@Los Angeles Lakers

Disgusting game man. Just awful

Idk if the guys are just tired from the Milwaukee game still but damn, that was just terrible all around everyone looked gassed after the first half. Bunch of shots were short guess the guys have no legs under them, what a shame.

by Consistent_Owl4593


  1. Consistent_Owl4593

    However, going 5-1 on this road trip would be a success so we move. Also Suns and Kings losing would make this loss not count right? 😅

  2. flowermoon24

    No excuses, stop it. Bunch of teams winning back to back games or 3 games in 4 nights.

  3. 5-30 3PT and 16 TO. How was it even as close as it was?

  4. NoKnowsPose

    They just missed a lot of shots and turned the ball over. Every team has bad games and this is one of them for LA against the wrong team. It sucks but I’m not gonna get in my feelings about this one.

    Now, if they do it again in the next game then I’ll get annoyed

  5. Jazzlike_Trainer1012

    Maybe waiting till the very last minute to miracle their way out of the play-in isn’t a good strategy after all. The Lakers are like the kid who had a month to do a book report, and then the day it’s due they’re cramming on the way to class.

    I don’t understand how they start so slow every year lately, and then push so hard at the very end, it makes ME tired to watch. I can understand the toll it takes on the team as a whole.

  6. I figured we’d have this game against the Pacers one of these times we played them. They run like the Kings and we already know how tough it is when we play them too

  7. White-Gravity

    Bruh out of all the losses this season this was one of the better ones, 3rd game in 4 nights, on the road, tired after a tough week 🤷‍♂️

  8. StoneColdAM

    Lakers probably won’t move past 9th. They lost too many games they needed to win. 

  9. SnapCasterDANK

    This team needs to be managed like a ncaa team, we cannot go down by more than two possessions against competetive teams. We can come back, but it is just so rare to do so especially when the three is not working.

  10. Long road trip. Fatigue looks like it’s setting in.

  11. dangggboi

    So many losses to bad teams and wins against good teams …

  12. Stebsy1234

    Yeah this wasn’t really that bad of a loss tbh, would have been great to get the win but our shooters just didn’t have it tonight.

  13. BlackJasonTodd

    Sucks but we can’t win em all, especially against a high power offense like indy that were looking for revenge. Hopefully we take care of business the next 3 games.

  14. Old_Worldliness_5015

    lmao every loss is embarrassing huh – what a miserable way to live

  15. redoblivion23

    Them guys tired. 3 games in 4 nights. Glad Suns and Denver lost

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