@Chicago Bulls

Alex Caruso hits 7 threes, sparks Chicago Bulls to big win over Timberwolves | CHGO Bulls Podcast

Alex Caruso hits 7 threes, sparks Chicago Bulls to big win over Timberwolves | CHGO Bulls Podcast

[Applause] Yeah What’s going on bulls na welcome in Cho Bulls post game coming to you live from our studios here in West Loop downtown Chicago I’m peek Bulls corek joined by my guys big day bow bwl Sports will the go got Le willor go Le and our p user

Joy’s pathis on the controls at Joy’s pathis guys the gang is back together never win again Joseph bll win I’m happy because why bll win people in the chat happy because withn when I watch the game I watch it far and I love Joey cuz he

Plays withn we in here Joe we in here let’s go what a win of course of course oh yeah Dinko I’m back of be here of course the I’m back here of course the Bulls have to win for Dave’s first game back yeah this how it’s got

To be it was two let me lose to the Wizards and and the Nets well I’m out of there but let me come on back in here against the number one team in the Western Conference and win oh my goodness and and a good win like they

Actually played very well in this game man the Bulls were dominating offensively in the first half of course they came down Earth in that second half but it became just like this is real NBA basketball they’re playing out here now of course they made some ridiculous moves and some ridiculous turnovers

We’ll get into that stuff too man but they they won this game like they won they did shout out to everybody in Bulls Nation hanging out with us on YouTube we appreciate you being with us on a Sunday evening hit that like button if you’re hanging out with us make sure you also

Subscribe to the channel um throw us any comments you have about tonight’s game you mentioned the uh like the Bulls LED pretty much the entire game until that Anthony Edwards 3 that tied it and then they reviewed and called it back and so it was actually not quite officially the

Wolves coming all the way back to tie it but I mean they had I think six the Bulls had six turnovers in that third quarter when the offense just came screeching to a halt and then that that sluggish offense kind of continued for the Bulls in the first part of the

Fourth quarter and you’re like the Bulls are going to give this game away you’re like you know the Minnesota finally starts knocking down a couple of shots they get a couple of calls goar maybe gets away with a couple of push offs for some second chance Point

Opportunities um and you know the Bulls struggled to Corral uh loose balls and defensive rebounds in that uh fourth quarter but then the Bulls to their credit are like you know what no we’ve been playing too well we’ve been shooting too well to give this game away

And a couple of huge makes down the stretch of another yet another clutch game dear shot clock winding down top of the key3 drills it a possession that looks like it’s scrambling and going nowhere V with this weird like bat volleyball pass tap to Caruso in the corner who knocks down his career-high

Seventh three of the night and then uh Caruso with one of many big defensive plays in the fourth quarter um leads that Kobe fast break the Kobe lay in um despite the tough Challenge from Minnesota chasing him down puts the Bulls up seven with two minutes to go

And they’re able to hang on from there I mean another close game the Bulls almost coughed it up but to their credit knocked down a few big shots and made a few big defensive plays got a w all all five of your starters in double figures

All five of your starters are in the plus column only two players on the Bulls are in the minus that was gonte and uh Drummond but everybody was playing well the ball was moving for those guys Kobe white who was very slow getting out of the gate came into that

Fourth quarter and hit clutch buckets for them the first three he hit early on and then hit the three to end everything and send everyone home and I love the way AO dumu played he plays with not a reckless abandonment but a Fearless One cuz he’s going in against Rudy goar and

It’s not out of control when he goes in there it’s very controlled when he goes in there’s a plan when he’s on going up against those guys shout out to v as well you got to give V’s props man like he was he was scoring very well out

There that one sequence in the fourth quarter had me ready to hit him with a bat and I was right behind you with another bat good Lord to go for the knees what was that foul after he coughed the ball up what was that foul you have to know that Minnesota’s

Already in the bonus before you commit that dumbass foul yeah you just the dumbass turnovers we just had an issue you get you’re going to have turnovers we get that but you got to avoid the dumbass ones and that foul right there that really could have honestly changed

The game but the Wolves also went kind of cold in that fourth quarter from the three-point line I believe you told me you one they were two of 11 uh from the three-point line but I think also when they stepped on when Anthony Edward stepped on that line and missed that

Three that everybody thought was a three and they took that away that took away a tad bit of momentum from there because you can see the Wizards did it like okay fine the game side let’s go win this but no Bulls win yeah I think um you know

Kobe obviously hit a big shot V had the offensive rebound I think on that play ruso hit a big three um so guys were contributing but to me what stands out from this performance from the last one is just that so much of this is all

Dependent on dear and the way that he plays the way that he has to be basically the entire like driver of this of this offense and if even if Kobe is hitting that shot it’s because dear was able to break down the defense to get

Him that look or or Caruso or whoever it was so um they’re just so dependent on his play he was I thought okay tonight had a couple of uh you know not not the most efficient game 27 points on 11 of 23 shooting um got to the free throw

Line seven times was up to his usual tricks getting guys to jump into uh you know swipe throughs and pump fakes and all that where he was able to make his money at the line but I thought you know Kobe was he looked like not right he did

Not seem like Kobe for the first three quarters and the fourth quarter uh he made a couple of shots and then that last one was just like he needed to shoot this so he and he knew that and he didn’t he made it so um to me like the

Difference you kind of mentioned in the fourth quarter was the clutch play I mean as soon as the Wolves got into the five-minute Mark with a lead I think they’re up three the Bull’s like went on a ten run yeah and they just their their halfcourt offense was a disaster credit

To Bulls defense I thought they defended really well fighting over strein hassling Anthony Edwards making life difficult for him to even get downhill but the Wolves spacing is so bad when you’ve got two bigs down there they just had nowhere to go and um yeah I think

When you go on the other end and you have dear who’s able to just do what I said before create a good shot create a good look for somebody else every single time like you put yourself in a really good position to be able to win so you

Know you look back at it now it’s like how did they perform so poorly in the clutch last year when they were so good two years ago and even better this year it’s like kind of surprising but they’re just so steady because of Demar yeah uh Brandon I in the comments saying it

Might be the best full 48 the Bulls have played against the top tier team and uh you know that is crazy to think that this is the Bulls second win against the Timberwolves this season they went 2-0 against Minesota yeah they dropped a game to the Wizards uh this past Monday

Wizard Dro two games to the Pistons the Pistons like again somebody else in the comment said like what so much about this team just has not made sense all season long because they show us that they’re capable of doing this yes and they’re capable of losing to you know

Basement dwellers Bottom Feeders it’s just it’s just wild uh Rob saying great to have you back Big Dave no 150 points surrendered tonight that’s right 101 is a way more reasonable number um like that’s I think the thing you have to credit the Bulls collectively for the

Most tonight is like dude this Minnesota defense yeah is no joke yeah and the Bulls shot 52 half% from the field 58 half% from downtown uh like they only took 12 free throws tonight and it didn’t matter wow wow I didn’t know that part you know they they didn’t dominate

Points in the paint necessarily uh Minnesota 48 to 38 Edge yeah and it didn’t matter it’s kind of an anomaly because you’re not expecting the Bulls to shoot 50 nearly 60% from three right of course even semi-regularly cuz again they’re doing it on a low volum n 29

Attempts yeah they hit 17 on 29 St shooting him in the second half attempts yeah and you’ll take that every day you know what I mean especially with this kind of team but they did it against one of the best defenses in the league man like that’s why your brain right now man

Is going what is going on right now like it makes no and their bench didn’t you know do great either you know they weren’t out there you know scoring those buckets Tory Craig or javante I think Drummond had six uh for him but it was it was just like weird because I you

Said I that uh you they kind of are carry by D rozen which is a fact and but I like the fact that the tone was actually set by Alice Caruso uh early on for the team cuz though we know D Rosen is going to be the one to close it the

Bulls have to have someone who can carry it you know what I mean in the beginning to get him to that point where he doesn’t have to just give off so much energy getting him to that clutch part and then he’s like okay give me the ball

You know because he’s done all this just to get you there Alex Caruso and what he did and credit to IO because he’s honestly kind of been that guy for them this year but credit to Alex Caruso in this one man because he was on complete fire from the three-point line listen

The turnaround on the Baseline that one was with the fade three was just out of control man like I don’t know what happened what got into him but more of that special drink for Alec Caruso you know we some sometimes get frustrated with Caruso taking shots in like the

Mid-range or his weird floater game or his layup package that never seems to be all that successful turnover we get frustrated by it it’s either a turnover or a miss when he tries to score inside correct he was seven of eight from downtown those were the only shots he

Took he did not take a shot inside the arc tonight amazing and this is the new version of Caruso who’s a 40% shooter on a much higher volume than ever before in his career General Patton don’t mess with it if it ain’t broke don’t fix it

Alex broke fix it and keep shooting it like and it was just so unexpected will but just really truly needed for this team to be getting to that fourth quarter where Demar could do with his thing yeah and I like keep watching these games trying to figure out like

What the big picture thing I can take from it is like what what do I learn about this team from any given night and today I just feel like watching these games like we know who this team is we know what they are and so there’s not like a big thing that

I can take away from a win like this it was a great win but what did it take it took a outlier shooting performance from cuso everybody in the starting lineup except for D in shot 50% or better cuso was seven of eight on threes I mean just

Some kind of fluky numbers and but that’s what it’s going to take on Knights and then they’ve got D rozan to carry them home so um I just tweeted this out I’ve tweeted him multiple times over the last year but just it reminds me of this quote from Zack LaVine from

Last year which is that we’ve shown we can beat anybody and also we’re able to lose to anybody too yes correct they game where you lose to the Nets the Wizards the Pistons you can also beat the Timberwolves twice but you can lose to the Pistons twice yep and it’s just

Like there’s no big picture thing to learn about this team this team just is that they they aren’t that good they’re not that bad sometimes they win sometimes they lose sometimes it’s exciting sometimes it’s frustrating but this is what the Bulls are and as Marcel in the comments said sometimes two

Sometimes four always three always three Bulls 36 and 39 after this win tonight uh which is Big honestly because the Hawks took an L last night the Bulls get this win tonight so I believe that means that they are now back to a game and a

Half up on Atlanta yep uh correct so Atlanta sitting at 34 and 40 okay uh on the eve of the bull second night of the back toback hosting the Hawks at the mad house tomorrow night uh and we’ve talked about how significant that game is for

The sake of home court in that 9 versus 10 playing game we already know the Bulls have the tiebreaker against Atlanta should they finish with the same 82 game record um but so now they have a little bit of breathing room coming into that one tomorrow night against the

Hawks whereas if the Bulls had lost and then they you know hypothetically failed to beat the Hawks tomorrow night then you’re they are deadlocked yeah and I don’t want that you got to keep that away from us right now but it’s still shaping up for for a big game though man

Like putting more distance between you and and the Tim seed I’m sure is what the Bulls want uh against Atlanta so so it’s definitely setting up for be a big game for them and every time they play Atlanta anyway it’s always a close game it’s never a blowout either other way

But they’re always the close game just please no four overtimes but they always play I think actually that quote that I just read is from last year when they were in a similar position where they could have jumped into the 78 game with about five or 10 games to go and they

Were at home against the Hawks and they lost it so there it is again they can win against anybody they can lose against anybody I think though that if they were able to win tomorrow that would effectively seal their fate as the ninth seed I expect them to be the ninth

Seed any anyway even if they lose just because of the extra game that the the Hawks would have to make up not having the tiebreaker against the Bulls but I mean in order to jump the six series you basically have to win out and they have

To lose out in order to fall below 10 you basically have to lose out and the Hawks have to win out so if you win this game tomorrow I just think it’s pretty much locked and then it’ll be about like you know do we finally get some games

Where they can rest a little bit for dear because like you said I mean you can’t put him in a position where he has no help he’s got to get you to the last five minutes and then take you home like that’s just that’s too much to ask for a

34y old correct you got to remove some weight off of him some kind of way man and that’s why we sit here screaming at them when they’re passing out of shots and when they’re taking these bad shots and these bad turnovers and why when Demar sits down everything just

Completely goes to crap like you have to give him time to get that to carry you that that stretch of the third in particular when Billy was resting Kobe and dear at the same time and I was like what are we doing here man what are we

Doing dear was on a bus back up in like a minute he was right back up you can’t afford like any any of those minutes cuz you just see how inep the Bull’s offense is when you don’t have either of them out there yeah it’s a problem uh shout

Out to Jason Ash in the comments who said oh we’re going to finish at 500 Matt I’m calling it now bet your booty baby what what Happ I could have sworn that you officially gave up after the Nets lost Jason Ashlin no quit baby that’s there’s no quit in him soon as

You think you’re out the bulls pull you back in bless your heart he’s right back that’s got to be rough it’s called being a fan he is a fan and we got nothing to love for you sir than uh Christian Ramirez saying as long as Miami beats the Sixers we are

Okay uh offs B oh playoffs bound talking maybe about the situation where hey embiid might come back if the Bulls win the 910 game against Atlanta whether they’re home or away yeah they could be you know seeing a part Philly matchup with a healthy embiid back in the lineup

As their second playing game yeah but we’re talking about when is he coming back though because he’s going to have to get re acclimated some video was going around NBA Twitter earlier today of him doing some very heavy sweating kind of workout that looked like he was

On the precipice on the on the cuss yeah of coming back it’s still got to be game time action like we’ll see got to get some time correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t we finally see the Bulls take down the Sixers earlier this season in

Which a a game in which embiid was on the floor playing you saw it correctly this is the first time in embiid’s career you saw it absolutely right those peepers were working hey Julia those peepers were working we saw it it happened he’s still in beid we know who

He is but just like any NBA player it’s going to take some time for him get re acclimated so the more time it takes for him to come back the better it is man not saying they going to win cuz but I’m still saying it helps you

JP from Angels in the Outfield hey it could happen will just said it say it again will he can beat anybody they can lose anybody too there it is who knows roll in there who knows uh let’s take our first break right there we’ll come back dive into any other thoughts y’all

Have in Bulls Nation about tonight’s win uh what happens next anybody else in particular you want us to talk about and of course throw us some of your votes for goon of the night we have a goon of the night two award after this big bullt

Over the tea wolves uh while we’re doing that you know what to do hit that like button if you haven’t done it yet why procrastinate why push off something for later that you could do right now now hit the like do it for troll Joe make sure you also subscribe Big Dave who’s

Up first tonight I did miss troll Joe I missed it man I’ll talk to him later but troll Joe you know what troll Joe likes to do even know nobody don’t know Drive oh know this about him but he likes to drive got to go pick up those thumbs get

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Tailgate you know what I’m saying vehicle some’s got to got to drag the thumbs man yeah but triangular I don’t know that’s what threw me off that’s why I said it I was thinking to troll Joe man because he he driving special things I mean that’s his high rooll man I don’t

See him too often but when he come out he come out he don’t play this is true thumbs we miss you Dave uh Rolling Along keep throwing us any thoughts you have on on this big Bulls win out there in Bulls Nation um will you and I made uh

Note of the fact that and and we touched on it at the end of postgame on Friday would Billy Donovan go with the double big lineup out of the gate as we saw him do in the Bull’s first game against Minnesota this season he didn’t uh tonight he went with the

Most recent usual starting lineup of you know uh Kobe uh and IO and then Caruso dear and Vu drumman did get 17 minutes to lead the Bulls bench unit in in minutes played you mentioned uh you know some of the production he had tonight Dave 6 points9 ports but we did see certain

Small glimpses of the double big lineup will what what did you make a Billy’s rotation tonight yeah you know I think one of the things that was really not working about it was having V be the guy that kind of trails Bigs like coming off of screens on the perimeter like that’s

Not who V is that’s not something he can do and it’s something that he said he doesn’t like to do so I think it’s just tough to put him in a situation like that and you do have two bigs not Reed being the kind of four with Carl towns

Out but he’s still coming off of screens they’re like putting him in pin downs and like having him in the corner and it just removes Vu from his game defensively so I think it’s just tough to go to um but and to the Bulls credit like it wasn’t a necessity right like

The the Timberwolves only had nine offensive rebounds Bulls had eight so it wasn’t like they were getting D thre on the glass to where they really needed to go to that um I think they went to it in the fourth quarter just anecdotally I think it was when D rozan and Kobe were

Were both off M so I think when they do that it’s like okay how can we create some offense when those guys aren’t on the floor we can post them up and try to offensive rebound everything and that can be sort of a sort of uh a source of

Offensive creation and so I think it’s kind of like it’s like a desperation thing that you do like when you don’t have a lot of other good options to create on the perimeter like what can you do to try to get an extra possession offensive rebound so I think it’s kind

Of a out of necessity in like really desperate moments kind of a situation where you just somebody’s in foul trouble or you know you you really have to get D rozan and Kobe some rest here because they got to go the last eight minutes of the game um so I just don’t

Think we’re going to see a ton of it um and I think that’s probably fine like I don’t think it’s a really impactful lineup that they they have to keep going to because I think even if they there are nights where it does really well you’re still sacrificing a lot

Defensively me ask you some will cuz obviously you know that Billy is polarizing you know for a lot of bulls fans some hate him some love him um we we try to be fair about it here um some of us him he cool all right all but I yeah all but I

I wanted to ask you this like can you talk about how the difficulty of his job now and what his offense kind of looks like because that was something interesting you just really said of him trying to create offense through other means that are not conventional like offensive rebounding he’s trying to

Conin create offense through that and that’s because well one you know they didn’t have a lot of the guys anyway when they had the full roster but now they truly don’t have those guys out there and can you talk so can you talk a little bit about like the extra

Difficulty it is for Billy to try to still create something while still trying to get you know the main guys some rest so they can go on yeah so and just looking it up while you’re while you’re talking um this is before tonight’s game I’m not sure when this

Data will update but the Bulls offense with uh V and drumond out there together 121.4 points points per 100 possessions that’s really good 89th percentile and what do they do they’re uh about average when they’re in terms of effective field goal percentage so not super efficient

They uh don’t they do turn it over quite a lot 15% turnover rate they get to the line okay 20% but they offensive rebound the [ __ ] out of the ball 42% offensive rebounding rate 100 percentile and then what’s the drawback of it well you’re giving up three points per possession

Because you’re allowing 124 points for 100 possessions on the other end so you’re really good at at getting offensive rebounds you are not good at stopping anybody and so it’s it’s exactly that like you’re basically managing a lineup where you have one steady source of offense that you know

You can get you know a good possession with every time but you can’t play dear 40 minutes you probably can play him 38 which is already a lot I mean star players are playing 36 35 so you’re already overplaying dear and now you have to figure out what am I going to do

For offense for 10 to 12 minutes a game Kobe at times has been a offensive driver the last few games since he came back has not looked the same um you know he got hot in the fourth quarter but I just I felt like he was passing up looks

There were a couple possessions where he like you know the Bull’s secondary option on some of these pick and roll actions was getting carusa the ball to attack yeah like that’s that’s the situation they’re in right now they don’t have Zack LaVine they don’t have Patrick Williams they don’t have Lonzo

Ball so where do you go to create offense you can go into the post and let V cook and you can try to offense a rebound and that’s kind of what they have to do a lot of times so it’s not a enviable situation for Billy and that’s

Why I say like I I think he’s done a lot to maximize what he has on this roster I don’t think he’s necessarily like a great tactician I you know there’s plenty of flaws there too but I think when you look at like how can I squeeze

Every ounce of like potential out of this group it’s looking for different ways to do that yeah and identifying the strengths that you have in your team you have ability to draw fouls cuz you have dear you have ability to offensive rebound so you go to it because I’m not

Sure if I’m going to be able to get 20 25 points a night from Kobe or IO running pick and roll so so what else do you do and you know the shot distribution at least in tonight’s game especially backs that up because dear took 23 shots Vu took 16 number one

Number two in field goal attempts tonight it Kobe you said looked a little hesitant I agree he only took 10 shots and like dear’s usage tonight I don’t know I I was like maybe I’m crazy like is dear really like dominating the ball as much as I feel like he is season high

In usage tonight 36.2% so I mean that’s like 2017 Russell Westbrook numbers I mean that’s it seemed like every other time down the floor dear had the ball for over half of the shot clock and was swarmed and trying to make something happen between two or three wolves Defenders limit

Turnovers get to the free throw line offense rebound and shoot efficiently when you can that’s the Bulls recipe and that’s what they do and then you have nights where cruso goes seven of eight on threes and and you get a little help there or you know Drummond puts up 25

And 25 because you got 15 offensive rebounds and you can get some extra points that way so score 30 yeah exactly like you’re going to have nights where that happens and it’s just about accumulating enough extra stuff to where what you can Bank on is going to work

For you like you get enough to put you over the top with that other stuff right more stuff South car saying Billy’s riding toar white and V that’s it um but as you mentioned Dave you got to give credit to the entire starting five tonight um you know you obviously Caruso

Huge huge career night behind the three-point line yes um and IO who I did see a couple people earlier on in the comments showing some love to IO is actually a team B plus 18 tonight wow on a modest statline 13 points six boards a few boards couple of assists but just

Playing that I role that we’ve talked about him fitting into so well and especially you know we we saw him go beyond that in those stretch of games without Kobe taking on a larger you know offensive responsibility and a larger number of shots speaking of shot distribution but tonight five of nine

From the field and just you know and getting to the paint doing doing what IO does getting to the paint like I think that’s what’s the key about it is that transition bucket he had in the fourth quarter when the Bulls were starting to let go of the Rope was huge on huge

Bucket you know what mean on two people like like I said he he goes in with Fearless abandonment man like he just goes in and there’s a plan every time it’s not I’m just throwing it up here and that’s why every time he gets it will I’m like go like just don’t don’t

Worry about passing to nobody like cuz I feel very comfortable about the outcome once he gets to the room he’s either going to foul or he makes a layup or he draw he knows how to take contact more because he’s definitely stronger things like that but he’s just so in control

Man and you just see his mind working a few steps ahead before he even gets to that point so when he gets something off of a steal like he did it took him only two dribbles just to get there he understood he had connley on him from

The beginning Conley’s not going to keep up with you so even when he went with those two guys he understood the size like okay you guys are big but I got the height I I got the length over you guys right now and a little speed so I’m

Going go up with that so yeah man I just love watching him in transition do those little tiny things and find finding as you said those Pockets within the game where he can Thrive and I’s not somebody who’s going to like dance with the ball and like break guys down off the dribble

So you don’t want to over complicate things like there was a possession I think it was in the fourth quarter where I was on the wing and like he was kind of being hassled by Jaden McDaniels and he was trying to dance a little bit and

Then V came over set a screen McDaniels went under the screen and he was like ah should I pull up I’m not sure if I’m gonna and he was like no I’m just going to back out rescreen and then just get downhill cuz he can he can outrun

Anybody in a foot race so he just needs to get that lane he needs that one like inch of space to be able to get his hips and shoulders in front of a guy and beat them downhill but if he’s like trying to dance and dribble he’s not going to

Break guys down and create and shoot pull up jumpers that’s not who he is and I think he’s really kind of simplified the game for himself by just saying here’s my read run a pick and roll don’t try to do too much get out in transition

Like go in a straight line and just be faster and finish right do what you can do well and do it often um Lars in the comments saying Dave and javante both back impossible to lose impossible and Rob saying meanwhile the Bulls should just shoot the three ball this efficiently every night totally

Sustainable it’s a thing well also Minnesota somebody else in the comments also point out the Wolves missed a lot of open threes tonight they shot un just under 30% on a 37 attempt volume and also not just the missing open and and including that fourth quarter that one

Possession they had where they got like four or five different open three looks up because the Bulls could not Corral the rebound but also Anthony Edwards missed a bunch of bunnies around the rim tonight that you usually expect him to make so wolves definitely also did the bull some favors tonight thank you

Wolves uh let’s take our second break we will come back more on tonight’s game speaking of Dave and javante both being back M the five gantes made their return while you were on your on your absence Dave so we got to get your thoughts on javante uh who came in and did javante

Things tonight and then of course we have a goon to award goons while we’re doing that you know what to do hit that like button Dave what’s next troll Joe what time is it oh man you shouldn’t have to worry when you’re buying tickets to your next

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Charlie the bacon bacon oh so you know it wasn’t the best bacon right right but but it got you by any day you get is a good day yeah this is true this is true he gets him by man he’s got to have his dose of the B home and shout out to

Charlie bacon guy for supplying the dosages for this man right here the he doesn’t have it is because he ate it all I mean this this beautiful specimen this peak human form yes of being physically in tiptop shape yes yes doesn’t come from nothing hey man when I think Peak

American form Matt peek is always on the brain comes from beer and bacon y’all that’s right baby oh if you want it you got to earn it I I also stay in shape by watching javante run around a basketball court oh my goodness man makes me

Sweat Dave the return of the five gantes happened while you were gone yeah we’ve had a few games of it now after you got a couple of dnps that drove Bulls fans crazy like Billy play javante I know that Billy hate went crazy even though javon’s basically been out of the league

And bouncing around some g-league squads for the last you know year plus yeah Bulls fans seeing how short-handed this team is were like yo we know what javante when he’s healthy if he is healthy looks like especially around a lot of these same pieces sure from not

That long ago no throw him out there and he’s put together some pretty solid performances Off the Bench what what do you make of this javante 10day contract situation and do you want him to stick around well that second part yes absolutely you want him to stick around

Uh more so out of necessity uh you want him to stick around to just to increase your chances of of winning more games like gonte helps you do those things offensively and defensively we talked about the things that he that IO does on the floor like javante does that as well

Man finds himself a pocket and will produce within that role and two we already say it again we’ll produce we’ll prod so what do we say so and but we also know that he also can play three positions uh for this Bulls team we know

He can play the two the three and the four and he can guard the two the three and the four um and the Bulls and and we’re so used to undersized guards being powered forward it’s like it’s just completely normal to us but with him we actually saw him in that role and

Actually really truly produce uh in that role which was very shocking uh when we saw it but he really did produce uh for the Chicago Bulls during that absence of Patrick Williams who hurt his wrist that year like he really played well and that’s what acclimated him to Bulls fans

A lot is he just made that offense even more fun you know he made it go even more and yeah we know what he is he’s also a transition guy when he’s out in transition he is just amazing fun to watch I always thought if he had a

Three-point shot he would be richer he would be so much richer in the NBA that’s all he needed he had everything else that teams like um but they need him at this point it’s not even the fact M that I want him to stay around which I

Do but they need a Javonte green on this team you need somebody who you didn’t have to really teach anything to but somebody who already knew this system and what they were doing out there and you could just plug in and play and get some rest for somebody out there on the

Floor if Tory Craig’s not having that day like he uh usually has giving you more depth in that lineup and yeah he gives Billy more options cuz one thing Billy is going to need is more options on the floor cuz they can’t they can’t really play with teams anymore as far as

You putting this out here we’ll put this out here they can’t do that Bulls Bulls are not in that position to be able to do that right now so the fact that you get a guy like javante who allows you some kind of option on something on some

Given night when you’re playing another guard heavy team is a great thing man so I think watch tomorrow tomorrow will be a good example of that when they play the Hawks javante will play well this is just my opinion against a team like that uh on the Hawks man but they need him

Will like they got to have this kind of guy on on the squad especially going forward into the postseason yeah he’s going to be great as the uh team’s Marquee free Asian acquisition in this getm getting the in I mean he’s already out playing Javon Carter he’s out

Playing btim like btim Mania is gone because javante is back uh Terry Taylor is right on the bench like this team basically has three rostered players that aren’t getting any minutes yeah you’ve got three players who are out for the season yes so you’re you got nine guys plus javante yeah and that’s

Another five more so yeah you know I I think it’s I think it’s a trust thing it’s a situational thing as far as Billy putting minutes into him compared to other guys but you know when you kind of zoom out and look at the bigger picture like some of these guys like javante

These energy guys who can come in and play like they really work best in smaller defined roles playing alongside of star players right he compliments a Demar because he can run up and down he can defend he can shoot the occasional three he can back cut he can get out in

Transition that’s great you need that but like you can’t really like build a team full of those guys and I think that’s why they felt like okay we’re going to bring in some younger guys who have a little bit more versatility maybe aren’t going to be as good of fits right

Away but we feel like we can you know develop them within our system and our build and and so I think that’s kind of what they tried to do but obviously now they’re in a position where they’re like dying to win every single game in order

To get just a ninth seed and you need the best guys out there that you can so that’s that’s the situation where it is and and shout out to my guy Mike uh right there he said um that he won’t be available for the playoffs I know that’s

Why I said going into the postseason I didn’t say he be playing you know with them there but so I believe uh correct me if I’m wrong will tomorrow’s game against Atlanta will be the 10th and final day of Von’s 10day contract yeah I want to say that’s right cuz then they

Wouldn’t play again until Friday I think itend the second or the third of of uh April and and so and we also don’t know yet if the league would Grant the Bulls a second consecutive injury hardship 10day exception because it depends on what is going on with Julian Phillips

But the latest update we got from Julian Phillips from their uh game in Brooklyn Friday night is that he is still mostly in that walking boot and not close to returning ooh yeah my guess is good news bad news we might not see Phillips again

For the rest of the season but it might mean that they can sign gavon to another 10day to finish out the final six games of the Season my guess is if they’re going to do it it’s going to be like Thursday or Friday of next week right

Before the game so they can extend that for five or six games of the last you know couple games of the season right cuz they had they had that gap between Monday’s game and then not playing again until Friday okay exactly um speaking of javant and that performance from the

Bulls bench we’ve also seen you know Billy mix some things around for a while btim was the darling who was getting real minutes off the bench and then he tonight was a dnp coach’s decision along with Javon Carter who has been that most games for this last monthlong stretch

Whereas your boy Dal Terry has now been getting some more tick with Julian Phillips being out so you know he he went nine deep tonight dalen Tory Craig dro and javante Dave what do you make of some of the mixing and matching of of who’s getting dmps and who’s getting

Minutes from Billy recently oh man it’s it’s hard for me to criticize it because he’s in a tough Place honestly he’s in a really tough position there’s a lot of talent as we just talked about uh will with the offense that he has to kind of

Come up with like he’s just in a position now of I need bodies like who’s healthy you know then who could play for us and what guys do I feel like won’t help us tonight and I said to you Javon Carter earned minute that he doesn’t

Have right now you did like he really has earned every minute he don’t have cuz he has not done himself uh any favors uh out there I’m sure Billy wants to play him like Billy at one point just would not give up on him because continued to play him it was him who

Kept saying in with his game that you know hey man I it ain’t here you know what I mean for re right now um hopefully he finds it again but uh like Billy say he’s a professional and he stays ready like that but he just hasn’t

Been you know playing well so I’m sure Billy doesn’t want to bench him because again that takes away more depth for you and you want your best players out there especially three-point shooting which we thought Javon would would bring in for the team so that and and a dude who’s

Supposed to be playing defense so those things hurt and I kind of give Billy a little benefit of the doubt on that just from the situation that he’s in right now it’s a really hard situation to be set up with a team that was already you

Know what I’m saying a mediocre team and kind of an average team and then you remove a lot of the things that they kind of did well especially guy who was your most versatile Defender out there and you still have to put out a solid defense that can stop these teams you

Still have to rely more heavily on guys like Demar de R Ro and thank god Kobe white has ascended thank God that aod dumu has started to ascend and like you said where like even even uh moments where Caruso can get these seven threes that’s just gravy you know what I mean

For Billy it just makes his job easier so yeah it’s been tough for him I cut him a little slack on that I still don’t like all the damn minutes where that not necessary uh in that situation I hated what he did in Indiana I couldn’t stand

It was to the point I was sitting there watching that game and I was watching the Indiana broadcast and even they were like why are the Bulls players still in the game they were like what the hell are there still no one in here they they

The announcer said I had to look at my sheet because I thought V was after a record he’s like I didn’t understand why he was in so it’s it’s even on that level where other people are noticing it as well so I don’t like that aspect the

First one where I was like what are we doing okay okay but it even people are noticing that aspect of it but still Billy’s job has been made Harder by the lack of talent and the and the things he wasn’t given by AK and Mark everley you

Know mean and you guys have been at length you know I mean exhausted that and we saw what they wouldn’t give them you know during that uh Allstar break man but he’s doing the best he can with what he got bro and sometimes it’s good sometimes it’s not beat anybody on some

Nice so if we get beat any by anybody man that’s right where he’s at right in the middle that’s fair I think that’s fair uh let’s take one more quick break we’ll come back to wrap up with a few final thoughts and of course Big Dave

Awarding the Goon of the night uh hit that thumbs up while we’re sharing these words if you haven’t done it yet mm plenty of time hit that thumb hit it do it for troll Joe he loves him before troll Joe runs you over with his triangular truck it takes your thumb it

Takes your thumb takes your thumbs that’s right you give it to him he wants to take it from you man oh guess what I got in my hand right here do I have also you have that also in your hand right there cheers that is the sound of chill ladies

And gentlemen that is what’s going on damn my belly love it cold course light man it’s nothing like it it is awesome it is amazing and it is how one of many ways you can find your chill man you just kick back relax crack one of those you

See those that mountain turn blue oh man it’s awesome I was watching uh Show on Netflix called Blockbuster um and from the megas of Brooklyn 99 oh really and while I was watching it one of the characters in there I was at a bar and they was asking

Him all these options for beer he was like yeah but does the mountains turn blue yours a fair question he was like that’s he just wanted the mountains to turn blue ladies and gentlemen you got to have those mountains turning blue so whether your team is stressing you out

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Golden tell me becoming a c show Die Hard the results will be golden for you yes uh because of the perks on the perks on the perks uh shout out to our Blackhawks crew who had a wildly success F takeover uh last week uh for for the

Hawks game the next big event we have on Deck y’all and it is now less than a month away tell me is the NFL draft Cho Bears our wonderful Bears crew hosting a draft party Joe’s on weed Street consecutive nights look at Thursday April 25th Friday April

26th um and you can RSVP on our website under the events tab at incredible deals available 25 GA to just get you in the door cuz you know it’s going to be packed but then there’s also you can reserve a table for you and your friends for Great Deals there’s also an

All you can drink from 7:00 p.m. to 10: p.m. drink package upgrade that includes not only domestic beers craft beers import beers ciders seltzers premium mixed drinks and soda can turn blue when it some of them will that’s it some of them will important out here

Uh of course all you Cho die hards get that discount at all of our events including this Cho Bears draft party that we’re doing on Thursday and Friday night of NFL draft weekend so can you imagine a $50 all you can drink three hours tab yes I can imagine with the Cho

Die Hard discount on top of that no I couldn’t imagine that cuz that’s like I mean we you NFL draft night yeah I could do some serious drinking from 7:00 to 10: p.m. oh yeah all right I could do the other way to say that I could drink

More than $50 of bartender priced alcohol from 7: to 10 p.m. sounds like a challenge ladies and gentlemen that’s not a challenge that’s a great deal is what that is yes sir sign up grab yourself a ticket to our CH Joe Bears draft party coming up Joe on we going to

Be a lot of fun yes Caleb Williams the chosen one it’s going to be one big party dude I didn’t realize how bad I wanted Caleb Williams until I found myself on YouTube watching watching Madden 24 simulation games of Caleb Williams playing games I for real was

Doing that and watching it like man he’s got an arm out there yeah look at him hey I can’t wait y’all uh South garon saying sounds like my kind of shindig on shout out to Flips side who said this CJ Die Hard will be there who’s going

That’s right com let’s go Jr who’s coming with me um and you know that’s just one and one of the most upcoming and soon perks and benefits of signing up to become a csio die hard on top of that of course the access to our members only Discord Lounge channel for each

Team where you can chat with your fellow die hards the best of the best as far as our coverage and content and written content from our credential reporters and journalists AKA will the goat right here we were talking in our pregame on Friday about the his late is goat 101

And that Bulls post up offense and its lack of efficiency great stuffo by reading it yeah indeed we did uh so do all that and then of course also 20% off every time you shop at that Cho mer Locker shout out to some of our newer C show die hards who joined the

Cool Kids Club this week Jason and Cliff Megan Logan and alandro and then another Alejandro and then Phil and Kent and Chris Shout out to all of y’all welcome to the party welcome to the party pal love it man I need to watch die hard I you too long hey uh Joey hit

Me be the man you got to beat the man B uh I’m the Man brought to you by Empire today it is goon of the night our friends at Empire today all they do is floors floors floors no matter what 588 to3 back Empire Today ah shout out to the pH phnx

Crew who got that Empire Today flooring put in at they Studio man looking smooth and awesome over there baby shout out to look very nice it look very nice man so if you want your floors to look just as nice rock with our people at Empire

Today right now it is goon of the night time yes everybody has had their votes and it’s checking in this is what they want so we’re GNA start with Joey we gonna start with him Joey who is your goon of the night um you know it’s tough not to go

With Caruso tonight but I’ll give it to VU uh for the 19 points eight rebounds six assists and the one uh tackle uh clear path foul he did also punch a chair tonight yeah walking to the bench his frustrations he’s he’s really been blowing off some steam

Lately it’s like so I’ll go with v tonight but because I have a feeling Caruso will get his flowers either way oh s out okay will the goat Le Caruso will indeed get his flowers for me he had a career high he was Bloody at one point or another he had like five

Assists five steals I mean just it was cisso I can’t argue these things you can’t M Pi you can’t pick against the obvious answer um I I will on top of the anecdote of Caruso rushing back out there to try to play one last defensive stand possession with his entire hand

Just dripping in blood uh I saw this note from Casey Johnson on Twitter Not only was Cru bloodied in the final minute Donovan said that Caruso blew the soul out of his sneaker on that last defensive possession young Zion Williamson goon [ __ ] on goon [ __ ] on goon [ __ ] and yeah career high seven

Made threes wow you don’t don’t screw it up the fourth one was just like I mean whatever happens to this game c is is going to be the Goon of the night you can miss eight more threes in a row I it’s amazing now Russo was on

One but is that who goon of the night is let’s find out hit that drum roll Joe this a curveball CL I forget that fix goon of the night goes to Adam Aman you heard what I said you heard what I said a curveball down the pike yes Caruso was obvious he was also but Adam amine was out of nowhere I will explain why ladies and gentlemen Adam amine’s

Vocabulary tonight was out of control and I hope you heard it loud and clear cuz I’m going to read you some of it right here this is him describing the Bulls the Mercurial and it was that capricious capricious the Mercurial and capricious Chicago Bulls tonight is what he said

And then on top of that when he saw vu did with the volleyball pass shout out to cars kagley out of nowhere pulled that reference off the if you don’t know who that is is probably the greatest volleyball player ever that’s ever existed in in the history go look him up

Man like the dude is won everything on men’s side and he coaches the women’s volleyball team also and got them a gold medal but he’s won like indoor volleyball and outdoor volleyball he’s done it all that man is awesome and he is special shout out to him crazy I

Think he going up the night Amari earlier tonight yeah I was just going to say Amari voted for Adam in the comments that was way this was way earlier yes he heard it too shout out to you Amari he heard it as well I also know that our

Our fan our our fan our guy uh Lawrence was also gearing for Adam to win goon because of the C Karly reference yes there and there goes low right there yes man yes oh the Goa was in full effect for young ad a me pulling out the voap

And the decut references way to go DJ a set tonight later too right and my favorite part is when he dropped cards Jo was like who the hell is that that was like yes exactly right because he got to know how dope that man was and he’s still coaching he is awesome Adam

Am me shout out to you goon of the night I did not know who K Karly was when he made that reference look at this Dude Looks Like An actor who had a three-story arc on season two of Days of Our Lives but apparently he’s a

Volleyball coach shout out to him but go look at what he’s done he is look the only player to have won Olympic medals of any color in both indoor and beach volleyball categories wow nobody’s ever done that so he’s a chameleon yes he is in the volleyball world oh yes he has

Also won the Triple Crown of coaching on Olympic gold medal winning teams as well as personally winning gold medals at both indoor and beach volleyball he’s done it all he is Elite this is Bill Russell this is we talking about out here man C snacking him up in there no

Idea am was such a big volleyball fan you know Adam always surprising us man Adam surpris you never know what’s coming in his calls that vocab yes it was very special Omari what he was dropping tonight was special and if you he was doing it in pregame I was

Watching in pregame before that he was queuing it up letting him know that he was on it man but yes he did his thing baby love it Adam a me Mercurial and capricious capricious they can beat anybody and they can lose anybody that’s it man yes that’s a layman’s terms yes

It is that’s right exactly exactly what he’s saying man but oh he let the vocabulary shine which I know Matt peek appreciates I always do I do appreciate a solid vocabulary Alexander the comment saying silent l in ki Kali so is it Kare Karai Karai maybe it’s Kai shout out to

Him as well I’ve I have so many questions still unanswered like M said Big T Googling his ass out well first of all I knew the words now come on give me some give me some credit on that also also but K kch I didn’t know K that’s not a name what

Is that and honestly it’s not his name here’s some more Google for you oh it’s ni it’s his nickname his original name is Charles Frederick okay those are names where did C come from how it’s pronounced C Karai that’s how Rose baby cards Karai in the shot felt like having

An alliterative first and last name and was like hm I would love to know how he got that yeah right how about kch like how about kch somebody’s trying to call him Coach and it just didn’t come out right so that’s how I went man hey car maybe it was the manscaped

Jamish uh lot of Mery student athlete that he was coaching the to tell you on the volleyball Beach call him C come to the volleyball Beach come on CCH we need you to hit the bar can you help me with my Spike C can

You set me up G set me up for the kill C who serving oh sweet baby Jesus oh my goodness um here it is he had the Hungarian nickname Ki which corresponds to the Hungarian name coroli for Charles so and Charles is his given name yes and at UCLA they

Started calling him C so basically what all Americans do he got here they were like what yo what you C bro come on C you rolling we rolling you CCH that’s who you are these are Indians you’re CCH oh my God uh Joe I believe I saw a

Super Chat that we should acknowledge before we get out of here for the night shout out to Danny uton who said Big Dave has brought balance back to the chg force hey thank you Dan that the truth Dan shout out to you for watch The Vibes

Without Dave were I mean we still had a great time yes shout out to everybody who filled filled in during Dave’s absence our guy Kyle Williams who’s just been crushing it um he was covering the Socks game today for the times he’s amazing man uh on his grind shout out to

Our friend s who I saw in the comments earlier from Bulls gold and uh and of course our dear friend John Sabine from outsid was here on Wednesday no I hate missing saine appearan the people requested that saine come by one more time before the season’s over while

You’re here too obviously was it was it all Luca MVP talk not all not all some some I’m sure he got in I know who I’m I’m dealing with here and I was encouraging John to you know get a prize picks account and start playing prize

Picks and I was like dude it’s you could literally just pick the overs on Lucas individual stat lines every time he was like oh yeah that sounds fun like that’s a thing I’ll do that it’s all right but yeah man shout out to y’all holding it down appreciate y’all

Man all the love and affection and kindness I appreciate all y’all man and I’m here this what we going to do you back let’s do it again tomorrow Happ to have you back uh we are as Dave just said doing it again tomorrow Bulls second night of a backtack big game

Against the Hawks fight for the ninth seed and home court in the playin so competitive oh snap this team’s so competitive I don’t know what to do with myself playing defense almost knocked that light over that’s a second round pick right there uh we will see you for

Pregame tomorrow 6:30 Central Time in the meantime follow the go will uncore Godly big David at BBA awl Sports our P producer on the controls shout out and love Joey’s spus he is at Joey spus we are CS _ Bulls um shout out to jelly appreciate

It and uh we will talk talk to y’all tomorrow night until then have a great rest of your Sunday see you be good peace and love we Out we allting like the mayor

The Chicago Bulls got back in the win column on Sunday night, picking up a big win against the Minnesota Timberwolves.

The Timberwolves entered the game tied for first in the Western Conference, but the Bulls played them tough all night. Alex Caruso was on fire from deep, knocking down 7 threes. DeMar DeRozan also added 27 points and 8 assists for the Bulls. Anthony Edwards scored 22 for the Timberwolves but it wasn’t enough and the Bulls picked up a much needed win on the road.

Join Matt, Big Dave, and Will on the CHGO Bulls Postgame Podcast as they break down tonight’s game and look ahead to what’s next for the Bulls.

An ALLCITY Network Production








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#Bulls #ChicagoBulls #bullsnation

1 Comment

  1. Good game and this is another reason we shouldn’t have faith in this team. They are so inconsistent 🎉

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