@Dallas Mavericks

Can we blue out the stands for playoffs again?!

WHAT a win tonight too. Someone phone MC and let’s blue out the crowd. Need that small + to the atmosphere. For the fans and players.

by yosemitesam8


  1. ben-salami

    I blue myself for the playoffs if that’s helpful

  2. mavericksnipe

    Playoff vibes aren’t nearly the same as they were a decade ago. No Finals or conference finals logo, fans not being color coordinated, the CGI and graphics no where near as good.

  3. Tuffwith2Fs

    Honestly, I have an limp, old, bright blue loofah in my shower and the other day I saw it and thought “damn, would be dope if D-Live dyed his hair blue for the playoffs.”

  4. LazyHandjob


    I will blue myself

  5. Jcarter1632

    Usually Mark gives out a rotation of white and blue t-shirts in the seats for the playoffs. No one usually wears them though, unfortunately. In the 22 WCF he did this and light up wrist bands for timeout light shows. I think more folks have Mavs gear now and just wear what they want.

    Back in 04-11 AAC was louder and wore the right color shirts to make white-outs and blue-outs. It was electric. Game 3 of the WCF against Golden State in 2022 was the quitest playoff game Ive ever been to at AAC. Hopefully it is much better this year.

  6. Midwest-Midbest

    Currently wearing my shirt from that game!

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