@Dallas Mavericks

How Luka Doncic Set the Tone as Mavs Snap Houston Rockets’ Streak | Dallas Mavericks Podcast

How Luka Doncic Set the Tone as Mavs Snap Houston Rockets’ Streak | Dallas Mavericks Podcast

On today’s show the Dallas Mavericks snapped the Houston Rockets 11 game win streak LCA donic he took that personally we’ll talk about that Kyrie run to start the fourth and more on today’s lock on maps I’m luk and this is lock on maveri Mavericks NBA champions it’s good and the Mavericks

Have won the game if you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here loyalty never fa away hey and welcome you are locked on to the Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick anged Med member at NBA channel manager for the locked on podcast Network your team every day where we let it ride let it

Ride down I45 thanks for being part of the show Making lock time MS your first listen today where the best way you can help us grow the show is to listen every day leave a five star review like the video on YouTube and comment anything below

Here leave a comment here and then take a little stroll take a little stroll down the highway and go comment go Mavs on lock on Rockets post game video oh man go go locked on Rockets right now comment on comment on the post game video joining me as always from

1053 The Fan what you got for me Reg Ula who the hell does Luca doners think he is he gave the shrug he just me he gave the shrug the crazy thing is like we’ve come to expect these things and yet and still who the

Hell does he think he is and the sad part is he is he’s exactly whoever he thinks he is exactly right are whoever you think you you are I am the the bowler have you seen that clip with the bowler whoever you think you are I am I

Am bars out there too he’s like whether you hate me or love me which is bars today’s episode we’ll get into Kyrie Irvings run to start the fourth quarter he keeps going on these runs like he he just can turn it on whenever he wants so we’ll talk about

That break those down we’ll talk about the maps three-point shooting a magnets game a positive magnets game for the Mavericks so we’ll talk about that and uh and then we’ll talk about all kinds of other stuff Luca donic and and and so on I do need to say one thing though

Just one like all right family meeting sit down okay if you’re if you’re here on YouTube you can have fun with the comments on the other YouTube channels have fun with it be nice be courteous a a a handful of you went and commented go Mavs or we’re

Fine or whatever on the lock on Kings emergency Malik Monk episode which is probably just negligent Behavior but it’s also just very awful so do not do that especially if it’s on an injury episode it’s just completely uh not what not what we want in this

We’re having some fun with it but anyway now go to the rockets and comment a whole bunch of stuff on on Jackson’s post game video all right let’s get into LCA dasic he took it personally it felt like he took the Rockets personally he was a game time decision at the be like

Before this game his knee was bothering him in the last game against the Rockets you could tell he was bleeding through his through his knee pad they had to tape it up he was you know questionable for that game with left Achilles sorness and then it was right knee that was

Bother him and so before the game Jason kid said he’s just going to go down the court and try it out and see how it feels and he went and saw how it feels and I knew it I I I sent all the sub textures immediately I said there’s no

Way he’s not playing in this game Luca will play in LCA will play in this game and he did because anytime you give luuka the option hey do you want to play today yeah I would like to play basketball today I would like to I would

Like to do that and he goes out there and plays and Luca in the first half of this game 32 points six of 10 from three and and then finishes the game with 47 couldn’t get that last three for 50 47 points on nine of 16 from three

And ties I think George McLoud for most threes made in a Dallas Maverick season already just playing 65 games 66 games lucanic I mean he was just in his bag tonight and they didn’t really Oka never really wanted to double him either yeah um and that’s the thing is like as much

As I don’t know like the personal vandetta aspect of this uh I I my brain didn’t get there because like the the path of least resistance was there as well which was hey look the Rockets they they have the Personnel to switch everything and it seemed like they felt

Very confident doing that knowing the ways in which we’ve seen since about the trade deadline teams kind of try and play these Mavs like Hey we’re not going to give you the easy passes that you are clearly capable of making by you know sending to the ball and then playing 3v4

On the back end they’re like look we got the guys we think we can contest and they could the problem is you’re dealing with an a right like and that was that was the thing is LCA Don was like oh we’re going to play oneon-one I Believe in my

Ability and that gets only more difficult when he is knocking every single thing down including at the 10-minute Mark of the third quarter a 20 foot scoop shot from right inside the three-point line that just made no sense literally got a text from Jackson from

Lock on rockets and texted me as soon as that shot goes in he goes he goes what the f is Luca donic this is ridiculous yeah yeah yeah like it’s that and the two bank shots that absolutely lead to who H think you are the banks where Mark

Followup was like he did it on purpose it was on purpose it was on it’s like and it’s very evident like this was a game where this this is uh in any level like superhero movie when when they get their power and they’re like let’s test

The balance of this right we saw it in super or not hitch God not not what’s the other what’s the Will Smith movie where he’s super no h Hitchcock right no it’s Hancock Hancock that’s exactly what it is we couldn’t get rid of hitch because of Will Smith it’d be like that

But that’s where I went with the my bra it’s like Hancock where he gets the superpowers and he just flies around he starts destroying everything that’s right and luga donic was just like all right let’s see the the extent step back three yep Bank Shot yep scoop shot okay

It’s all gonna go it’s fine cool but here’s the here’s where you you said you couldn’t see where he took it like personally here’s where I think that he took it personally yeah all right you’re going to throw one player at me BET right like I feel like he’s he’s at

That point where we’ve seen that from a Kobe from a from a Jordan from a a Larry Bird where they’re like oh you’re gonna throw one guy at me you’re gonna throw Jabari Smith at me you’re gonna throw you know this guy Dylan Brooks at me like you’re throw you’re gonna throw one

Guy at me and not double and not do that okay I’m gonna take that personally because I’m an MVP and I’m going to go out there and I’m gonna hit these shots and then he just went and did it over and you’re gonna let you’re gonna let

Jock landale switch on me like all all love to jock landelle and all the Australians out there that exist but you’re gonna let Jac landale come out and guard me one-on-one and not switch and not double and not do that the the Rockets even doubled Kyrie at the

Beginning of the second quarter when Luca was off the floor so they were doing it for Kyrie but they weren’t doing it for for uh for Luca and Luca just I mean he also just had an amazing shooting game nine of 16 from three 18 of 30 from the field total uh missed

Three of his five free throws but other than that I mean his shooting was just on another level and coming into a game where you have like leg problems of multiple varieties on both legs and you’re a game time decision that is that is alien territory when you’re dealing

With those kind of leg things and then you shoot this well and there’s the thing I thought the Rockets contested well like the athleticism of it like they had a hand in his in his face most of the time it just doesn’t matter like apparently lale is a Australian for Zu

Bot cuz it was it looked it looked exactly the same it did not matter that’s the thing is like and maybe that’s why got better hair I’ll say that fair enough touche but maybe it’s just like I have gotten used to like the Luca experience in some way because it just

Felt like oh this is less about I am trying to do something particular this is just what I do like this is what and he and when you add a good shooting night he is impossible to deal with like this is in my mind the definition of the

Superstar which is you can throw whatever you want at them if they are having that night it is cancel Christmas everything is done and this was one of those nights where it was just like hey don’t worry about it you can play well you can play poorly it doesn’t matter

That scoreboard is still gonna light up it absolutely was going to and did and I mean just he continued to see how well he was playing throughout this game and they just didn’t want to throw doubles at him and he was like all right I’ll

Just keep taking that and I can win and then also if you send like a if if somebody messes up and doubles on me late I’m going to kick out to exm to PJ Washington who hit a bunch of threes and we’ll talk about the Mavs three-point

Shooting in this uh but yeah Luca just you look at his have you seen his have you seen his shot chart oh I didn’t even look at the shot chart I sto the box score because I was like this is crazy his shot chart he hit five shots like

Around the rim he hit one like weird uh corner like mid-range shot from the left side he hit one uh left elbow shot one right elbow shot and then the scoop shot from inside and then he hit nine threes it’s just like you just look at it and

It looks it looks insane he’s just he’s just painting he’s painting it honestly it honestly looks like a broken like NFL play because you’ve got the line of the three-point shooting and then you’ve got all the stuff like behind ah man I like to the this this

Was a game where I and maybe I was wrong and this it’s very easy I’m wrong plenty of times right I got to the point where I was like I don’t think anybody’s winning this MVP except for um except for joic right and still think I still

Think he is even though Mavs have gotten to fifth but he’s just an analytic darling and all these things right in addition to that team being what that team is a game like this absolutely opens that up in my imagination in my mind the thing is joic had an incredible

Game tonight too like I was seeing Matt Moore from lock down nuggets tweet like this probably isn’t on the short list of the greatest yic games of all time but it’s definitely gonna make the long list eventually uh he had he had 26 points 18 boards 16 assists in their win against

The Cavs a full strength Cavs basically and I feel like the problem for Luca has not been statistics like statistics have been there right it’s been team success and if there’s anything that will like help jolt him like his name and his candidacy more in this it’s a game where

He absolutely dominates a team like this especially one who had this level of like buzz on them because they were the hottest team in the NBA or whatever right that’s that’s the way that I look at it is just this is going to draw attention and people are going to take a

Closer look and I think if that’s the case you end up in a better place of giving him a chance to actually get the votes in that place yeah oh he’s he’s he’s second now I think in FanDuel on MVP and so he’s gotten he’s gotten there

And so maybe he closes the Gap here with with you know what eight games left to go coming up let’s talk about what this game means the Mavericks move up in the standings we’ll talk about Kyrie and so much more we’ll talk about all that and more coming

Up today’s episode is brought to you by prize picks prize picks daily Fantasy Made Easy you can go to prize picks and pick more or less than two or six players watch the winnings roll in I need you for this one Reggie because I don’t know anything about baseball okay

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Part of the raccoon Squad listening every day we appreciate each and every one of you for stepping in listening to the show go comment on YouTube and go comment on locked on rockets on YouTube unless they do an emergency injury episode don’t do that that’s bad everybody looked fine like the most

Thing that could have been injured was pride and even then like I don’t even know that that’s a pride game you just look up and you go that dude that dude’s insane what are we supposed to do move along this this game for the Mavericks meant a lot the Rockets were coming in

With 11 game win streak the Mavs were coming in with their own what six game win streak and now now it’s seven correct yeah yeah M’s now M’s M’s now seven game win streak it’s the largest in the NBA yes correct and the Mavs move up to fifth because the Pelicans had

Lost the other night and the Mavs have the tiebreaker over the Pelicans they’re both 45 and 29 they’re tied two to2 and they’re head-to-head but then the Mavs are 29 and 19 in the Western Conference and the Pelicans were 26 and 19 in the Western Conference the maps have three

More wins in conference so that matters a lot when it comes to that and the maps also have the division on the Pelicans uh and I actually think the the division one matters more the pelan there’s all kinds of the tiebreakers are they just wanted to make divisions

Matter in this but the Mavs are 10 and five in the division and the Pelicans are nine and six in the division so the Mavs are better in the division as well because the win against the Rockets was also a Western Conference win and a division win and it got them to fifth

Place Mavs are back in fifth for the first time since going all the way back to January 16th was the last time that they were in fifth and the last time that they were in fifth like consistently was like December uh basically they’re in they’re in fifth third and fourth in December basically

The whole month but this was a massive massive win for the Mavericks absolutely no absolutely right like you mentioned it you get a chance to continue this win streak um you get that opportunity to get over the Pelicans honestly like we’re in territory that as of recently I

Didn’t think that this team could get back into and you just you move further and further away from that playing which ultimately for me is the big thing give give yourself an opportunity to jump right into a series and as it stands right now should should this should this

End right now the Clippers that’s poetic as hell that is poetic as hell the Mavs would face the Clippers in the first round of the playoffs right now that’d be the four five and then they would face the Thunder and the one of those teams would face the thunder in

The second round if the thunder made it uh because I’m not I’m not guaranteeing any team make into the second round in the west no none not the Mavs not the not even the Nuggets really because the West is going to be insane in the first round this season

But uh yeah that’s where the Mavs are right now and the Mavs are two games up on the Suns for the playin at in seventh and the Mavs also have the tiebreaker against the Suns Mavs have the tiebreaker right now against the Kings because of conference their conference

Record and so Mavs are sitting real good right now they’re sitting real good right now the only team they don’t have the tiebreaker over is the clippers because they were one and two against the Clippers yeah they’ve handled their business incredibly well and I mean they’re playing their best basketball at

The right time of year as well right in addition to having all these tiebreakers they’re also playing incredible basketball that I mean if you can use it as a level of predictor would give you some level of feeling that they will end this run in a good space and be ready

For playoff basketball which is exactly what you want yeah we need to look because there’s some people there’s some NBA people that believe that March basketball is just like doesn’t really matter because teams kind of phon it in remember last year the Nuggets were just like terrible almost terrible in like in

The in March last season because they just kind of coasted the rest of the season then they turned on and they end up winning the title I’m curious if there’s some kind of correlation to how teams do in February and March to like like you know which teams get hot

Because we’ve seen the Celtics the last couple of years get real hot in February and March and the Mavs get real hot in February and March of 2022 and make the Western confence there’s got to be something to that yeah I don’t even know that there’s like if that’s a definitive

Thing I feel like different teams work in different situations right you bring up the nuggets and that was definitely a team that was like hey we we turn on when we want to you look at the Clippers and that does not feel the same it does

Not feel like a well when we’re ready to play play that feels a little more systemic and so yeah I feel like these things I don’t know that it can be a all the way across the board situation Kyrie Irving in this game let’s go back to the

Mavs Rockets game Kyrie Irving in this game scored two points right in the first or five points in the first half Five Points he was two of seven and the MAV still had a uh like you know a 21-point lead at the half and so you

Knew Luca was killing at that point and this thing that Kyrie has been doing is in the beginning of the third I called it at the beginning of the third it didn’t happen it ended up being the beginning of the fourth the beginning of one of the second half quarters Kyrie

Will go on a run and just like all right I just got to make a bunch of shots right here I’m calling my own number I’m doing this like I’m I’m calling my number here and I’m gonna start like making a bunch of making a bunch of

Plays right here six of nine two from the field two three from three hit hit the technical free throw from Fred Van ved’s Tech four assists 15 points for Kyrie in the fourth quarter his like his ability to just like start on a dime basically and and create these runs has

Been so helpful because that helped push the Mavs forward and I think in the past without a Kyrie Irving this game becomes like this game like the Rockets come back in this game in the past I think yeah the Rockets come back and maybe because they got it within 16 right or

Or something like that and I think they would they just kept chipping away and chipping away and chipping away at it and the Mavs in the past maybe lose a game like this even even with the incredible Luca shooting game but Kyrie kept it out hand and made it so that it

Was a easy like Coast to Coast to the win Maps yeah absolutely I mean like this is what Coast to the Mavs win you were you were there Coast to the Mavs Mavs Coast to win I don’t know what I was trying to say everybody everybody everybody understood what you meant see

Honestly nobody would have even called you out if you just just power through it right and I think some of that is like some of that is what Kyrie ends up giving you in a way is like an opportunity to power through it right you have not you have not as you

Mentioned right like the the Rockets did not give up in this game they just were out out outmatched yeah because we there were points where if Luka was not on the floor like you gave teams an opportunity to get runs now you go hey now Kyrie is

There and he has the type of game that’s like kind of schoolyard in that way that works in that situation they really have found maybe the best instance of what I could imagine of you go I go basketball right like those guys can Co exist and

They found a level of comfort but at the same time this game started with a okay Luca you go and then once you’re done and we’ve seen this in like as you mentioned third or fourth quarters Kyrie’s like okay now I go and he has a level of patience and then wherewithal

When that time comes to do that and that is damning right like that is something that is that is incredibly tough to deal with because that is another Elite scorer in this league and he can get to whenever he whatever he wants whenever he wants and so like that’s that’s just

An impossible task to deal with two of those whether you know which one is happening or at at a particular time or not it’s still an impossible task to deal with especially when the dudes around them are making and you can’t just load up on them and we’ve seen that

It’s not just Luca and Kyrie as the only ways to score on this team either because we’ve seen them put a ton of points on the board in the paint we’ve seen them you know hit a bunch of Threes like they did in this game and spray out

For a bunch of Threes for for a bunch of guys too and so like it when you have those options plus Kyrie that can do this like it just it it makes it so that you have so many options in front of you all right we’re going to push this all

Right we’re going to push this we’re going to push this area of the game and Kyrie just has figured figured out when exactly to call his number at the beginning of these quarters in the second half after Luca calls Luka usually calls his number at the

Beginning of the game and it’s like I’m going to just go out there and score a bunch of points see what the defense gives me see if they try to adjust and if they try to adjust then we’ll adjust our offense and do this and then Kyrie

Comes in like after all the adjustments have happened from the other team all right we’re adjusting to Luca we’re adjusting to Luka and Kyrie’s like hey adjust to me too now right it’s it’s it’s it’s a hell of a curveball right it’s a hell of an off speed in a way an

Off speed That’s goes really fast as well right like but like the idea is just like this is not a one note situation we know that at these levels of sports you cannot be one note and you have added multiple notes that LCA donic

Can get to his own Kyrie can get to his own and then if you want to do that and those guys are doing a great job getting it to your bigs who operate in an entirely different way all right and at a different point in time you might need

Threes and it really did feel like it functioned in that way where there was you could probably break this game up into like three distinct sections where different portions of the offense carried it whether it was Luca Kyrie or your others as some folks will call them knocking down shots and that’s that’s

The beauty of it is once the team starts getting getting a a a figure on all right let’s we might be figuring out how we can play it this way well what happens when PJ Washington’s knocking down threes and Dante is knocking down threes what happens when Kyrie is taking

The Kyrie shot that you have defended well but he just puts it over top of you and let gets the softest touch right and that that’s what makes this difficult is that you now have multiple ways to attack we’ve talked about this time and time again and even the best teams are

Going to at the very least have to take time to figure those things out and once you get a guy like Luka donic who’s put you in that type of lead now they’re playing against you and the clock and that that’s what it felt like this Rockets game was absolutely coming up

Let’s talk about the magnets of the Mavs and I’ll explain what a magnets game is for some for some that may not know and we’ll talk about the Mavs shooting and all that coming up today’s episode is brought to you by Amazon Fire TV go check out Amazon Fire

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If you haven’t checked out Fire TV channels you should trust us on this to learn more visit loock onfire TV loock onfire TV take all right Reggie let’s talk about these magnets the Mavs get a good magnets game for once it felt like for a

While the Mavs weren’t going to get one and what I mean by a magnets game is slightly and I have made this joke that sometimes it feels like there’s magnets on the rim and one team shoots 45% from three the other team shoots like 20% from three and the Mavs haven’t had a

Lot of games like that uh where they’ve just been they’ve shot so much better than than the other team for three in a while uh but the Mavericks in this game shoot 51% 243 24 of 47 from three an incredible amount of made threes the most threes the Mavs have made in a

Single game this season the third highest percentage they’ve shot in a season and this season the Mavs when they shoot uh when they make 19 or more threes the Mavericks are 12- one they make 19 or more Threes And when they shoot when they shoot over 45.3% they

Are s-0 this season when they shoot that well from three the Mavs three-point shooting starting with Luca N9 of 16 then Kyrie with his pullup shooting four of of nine but then you got role players and every single role player that they asked hit Shots tonight absolutely I mean early Dante PJ

Took some like really confident ones as well and got them to go yeah I mean look the the we’ve we’ve heard the make or Miss League aspects of this and one of the beautiful things about the ways that this team has shifted is they don’t have

To make threes and so when they do make threes it’s no longer okay now this gives us an opportunity win no that how they bury you and yeah in addition to the ways and the ways in which in this league the no lead is safe because of three-point making if that other team

Isn’t making threes that’s the beauty of the magnet game I guess right they we were worried about the MAV shooting we were really worried about it for a while 100% yeah I started getting to a point like where I was wondering it was that something that

They had for a while and now that they have changed their identity that’s that it’s not going to be something that they can they can roll out there nearly as much that it’s going to be more anomalous than anything and it feels a little bit less like that to be the case

It feels like that three-point shot is still something that’s in there even though it’s not going to be there all the time it’ll pop up a good b a good amount more than I was starting to worry about last three games the map shot 51% from three against the Rockets 43%

Against the Kings and What was the one before that it was 56 56 % from three so we shot 51 43 and 50 56% from three in the last three games against teams that were good and have you know the king the two kings games they shot well from three and then

This Rockets game where the Rockets had 11 wins in a row they shot from three so maybe this is the sign that all right these these guys are starting to hit their threes here and they’re starting to hit these open shots because they’re they’re creating the same kind of looks

It’s not like they created different looks in these last three games than they did in the other ones but you just had you know you just had PJ hit those confident looks like you said EX three of three again I mean every time he’s in that corner you think he’s going to make

Think he’s going to make that shot now uh and then Tim hardeight was three of six and Jaden Hardy was two of five from three as well in this one I also got to imagine that like the the mental aspect of this plays in because you could tell

In some instances where the Rockets looked up and they’re like Dante xam I think in our Scouting Report that’s the guy that we leave open boom he knocks it down I remember him not being a good three-point shooter when I played him in the past we we’ll we’ll leave that guy

That’s that’s that’s the poon that will pick and then it’s sting you and then it’s and I imagine that that’s also another level of demoralizing when those guys are knocking down shots as well so that that could be one of those like back breaker elements of your team and

Speaking of confidence that’s where we are with this Mavs team confidence and when you have confidence and chemistry that’s what took the Mavericks in 2022 from a good team like a pretty good team where you know Luca is doing some awesome stuff and Brunson was starting

To show some things and like all right pretty good team to that chemistry took them to another level the chemistry and confidence took them to another level where everybody’s feeling confident in their role and what they do and that’s where we’ve gotten with this Mavericks team and that confidence I think is

What’s making everybody feel really good about this Mavericks team even even people outside of the organization outside of you know the Mavericks fan base and Mavs media and all that people outside are starting to take note of what the Mavericks are doing right now and seeing the way that they can beat

Teams in different ways the way that they’re defending on a different level than they have in the past the way that they have different looks that they can do they went big in this game they went small when Lively went out with that injury we you know we they can put out multiple

Different guard lineups they can put out multiple ball handler lineups multiple shooter lineups multiple big Wing lineups they’ve got a ton of different things and Coach kid is coaching you could hear him in the game tonight like you could you could hear him the coaching from from the sidelines and

Putting the effort in and like there’s all that from from coach I have no complaints about kid we’re closer to Zen master status right like this would be the second time we there right this would be the second time in three years that it all kind kind of clicks up in

The right situ in the right time right like we’re just at the right moment all these things you talk about the confidence of people finding the right roles and you know doing their jobs to the height of their ability this will be the second time in three years where

That happens and so I I don’t know exactly how to quantify this but Jason kid deserves a good amount of credit when it comes to that because he is the one organizing it and he’s the one who like I think if we look at it has been

Trying to play the Mind Games and whether whether or not you believe in the Mind Games the the results are starting to show up in a very big way at the right time someone got to get a crit credit for that and usually the dude at the top

Does he’s he should get credit for it he should get credit for well I mean Luca was I mean just insane I mean it’s kind of like you give him credit for Luca well he’s empowered Luca and he’s you know he’s the scheme that’s what he talked about over and over again he

Talked about remember at the beginning of the Season he said he’s as he’s as good or better than Dirk at the beginning of the Season he has put he’s stilled confidence in luuka and maybe Luca didn’t need the confidence but I not on offense but on defense like I

Mean you saw Kye Irving in this game Kyrie Irving was out here in front of uh Jaylen green moving his feet and not allowing him to get downhill right like the ways in which that they’ve embraced all of it not just one side of the ball um it matters it absolutely matters

Absolutely the Mavs def we have not talked about the Mavs defense enough in this game uh we spent a lot of time on the offense but Dylan Brooks 0 of8 from the field Jaylen green who’s been amazing who’s like Luca’s competition for Western Conference player of the

Month probably five of 15 from the field missed all five of his threes and didn’t look that great at all in this game and the Mavs just completely closed it up and stopped drives and stopped the Rockets from doing all their athletic stuff and putbacks and all kinds of

Stuff that they’ve been used to you know they’ve been doing uh give credit to Daniel Gafford in the middle give credit to Derrick Jones Jr for chasing him around give credit to PJ Washington for just being an amazing Defender five fouls hey we we’ll take it you get you

Get six of them so you get you get five they don’t roll over that’s right yeah no like that was the thing is the defensive principles that they’ve established they played that to per played it perfectly and like it seems like when it comes to the game plan the

Notes they’re hitting him perfectly um and leaning into their size and their their anchor in the in the paint and making sure that they’re funneling guys into Lively and Gafford and those guys are cleaning up and so I there’s a ton of credit a ton of Praise that needs to

Be spread all the way across this team they’re looking incredible they are looking incredible there has not been any new news of lively by the way he subbed out at the end of the second quarter with a what they’re calling a uh right lower leg injury and so we’re not

Sure about that we’ll see what happens the Mavericks play next against the warriors on Tuesday and so they have to fly they have to go back to Northern California which is just a weird schedule thing because of the death of the Warriors assistant coach they had to

Change the schedule up and so they go back to to Northern California play that game and so we’ll see what happens then and then the Mavs have two home games against the the Hawks and against the Warriors to end this week and so we’ll be here for all of those subscribe to

Lockdown Mavs go comment on lockdown Rockets YouTube channel uh and just say go Mavs on there but yeah we’ll be back go listen to Reggie on 105.3 The Fan sometime this week whenever the Rangers don’t play right and do that guys thanks so much for listening to lockdown Ms peace out boom

Luka Doncic took the Houston Rockets single coverage defense personally and the Dallas Mavericks got a big win in the Western Conference Playoff Race with help from Kyrie IRving’s 4th Quarter run, and Mavs Role Players hitting their threes.

Nick Angstadt @LockedOnNBA & Reggie Adetula @1053TheFan breakdown Luka Doncic’s insane performance in the Dallas Mavericks big win over the Houston Rockets, Kyrie Irving’s 4th Quarter runs, and the Mavs’ 3-Point Shooting.

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  1. two starters last year can't get on the floor Maxi and Dwight. Hardaway is an afterthought. Gafford Lively PJ and Jones are defensive beasts. That's why they are crushing it.

  2. I think this gets a little lost in the win but that mavs defense was on fire, held jalen green to 5/15 shooting and 0/5 from three

  3. I wtched the game on league pass so it was houstons announcers in the background and even they said that bank shot was absolutely on purpose lol

  4. I love you Nick, but if saying "Go Mavs" is taking it too far I'm just gonna be the taking it too far guy. Hear worst than that on my own Mavs fan page

  5. Luka is better when opponents double team him… Rockets took that literally and falls for the trap🤣🤣🤣

  6. Luka keeps having historic games and performances. I'm a mavs fan, but as objective as possible, this man has done things on the court this season that you haven't seen like…ever!

    Call me crazy but this man is the MVP, sure it can be debatable with such an all time great like Jokic, but he can't be ignored ANYMORE.

    Debate a wall 🧱 ✋🏽

  7. Serious question for everybody. Is Jasom Kidd actually a good coach? We give him the credit when we lose so gotta do the same when we win right? Wcf's 2 years ago. Last year no coach would of saved that season so maybe hes good lol

  8. If the Mavs keep winning games they could move up to 4th. Clippers are just 2 games up and have to play the Nuggets, Cavaliers, Kings, Rockets, and the Suns twice. That's a bumpy road into the postseason. Getting the 4 seed would completely eliminate the 1 argument the media has against Luka for MVP.

  9. i think josh greens ability to hit threes more consistently and still be a plus/avg. on defense is what will play him over Tim and will take the teams shooting to a minimum, respectable shooting team

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