@Boston Celtics

POSTGAME PRESS CONFERENCE: Jayson Tatum on friendly trash talk with Grant Williams in Charlotte

POSTGAME PRESS CONFERENCE: Jayson Tatum on friendly trash talk with Grant Williams in Charlotte

So how important was just to finish this long trip off uh with a win just be able to you know just go home feeling good about yourselves uh very important um 4ward two on the road trip hindsight not too bad uh and like you said the last

Game on a 12 13 Day Road Trip can be the toughest uh cuz we already ready to go home to see our families um so it’s good to get this one was it like uh another full game against Grant I know I saw you guys out there talking a lot to each

Other it was good uh my brother for Life uh so always good to see him good to compete against them um so yeah just you know having fun out there um competing against each other and what did you guys learn about yourselves in this trip the

Two losses in Atlanta if you gave were able to respond with the last two wins what did you guys learn what do you guys need to work on the last seven games um you know we in a unique position right that best record in the league got homecourt

Advantage all those things first place um and I think for most of this road trip uh we we’ve been playing against teams that fighting for playoff position play in spots except you know for the team tonight um and just understanding that it’s it’s not always going to go

The way we expected to and um you know how are we going to respond you know um if we lose the first game in round one right um how are we going to respond so just going through um each game just brought some different out of us and um

It it was good it was good for us to go through that um what do you what do you like you like coming coming here and playing you like it’s obviously partisan crowd what do you like about playing North Carolina and it seems like this is

One of your favorite places no it is it’s definitely one of my favorite um places to come obviously I spent the year in the state um at Duke so I got a lot of connections obviously in Durham but you know I know people in Raleigh Greensboro um Charlotte

Uh damn where my man from where’s Wake Forest at Winston Salem I know people in Winston Salem um so and you know early in my career every time we would come back I would go go back to Duke and see the team cuz I still have my teammates

Out there that I was in school with um so it’s just a lot of love obviously Duke fans um and it’s it’s like part of my my story right so I kind of feel like a little bit at home when I come to North Carolina um so it’s always a special

Place for me J Jason going off that uh Blue Devils Squad took a tough loss this past weekend do you keep in contact with any of the the current players there uh yeah I talked to players from time to time uh worked out with Jeremy roaches

Past summer um every off off season I try to go to Durham work out with the team for a day or so um you know still very close with all the coaches uh you know that’s that’s my family over there you guys are 112 in your last 13

Games here obviously you striding going towards the both season just you guys feel like you’re jilling at the right time here ready to gear up the playoffs absolutely try to stay healthy uh you know use these last couple games and some things that we can work on and um

Different situations we might be in to use um come playoff time and also just where you’re at this year is obviously a little different where you at last year just what do you think is the biggest difference though like trying to close out this regular season strong go to the

Postseason I think last year uh we were like so ansy to just get back to the finals uh that we had a few bad losses in the last you know few weeks of the Season we went to six games in that first round uh that you know we

Didn’t uh we kind of we may have took some things for granted right and and this year we’ve done a really good job of not skipping steps and respecting every every game every day just trying to get better um as cliche as that sounds last question was just talking he

Said that uh the reason you were getting the same calls B calls to is because you’re a pretty boy so I was wondering how much fun is it going up against Grant the way he’s talking trash you out there uh Grant always got some to

Say uh but I just said that’s you know it’s my brother for life um and it’s cool I don’t I don’t talk trash at all but you know if it’s somebody I’m close with I know like today at Grant you know I like to have fun out there so it’s

Always good to see him compete against him um so we just have some fun out there presented by your New England Ford dealers built for America built Ford proud

Jayson Tatum led the Celtics to a victory in their final game on season-long road trip. He talks about loving to play in North Carolina, seeing his old teammate Grant Williams and gearing up for the playoffs.

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  1. If he plays it right he can be facevof the league but we need him to play the right way. Brad has loaded talent around him

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