@New York Knicks

“Donte DiVincenzo’s BEAST mode has been activated” – ESPN reacts to Knicks DESTROY Pistons 124-99

“Donte DiVincenzo’s BEAST mode has been activated” – ESPN reacts to Knicks DESTROY Pistons 124-99

The mhd Studios from the garden Bill pedo along with Wally zerak so the Knicks get a win they’re now 25-2 against under 500 teams coming up Allan’s going to talk to Josh Hart we’ll have the MSG 150 and we’ll show you how Cleveland beat Charlotte so the Knicks

Remain a half game behind the Cavs for third overall in the East yeah what a performance by these Knicks 36 points in the first quarter they built themselves a 19-point lead after that first quarter that’s what you do to depleted teams put them away early on your home floor and

Boy it’s fun to watch Dante dienzo shoot the basketball 11 threes a new franchise record just absolutely on fire he’s been outstanding all season long what an acquisition in the off season you pair him with Josh Hart Jaylen Brunson the perfect fit to this team you add more

Shooting to this roster you can never have enough shooting on an NBA roster by the way and Dante venzo is one of the best three-point Shooters and overall Shooters in the whole league all right so divon chenzo now needs eight threes that’s all pass Evan forier sing Le

Season record and we talked in the pregame Quinton Grimes in the building hurt for Detroit Grimes was the starter until the change was made Deen chenzo into the starting lineup Grimes traded and boy has divon chenzo been fantastic and the entire team uh divon chenzo included got off to a great start you

Mentioned the run the Knicks up 98 and then before you knew it it was 29 to8 a 20 nothing run and that was a ball game yeah and he’s always looking to hunt his threes and looked for his shots and the ball movement was just outstanding that

Was the first play of the game Isaiah har off the driving kick from Josh Hart just perfect the Knicks had 30 assists just moving the ball 11 in the first quarter yeah that was just great basketball to start the game um this Detroit team you know guys that haven’t

Played together very much just pulling guys off the g-league squad two ways just trying to field a team here and trying to figure out what they have for their future well the Knicks didn’t feel bad for Detroit they went out in that first quarter and just dominated

Everything they put up went in the defense was absolutely outstanding and it just seemed like the Knicks were playing so free and confident there was no stress in any uh part of this game for the New York nicker boers oh by the way Jaylen Brunson he threw in 28 points

Got to WR about his average but this was Dante Devan senzo’s night I mean he was just absolutely on fire got up 23s made 11 of them 19 threes for the Knicks doesn’t get any better than that F even chenzo crew High 40 points you see the

Game summary you know the full season one so I know he’s close to that but um yeah we just wanted to keep feeding them the crowd was giving crazy energy Every Time We Touch the ball so you knew something was uh something was cooking all right the second part of the story

Is you’ve got your sixth triple double of your career and of of the Season as well and a performance like this like I’m sure you’re not thinking about stuff like that but you know are you even aware in a game that your numbers are where they go um yeah sometimes uh you

Know depend sometimes you know guys in men tell me or or whatever so um you know I try not to pay too much attention to it I try to play uh the game the right way but um you know I everyone would be lying that they say they knew

They were close at the end of the game you know they’re trying to go for it I’m glad you’re being honest about that and be honest about this too and because you have talked about it going into this week and the teams that you’re playing under 500 teams what you guys are trying

To accomplish night in and night out I mean what is the mindset of the team when the game begins because sometimes these games late in the season you know it’s not as easy to get up for teams that aren’t you’re not fighting with in the playoffs yeah I think the biggest

Thing for us is just trying to get out um to a lead early uh if you let teams um hang hang around you know to have confidence and um I was in the position a couple years ago last you know with with Portland and um guys are hungry

That are in that position they’re trying to prove themselves so you don’t want to play with fire so to say so you want to just try to get out um put the game away or or get distance early and play with a lead all right appreciate the time appreciate it

Bill okay all right Wally so triple double for Josh Hart yep we all know about the rebounding the scoring is solid but how about his passing are you surprised by his ability to distribute the ball no uh he handles it like a point guard guard he’s a very smart

Player and he simplifies the game and that’s what you have to do when you have great players around him he has great Shooters around him so he knows if I can just get a step on my Defender the opposite Defender is going to lean in quick and that’s when he anticipates and

Makes that pass right on target having another ball handle like that is just such a luxury to have because at times Jaylen Brunson it’s stressful for him to have to break pressure all the time teams are trying to pressure him 94 feet they’re doubling him when he comes off

Screen and rolls and whenever he has the ball so when Josh har can take the pressure off Jaylen he can kind of rest a little bit and become um you know a secondary scoring option where he can catch and shoot and catch the ball with an advantage and not always have to go

Against double teams it’s absolutely huge so Josh Hart has been outstanding and I said you we needed him a well the Knicks needed him a lot because of the injuries they’ve been dealing with and he has been so durable and played all those minutes Allan and Monica now on

The court man Monica helped call the game on ESPN Radio 98.7 FM how exciting was that Monica tonight uh the three-point watch was exciting we love some three-point shooting the triple double watch was exciting overall I’m pleased that the maintained focus in that one and it was never really in

Question that’s true they took care of business right from the very beginning it was the most important thing was to make sure you got out to the great start just like Wally said you just take it right away and let them know Josh Hart

Said it too as well you get off to a good start and you put that team give him no hope but I’m a little annoyed Monica why tell me why are we reviewing someone’s heel on the sideline of a three-pointer in a 30-point game does it

Really matter like did he have 12 in your in your book did he have 12 in 198 seven that’s a 12 threp pointer cuz we’re not seeing that it’s it’s not high definition TV it’s standard definition we’re not reviewing anything that’s a 12 threp pointer yes do we have to go back

In history now and check every three-pointer make sure the heel wasn’t on line now you’re opening Pandora Bo I feel like we spent too much time reviewing things in this game yeah listen my my sports Mountain to fall to die on is we need a review clock 90

Seconds across all sports figure it out let the official can’t get it done let go there you go move sorry guys yeah I just need to get that out go ahead settle him down listen I like that I’m with you Allan to go back on a review I

Understand if you’re looking to see if you’re over the line but to completely take three points away when you go back because you think it might have been a close three onine SLI on too hey he got the record though winway W that’s a good point back in the day before instant

Replay that would have been you know 12 threes so I hear you Allan I’m with you on that one see all right so history here get along worth repeating 113 made is a new single season record one more than J.R Smith and Evan forier who both

Made 10 and now for div chenzo needs eight more made threes for the single season record to get one more than Evan forier forier for the year he had the great year 241 if dvo gets eight more he’ll be at 242 great shooting I mean the math is

Very good from pedo by the way excellent job with the m I just don’t want you to come at because it’s Allan that’s that’s clowning you not me as we’re watching venzo here he was red hot Monica from the very start of this game I mean just

Feeling it whatever he had started to pick up because he had struggled we mentioned this his previous eight games struggling from 3 32% knocks him down against the Nets came into this game and the Nets were on fire yeah 11 from 20 from Deep 14 of 23 from the field I mean

This is a Shooter’s dream and I really applaud this team for continuing to look for him for that hot hand before he got air quotes officially 11 the team was looking for him he had a couple misses that were not so pretty but you know or

Shoot you got to shoot to get hot and shoot to stay hot and so I really applaud this team for making sure he got his opportunities can I also mention that how fitting is it that the 11th record-breaking three-pointer was made against evil Dante did you see the

Malachi Flyn was guarding him and they have had fun with that both laughed about it it’s been hilarious that’s a good point but do you think that Evan forier picked up his defense a little bit EV for was Defensive Player of the Year in that fourth quarter he was not

Let he like he knew saw Y and he’s like you’re not getting my record I’m Notting you get my record for right he played hard against him which I kind of respect it also tells you that not only did the Nick bench know that Dante was going for

A record I think the Pistons bench Wally knew about it too yeah they were trying to stop him but nobody was stopping divon chenzo and you know when you have that looming it’s kind of an odd situation to be in as a player because you don’t want to be selfish like you’re

Trying to get that record you just want it to come within the flow of the game it was such a big blowout but at the same time when you have that opportunity you got to take that opportunity and try to get that record Dante dienzo and his

Teammates did a great job of Sol ifying it Allan and Monica we appreciate it and you got to watch Wally watch div chinzo right you’re like if only that was me oh no hey I don’t I couldn’t shoot like that I mean the way he 23s in

A game like I would have loved to have attempted a few more but that is just awesome the new NBA is a lot of fun to watch when a guy gets hot like that all right Nick’s rolling along as we mention thank you to Allan and Monica to diido

Has to be happy again an opponent held under 100 points and the 23rd time the Knicks have done that That one of speee all righte foreign foreign spee fore spee foreign speech spee speech foree fore foree Spee for Speee foreign spee foree go J

“Donte DiVincenzo’s BEAST mode has been activated” – ESPN reacts to Knicks DESTROY Pistons 124-99

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