guys are even going to play for the rest of the year um in the off season do you see big do you want big changes to happen do you want to be a little bit I know you mentioned earlier that you have

Some confidence with the young cor still do you want to be more patient do you think Pistons fans are going to get that W notification when the season ends like what do you what do you see happening this off what do you want to happen this off season more

So um at this point um I want us to get solid pieces like where do we want the pie to be five years from now I felt like a lot of the moves have been like all right we got to shut up the fans okay like Blake Griffin move type deal

Or all right we got the end court now y’all not patient but it’s like y’all the organization needs to pick a direction that they want to fully to and go we got fanto you know that looks amazing quitting Grimes Mark I mean if he had a full year with us how would

That look so pick as you stated if we want to be defensive pick the uh correct Personnel to go defensive including coaching including uh even just the the intensity we have on the court like I don’t know just pick one full solid move that if we’re g if Kate is our guy let’s

Start fully committing to him and fully building around him and I guess the last thing I’ll ask you before we get up out of here which by the way for anyone watching on YouTube your necklace your chains off the like I I give you respect the Chain’s nice oh appreciate

You had to come it’s cool man I feel you had to come up here iced up I feel it I feel I didn’t come out iced up I’m not I don’t got nothing on I should have put my ice on you feel me but yeah yeah but

Um if you last thing I ask you is this do you want the Pistons to make moves within the organization do you want to see them get a new coach or do you want to see Monty stick around do you want them to move on from weaver or do you

Want to see them stick around like where you stand with those guys and are you willing to give them another year uh to make this work um I’m going to jump out the window get rid of the get rid of Mi I mean we have

To take the L’s at this point I mean that’s just a a idea that on paper look great but it’s not any longer so I feel like find a coach that can grow with the team we got a coach that’s stuck in his ways um honestly the do the players

Believe in them any longer I mean we’ve seen some of that starting to spark up so new coaching for sure I mean our Co coaching I honestly feel like Jared Jack if he was a coach I would trust that more than a Monte we saw how our team

Looked in summer league they were hungry winning like it looked a little bit better far as Troy Weaver I want to be patient one more year just to see like it’s like a bad joke like a long joke you’re like this joke kind of bad but I

Got it here the ending so I gotta see his one more full year let’s see where you take it now if this in BS next season then pack your backs at that point fair enough man so we’ll wrap it up there thank you philli for coming on

Man I appreciate you coming on voicing how you feel about this season hopefully you make it through the rest of the season man it it I hopefully they play some guys for us for us all to watch and and and be entertained somewhat and hopefully they give you guys in the

Offseason and next year something to root for and something to be happy about so wish you the best man hope you hope you enjoy the Pistons as much as possible um and have a great day man you too Co appreciate you man Fire TV is your destination for

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Or the Nissan Armada and go find your next big adventure shop today I am here with our last Pistons fan of the episode I’m here with Charles denim I want toe or thank you for coming on the podcast Charles I really appreciate it um I guess the place will

Start with is the same place we started with with every other fan the other two fans I interviewed and it’s you know where what’s your story as a Pistons fan just give everyone a brief explanation of how did you become a Pistons fan were you born in Detroit and just that’s how

You became a fan like just give a brief explanation before we begin to this season how did you become a Pistons fan well I grew up in Michigan was born raised there for first few years of my life and then I moved down to Houston Texas and that’s where I’ve been

Reciting for for the last 12 13 years or so but pitton on my team Detroit’s Detroit my city and you know I’ve really come to appreciate the city more as a whole sportswise through the Tigers Red Wings Pistons Lions especially now and just the Rockets whenever I first got

Down here they weren’t they weren’t very good so Pistons always stuck and went through the Reggie years the drummy years the Blake years made the playoffs that year actually and you know now we’re to Hope hopefully what could be Cade’s era or who knows at this point

It’s a lot of ups and downs it’s been a very rough patch in recent memory but nothing I don’t think there’s been anything in my lifetime Detroit wise for the Pistons at least where they’ve been an actual good team they’ve been a mediocre franchise at best since I’ve

Been alive and just it’s it’s really hard to watch but I got to stick through I got to stick to my uh Michigan blood and I got to continue to support so I mean I’m going just stick with the Pistons and you’re a younger fan so if I

Can ask how old are you currently I’m 16 going on 17 this summer but you know I I i’ like to say I have a fair share of NBA knowledge I mean I host my own podcast I write for SB Nation for NBA I I do a lot of things basketball-wise I

Watch a lot of basketball read a lot of basketball do analysts I I may be younger but I feel like I know enough and for at least my age more so than the average casual NBA fan would so I I asked you your age because like you said

You I mean there’s been Pistons fans who are going to grow up their whole lives and have not seen a single playoff one that that has not seen any success whatsoever with this team and it’s crazy thing about that cuz when I was younger when I was I younger than your age when

I was around your age this the you know the Reggie and drumming years were going on but when I was around like five six years old I remember my first game I watched was like the NBA Finals when the Pistons in it like so I have like a

Distinct memory not a great one but I have a memory of this team doing good things some Pistons fans literally have no idea at all about that stuff that’s all they’ve known is bad and it’s crazy to think about that um so I want to take it to this

Direction and ask you what how do you feel about the Pistons young Corp now after this season I think that’s the most popular topic that’s what everyone’s talking about um how do you feel about whatever you consider the Pistons young core now um after this I mean The Season’s not over but basically

Is after this season well everyone talks about the big the core four you know you have Kade Asser Ivy and durren if I’m being truthful here I as much as I love Ivy and Duran since the rookie Seasons last year I don’t know if they can both be on the team following this

Season I don’t know if I don’t I don’t know I think the only lock is really Cade and the Pistons young core they had some nice additions I mean you have Marcus Sasser rookie from Houston you have if you want to count a second year Simone fonio I think he’s

Around 26 though so he’s not on the younger side but he’s still he’s he’s only in second season and then you have guys like you know Quenton Grimes who’s just at the he’s still young in his career so there’s a lot of young Talent there but I’m not sure at least for

Right now the Pistons don’t have the coaching staff and they really just don’t have the motivation to kind of get all those young core pieces and put good use of them you know Kade Kade is out there doing his thing but you know with the injuries he’s suffered and since

He’s he’s has he has a lot of stretches where he’ll play very good and then he’ll show up on the injury report and after that he’ll his shooting splits will go down we saw it after the All-Star break he was out there leading the NBA in three-point percentage and he

Dipped all the way down to who knows what probably low 30s since he showed up on the injury report with the a knee injury so if again if I’m G be completely honest I don’t know what Young cor Pistons can really stay besides for me at least Kade and assur because durran

Is a defensive liability at Center and I’m I’m not sure quite whereas mindset is defensively and I don’t know if you can have both him and assur on the court since they’re not great Shooters you can’t have in modern NBA two guys on the court who are going

To play valuable minutes for you not be able to shoot it’s just you don’t win that way so I think you have to make a decision there between Aur and dur but I would very much tend towards Aur I think he is potential to be a top five

Defender in the NBA if he’s not already up there in top 15 20 and then you get to Ivy who he’s he reminds me a lot of Jaylen green he in not in a sense of play style but consistency streaks he’s extremely athletic extremely fast but he’s kind of a defensive liability

Still and offensive you can’t have a guy go out there have 30 points for you one night and then his next 10 games go out there and average 11 it’s just not it’s not fundamental good basketball you need more from your young core pieces and again I’m not sure

If you can have all four of those guys go out there and do something for you that’s why again I tend towards Kade and a sir in this off season I think there’s 100% moves to be made and whether who it is we we’ll see but if I were to choose I

Would if there were only two guys that could stay it’ be Kaden toer for me so what is I was going to go with the other other fans I asked a different question but I think what I’m going to lead with here is this what’s your most what are

You most frustrated about this year what about this season has you you know most riled up what what has disappointed you made you angry what what’s what are you most angry or or or disappointed about with this season I think just what I’m most constantly angry with

Is Monty Williams and the coaching staff the front office choosing a head coach whose wife has cancer by signing him by throwing as much money as they can to him I don’t think Monty I can’t say this for him but I don’t think he’s in the

Mental state to coach a group like the Pistons putting any coach in this situation is a very tough ask but to ask a guy like Monty Williams who has a lot on his plate already is just kind of just putting more flames in the fire it’s there’s a lot of bad things going

On and I am angered no matter what what news comes out for the Pistons at something up every night I watch win or loss something’s there and it just I think everything has just built up to where all my anger and frustration has just L out to the front office Troy

Weaver he’s done a decent job but has he really made any moves as a GM to show that he should be staying I mean he traded bodon bogdanovich for what two seconds when last season he was offered two first it’s just the small thing that adding to this season has really

Made things even worse on his part and then you get to owner Tom gors who again he he’s just kind of let everything just fall apart he’s letting the young players on the Pistons I don’t I don’t know if Kade would want to resign this off season and

That’s kind of what frustrates me most is the distrust not only us fans have in the front office but maybe the players are starting to grow I don’t know if Kade Cunningham would want to resign with the Pistons if they even offered him because what what benefit at this

Current moment would there be to stay in Detroit and it’s just leading to a point where if you don’t know if the players want to be there you the coach the coaching hasn’t helped at all in fact it’s probably made everything 10 times worse you went on a season in NBA record

Long 28 game losing streak I believe I don’t I don’t know how you can walk in the next season with a GM back a head coach back whoever the assistant GM is you can’t it’s just all my frustration Pils up on the front office because you

Can’t ask a group of 22 year olds 23 year olds to go out there give you and expect to win with the coaching you have and the talent you have around them all right so we’ll wrap it up there thank you Charles for coming on and

Getting everything you want to say out I guess the last thing I’ll quickly ask you just a quick answer because we’re running out of time here do you think there’s going to be big changes do you want big changes to happen this off season if there’s any possibility for a

Big change I’d strike on it the second it happens any change is probably for the better at this point all right Charles thank you for coming on man thank you for supporting the podcast and supporting the Pistons still and watching all season hopefully they give you guys something to watch and

Something to be happy about as soon as possible um but appreciate you coming on appreciate you taking time out your day I appreciate you guys Mak lock on Pistons since your first listen of every single day we freeing webari podcast platforms hit that subscribe button the YouTube channel leave us a five star

Review whatever podcast platform you’re listening to us on and if you want to join one of these episodes and be one of three fans they to come on and talk about everything they feel about with this season comment down below or tweet at me over at Twitter Cahill that’s all

I’ve got for you guys today thank you guys for Mak locked on piss is your first listen every single day until next time I’ll see you guys later peace out

Today, we talk with three Detroit Pistons fans and allow them to air out their thoughts on this season. If you’d like a chance to join the podcast for a future episode, comment below or reach out on Twitter @KuKhahil

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  1. Troy had so much faith in his "Core 4" that he totally neglected to try to assemble a capable roster around them. As a result, the fans have witnessed back to back wasted seasons whose ramifications will be felt by the team and the city for years

  2. Im sure Troy will step down when the season is over. Hes not going to be fired. Casey will be the interim GM.

  3. The young core that Troy has brought in are far better suited to be on a team that already has a good assortment of quality NBA veterans. It was a huge mistake to throw them into the starting lineup on their own looking like the blind leading the blind. Then throw in Monty and the injuries and you have a season that went off the rails very quickly. I wouldn't trust Troy to repair this mess either

  4. Ku, great interview with the fans. I am a senior citizen. I really liked the interview with the 16 yr. Old guy from Houston. Very creative.

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