@Phoenix Suns

The Phoenix Suns Show Flashes Of Greatness But When Will It Be Consistent?

The Phoenix Suns Show Flashes Of Greatness But When Will It Be Consistent?

He welcome welcome welcome to another episode of outside shots I am your host Saul Bookman live from LA and that is Eddie Johnson live from New Orleans Denver are you still in Denver yeah what happened you guys didn’t get out last night you know we have private

Planes we don’t have to like rush off anywhere oh oh my my bad you know I mean you know we don’t have to like you know hurry up and get out you know you don’t have to do the the the 4:30 in the morning frantic rush to the airport Sprint walk

All the way to your terminal just to make sure you catch your flight no we just you know we get up you know they come get our luggage and uh you know I got a big breakfast down there waiting on me when I’m done with you you make me

Hungry and uh then I Saun turn on down to the bus you know get on the bus get to the plane get a little meal on the plane if I want it you then just cruise on into Oklahoma City it must be it must be nice it must

Be nice to be I swear yeah it’s the life it’s the life man know I’ve earned it I’ve earned it man you have earned it I you have earned it and I I’ll tell you what um you know as we talk about earning things uh we have earned the

Right to be hosted by or presented by the good Folks at OG’s uh the best edible in the game as usual we’ll get to them in a second but Eddie let’s talk about the Suns last tonight obviously they they beat the Denver Nuggets and the Jackel and Hyde season continues it

Just you just never know what you’re going to get from this team they are now seven and seven against the top four teams in each conference um which tells you exactly what you think that they are right now um and I know Bradley beel at halftime you know Espin was talking

About they interviewed it at halftime and they said uh and he said you know we got to stop playing around and and we got to take these things more serious and we got to get ready we got to improve our seating he was very matter of fact and it was it was pretty

Refreshing and they had brought that up several times on the broadcast I thought it was refreshing that he would point that out that like yeah we’ve been playing like trash and we gotta play better uh straight up and the opportunity right here is in front of him you know Eddie sitting Courtside was

What was different between last night and then the game in San Antonio the other night uh effort I think effort not just from a physical standpoint but from a mental standpoint Point see the hardest part of this game is really the mental aspect of it it’s not the

Physical I mean NBA players are probably in the best shape I’ll say this know people always kick back on me but you know they’re probably the most well-conditioned athletes on the face of the Earth and so it’s never about that it’s just about effort mentally like pushing yourself and putting

Yourself in the moment to know what you have to do uh I was taught the word proactive early in my life and I’ve lived by that before I do most things in my life I close my eyes and I think about the repercussions of doing it whether good

Or bad and I think that’s helped me and I guess the reason I developed it was because growing up in inner city I had to I had to always be conscious of where I was walking I had to be conscious of who was walking behind me I had to be

Conscious of what I said to people because they could have taking it the wrong way and all of a sudden I’m a casualty like I had to learn how to do that and that transition over to sports like I’ll sit in the locker room before

Games and I will close my eyes and I used to do this every game I played I started in high school I would close my eyes and I would say Okay Eddie how you going to feel if you don’t hustle back on D and give up layups what’s GNA

Happen is the coach gonna take you out uh is he gonna get on you okay I don’t want that to happen Eddie you know if I if I uh lose this game how am I going to feel after well I know how I’m going to feel I’m going to

Feel bad like I’m going to like not feel good about it and I put myself there and I said you know what I don’t want that and then that would really push me in the game and remind me of what’s going to happen if I don’t do ab c and d and I

Don’t know if a lot of guys do that man and and what I’m leading to is you know the Suns beat they they drill San Antonio the first the first game they come back they hear that wiimin yama’s not playing and they just blew him out right there

Is that moment where you close your eyes and you say okay if I go out here and I go half ass and I don’t Focus this is what can happen and guess what that is travesty because we’re trying to get out of the playin this is an opportunity to

Stay in the sixth spot this is an opportunity to really get ahead of what we’re going to face here in the next week and a half the toughest schedule in the NBA like that’s what I would have done and then I would have went out there with more urgency the suns in the

First quarter against San Antonio they didn’t go out with urgency and San Antonio got the lead what else happened was soan Got Confidence forel Got Confidence Collins Got Confidence and then all of a sudden once they get confidence because they are NBA players it was hard to slow them

Down and at the end the very guy that I was pointing out during that telecast of the guy that we’d rather have to have take that shot soan knocked down a damn three and you know why because he had built up so much confidence and we allowed him to get to

Where he was that he felt good about making it and boom you lose the game yeah that is that is the like the psychological mentality that you have to develop playing that sport is very immense and the Suns failed in that aspect against San Antonio reverse it

Last night they did those things they knew if they come out against Denver they getting blown out they knew with that altitude if they get behind it’s going to be tough to catch them because of that altitude they knew these things and they came out focused and it turned

Into a win and that’s as simple as I can lay it out man like to me that’s the advantages that great players have over average players is that they know how to break through and and and get through the negativity that could fall on them based on them not being prepared to play

And the Sans want to do it what nine more times now yeah yeah they are that’s that’s the way they have to play seven games they could be seven games um behind the the top spot in the west right now instead they are eight and they’re sitting a half game behind the

Dallas Mavericks uh if they were in that seventh spot or they they if they were seven games back um they would have a really good opportunity here in the next couple days to not only get to the sixth spot but also or maintain the six spot

But also get to that five spot because they got to play New Orleans and you know and that’s the good thing about this though Eddie is that every team that’s ahead of them in the standings they have an opportunity to play except for Dallas and so they can make up some

Ground here but again you just the thing that I I don’t like to do Eddie and I’ve said this I said this earlier this week I’ve said it multiple times one of my pet peeves is wasting my time I do not like people wasting my time and when I

Watch the Suns every now and then I feel like I’m wasting my time because they’re not taking these games seriously and it irritates me as a fan you know what I mean and and that that’s what I I’m I’m most disappointed in with this season I

Get that you’re going to have inj in uh injuries and chemistry issues and all these other things that you got to try and put together but when you combine all that and then you combine it with the lack of effort at times that we’ve

Seen from this team it just is is a is a recipe for disaster at times and but you see what the potential is when they do put it all together and I don’t even think that they played particularly fantastic last night I thought Kevin Durant was amazing but everybody else

Was they were okay and you know Devin certainly could have played better offensively I thought Brad was did everything he could even though he’s got an injured hand um I thought overall they played solid but they didn’t play phenomenal and they didn’t have to that’s my point is like they’re good

Enough to beat these teams if they just have the effort to beat these teams but when they don’t show up with the effort they just fall apart man yeah and and and that you know for me calling game to be quite honest that’s the hardest thing

For me to grasp on to like I’m 64 be hopefully God willing be 65 here in a month uh and you know I heard a party was coming I I don’t know no no party the the hardest the hardest no the party was at 60 I I don’t do half halfway

Parties uh but you know maybe I should you know 65 you got to celebrate every year right now brother well well yeah without a doubt no without a doubt you you you’re head on on that but the the thing so I can’t wrap my brain around

And this is the hardest part for me calling games look I obviously I was I was above average basketball player okay that’s where I’ll put it okay uh early in my career was I borderline star yeah I think I was I was rated one of the top

Small forwards you know after my first five or six years but I was I was way above average basketball player and I knew that it wasn’t something that I walked around and said I should be more I knew I lacked some athletic categories that didn’t allow me to get to the level

Of some of the stars back in that day okay that I played and I I was okay with that uh but the one thing that I always did man and I’m telling you you know no no coach could ever say to me or or say Eddie you didn’t work hard like they

Could never say that to me they could never say I’m not in shape they could never say that I was committed to winning that I wasn’t they can’t they could not say that about me because I carried it on my sleeve and you talk to any teammate I played with

They will tell you that losses hurt me I don’t care if it was the first game of the year or the last game I just couldn’t stand it and so for me when I call games it’s hard for me sometimes because and it’s it’s not just our team it’s just in

General the reaction to losses you know and it it’s more prevalent to me after games when I’m seeing guys out there hugging on each other after freaking game I can’t stand it call me a non Sportsman or whatever you want I don’t give a rat you know

What like you have no idea what you have to put in a game to be able to compete and I can’t go up and hug and and and shake hands right away with a guy that just kicked my ass I can’t I just can’t I don’t do it in golf

I don’t do it in cards you know it I don’t you don’t see me taking my damn hat off off after a golf round I don’t do it now when we get in there in the restaurant and sit down I’ll be back to myself but I have to process what just

Happened that’s just that’s just been me my entire life and I’m not the only one and sometimes it it bothers me that guys don’t process it and enjoy the opportunities that they have and you should never lose a game from lack of concentration or lack of effort you just

Should not lose a game because they were just better than you that night but those other things you can’t and those are the things that really get on me and last night our team stepped on the floor and you know what yeah you’re right Devon didn’t have a great game Bradley

Beal didn’t have a great game but you know what they had great effort and a lot of times great effort will overcome you not being productive yeah okay because those things aren’t measured like making sure that you’re playing good D making sure that you’re being unselfish making sure you’re in the

Right place at the right time all those things matter more than you scoring 30 points yes because you can still win the game if you don’t score 30 and last night was a prime example we had one guy going KD everybody else was just playing dad Young comes off the bench plays well

Grayson plays well Eric Gordon plays well uh uh uh Royce O’Neal I mean didn’t score but guess what on the glass rebounding like that’s how you win man and the bottom line is doesn’t matter what you do personally it’s just what you do in terms of effort and

Connectivity to help your team win the game despite it all and we saw that last night and they can do that every night consistently if they put their mind to it yeah absolutely as a remind as a reminder folks in the chat if uh you’re gonna be an [ __ ] you’re gonna get banned

Somebody already get kicked out don’t be don’t be that guy all right um Eddie you know we talked about you know in recent weeks we’ve talked about turnovers and how how egregious they’ve been and last night 17 again they they’re I think 28th in the league in terms of turnovers per

Game uh one of the things that happened this week and I Gotta Give My Guy Gerald Borge a shout out I don’t know if you had an opportunity to read his article but he went through every single game and categorized every single turnover how it happened um from you know either

A bad pass to does he have a life I mean it took him he so I didn’t he just get married he did just get married don’t you got some work to do at home on your honeymoon man you got some work to do at home dude that’s the hey

That’s the best time trust me like right after you get married oh honey honey honey what you doing H oh honey come on in here honey come on honey honey honey honey I love you honey oh go honey but oh I’m not going to work today come on

In here I mean didn’t he realize that I mean get man come on man yeah don’t he know it’s gonna Wayne off as the years go my man’s gotta get his priorities in mind is what he saying but uh but I I thought it was a fantastic article it was one of my

Favorite articles I think he’s ever written I told him that um because he broke down everything and one of the things that that was really kind of surprising to me was we all know Kevin Durant is a phenomenal Superstar and he’s one of the greatest scorers of all

Time and he’s gonna go down as one of the top 10 players in NBA history when it’s all said and done without a doubt maybe even top five but um he leads the team in turnovers I think it was something like 271 on the season and a lot of those surprisingly enough are

Just things that that are controllable right like he would go for a jump shot and the ball just slips out of his hands kind of thing right um last night you’re reminded that not that you needed to be reminded but you’re reminded of the greatness of KD because I felt like

Kevin Durant could do whatever he wanted on that Court last night at any point in time and the Nuggets couldn’t do anything about it zero and it was vintage KD I I was I and and it sounds weird to say like I was so impressed with KD last night because he’s had 28

30 40 point games before but not every 28 or 30o game is the same and last night I just felt like he was in total control of himself on both ends of the Court had five blocks he was phenomenal on both sides when KD plays

Like that that is when you start to see the potential of this team go to another level because if he can play like that consistently and be as efficient as KD is and Devin Booker can can can get back on track after last night and and do the

Same thing this team is damn near unbeatable look he’s an alltime great uh you know and you play a game against Denver nowadays everybody saying looking at jic oh oh he playing against jish they playing it no joic is not where KD is right now like if joic God

Forbid doesn’t happen if his career’s cut short he’s not going to measure up the KD like it’s the longevity and it’s what the work you put in as well and so when you look at the billboard when you see the Suns come to town and it’s KD yic

People want to hurry up and tend to say oh okay yic is the Marquee no he’s not not yet not yet not when KD’s on the floor he’s not uh and and and the people that the purist of basketball they know it like that crowd was reacting to KD last night like

Crazy so they know it had a lot of fans there last night and he knows it like he knows it and yeah that was probably one of his best games of the year uh all around right the defensive aspect of it everything uh yeah I mean he’s he’s

Turned the ball over a lot this year because he’s been put in a situation to have to do a lot because we don’t have a prototypical point guard and I think because of that it’s almost like you know your teacher your main teacher doesn’t show up to school and the

Substitute takes over come on man you know we acted up man you know we did things out of character like you know we like yeah you know there a different animal right and I think that’s what’s happened this year with the Suns in general is that the three top guys

Because we don’t have that prototypical point guard have you know seized the opportunity to show everybody that they can play point and in doing that they realized that stepping out of that job description at the high level like they have it can create problems uh and I

Think that’s been the case without a doubt with these guys it’s gotten better as the year gone on uh Bradley Bill handles the ball now more than Devin and KD in regards of bringing the ball up I think that’s helped yes and and it’ll get better it’ll get better uh shout out

To Bradley who played with the sprain finger man most of these guys will be in the hospital right now I mean that’s how soft they are you know Bradley is old school okay and he just gave up of himself last night to be on the floor

And I made note last night saw you know like and you brought it up like some of the turnovers with KD is the ball slips out of his hand and I know that might drive people crazy but I can’t be a hypocrite because if you look back in my

Career I had a number of turnovers like that where the ball slips out of my hand now I’ll just make it I’ll just maybe use baseball as an analogy and even golf when you swing the baseball bat or you hit a golf club the club is not tight in

Your hand it’s loose it’s supposed to be and and it’s supposed to be and the tighter it is the the more the really it’s not going to really react like you want it to like you see baseball players the ball the bat slips out of their hand because they’re barely holding the back

They’re just it’s a comfort where they just have control of it but you’re not you’re taught not to squeeze it because when you squeeze it it develops tension and tension like especially with a golf club you squeeze it and you hit it ball doesn’t go as far when it’s kind of like

You know when it’s not as tight in your hand and you hit the ball it takes off because you’re allowing the club to do the work same way with a basketball when you go up to shoot you can’t squeeze it guys that squeeze the ball and they

Shoot they have no touch at all there’s tension in their shot there’s tension in the ball the ball comes off really strong and that’s why he loses the ball because when he goes up with it the ball is literally light in his hand like and that’s how you’re supposed to you know

Play basketball so those turnovers I I get and and and so I want I want to break that down for people because I know they people oh the ball’s slipping out of his hand it’s a reason why okay you don’t squeeze the basketball but yeah I mean his turnovers has to

Continue to go down I think that’s that’s part of the him he and he and Devin and if it does then the fourth quarter I think execution will go up you know and I think that’s part of the process uh what’ you think about Thad young last

Night I’m you know watching Thad last night I will say this I I don’t know man sometimes I just get so frustrated why some of these guys they come out they ball out and they they hadn’t gotten an opportunity beforehand right and he’s been here for about 15 games now and he’s barely

Gotten any run and then you see the way he played last night he gave that that that that bench some bounce he gave that that team some energy uh he got some he got one rebound that I had thought he had no chance at he just came out

Took I mean phenomenal and when you see guys perform like that you’re just you’re a little stunned that they didn’t get an opportunity beforehand the same thing could be applied to B bow as well at various times of the Season he wasn’t playing much before the Suns picked him

Up and I don’t know if he was in top notot shape and only he only he can answer that but I would just surmise if you’re not playing NBA basketball you’re not in shape I don’t care what you’re doing I just I don’t care uh you can you

Know you you working out running Sprints I mean what I mean in shape I’m not saying in general shape he’s in general great shape okay I’m talking about NBA shape is a different animal it’s another level truly is and I don’t know know if he was there and we can see it early

When they did pick him up where he was missing layups where his timing wasn’t there right and uh and so now it seems like he’s gotten his legs up under him uh and he looked like the Thad young that I know like and I telling people during The Telecast last night like

Don’t be shocked by how he gets his shot off that’s his game like he’s got floaters all around the paint you know and he’s a very good passer he catches it in traffic he made some really good passes man in that first half uh it’s it’s that part of his game that’s good

And he’s strong as a ox and he can defend in the paint he did a very good job on joic in the paint and so yeah that’s going to get better uh and and I’m sure now his minutes are going to maybe ramp up just based on his production especially with nerkish

Dealing with the sprain ankle we don’t know if he’ll go tomorrow uh he’s dayto day uh but you know uh I think D is is is more than app now especially to go against Oklahoma City which isn’t a big team yeah so I I I would surmise that

Maybe nerk probably won’t play again tomorrow but I think Dad young is a good fit to go against them uh based on the lack of size that they have and he should be able to do well tremendous opportunity still left for the Suns nine games left all against Premier teams in

The league most of them almost all of them are from Eastern Conference or Western Conference so you know I I again Sten for schedule strength for schedule is a bunch of J look that’s for the analytical water boys man like I it just drives me nuts like last night tells you

Thrift of schedule how did that work for Orlando last night I mean strength of schedule how did that work for Oklahoma City last night Houston went it in got how did that work people how did strengthford schedule work the other night when the Lakers beat Milwaukee without LeBron strength of

Schedule is just you looking at it and say oh there’s no way they can win because you’re not part of it like the players don’t feel that way and this schedule for the Suns is the best thing to happen to them because it’s going to make them concentrate they can’t relax

Like they did against San Anton they can’t relax like they did against Houston early in the year they can’t let their guard down against Portland you want me to name the losses they’ve had against weak teams because they weren’t connected psychologically and mentally it won’t happen now they will come prepared to

Play every game because they know they’re going to get embarrassed if they don’t and it’ll bring the best out of them so I’m looking forward to this last stretch I think you know they got four straight at home after this trip they have have an opportunity to knock that

Strengthford schedule back in people’s face and I can’t I hope I hope it happens I hope it gives him confidence heading into the playoffs because I think at various times of the Season you can I would I would surmise that they probably lacked a little bit of confidence just because they’ve been

Struggling they couldn’t figure out why some things were happening the way they were but I think now with an opportunity to beat some of the quote unquote better teams in the league I think that they have a tremendous opportunity to build some confidence some swag as they go

Into the playoffs and hopefully they avoid the in I think they have a tremendous opportunity to avoid the plan still they’re still alive for that so we’ll see what happens you know we’ll see what happens um as always we’re brought to you by The Good Old Folks at

OG’s ogs go check it out so you can find the closest dispensary to you OG’s brands has all the great Edibles for you sativas the indicas you name it they have it go check them out ogs and also follow them on social media on Instagram and on Twitter

At OG’s Brands and also Four Peaks I mean we’ve we’ve you know we we rever Four Peaks out here the best craft brew in the state go check them out Four Peaks Brew on social media go check out their website for Peaks uhfor Peaks and also go buy their juicy uh

Bad birdie ale I had that at our tea party on Friday it was fantastic sorry and I you can’t go wrong you can get it at fries you can get it at most grocery stores and you can also get it on tap at the the actual Brewery

Uh their their nice eight Street Pub all the phenomenal food you can’t miss it and as always with both Four Peaks and ogs you must be over the age of 21 to enjoy drinking drinking last night noan I mean what I mean you losing your voice I mean what’s going on I

Mean you la what’s going on I’m getting maybe you know sometimes nerves get the best of me man and understand I mean you around me I understand it’s not really that I mean I I assume you got a little a few butterflies in your stomach because tonight you know your Illinois uh you’re

You’re fighting the line ey are are are got to take on a pretty good Iowa State team in the tournament and my my U OFA Wildcats gotta take on a pretty good Clemson team and so you know I hope we we are both in the elite eight because

I’d love to see a rematch of Arizona ver Illinois at some point because I want some damn Revenge from 2005 so you know that’s that’s just that’s hey we spotted you all about 15-point lead I mean it’s not our fault you got you started choking why you gotta bring well I’m

Saying it’s not our fault but yeah you know I am excited about tonight uh Iowa State’s a you know it’s a good defensive team real good team yeah but we’re the best offensive team in college basketball so we we’ll we’ll it’s my favorite it’s my favorite match up of

The of of the sweet 16 is that game I’m excited to watch that game yeah we’ll we’ll see how that plays out plus my Cubs my Cubs open up the season tonight yeah so I’m I’m going to be real busy I’mma fly to Oklahoma City get to my

Room you know get my little snacks you know and what kind of snacks what kind what are EJ’s snacks well I don’t eat I don’t eat bad so but I might I might you know I like I like to have the Scoops man like the Scoops with the uh you know yeah you

Know little to Tostitos man okay Toros yeah yeah I got you yeah you know Scoops man those are popular man I hate to go to the store man they don’t have the Scoops man at the grocery store they know I’m ticked off I think they sit a

Couple of bags aside for each you know so I can’t I’m serious I get mad I’m like a robing Mania I like where all the Scoops at around here one time this lady had she had the last bag in her cart she gave them to me

I like thank you man oh man shout out to her whoever that is yeah that was nice of her well hey you know we we we talked about the men’s tournament in Illinois and Arizona but also on the women’s side uh you know Iowa has got to take on oh

[ __ ] I forgot who they were taking on oh Colorado they gota play Colorado tonight Kaitlin Clark uh is was in the news yesterday because it got out it leaked out that ice cube has had offered her um a spot in the big three and it’s a $5 million deal for 10

Games which would put her above and beyond the highest paid women’s basketball player in the world and she would still be able to concurrently play in the WNBA and the and the reasoning behind it was as Ice Cube said listen the women’s game has grown crazy and uh

And the opportunity for for women to excel uh and he and he named uh the two Co the two women coaches Lisa Leslie being one of them who have succeeded in the league and why not give her the opportunity to play and not have to go overseas and

Obviously based on what happened uh last year with Britney Griner um being stuck in Russia and all that stuff um you know a lot of these female players have to go over C’s to make up compensation uh for their livelihood because not all of them make high dollar figures in the WNBA and

When I say high dollar Figures it’s not even that much you know we’re not talking about we’re not talking about Millions we’re talking about hundreds of thousands if that and not every player gets to that six figure range either and I know we all sit there and we think

Professional athletes make tons of money that’s not necessarily the case and so the opportunity for Caitlyn Clark to to join the big three and and participate at that amount of money she hasn’t made a decision obviously she’s in the middle of the tournament she’s not going to

Until afterwards I’m sure but um I think it’s a tremendous offer uh Xavier Xavier B is in the chat saying it was a fake offer it’s just free promotion I mean you can think whatever you want I don’t really care like it’s out there it’s in the public sphere if Caitlin Clark came

Out nationally and said I’m gonna I’m gonna join the big three you think Ice Cube is gonna revoke the offer like oh we were just kidding that’s not gonna happen so Hey listen an offer is an offer I’m I’m intrigued by this I’m all for female empowerment you know it I

Mean you you’ve attended my my yearly uh function that I have uh Helping Hands for single moms uh raised by a single mom I think women are the strongest creatures on the face of the Earth I’ve raised millions of dollars to send single moms to college uh I will always help women in

Any capacity I can uh I was raised by women I didn’t have a dad in my life uh I am so happy that they have been able to grow in Society uh people don’t even remember you know a lot of people didn’t like history but at one point in time in this

Country women couldn’t vote either okay and women have always been looked down on uh all those things so hear me so you don’t like dislike me about what I’m getting ready to say uh if Floyd did Floyd Mayweather like move up to try to fight a freaking heavyweight no what would have happened

He got he would have got destroyed no matter how talented Floyd Mayweather is and he’s one of the greatest pound-for-pound fighters in the history of boxing in the history of boxing people I want you to hear this he would have gotten destroyed like they would have had to

Carry him out of the ring so the guy that you saw that was invincible you put him in there with heavyweights he would have gotten destroyed she should not go to the big three I like Ice Cube I I I see what he’s doing she would get destroyed if those guys played against

Her like they play against somebody else and that would probably tick her off if she senses that those guys aren’t playing physical against her M okay you step in that Arena Caitlyn you’re not a female anymore okay you’re competing against me and it’s about my job I’m GNA destroy your

Ass I’m going to respect you okay but now okay now here we go okay so are you ready for that okay okay I’m going talk smack to you I’mma knock your ass on the ground dare you to want to fight I’m going to go after your heart that’s what I’m going to

Do are you ready for that against dudes that’s going to outweigh You by 100 pounds you drive into the hoop okay and it could be a game-winning shot and somebody 250 pounds drill you to the floor you ready for that because he trying to make his money too and you gonna get five

Million and they not getting near that don’t do it just don’t do it this is not the Harlem Globe TRS this is not a respect you know committed type of atmosphere this is grown men basketball and guys that play in the NBA hungry to make money hungry to win you’re going to step

On the floor against them be careful that’s all I would tell her she’s a tremendous tremendous female basketball player okay I watch every game she plays her ear selfishness The Way She Moves I mean I mean how she reads things she is going to be one of the greatest WNBA

Players but don’t get too full and get lured in okay by the money but you’re going to go into an environment where it’s a different environment okay and if everybody can take the gloves off and go play you’re going to struggle you’re going to look bad okay I wouldn’t do it

Yeah I wouldn’t do it man I mean like that that is asking for too much you know it really is uh the great an Myers you know I think she’s the only female the Hall of Famer an Myers she’s the only female that went to an NBA training

Camp you know and so what she what Caitlyn should do is call an Meers you know and see you know call call you know Cheryl swoop she used to play you know ball you know the females would play ball with the guys pick up ball and all

That but they’re not but that’s not that’s not the arena the arena is when the fans are in the stands and the embarrassment factor is there and you’re out there and you think that you’re going to embarrass that guy no no yeah I I would be careful man I wantan to I

Want to address a couple things in the chat um all right first uh per Steven says why not offer to Wilson or Stewart It’s other women that’s played in The W that are just as great a million percent there are just as great but guys I I think you’re overlooking one big thing

About this kayln Clark is the biggest women’s basketball name right now as we see without doubt it’s not even close like I don’t care about I don’t care about it doesn’t matter she is number one right now like she all the eyes are on her she’s got the attention of the

World on her uh like if you look at last year’s numbers alone from the tournament you can even look at some of the Iowa regular season games this year the numbers have been astronomical so that’s why like that’s that’s the number one reason why it’s not just about her

Ability it’s also because of her notoriety that’s that’s number one number two uh another one uh says uh why start with her though why not pick a w we already we already mentioned that um it just it I I I agree with you Eddie the only thing I would push back on a

Little bit is you know how this goes people some people won’t believe it till they see it and yeah at her expense which it would it would um I agree with the reasoning that you have a million percent but at the same time I think

That should she want to do it even if it doesn’t end up being great um I think people need to see it happen just so they can believe it happened because listen you don’t you never know you never know I mean I’ve played oh I know

I bet I’ll bet every penny I got every penny I got he will fail if those guys are allowed to play physical and play like they that like they would she’s going to fail yeah at playing against these grown strong ass desperate men that’s playing that three on three

Man hold it here’s here let me give another example I wouldn’t have played in that sucker at 50 you get my point like I wouldn’t have done it like you you reach you you you have to know your battles man like you know and you you have to

There some guys that’s played in three on three and they only played a short period of time because they figure out they couldn’t do it like it’s it’s a lot of young guys it’s not a bunch of old guys playing three on three I think people Mis conscrew that these are young

Dudes these are dudes in their 30s these are dudes that you know NBA man like these dudes are still like ready for that craft like man I’m telling you man it’s it’s a different animal it truly is and so for me if if if they’re allowed to

Play and and and and be themselves I just I can’t see it I’m sorry I just can’t man it like I said it’s not it’s not necessarily about whether she can or not it’s about it’s about chasing that money people see chasing that money she would

Play it for she wouldn’t play it for 50,000 well for sure no I guess get so it’s the car that getting that money and those dudes are going to be envious because she’s getting five million okay and she’s going into a Untamed environment of three on three they they

Ba like it’s not like uh they’re going to get uh fine thous hundreds of thousands of dollars for fighting you get it I mean it’s like it’s it’s a it’s like going to the courts you know going to the street ball it’s going out there playing it’s like it’s just a different

Animal man that’s all I’m saying people need to calm down yeah like let the greatness stay with her where she is why do people always want to transition somebody to something else because they’re great here and they want to move up right like I got a a laugh this week

You know when Michael Beasley said that LeBron was the goat right and then Nate Robinson you know got on Michael Beasley and Michael Beasley said hey man you know I thought you was my friend you know and you know I didn’t say anything when you was a plank you know when he

Got his butt knocked out in the boxing ring you know like you know laying there like he I thought he was dead he lay a flat on his face cuz he in an environment where he shouldn’t be yeah like and and so that’s just my point man like be careful man

Like where you think you want to go and and that’s what I would hope for her because her star is shining bright man it is like she is like she is it right now and and I would just hate to see that be damaged trying to jump to

Something that I don’t know if she is really prepared for and to understand what she’s going to have to deal with if she gets into that environment that’s all yeah no I agree I agree uh somebody else in the chat I couldn’t find the comment but he said uh well why would

She make more money than other players in that league and again I’m gonna go back to this guys uh celebrity has has its benefits and when you are as high-profile as a player like Caitlin Clark listen man ain’t nobody buying tickets to go see Big Baby Davis for $5

Million I’ll I’ll pay to see him because I want to see him I want to see him jiggle when he you know like you know see them man [Laughter] boobs outside of that ain’t no way try play as actual play Caitlin Clark’s a big name uh another good com another

Good comment he throw me off all the time man Lucas lante says agreed saw Caitlyn is most popular female athlete at the moment wish she was coming to the Mercury I’ll settle for Beckers she’s good also is very true um and then the the other point was is that it’s not

About her skill set it’s about the physicality pH she want to go out there and shoot jumpers with everybody and there no that’s fine because we saw that we saw that with Sabrina versus Steph like she’s just as good a shooter and there you go but I can step on the court today

At 64 I go in the gym and shoot every now and then you know I don’t want to get too far behind but I could go in the gym and I can shoot and my shot has not changed I still can drain it from everywhere consistently is that my shot

In my age has not changed I don’t miss okay so I can step on NBA floor and I can shoot around with NBA players and you wouldn’t know the difference and most of them I kick ass shooting okay I said most I didn’t say all all right I

Kicked their ass shooting but now let’s get just running up and down the court and let’s play they will destroy my ass okay I mean I would like they had to carry me off on a stretcher okay I can’t play anymore I just can’t yeah I can’t handle the physicality I can’t handle

Nothing even though I’m strong but it’s a different kind of strength okay I can so you just know your limits man and that’s all I’m saying we want to push people past their limits because we want to see but I’m here to protect people like I’m here to tell the honest truth

And and and to me I don’t think she should do it all right uh psycho blue with a super chat what I’m looking forward to is Tim legler turning into the [ __ ] keeper because he has to keep watching the Suns now first WrestleMania for me next week where it’s fixed on

Purpose uh psycho blue uh faithful follower uh from the Virginia DC area uh I don’t know if you’ve caught legs of late Eddie but uh he has not been kind to the Suns and rightfully so when you lose to the Spurs you deserve to get dog walked let’s just be honest about that

Especially without Victor wiama um and so it is what it is there all right and before we wrap up uh Eddie I I wanted to give you the Forum to be able to bring up and talk about whatever is on your mind in this last segment is there

Anything that you’d like to touch on today uh before we go man you know it’s Draymond [Laughter] man it boond DRM out of everything he’s done I was watching before our game that really bothered me you know why it bothered me because of the reaction of Steph like people don’t understand man like

Steph Steph Steph is probably a billionaire close to a billionaire like he doesn’t need basketball basketball needs him not many players put themselves in that position like he can go off and retire right now he’s got so many different interests he’s got companies he’s got so

Many things going on in his life that he can transition and he can be doing things that he loves right away well a lot of athletes can’t a lot of athletes have to you know maybe go get jobs uh or you know go to internships or try to get

Somebody to partner with them like Steph is his own entity and so when you see his reaction last night with Draymond and getting kicked out of a game four minutes into the game and you see tears flowing from one of the greatest players on the face of this planet

Ever and he is emotionally balling now think about that people like he’s emotionally balling because this guy got kicked out because his whole goal right now is to do something special They did something a couple of years ago nobody think they with a championship and so in his mind

Right now Steph Curry is thinking if we get in the play in if we can hold off the Houston Rockets who’s fast approaching W 10 in a row and playing out of their mind then if we can navigate that and and I can get to a finals do you know

What that will do in regards to the Golden State Warriors Legacy and mine and everybody else’s that’s what’s on his mind right now and Draymond four minutes into the game why are you so upset four minutes into a game man the game just started you can’t hold your anger toward an official

And then get the tech knowing now you can’t get another but you still Ming and then this dude gets on his then after the game he’s waiting in the line and you know giving Steph high five like I would have gone I would have gone back

To the hotel i’ would have been so embarrassed he doesn’t care man and that’s the part that drives me nuts it’s like he gets on his podcast which is a very good podcast if he just did his podcast and he didn’t play basketball you would think he’s brilliant yeah but

He gets on his podcast and he’s so humble and he breaks things down and he’s so this and he so that but then he gets on the floor and he’s total opposite it’s just a total hypocritical P personality like I’m for the team I’m for this I’m for that and then he throws

The team under the bus man on the road they gotta win every game Houston is on their butt and he just get gets kicked out kaminga is not even playing yeah he’s out so you know they need you yeah man look I’m I’m over him man he’s

A biggest hypocrite going and I’m really more over him man because of the reaction of Step you know it’s just like he’s one of my favorite players man people uh he’s so respectable I’ve been knowing this kid since seven years old man and like it’s hard for me to always

Cheer for them because they’re always against our team but the fact that you just have to admire him and he doesn’t deserve that man yeah he doesn’t deserve Draymond Draymond is helped him win titles without a doubt but he doesn’t deserve him if it wasn’t for Steph

Draymond would be he could be out of the league who knows yeah he could have been in the G League who knows like we’ve seen him by himself without Stephen Clay triple single okay full Five Points a game so I mean like I just don’t understand it man that that that

Yesterday bothered me more than anything that he’s done uh just based on the reaction of Step man that that just that man they got me I um so this morning Jay Williams uh talked about that he allegedly has people calling him yeah uh asking why um you know is Steph really a

Leader if he can’t keep Draymond in check um I want to I just want to kind of go off on on this for a second first of all Draymond Green is a grown ass man and no other man should be in control of somebody else’s emotions and keeping

Them in check uh that’s not Steph Curry’s responsibility to keep him in check Steph Curry’s responsibility is to play at the highest level he can provide the leadership that he can but is not to control other people’s actions so much so that they are you know on the court

They’re not themselves right Draymond Green is who he is he’s an ass he’s an absolute [ __ ] and he’s you know he is a hypocrite and he does things on his own accord nobody’s going to stop him Michael Jordan could be on that team magic LeBron it doesn’t matter

Draymond’s Gonna Be Who Draymond is that’s just how it is and for Jay Williams to come out and say uh you know and even throw that out there first of all it’s just a travesty didn’t even didn’t even list the people no like so so don’t like come on man when you say

Something like that and you don’t even say the people then people not going to believe you anyway it’s like you’re looking for clickbait man and I first he set it up like well I know step and I’ve had convers well dude if you know him why

Would you put that out there right if if those dudes that said that why don’t you let them say it yep why are you saying it yes like why are you saying it let them say it if you have a relationship with Steph why would you say that like I

Actually believe Steph does leave he leads in his way yes his way is professionalism his way is respecting others that’s leading everybody doesn’t have to be loud and jumping on a guy and doing all of that right I didn’t lead like that and I consider myself a leader

On every team I was on I would never like embarrass somebody out publicly I would never embarrass them in the Press I would embarrass them behind the scenes you could talk to any guys that I play with you they’ll tell you I would say stuff to them want to kick my butt but

It was always behind the scenes it was never in front of anybody so I don’t want to hear that like that that was he that was clickbait you know he’s s there for Stephen A and he needs to he needs to feel like you know he’s you know he’s

He’s a clone a little bit but Stephen A will tell the name he will tell somebody and I believe Stephen A if he does get those because he’s put in the work to be able to get those relationships yeah but Jay Williams has not proven that to

Anybody no no I a million percent I con I absolutely agree with you uh strikeout in the chat says I’m gonna add a little bit to what strikeout said uh draymond’s not a clown he’s the entire damn circus I mean it’s true like it’s it’s it’s all about Draymond Green in those

Moments the attention on him and again the worst part wor part real quick EJ I think I I do think that Draymond comes into these games and something had to have triggered him before he comes into these games to make him feel the way he is so aggressively and if you read his

Lips which I’m very good at and he’s walking off the court the things that he’s saying to the ref if you said that on the street we’re gonna fight like straight up you know what I mean and so he’s saying that because he knows they’re not gonna do anything about it

Outside of just kick him out of the game he’s gotten away with it but he’s gotten away with saying it forever and he didn’t get kicked out yeah see so that’s part of it as well uh but he look he he is a dude man that he doesn’t care it doesn’t

Bother him and he’s G always continue to do what he’s doing and and it’s it’s really I think he’s gone I think they’re over him I do I think this I think this last year and it’s teams that want him but here’s the crazy part about this whole thing with him

I had friends around the league like I had very good friends like Mike Woodson is my one of my best friends in the world okay it’s like my brother uh we were on separate teams nobody knew past what our relationship was our families were travel in the

Offseason like we get Trail we get trailer homes and travel you know drive around and like but most people didn’t know that I didn’t want people to know that because he’s a what he’s an opponent I didn’t want them to know that we were that close like Lile Thompson uh

Reggie theas uh oldis stor all these guys that I grew up as a young man playing ball early on like people didn’t know that we were friends like that to that level this dude chasing LeBron around like like I mean this dude I mean and LeBron and LeBron is a competitor of

His wait wait stop stop for second give me a thumbs up real quick just put your hand up and give me a thumbs up yeah what’s going on in your screen I don’t know what every time you do a thumbs up this little bubble pops up it it’s right oh

You know what that’s weird I don’t know why good there you go oh where is it I guess I guess it’s a ghost saying Eddie you’re right on uh but doesn’t happen for me I don’t think no it doesn’t happen for me so yeah so yeah I mean his friendship with LeBron is

Really like you know outwardly creepy in regards to being a competitor you get it like you know and I don’t know man it’s just like you’re battling them right now man for a play in position you get kicked out they’re playing Memphis tonight you you know what I’m saying

Like it’s just weird man yeah it just it makes me think he he’s got his titles and it’s like if he doesn’t get another one he’s cool and those are the most dangerous people to play play with I’m telling you they’re the most dangerous is the ones that already have a title

Because you have to push them because they already have it and you have to show them that you really want one you know and and and that’s the beauty of it you know and and then they’re in a position to demand that like KD is in in

A position to demand that from Devon like you really want one okay you know you gotta push me you got to let me know you know and I think that’s how it should be and I think that’s how Draymond Rose man like you know if you

Don’t if you guys don’t if I don’t think you gonna win it man I’mma do my thing I’mma do podcast I’mma do this I’mma do that and and I believe that’s how he thinks uh one last thing about Steph Curry um getting emotional last night uh

You know I I saw this earlier with Caleb Williams when he was with USC and they lost uh to Washington and basically dashed any hopes of a college football playoff and he got emotional and he went to the sideline and he and he went into

The stands and he hugged his mom and you can see that he was he was crying um and and so many people were dogging him out for it because they they they thought that he was soft and they thought you now who was this who was this uh Caleb Williams quarterback for USC

That’s gonna probably be the number one pick for your Chicago Bears um and and then you see Steph Curry cry last night and I just want to say this if you’ve never competed and been so competitive to the point where you just cannot stand to lose and you are that emotional about it

Then you then then you’ve never really competed at a high level just straight up like I I I I I remember I remember my JV year in high school and I missed a buzzer beater to beat our rival Crono Del Soul and my dad came in the locker

Room and it was the first time where he didn’t really critique me he just came in and he put his arm around me and I just lost it I just lost it you because I I just because I wanted to win so bad against that team right and like if

You’ve never if you’ve never felt that then you’ll never understand it and so it’s easy to sit there and be a you know a couch potato or water boy and point fingers and be like oh I would never I would never well yeah you would never because you’ve never experienced that

Kind of that kind of desire to win at a high level qu because you’re a quitter you quit early like you didn’t want to do it you didn’t want the pray you didn’t want it you didn’t want to smoke you didn’t want it like you know but

Even in general though if you’re a man and you say you don’t cry then I think something you need to go get some help I cry all the time like uh certain songs come on I’ll cry it brings back memories uh if I think about my brothers

Two brothers this past boom right right away I don’t care where I am uh when I just think about my mom who’s still living but when I just think about her tears are come especially if it’s a song on it like crying is good for you people

Yeah it’s not bad for you it’s good for you like people think it’s what we sign of weakness no it’s not it’s a sign of strength because you’re not allow you’re not you’re not really hiding what you really feel inside and you don’t want to bring it out everybody cries you

Probably just don’t produce tears because you don’t want to but you’re crying inside like come on if you don’t have passion for life and for what you do then you what did Jim Val Jim valo say you know like you know you should do three things every day you should reflect in

Thought you should laugh and you should cry and if you’ve done all three that’s a good day that’s a really good day and I I I I firmly believe that and listen man I think in this stigma of of of not being able to be emotional and not not

Emotional in an angry kind of way but emotional and showing that you have a spot within you that is vulnerable um and somehow that should be shamed is just ridiculous and I Curry knows Curry knows his career is coming to a end yeah he’s on the other

Side like he’s on the other side like LeBron is on the other side like that they know the end is near and when you have loved something your entire life and you and you have put forth every ounce of energy to have success in it man like that part right there I am

Telling you I cried like a baby my last year in the league I mean I was I was the most depressed person because I knew it was over and that is not a good place to be it is not and I don’t I don’t I don’t hate

That I went through it I’m glad that I went through it but I was also blessed and fortunate to play to 40 years old and most guys don’t and so but man please if you it’s whatever you love you know but yeah you’re right A lot of

People out there man have a competitive bone in their body and they don’t get that part of it they don’t Mark Mark in in the chest says I’m rehabbing my shoulder the moment I get back on my road bike will be emotional it’s not just winning it’s being able to do what

You do that you what you know you do best and I agree like listen we all have a passion for something and when it gets taken away whether it be short-term or longterm like it’s emotional and so being able to to be able to thrive in life and understand your emotions and

You know control them but also be vulnerable uh when that opportunity calls then hey there’s nothing wrong with that and hey I think that was a good conversation Eddie I appreciate you sharing that um I think the perspective on mental health and and emotions as as men sometimes can get overlooked and it

Can be you know pushed away and that’s when bad things happen like you gotta you gotta acknowledge yourself and your emotions and and your mental well-being so for that see po Peri there we got Draymond and we talked about emotions and mental health look at all that my

Thumb it’s not doing it now you gotta hold it still there it is for Eddie Johnson jump shot 8 I’m sof book we appreciate y’all uh until next Time

The Phoenix Suns have laid some eggs and shown amazing potential at different points this season. Which team will reveal itself when the playoffs arrive?

Saul and EJ touch on just that on this edition of Outside Shots!

0:00 Intro
1:30 The good Suns showed up last night
16:00 The Suns have a turnover problem but KD is great
31:00 Caitlin Clark and Ice Cube for the Big 3?
47:20 Draymond Green is not fun

An ALLCITY Network Production

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  1. Saul same here I remember competing my senior year in high school and we lost in OT against the thatcher eagles and our home town crowd filled the gym out here at shadow mountain high and even our fans came up to us and hugged us after our loss

  2. Please do not let Booker bring up the ball. Mediocre ball handler, slow footed, TO waiting to happen.

  3. The potential is there to be a Great Team like you both said they are as talented as any team. Use there God given gifts and keep playing hard. Your broadcast is Awesome.

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