@Miami Heat

Practice Interview: Erik Spoelstra

Practice Interview: Erik Spoelstra

Um how encouraging is that on getting shots up and seemingly doing more uh he’s on that next phase of um his return um we don’t have a a timeline but yeah it’s definitely encouraging that he’s able to get on wood and and start to uh

You know get ready um so this is part of the ramp up this is part of the plan um and there’s a lot of encouraging things um with the guys that have been out and everybody’s been making really good progress Kevin was able to do he was out

Today for personal reasons but he is he’s made tremendous uh progress um his status will be upgraded you know tomorrow and we’ll just see how he feels Bas in Portland uh very young team is there any different way you approach a team full of rookies like in

In a in a way it’s good for Portland OR like bad for I mean the one thing you can definitely uh expect is there’s going to be a great deal of speed athleticism quickness energy uh youthful uh enthusiasm uh all of those things on any given night can

Be extremely dangerous um you know chy has that group playing really hard and they don’t have the pressure of anything um so we have to continue to to do what we’ve been talking about you know we have to uh you know get a lot more consistent to our identity night in

Night out um and then uh you know be our our best version also offensively where we can put points on the board do you think facing a team that has that particular challenge now with the def kind banged up who’s banged up we’re ready to go come on you know whatever at

This time of the year we we’re trying to um play our our best game to get wins um regardless of who we’re playing how we’re playing where we’re playing that’s where we are right now um we’re coming off of a tough loss the other night uh but the opportunity is still

There for us that that’s what we have to continue to to understand there can be disappointments uh during the season there’s ups and downs uh you ultimately are where your record says you are but there’s opportunity in front of us um if we can take advantage of it that’s

What we’re focused on right now the other B obiously missing some guys B take create a lot of tough BS they made quite a few of them but on nights like that depending on who you have available are those kind of the shots that are required or there ways you think the

Team maybe get too um it depends um there’s context to that so the other night yeah we had to run a lot of offense room in the post um and they weren’t sending a lot of double teams you know and those were the plays to be

Made he also has on his plate to do all the facilitating and help other guys get shots uh since we were down some pick and roll guys ball handlers um really our only pick and roll trigger with him was Terry um so when Terry was out that’s when we just went you

Know fully into the post and and let him make plays out of there and that just showed his growth you know he’s he’s really developed so much I me in so many areas of his game that uh that was the best thing you know for us um and he was

Good down there he’s putting a lot of pressure on them with the shot making but also pressure for them not to foul or they did foul you know either way it was a good thing for us obviously yeah you have to balance like all of this you know right now it’s has

To be this idea of all hands on deck but it has to be in an intelligent way um we’re trying to get back guys out there as quickly as we possibly can they’re doing whatever they have to do around the clock uh to make themselves available uh ultimately all of this

Becomes about committing to something bigger than yourself giving in to the team whatever you can give at this time a year um and then each case is different everybody’s body is different everybody’s rehab is different everybody’s uh place in that you know part of you know the ramp up is different um

Then we have to treat that accordingly but we we’re getting guys back um we’re encouraged by the progress and in the meantime we just have to do whatever we have to do you know to get wins um and we know how to do that

Mar. 28, 2024 – Erik Spoelstra addresses the media following practice.

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  1. Spolstra is in a pickle. Either the team goes deep in the playoffs or the team gets blown up next year.

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