@Brooklyn Nets

The WORST Situation in the Entire NBA…

The WORST Situation in the Entire NBA…

Yo what’s going on y’all it’s con back here again today with another video and today I want to talk for a little bit about the Brooklyn Nets as I’m recording this earlier today they had an inter city matchup against the New York Knicks who have been pretty decimated by injury

Throughout this season this game was no different no Julius Randle no ojen anobi no Mitchell Robinson well the Nets had basically everybody playing but Ben Simmons Mel Bridges was there cam Johnson cam Thomas Nick claxon Dennis schrudder Doran FY Smith Lonnie Walker Dennis Smith Jr these guys and more were

Playing it was they’re typical rotation out there but despite that and the Knick’s facing a billion different injuries the net still found a way to lose by double digits scored just 93 points and now move to a record of 26 and 45 which has them nearly 20 games

Under 500 and five games out of a playing spot which with the way they’re playing right now and how little time there’s left in the season is basically a death sentence and assures that they’re going to be spending this season in the lottery it’s been a disastrous

Season for the franchise and it’s even crazier when you consider where they were just a few years ago they got both Kevin Durant Kye iring in the same free agency class and then traded for James Harden not too long after they had a big three that was seemingly Unstoppable and

A lot of people would have told you it was a given that those three guys were going to win at least one title in Brooklyn if not multiple even last year Kyrie and Kevin Durant were there for half the season but now that era seems like a decade ago and the Brooklyn Nets

Have gone from seemingly a lock to get a championship to a team that’s in potentially the worst situation in the entire NBA they’re not the worst team but when you take a look at their current incompetency and the lack of assets going forward things are looking really Bleak for the franchise so let’s

Talk about what’s going on with them they came into the season as a team that most people saw as a fringe playin Lottery type of squad there are some people that believed more in them saying that they would most likely make the playoffs behind male Bridges as an allar

Level player a potential Ben Simmons Resurgence and seemingly a unit that could give them an elite defense between the play of mcale Ben Simmons Doran finny Smith Royce O’Neal Nick Claxton down who’s one of the best offensive bigs in the league last season it did seem like something they could hang

Their hat on and if they got enough offensive production say they got a jump from cam Thomas they could find their way into the playoffs however not a lot of those things have worked out Ben Simmons is currently out for the season with a back injury only played I think

15 games this entire year and we don’t know what the future of his career is going to look like it’s become very clear over the course of the year as well that Mel Bridges cannot be a number one on a team that wins a lot there’s a

Conversation to be had about if maybe he can be a number two but I think it’s pretty clear he’s more fitted to be that number three like he was over in Phoenix at times than he is to be the number one option like the Nets are trying to push

Him as also the defense has just not been up to Snuff and the offense is been as bad as people were expecting and at this point they’re bottom 10 in both categories the net ratings bad and this was all clear after like 30 Games 30 games into the season it became pretty

Clear that this was a bad team and in my opinion one that had to make changes sooner than later to their credit I guess they made a change they got got rid of Jacon halfway through February which was seemingly coming for a little while but that wasn’t the change I felt

Like they needed to make to me it was clear they needed to shake up this roster and make a bunch of Trades going into the deadline I talked about this a lot in a video I made where I basically outlined how the Nets have done a really

Bad job of building up this roster and how it really wasn’t going anywhere but that was before the deadline and I said they could still Salvage this really bad season all they to do was make trades go ahead and blow it up and stop wasting everybody’s time with this failed

Experiment obviously they didn’t do this cuz the only Deals they went ahead and made involved swapping Dennis shuder for Spencer Den witty and also trading Royce O’Neal over to the Suns and getting back kab bade up and Jordan Goodwin in return those aren’t exactly the deals I had in

Mind especially because going into the deadline there are a lot of rumors surrounding them in particular there weren’t a lot of stars available on the market it didn’t seem like it was going to be this Allstar Blockbuster type deadline but it feel like it could be a big one for role player traits

Contenders adding that final piece for a playoff run and the Nets had a ton of guys that fit this mold dorany Smith as a three and D win cam Johnson in a similar mold as well male Bridges the ideal complimentary piece to any team with stores looking to add that final

Guy Nick claxon as a high level defensive big that’s still plenty young Lonnie Walker as a really cheap bench option maybe even Dennis Smith Jr Spencer Den witty there were a lot of guys that seemed like they had some type of value and if they traded all those

Players they probably could have gotten like seven eight first round picks in total plus some second round picks of course you’re going to get players in return too like they could have had an unbelievable Hall of assets at the deadline if they went ahead and made those moves instead they decided to do

Nothing and just ride it out with this middle of the- pack roster that’s going nowhere fast the longer they go without trading any of these pieces the more their value is going to continue to decline and drop and I feel like it has already reached that point a great

Example of this is last year when the Nets received Mel Bridges in the Kevin Durant trade there was a report that the Memphis Grizzlies and this has been verified since then offered four first round picks to the Nets to get male Bridges that’s a crazy deal to say no to

Cuz obviously they did they still have him and if they’d accepted that deal assuming the pick wasn’t heavily protected or anything the Nets right now might have a lottery pick from the Grizzlies this season they already could have gotten a young piece out of that trade plus three more first round picks

Down the pipeline and that was prior to him having that ridiculous stretch with the Nets to end last season where some people thought he could be an Allstar coming into this year I’m sure his value was ridiculous in the offseason but they again held on to him and now they held

On to him through the deadline and he’s just not had a great year I think his value has probably dropped drastically from where it was about a year ago cam Johnson I think his value has probably also dropped now in a bigger contract Dorne FY Smith same thing especially

With him going into his 30s and next year could potentially be the last year of his contract does have a player option afterwards so we have to wait and see you’ve also got like Nick claxon who’s expiring and is going to be an unrestricted free agent this summer so

If they don’t end up bringing him back that’s a massively missed opportunity to capitalize on his potential trade value maybe they do just retain him but if they don’t that’s a huge misplay on their part same thing for Lonnie Walker who’s a really good bench option that’s currently on a one-year minimum contract

I think he’s going to walk for a bigger bag so instead of trading him you held on to him when it doesn’t feel like he’s going to be back it just feels like they continue to squander the trade value of everybody on this roster left and right

Whether it’s a star level player or a role player they just refuse to go ahead and make the necessary moves because they’ve got this delusional hope that they can build a contender out of this group especially building around Mel Bridges and cam Thomas when it’s not

Going to happen a report came out over the past few days that the Nets still believe they can lurt a bigname star over to Brooklyn like they did with Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving a few years ago however if you ask me I think their chance to get Stars has come and

Went why would a star choose Brooklyn over say New York for example who are in an amazing spot at the moment especially because the Kyrie Kevin Durant era didn’t go anywhere they brought in two stars and even traded for James Harden and it fell apart almost immediately and

It’s not all their fault that it fell apart there was a global pandemic that contributed and bunch of injuries but there was a lot of stress between the stars in the front office that I think is going to turn any Star away from going to Brooklyn anytime soon there’s

Just so many options that are better out there especially because the Nets don’t have a lot of picks or assets going forward in the future to build a team around the star that would come there in the first place and that’s the biggest thing for the Nets not only is there no

Star coming to save them they’re letting players trade value dwindle by the minutes they don’t even have their picks they don’t have control of a single first round pick of their own until 20 20 28 which is 4 years away this is a result of the James Harden trade where

They gave up all their picks unprotected as well as pick swaps even though they suck right now and they would have the eighth best Lottery odds they’re sending whatever pick they get this year over to the Houston Rockets like they’re going to be doing for a while but maybe the

Worst part of that whole situation because I don’t blame them for making the James Harden trade I think they would do it again if they had the chance but they dug the hole even deeper this past February at the deadline when according to Shams the Rockets were

Willing to give Brooklyn Jay and green as well as some of the first round picks back in exchange for Mel Bridges to me that is an absolute no-brainer call the league office immediately type of trade you not only get a really interesting young player with a bunch of potential

In Jaylen green but you get partially bailed out of your awful pick situation even if you just got this year’s first and next year’s one in addition to jayen Green I would have pulled the trigger two very valuable first- round picks and a great young player for Mel Bridges

Whose value is dwindling that should have been an immediate yes but instead they didn’t even entertain the offer there was not an iota of interest from the Brooklyn Nets end which is franchise malpractice their only hope for getting more young Talent anytime soon is through the picks they acred by trading

Away the big three they Phoenix’s pick unprotected next year Philly’s pick protected 1 through eight and 2027 a phoenix pick in 2027 as well as 2029 a Dallas pick in 2029 as well as some swaps thrown around there with Phoenix I think there’s one from Philadelphia as

Well so they do have draft capital from those teams and if an ideal situation occurs for them those picks could be valuable like say and B leaves Philly at some point before 2027 book and KD could be at a phoenix by 2027 2029 Luca could leave Dallas also before 2029 so there

Is some Intrigue there A lot can change in the NBA over the next four to six years but unless Phoenix falls apart next season and that 2025 pick is huge for them there’s nothing of value coming anytime soon for at least the next three years because that Philadelphia pick the

First one from them doesn’t come until that 2027 season which is still a little ways away and that’s assuming that these picks do end up good because all those Stars I talked about could very well just still be with their franchises in the future there are guys that seemingly

Are loyal like Luca and Joel embiid who I think are going to have years of great play still under their belt Maxi still over there in Philly too so there’s no guarantee these picks are anything good you know what would have been guaranteed is if you had your own picks and you

Could have seemingly if you just agreed to that trade with the Rockets back in February or at the very least at this deadline you could have given yourself more current shots at the draft like say you trade away some of these players and got picks for this year or next season

At least get some type of assets recoup them in some way but no they stood Pat for literally no reason instead of doing anything to get them out of this terrible position they just remained as they were and now they continue to be a bottom feeding team with a bleak future

And no real path to competing anytime soon the teams that are worse than them in the NBA right now at least like the Pistons the Hornets you talk about the Washington Wizards at least they’re going through rebuilds and they have young Talent they’re going to have top

Picks the Brooklyn Nets don’t have any of that the only young guy they have that feels like he has real star potential at the moment is Cam Thomas I don’t think he’s going to become an All-Star though I think he’s going to be like a high level microwave scorer that

Can give you a bunch of points Off the Bench or comeing to be a spark plug in the starting lineup but I don’t see him as a future allar level guy and even if he does become that guy he’s not going to be enough to elevate you to a tle

Team anytime soon male Bridges cam Johnson n CLA and if he stays dorany Smith like those guys aren’t going to take you anywhere and I don’t think that star that they need is coming I just don’t believe stars are going to look at Brooklyn as they currently are and say

Hey that’s a spot that I want to be in some of these circumstances they’re in aren’t their fault but a majority of it is because they’ve been offered bailouts been given opportunities to land a bunch of draft Capital just do something anything and they just continue to

Decline it’s insane to me how much they’ve screwed themselves over over the course of like just a year I feel so bad for Nets fans because I don’t know when this team is going to be good like anytime soon maybe the Phoenix and Philly pick can save them by the end of

The 2020s but to me it feels like they’re entering another really rough period very similar to when they traded for Kevin Garnett Paul Pierce with Boston they gave up all these draft picks and they elevated that team to a really high level I can see Houston benefiting in the same way because the

Draft picks they have coming up from Brooklyn feel like they’re guaranteed to be hits this first one’s already going to be top 10 at the very least like that’s a pick that at the eighth odds could very well jump up to a top five4 pick and hey maybe the Brooklyn Nets

Could have had it back but they decided to say no they just have done nothing to help themselves they’ve done themselves no favors and are potentially in the worst position in the entire NBA at the moment but yeah I think that’s all I’ve got for this rant about the Brooklyn

Nets again Nets fans I’m really sorry I hope they can figure something out soon but I just don’t see a path at the moment let me know what you think the Brooklyn Nets should do going forward do you think they should have made the trades that I talked about earlier in

This video do you somehow believe they should stay Pat and wait for a star do you think a star will come at any point soon would love to hear your input on this one as always leave a like And subscribe if you enjoyed hit the notification Bell so you don’t miss out

Future videos I appreciate you watching I’ll see yall later real one sit back

The Brooklyn Nets over the last two years have gone from a juggernaut contender with Kyrie Irving, Kevin Durant, and James Harden, to a lottery team with seemingly no way to contention any time soon. They have rebuffed great trade offers for Mikal Bridges and other key pieces, tried to stand pat, and have convinced themselves that they can find a way to title contention by convincing another star to come to Brooklyn over the New York Knicks. They’re a disaster and are digging the hole deeper every day. Let’s talk about it.

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Video Submissions:

#NBAPlayoffs #BrooklynNets #mikalbridges

0:00 – Intro
0:52 – Kevin Durant, Kyrie Irving, James Harden
1:37 – Preseason Expectations
2:57 – Trade Deadline Failure
4:33 – Wasting Trade Value
6:30 – Delusion
7:17 – No Assets
10:10 – Worst Position in the NBA
12:08 – Outro


  1. The thing is it’s not the Celtics situation again, they actually do have pick capital but it’s just the leadership that is a problem.

  2. That trade was real but the Nets
    Didn’t even want to negotiate . Literally 3 weeks later Jalen green is avg 35 pts lol

  3. As bad as the Nets situation is, it’s nothing compared to Chicago wasting 3 years not making a single trade banking on Lonzo to be their savior in his return.

    Compared to Brooklyn, they have more valuable assets that teams want, were offered 10x more than Brooklyn and rejected all of it because their front office truly wants them to be a contender with their current roster.

  4. I feel like there are major Cam Thomas locker room issues. It’s as if there is a battle between a fun-loving Bridges and an angry Cam Thomas. Watch Thomas on bench never. He never cheers for his teammates. I’m guessing a toxic locker room has affected Mikal’s happiness.

  5. Joe Tsai has ruined that the franchise. They had 3 hall of famers and Marks and Tsai folded on their demands. Tsai isn't interested in a winning culture he just wants business types in the stands. He just raised ticket prices again for a losing team. They have no direction and nobody seems to actually want to play there

  6. Tbh if D’Angelo Russell stayed and they didn’t trade for kyrie this team would have been so much different but a talent like kyrie is once in a lifetime

  7. You know what's hilarious? There's a YouTuber named Brian Sutterer, who is also a doctor, who basically is a hardcore Ben Simmons stan and basically believes every single excuse that Simmons gives to not play. It's hilarious. You should see the comments section on his Ben Simmons videos. They believe EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. You could sell a bridge to that guy and the people that watch his videos.

  8. Wait they could have gotten Jaylen green and their picks back
    I’m so done with this organization

  9. I know Nets fans are sick based on the reporting they could have gotten their picks back and Jalen Green for Mikal Bridges.

    I thank the Nets for not taking that deal 😂

  10. They should’ve told KD and Kyrie to SMD with those trade demands….KD sitting out the whole year Kyrie not getting the shot and playing half the time. Demanding Harden and the Nets giving up that much…SMD, play or retire

  11. 6:20 you really think this is delusion and not the simple fact that their first round picks are all gone? Blowing it up while not having your own picks is certainly a suicidal decision.

  12. As a Knicks fan, I absolutely love the downfall of the Brooklyn Nets to the point. I need them to lose enough to go back to New Jersey. There is one New York team, nets, ain’t it

  13. I was one of the only fans in New York that openly said they did not want KD and Kyrie when it was rumored that they were coming to the Knicks purely because of their acumen as men and not basketball players they have a little to no backbones.

  14. Rockets will still trade for Mikal…
    But idk if the nets would still get that much 🤷🏽‍♂️
    Who knows
    I think there will be some trades before draftnight

  15. bridges is slowly beginning the process of playing himself out of town…he will be a knick this offseason or before next years trade deadline

  16. I'm conflicted
    On one hand, as a basketball fan I hate to see a young team ruined thanks to managerial incompetence. (Marks really should be fired)
    However, on the other hand, as a Knicks fan I can't help but laugh at said incompetence. We've endured plenty of that over the years.

  17. Not surprised the big 3 asked to be traded and Simmons isn't on the court. None of this is surprising. Lets be honest, any middle of the road team in the NBA would blow up their list to have gotten that 3. The only mistake was taking on the Simmons contract and Simmons.

  18. Mikal fan, but definitely thought he was a second option at best. Honestly would love to have him as a third option on the bucks over Middleton. One could dream

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