@Golden State Warriors

Warriors/Spurs Postgame, Steph, Wemby, Draymond, Coaches Kerr x Pop Reactions | March 31, 2024

Warriors/Spurs Postgame, Steph, Wemby, Draymond, Coaches Kerr x Pop Reactions | March 31, 2024

What do you take away from from tonight and then just overall from the trip going four- one yeah fantastic trip particularly after losing the first one um in uh tough fashion uh for the guys to bounce back win four straight games on the road um that’s uh it’s a sign of

Their competitiveness and their grit and um even though it wasn’t pretty tonight um they they they got it done overall I you touched on a little bit but just kind of the ups and downs what kind of mental toughness did the group show draw the entirety of the last few days yeah I

Think uh you know just recognizing at halftime you know what was happening in the game and coming out in the third and and changing the the momentum in the game um with our defensive pressure and then um that connected our our offense um and and that you know that that

Flipped the game around and then obviously we kind of had to hang on there at the end but um you know to to be on the road for eight days and and do what we just did that’s a sign of a really good team what does Draymond Green mean of this

Basketball team man Draymond was incredible tonight that was a defensive Masterpiece um the offensive board at the end with the clay three probably play of the game um but you can see I mean you watch that game Draymond is a he’s a genius defensively what was the reaction on the

Bench when he got that box out right in front of you guys oh guys were going nuts um yeah I mean it was uh you you could see it um the whole way too like he was you know he he anticipated the whole play it’s part of draymond’s

Genius is just he seems to be you know a half step ahead of everybody and on that play you could see him getting position as the shot went up and yeah play of the game for sure Stu with 33 and8 I mean seems like his best game of the trip

What did you just kind of see from him overall those family’s here so you get to spend Easter with the whole family and uh you know they had breakfast with us this morning at the team meal and I think I think Steph was really um extra

Motivated to play well in front of his kids and Aisha and and U it was uh he played a he played a great game I mean it was um you know there was a lot of pressure on him out there um I you know Trey Jones does a really good job

Defensively and uh he found a way to get free and and knock down some big shots for us slow start for you guys tonight do you think the tech kind of woke the group up oh I don’t know but uh you know I was due for one it had been a while so

Yeah Houston finally lost so you got some space plus a TI right there considering where you were a week ago he pretty I mean you know we have eight games left and a lot can happen so um our focus is just keep winning um keep winning keep winning keep winning and um

As you know we’re we’re not just looking at the team below us we’re looking at the teams above us so we’re hoping we can um you know keep keep pushing ahead and um get the most favorable most favorable favorable seed we can thank you guys Draymond how the past few games you

Been for you just dating back to the Orlando game and then finishing you know tonight with the all round game that you had uh great you know we went four onone on this road trip uh you know the goal is always to play great and uh effect

Winning and I think I’ve done that what worked so well for you tonight on both ends of the floor oh well uh um I mean Vic finished with 32 so I can’t give myself too much credit uh you know he is an incredible player I think

You know my goal was to you know at anytime you’re playing a great player is just to try to make him take tough shots uh not let him catch the ball where he wants to catch the ball at because if he catches the ball anywhere in the paint

Uh closer you dead um and so just trying to do my work early on that side of the ball uh when I got switched onto the guards that time try to make have high hands to make those passes tough you know with a guy like Vic you know

They’re going to pass the ball up high cuz no one else can get it so I was just trying to have high hands as our coach is always preaching get some deflections and I was able to come up with a few deflections which helped spark our transition offense what do you think

Would say about that out he love a box out for sure but he killed me uh the free throw box out that I missed uh earlier in the game and uh Champion got the got the rebound you know is free throw cutout he he go crazy

So I’m still kind of beating myself up on that one but I think I made up for it at the end on the the two offensive rebounds from our vantage point you were just you understood the that play and you were working so hard even when the

Ball was on the way uh well you know um obviously I KN you know knowing knowing that we got to get a shot off I just tried to position myself at offensive rebound like I was uh defensive rebound so I was able to get behind Victor and

Once I got behind him I just start boxing him out uh you know anticipating that that we missed the shot and get the rebound and even I had I thought I had a great block out and even then he still didn’t let me get the rebound you know

So he is U he is a very very very very special talent um I’m I was just telling Trac and those guys like I’m happy had an opportunity to play against him now cuz they’ll have to deal with him a lot later and I won’t be in the league no

More so that’s good for me big picture going for one the trip Steve talked about the grip the mental toughness of this group what did you see by way of that throughout the course ah man the git uh was definitely there you know having coming off a tough loss um in

Minnesota to start the trip off that can kill a trip you know and we did a great job of bouncing back uh getting the two games in Florida and setting ourselves up you know to if we take care of business to get a 41 road trip and um

You know at this time of year you want to be playing well you you know you got to win right now obviously we all know what the standards are and and all of that stuff so it was a good trip for us and now we got to go back home and try

To build on it second half defensively do y’all do anything differently or was it just more a little bit more effort or I think the effort was there um you know I think offensively we we we did a better job with our Reds I mean not offensively

Defensively we did a better job with our Reds um earlier in the first half we were just kind of reding and then they were lining us up they were still driving with our aggressive Reds in the second half that allowed us to take control of The Possession kind of put

Them on our on their heels they had us on our heels the whole first half and so I think we did a better job of flipping that in the second half and taking the force and pressure to them and making them play on our terms but in the first

Half we were on their terms they were driving getting to the paint kicking out driving again close outs uh and they were causing a lot of Havoc so I think we did a better job of getting the game on our terms what do you like about what

Moses has giving you guys the last few games uh Moses is is being exactly who we know Moses is um no matter when his number is called he’s always ready to go uh he’s always in the gym working on this game whether he’s in the rotation

Or not you know he continues to prove himself he each and every time that he comes out the rotation when he get back in it he plays even better you know and so uh it’s great to see Moses uh playing the way he’s playing is helping us right

Now the energy that he’s bringing uh the shooting that he’s bringing everything that he’s bringing to the floor has been uh positive for us and he’s helping us in a major way Bri man nice bro really good 4 one road trip what do you what do

You take away from this just what the big some of the big picture takeway that you got you noticed about the way you guys competed on this trip yeah um I mean rising to theocc we have to compete knowing uh knowing what’s in stake right

Here so just being able to lock in and figure it out what did Draymond give you guys tonight uh he gave us everything from the defensive end offensive end knocked down shots guarded wimy rebounded yeah he had he had he had a really good game what are the from a

Team perspective what are the challenges that go into game planning for a guy like Ry um he’s different you know he’s a different archetype I mean just um kind of get creative figure some different things out but I mean just um figuring it out game planning it let see uh what

Do you think’s key to sustaining the momentum that you guys are able to kind of build on this run here on the road yeah uh I mean I think what it what it came from is knowing the situation and the situation still the same so saying together keeping what we’ve built

Keeping what we got going on it’s a weird thing to ask right now now but before the game Steve was telling us about the first time talk to at the start of your rookie year you told him something that your dad said to you about sailor and the Sea yeah a

Smooth SE has never made a skill for sailor see he didn’t remember you said very nicely um do you appreciate uh how far you’ve come since then yeah definitely like I like like that it hasn’t been a smooth SE it’s been uh bumpy it’s been I heard somebody else talk about like um

Don’t be surprised that the the boat’s going to rock during the storm it’s supposed to like the life is a storm everything is a journey uh not expecting everything to be straight it’s um just being prepared for whatever you’re halfway to a motivational speech right there cool all right step and will be

Next um anything’s on the table for us everything’s possible um obviously we’re playing really well right now 14 to 17 um on the road now and um so just trying to figure out at home and you know coming into the year if you told us that

We need to figure out at figure it out at home to to get in the playoffs I think we’ll take it so um obviously we got I think eight eight left four maybe four or five on the road left so just trying to take care of business go home

For one and then back out here for two what does Draymond mean to this basketball team what you give your guys tonight yeah he’s a big reason why we’ve won 14 to 17 on the road um you know he just impacts the game in so many ways um and his influence outside

The basketball lines is you know tremendous to all the young guys and he breeds confidence on us and um you know tonight you know he was playing like he was at Michigan State he was doing everything shot the ball well played well um so it was great to see uh

Especially from for me as a young guy did there was a play in the first quarter where you went up for a layup didn’t Steve got a technical afterwards um did that get you guys going at all uh yeah I think so whenever you know Draymond gets a technical Steve gets a

Technical I think that just naturally you know boosts momentum in our favor um and I think it did for the most part um obviously to start in the third quarter the starting group did a good job of you know making our run to start and we just

Kind of held that lead um until the end of the game obviously they made some shots late but we were able to hang on what’s it like constructing a game plan defensively for a guy like Wendy it’s fun um it’s fun and you get to see the coaches creativeness um how their brains

Work in terms of schemes and stuff like that but for us it’s just kind of taking away his space obviously in space he’s you know really hard to stop maybe even impossible to stop and then when he gets close to the rim it’s pretty much you

Know you’re at his mercy so just kind of crowding him pushing his catches out I think we did a better job the last time we were here um then tonight but you know 22 shots um made only 10 of them so we’ll live with that what did you think

You guys went super small at the end he was guarding you mhm possession or two what you make of that yeah I think for me naturally if it was just a regular big that would guard me I would probably go screen for Steph um so either big was

Switch or I’d be open but um yeah I mean usually guys guys that they want to help off of would be me so um for me just trying to you know get a rebound obviously Draymond got the clutch one and threw out the clay um but yeah no

Matter who zombie just trying to make plays when you guys saw that I was a huge play when Draymond had a great day box so hope this is the reaction on the team yeah I think that’s what what sealed it um when I shot it it looked

Really good it felt really good um obviously it spun out but like I said J M doing a little bit of everything tonight um you know W us the game all right St CL the trip what are your biggest takeways overall from the way you guys played throughout the course of the

Trip did what we had to do um Minnesota game was a tough you know way to to start the trip with the you know the fourth quarter and feeling like we we let one go but responded well you know teams we played those are the ones that you have to win keep

Yourself in the fight and you we did that no style points really for any of it but you know you get out of here with four wins and keep the momentum rolling uh you you know the schedule going home for one going back to Texas

For two like we have a a tough task ahead of us so we needed these what’s been what is you know it’s been a pretty jam-packed schedule a lot of road games like you mentioned you know back to back coming back here what are some of the challenges in managing a schedule like

That and what kind of grit and mental toughness have you guys kind of shown in in dealing with that exactly what you said if that’s what it requires um you know being in the present just how do you win this particular night know we said that a lot this year

But everybody different different guys stepping up on on given nights and you know the night way the way Draymond play was unbelievable you know making his presence felt he does it on the defensive end he does it with his matchups you know making those extra plays but even tonight on the offensive

End being aggressive taking what the defense gave him gave us a huge boost you know Trace doing what he what he does um what he’s been continuing to do getting better every single game Moses Off the Bench playing impactful minutes so the collective effort of you know who’s

Whose turn is it to step up and give us you know a great a great effort can can you talk a little bit about withstanding the punches every time y’all made a run it seems that they responded with with a little run of their own and kept closing

The Gap it’s interesting cuz you look at their record and it’s you expect them to I guess that the narrative might be that they might lay down and quit but they you know they’re playing for you know confidence and and uh you know just Vibes I’m trying to finish the season

Strong and you’re playing free so anytime we had separation they were just you know responding like you said we was hitting bunch of Threes uh Devonte Graham Off the Bench hadit couple big shots it seemed like they were always you know responding and in their home building you expect that’s what you

Expect so like I said no style points for us on every time we really had a built of momentum um they were right there you know with an answer but thankfully we had we had enough down the stretch clay hitting that big shot you know 30 seconds left Steve sh with us

That you had the chance to spend some time with your family today for Easter just what did that mean to to have your family here today for Easter Sunday it’s just a reminder about the sacrifices of I mean everybody who was in this building you guys coaches players you know sacrifice you have

Working on on uh on Easter weekend and thankfully you know kids are a little older where they could travel a little bit and uh not make it too crazy on my wife uh but it’s was nice to see him in the stands and be able to spend the

Morning with them but you know it’s not easy what we do and it reminds you of the sacrifices you know we make our family makes to uh you know allow us to do what we do on the court so it’s was nice to have them here what does these

You obviously my faith is a big part of you know who I am and I like to call the Resurrection Sunday in the sense of um acknowledging that he’s risen and that’s you know the meaning of what we celebrate so as a parent especially it’s nice to be able to share that message

With my my kids and allow them to find that meeting for themselves so um it gave me a good perspective just play today and have fun you know knowing uh you know what today means Steph could you take us back to that first possession they attempt over

Wimy is that kind of a reminder just that he’s there he kind of catch you off guard yeah I mean it’s uh he’s he’s a presence he’s he’s different in that respect where I had a lot of daylight and thought I could get it up I saw him coming but thought I

Could get it up quick enough and even the way he blocked it is still look weird I’m looking at the bench it’s like there that goal end and like n you probably got it so just a reminder you if there are options out there but you can’t disregard you know where he’s at

Every possession just cuz it’s something you haven’t seen before he s a few pass him say what you slipped a few pass I’m trying to think it maybe I got one earlier I get one over him though considering that when Raymond boxed him out in that

Key rebound just a box up they teach Club that’s a uh like you uh fundamental 4-year College uh High division one level type play that uh yeah you learn through the ranks I don’t think any NBA coach teaches that that’s just you know it or you don’t draymond’s he’s

Obviously uh got the fundamentals for a reason had to play a lot of a lot of guys yet you don’t usually play what did you think of the Mamu and Devonte and chedy I thought the group was fantastic you know that’s what I just told them

They were great to have those you know three guys out and have the combinations that we had out there with the guys that hadn’t played too much uh I’m just so proud of them they’ve come a long way from the beginning of the year

To now to be able to play a team like that and uh we’ve been doing it uh you know for the last month or so uh really started to click with the group and uh I’m just I mean nobody hates to lose nobody loves to lose but uh their effort

And playing for 48 minutes they’ve figured that out and they just keep on pushing was a great night they kept punching back whenever Golden State would go on those flurries does that sort of speak to to the the confidence or resilience yeah that’s what I basically just said

Yeah okay then Sandro specifically um you know it just seems like he always always does what you’re looking for moving the ball yeah he’s he’s like my favorite player uh he moves without the ball he cuts he goes after loose balls I mean the way he plays is just fun to

Watch he’s a steady movement it it never never stops it’s fun to watch him okay have a good Night lot of moving parts tonight with guys out and you guys coming in uh how do you think you guys uh faed with with the with all the changes you know we had to yeah but I pass the ball even more you know work for open shots even

More and uh yeah play hard you know execute what you think those guys coming in Mamu with a double double Devonte had some good minutes ched starting I mean M of course you know going to work every mean every single position getting off offensive boards you know everything he’s precious and uh

The other guys as well yeah I mean I like how how they stepped up is Sandro just fun to play with is he fun to share the court with of course yeah of course you know um yeah he’s I mean he’s a you know smart smart guy battles for on every

Position and yeah he’s a type of guy you want on your team T off you know fighter Victor how do you how do you feel you did handling especially without Devon without Calin I mean these are important offensive players how do you feel like you handled that extra

Attention that you get even more than you normally get how do you feel like you handled that from gold St I mean uh you know it’s for me it’s a lot of it’s a lot of um being focused on you know on myself first how I how I can help the team how

I you know how I move my body because it’s um you know I I know when guys can’t stop me when I when I’m uh you know when I’m using all of my weapons and uh so it’s it’s always like this I always you know try to you know no

Matter that what the opponents is doing I’m always trying to fit in the in the team effort and uh yeah when there’s double team pass the ball and you know do all the the little work that doesn’t show up on the on the stat sheets did

You get a chance to look at the foul call at the end of the game you thr the back what did you think of it looking at the replay I mean he saw to me I’m just reaching over to get get get the ball you know it’s I’m not

It’s not like I’m stepping on on on the guy or you know pushing on him I’m just reaching for the ball like I do four or five times game a game he not I mean yeah this this happens you know pop just said that you guys started

To with each other since the oldy break do you feel the same mhm yeah I mean I feel like it started even even before but it’s U it’s you know something continuous and that we you know we put an emphasis on this also recognizing each other’s strengths and

Uh but yeah it’s it’s true that it’s it’s been going even faster since the All Star is there anything in particular just like when you talk about the things that are clicking one thing that pops off the top of your head faster like this is an area that we’ve improved the Most um there’s multiple multiple but um I would say I would say one of the you know the biggest things for us is the play you know off the ball I mean a lot of guys who can yeah you know when the attent when the attention I mean defense is focused on

One area you know cut the other the other side and it’s this is one thing Jeremy could be out you know maybe for the rest of the season possibly what what’s your assessment of his play this season and just his growth and just uh how you guys played together I mean he’s

Been there for what 70 74 games in a row that’s 90% uh even even if he would be out for the rest of the season there 90% availability that’s that’s huge you know and he’s he’s played so many minutes so many minutes so many precious minutes

For us doing all the all the the 30 and the the hard job you know so it’s um yeah I mean he’s just been such a great asset for us on both sides of the court and uh yeah I mean it it showed for example you

Know last game against New York as well you know I don’t think I mean I think Jeremy would have had a word in the second half on you know brunson’s performance of course uh but it’s you know he’s precious to us so it’s it’s uh

You know I hope he’s he’s going to be as healthy as possible and also because he’s got you know maybe the national team this summer so I know he he wants to be healthy were you were you surprised to receive a fine after the last game and did you know that was even

A rule um Surprised let’s say when I when I threw the ball I thought maybe yeah like I I remember players being fine for this but it was it was always in like a bad they threw it always in a bad way you know I threw it not you know to to make some

Some some guys day but uh it’s um no it was it’s funny it’s just funny you know while the balls in the air you’re thinking oh no that might be 25000 yeah kind of but after that I was like I was like no that’s fine like I

Threw it to you know to please somebody it’s not like I’m trying to hurt or throwing it at somebody yeah they don’t care about intent I guess on that apparently sorry we only got time for two more go ahead um if you guys want M go around oh Okay Person Um fore thanks

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  1. if the warriors win it all this time it will mess the nba up,from the botoomto the top,,u heard it 1st here!! DIEHARD FAN

  2. I love green a lot of people don't like them I love his tenacity grit defensive smarts he's just a good guy to me he just play hard and talk s***

  3. Moody is a solid player, controlled but very capable. I hope to one day see him explode and just have fun out door, and not be in the shadow of other players. But then, Warriors know this too, and great job of them, to keep players in the same page and work together to achieve the same goal in the long run.

  4. It just ain't no pleasing fans on here is it. They won, they been on a winning streak, instead of trying to bring them down, why not lift them up? Nobody never wins every time all the time, I don't care who you are. So they had a rough season, who hasn't had it rough lately? Stop tripping & cheer your team on to however far they make it.

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