@Golden State Warriors

Golden State Warriors vs. Miami Heat 4th Qtr Full Highlights| Mar 26| NBA Highlights 2024

Golden State Warriors vs. Miami Heat 4th Qtr Full Highlights| Mar 26| NBA Highlights 2024

Full court pressure we showed at the top of the telecast the Warriors have 11 losses when leading at the end of three and unfortunately that’s number one in the NBA and the heat are eighth an opponent turnover as you have to take care of it

Here jsky to a slicing kaminga to get to the mid-range and he’s fouled well there they’re dropping in both free throws and you’re seeing all the pictures your speed looks even faster Draymond and clay with Kanga psky Chris Paul gone to two straight post-ups hakz had to give it up hakz tough turn in fade kaminga how about that on ball defense there so worries are double teaming and it’s like a quick double team and they’re sprinting out of it it’s really well done yeah credit Kenny Atkinson that’s a

A little creative wrinkle defensively Chris Paul has not scored in the game but that was only his first shot of the game High Smith and Martin had 21 in the first half the Warriors have turned the faucet off on those two players in the second out of bio and Draymond met him

At the top psky tried to save hakz a warm- up three and Draymond Green the rebound that’s aab bio’s move and Draymond stopped it that spin move after he FS One Direction it’s been the matchup that is been fun to focus on and they’re trying to outthink each other which is so hard

Because they’re both smart they’re both smart and tough and skilled bio missed that three but then they have the offensive rebound from Gan right and then out of Bio will clean it up that’s the problem Draymond contested and ran out of there if he would have

Stayed he might have been able to get that rebound M missing from the Baseline ksky batted it back but come on right the high Smith on the step through and the finish here you go got a little momentum here they’re trying to cut into the lead

Now full court pick up again Chris Paul gets byon right and Clay’s had the hot hand missed that open three right now it’s just miss shots at least you’re not tur the ball over but at times it just comes down to makes and the Warriors are

Nine of 31 on threes clay has five of the makes out of Bio again and now Draymond leaking out Draymond catching Draymond finishing how about that he wanted the foul call too he was sandwiched found a way to concentrate put it off put it up there softly that was not easy to

Do on right hiding behind out of Bio going to attack Draymond Green and the reach in foul that’s another good foul the Warriors best offense and Mark this down up eight with eight and a half when Draymond had to sit with the four fouls out of Bio he’ll get to the line

See that pump fake strength as well this is never really overmatched this is something Draymond does too guard5 St he went through the whole Heat roster and that was goal tended so count that a little higher from a little further out Warriors will take it these two

Teams are in the bottom four in terms of fourth quarter offensive efficiency a bio missing there good rebound for Wiggins just going those Warriors are like five and one no they played well so they played well in those first things first get the win tonight Looney’s Got Deep position but out of

Bio made that a tougher shot and they’ve added to the lead since going into the fourth quarter they were up 10 now they’re up 12 rier to adabo and he was held Chris Paul TR to bring Draymond back with four fouls some at some point you just got to trust him probably pretty

Soon yic and kaminga that’s the way to read The Scouting Report that’s a 42% three-point shooter close out like your life depends on it all the way to him all the way to his body yeah no short close curry in the middle now St un fouled with the ball off the ball

Curry what a lightning pass to Looney finding the holes in the zone now the biggest lead of the night is 14 as frustrating as the fourth quarter was in Minnesota this has been Warrior excellence in the fourth out of bio and jump though that he’d have been kind of seesaw high

Scoring lowc scoring Warriors are hoping it’s a lowc scoring game tonight Warriors made up a lowc scoring game tonight with that tenacious defense so far so good up 12 inside 6 minutes remaining in the ball game low scoring team here’s Paul Draymond on the wing Steph comes around at five to an open

Kaminga Corner three that was a great close out by out ofile now you got to finish it out though run through the tape still plenty of time left anything can happen roir and high Smith out of bio’s been the big score with 24 they double him rotate yic with the shot clock at

Seven kaminga went for the steel and then still full court pressure you said the heat Force those turnovers they get you into scramble mode that’s how that’s how they get their offense on the other end only two turnovers for the Warriors in this quarter you can live with that Raymond

The decision maker flaminga will highrise and Hammer watch your head down there no one wants to jump with that man this has been confirmed think’s got 18 and La Martin spinning that time nobody reached that time the Warriors come up with a [Applause] stop nothing easy at The Rim wiins got everything going in the third quarter he’s man that is that is the meat grinder right there man and Houston’s won n in a row

Yep that will be for the tiebreaker in a whole bit against the rocket same thing with one more game against the Lakers CA Martin missing that three rebound loose Martin comes up with it out of Bio from the foul line and then knocked out of bounds it’s Warrior ball

They have held three of 16 shooting here in the fourth and because there’s so many heat misses you got to watch out for them trying to get offensive rebounds like you just saw there go on the road and pitch a 5 and 1 half minute shut out in the fourth quarter

Defensively Draymond averted the turnover set up Wiggins for three kaminga another opportunity to use clock here if you wanted Clay from the wing not what they got 25 points he’s played a big time game tonight they’ve needed it Miami came to Chase and took care of the dubs missing

Jimmy Butler and others tonight the Warriors have come to Miami and continued their solid Road play the Minnesota game wasn’t a poor game by the Warriors it was 21 made threes in excellence by the t-wolves it was a four-point win he just had a rough stretch with the turnovers there he did

Ending in the third beginning the fourth Klay Thomson’s got 28 ah he’s smiling now too he’s enjoying his work push the lead to 20 tell you what I don’t know that we anticipated Kena you might get to sit guys the last couple minutes to get a little rest for Orlando tomorrow roir

Puts it up and in collapses they didn’t have a bad stretch in this game where they’re just tur the ball over back to back to back only 12 turnovers this game remember they had five early and then just stopped after that yeah Stefan out of Bio step down the

Lane and floats it up and out nice step around for roier I tell you what Terry roer’s got 15 he could score in a variety of ways probably need one more bucket Chris Paul smart enough to use clock here with the shot clock at eight clay out of the

Corner he got his own rebound and Chris Paul’s like let’s use more Clock seven to shoot going to work on yic again Chris Paul gets to his Baseline spot but that was an air ball and Miami not quite done yet they would have to be perfect here and Corner three missed by yic rebound Chris Paul now the Warriors will use the

Timeout and this is to get it’s here tonight it’s been indicative of what they’ve done on the road this is what they have in them just trying to do this as much as possible De Santos inside Moses Moody with kinon Jerome Robinson to gp2 and Moody will drop that in at breakfast

With GE Santos and his parents are here devison and lucinde nice they’re obviously from Brazil and his dad played with Leander Barbosa we talked about that at the club minus and it’s good that can see G get the game of course gp2 was coming up with a steel

See if G Santos can get a shot of I was going to say I wanted him to score inside it said it’s a three and he got it Mom and Dad are here and he hits the three that’s awesome came in cold and railed one no

Problem as his dad took a picture with Steve Kerr and ghee at the team breakfast it was just kind of fun to see father is 7 feet tall looks like he can still play by the way was good to get this win the front end of the back to

Back Warriors are going to keep an eye on the end of that Lakers Bucks game it’s tied at 101 with 12 seconds left and the Lakers are playing without LeBron keeping an eye on the Lakers for that 910 match up Gees Santos right to the rim he is doing work

So the heat don’t need to shoot here but they could yeah that is not easy to do come in the game freezing cold from Dad any bucket you score they travel from Brazil to be here for the one time you’re in Miami and you get in get a couple buckets that’s great highest

Level of basketball Warriors win it 113 to 92 they hold the heat six of 22 in the fourth

Golden State Warriors vs. Miami Heat 4th Qtr Full Highlights| Mar 26| NBA Highlights 2024


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