@Orlando Magic

Game #75 – The Sixth Man Show Postgame Live presented by Rock ‘Em – Magic vs. Blazers

Game #75 – The Sixth Man Show Postgame Live presented by Rock ‘Em – Magic vs. Blazers

E Let go back Go Go Well then that was uh approximately zero fun probably the least fun loss or least fun win of the Season uh welcome to six manh postgame live presented by Rocka Magic win 104 to 103 against the Portland Trailblazers a team that um WI healthy isn’t good and when as banged up as they

Are right now are really bad and the magic still find a way to make it a close game because why not we’ve just been in that kind of mood lately a lot of close games unfortunately this time the magic do pull it out unlike the uh the three

Close games last week against Western Conference teams what’s going on everybody welcome to the show this will be interesting this will be an interesting one to talk about I can’t wait to I can only imagine what is being said in chat right now because uh that’s

One of those like if this team is as good as we think they could be that’s just not really acceptable and it’s funny I I’ve come on this show ever since the All-Star breaking said I’m never going to get super angry at wins I’m never going to pick them apart like

I did in the first two-thirds of the season because we’ll take every win we can get right now and that’s still true but this one I’m really close to it cuz that was a mess that was a mess but anyway welcome to the show glad you’re here I’m producer Kevin uh yeah we’re

Going to break this down uh as we do after every single Land of Magic game this is the six man show postgame live it is presented by Rockham and Rockham they won’t let you down unlike sometimes your favorite sports teams do but they’re the world’s largest sock store and they’re a central

Florida company located in Orlando just down the road from Kia Center they make everything inhouse right there at their HQ in Orlando really cool uh company that makes socks and underwear uh for some of your favorite sports teams like the Orlando Magic but also NFL NHL and

College as well I’ve been saying for the last couple games this is the time folks get your rock orders in now with some magic gear so you can get geared up for the playoffs it’s crazy to think about guys from right this moment 3 weeks from

This exact moment 3 weeks we will either be up 10 or down 01 in a playoff series we are right around the corner from the playoffs so definitely shop at for magic gear and when you do use that code magic 20 that’ll get you 20% off

Your order at it helps a local Central Florida brand it helps six man show and you get some really cool socks and underwear out of it so definitely check them out at oh goodness gracious I’m terrified of what I’m about to read from our our chat

First off we’ll start with the super chats as we always do LS Rosario says we need to stop playing down to the competition let’s fix this here we need to stop playing down to the competition yeah um it’s tough I I see both sides of it right first off you’re

100% correct leis uh p P’s a bad team and they’re unhealthy on the flip side of it though they did lose by 60 on Saturday which is bad or Friday whatever it was and so I can see how they may come out with a different attitude you

Know trying to bounce back but doesn’t matter their best shot you should be able to take it comfortably and we didn’t Isaac said despite all my other chats Portland played hard yeah Portland did play hard again they tried their best to bounce back uh thank you for

That Super Chat Tai also says sorry but the song doesn’t feel earned tonight we played with our food Silver Lining I guess is that fron is alive yeah I’m not playing the song tonight I can’t I don’t have it in myself that maybe I will I

Don’t know it feels weird not to play a song after a win I’ll think about it but playing with your food 100% right I thought that first quarter we were just coasting those first six minutes of the game we were getting stops we weren’t scoring and it’s not like Portland was

Shutting us down we were making poor decisions we were taking ill-advised shots we were just chilling and if we actually put our head down got to the rim moved the ball like Magic Basketball is capable of doing we would have had a 10 15o lead maybe six

Minutes into this game and instead we kept them in it the entire night rough thank you for that cool beans says I need a couple drinks to calm me down after that one as much as I give crap to Wendell he really was he was really the differ maker tonight what has gotten

Into Wendell these last two games man crazy he had I think 15 and 13 on Saturday and tonight he has 17 and 13 with three seals on a block Wendell playing well at the right time which you love to see thank you guys so much for those super chats always

Appreciate those let’s look at the rest of the chat here oh man I’m I’m still honestly recovering I I’ll just be honest when that when that ball got out to Eon for that wide open Baseline jumper I was completely convinced it was going in never a doubt like that he’s

Wide open lets it Fly and I’m like oh here we go this is it and uh fortunately for us that didn’t happen uh yeah that was um that was Terri that was that was terrifying moment I’m not going to lie okay uh let’s see here uh Seth says my heart is

Out of my chest yeah I’m still feeling that still feeling that David says way too close against one of the worst teams in the NBA alas a win is a win and it brings us closer to a division title brings a closer division title brings that magic number down by the way guys

Magic number is now down to six which is pretty cool we’ll talk more more about that later in the show and of course it gets us closer to the Knicks and the Cavs who were idle tonight dizy this is true dizzy says this team does everything to keep the

Playoff expectations to a minimum right now that’s facts man that is facts if we if we show out in the playoffs it will be a a beautiful gift to all of us because I think all true magic fans that watch this team night in and Night Out fully expect at

Best a tough battle in the first round that leads to exit at best against most teams potential teams that we’re going to play oh man okay um so all these are all chats from before the game was over that’s crazy okay ROM says wasn’t pretty

But a win is a win go magic jsco yep that’s that’s how I started the show the worst win of the Season 100% 100% I can’t think of one that’s even close to this that was a gross win is how I describe it uh man Janine says that was way too close

My heart can’t take these close games but even an ugly win is still win so I will take it yeah that’s again I’m not going to sit here and be all excited about that one but at the end of the day when we look at the standings later tonight it’s

Going to mean a lot it’s going to mean a lot Ty just says face palm yep face palm uh Brian says the magic almost gave us a April Fool special yeah that that whole thing felt like a joke in a lot of ways we got a couple

Super chats coming in here oh we got several super chats coming in here the last couple minutes one from Alvin says if uh Pao tries to hit one more three-pointer to win the game we at at clutch moments I’m going to blow a casket I didn’t hate that three as much

As I did the one on Saturday or whenever it was the walk up three that he that he tries to do several times this one was in the flow of the offense fron drives kicks out to P he’s wide open the shots online he just gets the distance wrong I don’t

Hate this one like I like I do the other ones you know is there a world maybe he can pump fake lose his Defender and get a little bit closer for like a mid-range maybe maybe but there was also like not a lot of time when he caught it so it’s I see

Both sides Alvin I definitely do thanks for that Super Chat greasy says play a song I’m not reading the second word second sentence and then a dub is a dub oh brother Isaac thank you for that Super Chat greasy by the way Isaac said I knew it wasn’t going in because Aon is

A fraud oh poor guy and Michael Martin says we’ve got no business playing lack overconfident that’s what it felt like in that first quarter felt like the first quarter we were just chilling and then at the end of the first quarter it was like uh maybe we

Can’t do this second quarter they tried to kick themselves back into gear but it was like they couldn’t do it because they didn’t start that way and then yeah third quarter happened fourth quarter you you get the lead like it goes up to 10 points or whatever it

Was and then you they come all the way back and oh what a mess and one more Super Chat coming in in here from Soul Train he says a win by one is the same as a win by 60 in the standings you know what Soul Train you are 100%

Correct before I go back to the chat there is 10 30 of you in here right now which blows my mind because that was a horrible game for the Orlando Magic so the fact that 130 of you are here to react to that one that’s amazing thanks

For hanging out with us tonight on this April Fool’s Day night again that game felt like it could have been a joke it was like a 48 minute long joke by the magic but a win is a win stick around in a little bit we’re going to talk about

What this win means for this team for the standings and we’re to look ahead to this week not just the magic but the teams around the magic and see what kind of playoff situations we might witness this week cuz uh things are changing every night every single night they’re

Changing oh goodness um Isaac said jet oh this is so true jet Admiral and chuma were all probably expecting minutes tonight which is pretty funny Jet got recalled today he ended up being in Street closed so he wasn’t actually eligible to play in the first place

Which is weird but yes when he was called up today I literally texted Jonathan and Luke the same thing I literally said calling him up in preparation for the blowout and joke was on me that’s what I get that is what I get D for greaton says too many

Turnovers that game shouldn’t have been that close I’ll take the win though yeah the turnovers 15 on the night and I would guess seven eight of those completely and totally unforced like bad turnovers rough Steven says back back double doubles for when Daddy hope he can carry us into Wednesday onto

Wednesday versus the Pelicans a big game for Wendell against the Pelicans would be huge they got some big bodies they like to rebound would love to see that from windowell and Jeremy also says this game felt like one big April Fool’s joke the song should not be played tonight in my

Opinion that’s you’re the second person to say that but we also got people like El magiko saying Play the song I don’t know guys I feel like I feel like at this stage of the season a win is a win our magic number is down to

Six I think it justifies the song it’s going to be a very subdued song but here’s the song Can’t do oh Man going get you there you go there’s your song the most subdued version of the song you’ll ever hear uh Everett says unserious team right now we need to be in playoff mode and stop playing around that’s the word that I used uh about the third quarter we’ve used that word a lot

This season unserious but tonight was the most unserious performance by this team I think all season long and this is what game 75 so that’s saying something not a great time to have your most unserious performance of the season a lot of you agreeing with the same thing

Saying you know felt like a loss but a win is a win 100% agree Janine says give the Blazers credit they fought hard all game thank goodness we got the win yeah like I said they lost by 60 on Saturdays you expect if they have any ounce of

Dignity even if they’re a tanking team an injured team the players that are available if they have any ounce of dignity they’re going to give their best to try and not lose by 60 again and maybe even try to win so credit to them they fought they definitely fought really hard

Tonight FG says can’t do this against the playoff level team no no Rich has 44 wins who cares how it came that’s the thing guys it’s kind of crazy the Orlando Magic have 44 wins and 31 losses 13 games above 500 whenever we have Knights that just don’t feel good I

Do like to remind myself of that this team is 13 games over 500 on April 1st incredible Chris says weird I felt better after the Clippers lost than this win 100% 100% agree do you believe says go ahead and hit that like button you know what do

You believe in I think that’s a great idea if you’re hanging out with us tonight again 9:40 p.m. Eastern on on April 1st on a Monday April Fool’s Day if you’re hanging out with us tonight definitely hit that like button uh this is you know it’s it’s interesting a game

Like tonight I I I enjoy coming on here obviously and doing the show it’s it’s a blast I love it it’s I’m so grateful that we started that this season it’s been great however as Aon let go of that shot for that Mill where that ball’s in

The air I was like this is going in and I don’t want to do the show I don’t want to so if you enjoy shows like this after every win or every loss please hit that like button it’s always always helpful and again I’ve mentioned this on the

Last couple shows we’re right on the verge of the playoffs guys right on the verge of the playoffs they’re right around the corner and that means more of the Casual magic fan demographic is going to be hopping on YouTube looking for things to watch content to watch and

The more likes that our content gets the more chances YouTube is going to tell them hey look at these guys the six-man show not because we want them to watch our show we do but we want them to be a part of this community that’s why the

Six-man show exists to grow the magic fan community and so if you believe in that cause if you believe in growing the magic fan base hit that like button we appreciate it Blaze says not satisfied but I’ll take the win but come on man it’s the Blazers I know I

Know um what de believe says a win is a win but I kept craving a McDonald’s apple turnover during this game what that’s a unique one but hey I can’t uh I can’t fault that those are those are awesome got a couple more Super chats

Here Isaac says oh wait this is what we just talked about yeah okk scoffield and Howard robbed of minutes yeah I really thought a couple of those guys could have seen minutes tonight and then Soul Train says not going to lie my least favorite win was a three-point win versus

Detroit oh yeah that was that was not great that was not great a different different bad win different type of bad win but yes I do remember that one definitely remember that one all right let’s see here uh where were we oh oh yeah C has a

100 career wins for Coach Mo you know what golf clap coach Mo’s 100 career wins quickly climbing up the ladder for most wins for a magic head coach and no signs of him going anywhere I think he’s got a really good shot of doing that becoming the winnest magic head coach of

All time which would be awesome Chris says it’s not Kevin’s fault the magic didn’t play great tonight give like you know what Chris thank you thank you for that I appreciate that sentiment you’re right if it was my choice we would have won by 40 actually we would won by 61 if

I could have picked we would have won by 61 just to be one better than Miami but you know whatever nesto says there’s been an emphasis on The Undefeated home record against teams under 500 all week surely I thought we were going to give this one away in the final seconds let’s

Not bring it up anymore I love that yeah super impressive from the magic guys undefeated at home all season long against teams under 500 there’s only what it was it two other teams that have done that this season it’s like Boston and I can’t remember what the other one was if you

Guys remember you’ll have to remind me it’s Boston and somebody else and the magic the three teams undefeated at home against teams that are below 500 love that love that all right we’re going to skip ahead a little bit here just because we are already 18 minutes into this thing we

Still have a lot to do a lot to do D Saturday says close one facts Hubert says magic maniac’s ugly win is still a win what’s not ugly Kevin a hit that like button thank you Hubert I appreciate that that means a lot let’s

Go oh Luke says I say Play the song but no singing along just sit in silence and thank the basketball gods that we won that one that is hilarious oh that is funny John says looking like an A New York versus Orlando first round matchup it’s definitely trending that way but there’s

A lot of basketball to be played Cleveland we’re going to about to go this through this in just a second Cleveland is in the gauntlet of their schedule right now the tough maybe the toughest stretch All Season they’re in the middle of it right now there’s a good chance Cleveland

Slips you know maybe even past four or five they could go all the way to six it’s possible we’ll see Janine says how about Jaylen with the blocks oh man jayen was great tonight jayen was really really good okay I want to address this really fast will says you’ve got to screw loose

If you think hasb out was at the game Tonight to be fair if you were at the game and they show so let me backstory sorry backstory on the Jumbotron apparently obviously I wasn’t at the game I was here apparently at the game as an April Fool’s joke at theum on the Jumbotron they put up some celebrities that were at the

Game they put up hasbalah they put up Steve Harvey I think they put up someone else I don’t remember everybody but that image was posted by I think balet Sports Bal Sports on Twitter posted the picture of hasbalah at the game and so people you know partially forgetting

Maybe that’s April Fool’s Day but also there was no context given on B was just like oh I mean it’s not uncommon for celebrities to be in Central Florida I mean not as common as New York or LA or whatever and so Bal posts it I don’t

Even know if B knew it was real or fake I don’t know but they posted it it looked legit and so some people caught on to it and started you know retweeting it and quote tweeting it and all that kind of stuff come to find out it was

Just a big old prank now if you were at the game you could clearly see from anywhere in the arena you can see the front row and you can tell if hasbalah is there he’s a pretty recognizable guy okay I’m just going to leave it at that

But for those of us that were watching from home and you see it on Twitter I don’t know I can see how you’d fall for that even though it is April Fool’s Day otown says man we should have lost that one Aon was hitting the same shot

All night I know it man like I said said when he caught that and let that go I thought I thought it was I was already I was already heartbroken I was already crushed I was already dreading coming on here doing this show after a buzzer beating Baseline Jumper by DeAndre Aton

To lose to the woeful Portland Trailblazers I was ready for that but thank goodness he missed it D Saturday I like this said cayin went off man Iowa LSU what a game I had it on a second screen for a lot of the night two crazy good teams man kayin is she’s she’s

Legit man it’s crazy crazy oh man uh Brandon Jones says goat Kev Brandon appreciate you bro give Brandon a follow o analytics on Twitter one of the newest members of our team doing all kinds of fun stat stuff that is way over my head love that thanks for

Hanging out with us Brandon all right skipping ahead all the way to the bottom here I’m not repeating what some of you guys are saying that phrase is not going to catch on here okay oh my gosh okay OKC Brandon says and Corin says yeah Boston and OKC they

Are the two teams that are undefeated at home against teams below 500 plus the magic plus the magic okay guys let’s look at this box score really fast I’m not going to spend a lot of time on this it was just super ugly again this has been there’s been a

Couple games the last couple weeks like this I mean look at look at how unbalanced this is though I don’t want to say unbalanced maybe this is a this is more in line with a typical NBA team not exactly like this is still bad but most NBA teams their balance looks like

This on most nights right the starters do a lot of the heavy lifting in the bench doesn’t obviously this is an extreme example I mean this is this would be a bad night for most benches but for the magic this is so uncharacteristic right usually you got a

Couple guys in you know higher double figures fron and Pao a couple guys in low double figures or even single figures and then the bench you got one or two guys in double figures but tonight no players on the bench in double figures tonight not a great night

For the bench and in fact all of the bench were were in the negative in plus minus now plus minus I’m never going to sit here and like totally pick that stat apart it can be a little bit of a misleading one but by and large on the whole as a trend

Over the season the bench has been in in the positive and more often than not it’s the it’s the starters who find themselves the negative sometimes but either way a weird night regardless going through some of the individual stats fron tonight 20 points for him six

Of 10 from the field one of two from three seven of nine from the free throw line hey he shot the ball well tonight you love to see that also had six boards an assist uh and only one turnover tonight Paulo not his best 15 points six

Of 17 from the field and two of seven from three as well as one of two from the free throw line also had four boards four assists and only two turnovers tonight which is a big time improvement over the last several games Wendell we mentioned him earlier another big double

Double for him after having 15 and 13 on Saturday he has 17 and 13 tonight it was a big difference maker on both ends as well three Steals and a block for him uh Gary Harris I thought was really really good tonight I love it when Gary’s

Healthy and in the lineup he’s such a Difference Maker he’s just a glue guy I think for these starters he had 14 points tonight five of 10 and two of six from three hit both of his free throws four boards two assists and a steal Jaylen Suggs again I mentioned him

Earlier he was great 15 points five of from the field and two of five from three hit all three of his free throws three boards and had seven assists tonight which is awesome as well as two blocks then the bench I mean Joe doesn’t score marel doesn’t score you get six

Points from ji nine points from Cole Anthony and eight points from Mo Vagner so a very uncharacteristic night for the magic bench I want to see any kind of standouts here from there’s one standout obviously for the the Blazers but I wanted to look in particular at scoot

Scooting end up with 13 on six of 16 from the field I mean credit to madx back court there and honestly their their interior too scoot does like to get to the rim and he was not given a lot of opportunities to do that tonight

But obviously the story for uh for uh I almost called him Charlotte for Portland tonight was Delano banson I think they said it was a career high I assume it was 26 points for him four of eight from three just couldn’t miss um credit to him played great was given an

Opportunity to play well and he did it some team stats here Portland out does the Magic in the paint that’s pretty gross that is pretty gross you’d like to see the magic take better advantage of um the paint but uh Portland out scores him 48 to

44 uh Magic had a 15-point lead in this one which they squandered in the fourth quarter which is not fun magic only get 23 bench points compared to Portland’s 34 they have 15 turnovers tonight against the Blazers who only had nine are you kidding me that’s disgusting not great

Then looking over here at the shooting stats 47% for the magic and 34% from three they go 21 of 27 from the free throw line for 77% still want to would love to see that be higher than that um while the Blazers go 44% uh 35% from three and 80% from

The free throw line magic gave up 11 offensive boards magic really struggling on the offensive glass the last week I don’t know what’s gotten into this team they’re typically better than that and they’ve G up um I want to say double digit offensive rebounds in at least two

Of the last three games maybe it’s been all three I’m not sure well not the Memphis game don’t count the Memphis game I’m I’m more referring to the three losses last week not a great Trend um for this magic team there all right let’s come back here uh

Look at the chat really fast and then we’re going to do um scores around the league the standings and then obviously the the week that is ahead for all of the teams that are uh in the same Stratosphere as the magic uh there’s some really interesting stuff we get to look at here

Um tonight Janine says can we recruit Caitlyn to the magic we could use the shooting that’d be awesome uh John says heat offense is mid facts it’s been mid for a really long time they just got a little bit lucky last postseason got hot at the right

Time whatever I roll I don’t think it’ll happen I think they’re going to get Expos this this playoffs at least I hope so David Duffy says Foltz killed us tonight AB needs those minutes yeah you know you guys know I’m on I’m on the free ab train

Here um folz had a great game on Saturday did not continue that tonight that’s for sure Michael Martin says PA’s PP uh points per game numbers should be going down fron say too yeah I mean it’s definitely training that way uh Jonathan says forget pal not

Making shots he’s in a slump it happens but that effort on defense deserves a video review in front of the whole team terrible I don’t know um there are definitely moments of that for sure definitely moments of that I think for everybody tonight had moments all right

Guys let’s look at um there’s only one game that um outside of this one that mattered in the um the standings tonight but we we’ll take a look at the scoreboard around the league obviously Magic win 104 to 103 over the Blazers Hawks are up 14 right now on the Bulls

All the Pelicans are coming back a little bit Pelicans were down 20 something in the second quarter they’re now only down 12 to the Suns with just are 11 minutes to go obviously uh the magic play in New Orleans on Wednesday so I’ll be keeping an eye on that game

Celtics of course beat the Hornets by 14 Grizzlies beat the Pistons by two says Kade Cunningham misses the shot at the buzzer and then the one that matters the most for us tonight the Pacers destroy the uh Brooklyn Nets 133 to 111 they

Were up 75 to 57 I believe it was at the half the Pacers had 75 points in the first half which is crazy it’s like allstar game numbers what does that mean let’s take a look at the standings here oh this is where I this is where I

Started to get excited again obviously that game sucked but it was a win and so I look at the standings and now I’m like now I’m feeling good again magic are just a half game back of the New York Knicks for the four seed and just one

Game back of the three seed Cleveland Cavaliers uh and a game and a half above the Pacers that was such a big win tonight not just for chasing the teams in front of you but because of the Pacers winning tonight against the Nets you could have been if you lost this

Game tonight you could have been a half game up on the Pacers that’s it that eight and shot goes into the buzzer the Pacers are only a half game back yeah yikes would have been catastrophic so really glad that happened it also keeps you two and a

Half games ahead of of the Miami Heat and that magic number for the Orlando Magic is now six that means a combination of magic wins Miami Heat losses six is the number now which is Pretty stinking cool 44 and 31 who’ have thought we’ve had a a couple super no

One Super Chat come in here this is from Isaac again he says uh we need a stat uh average time for Mo to get his first offensive foul after his first check into the game got to be 24 seconds he gets those sometimes yeah not every game but yeah definitely gets those sometimes

You are not wrong about that thank you so much Isaac for that uh that Super Chat all right um big week in the NBA for this magic team let’s take a look at our trusty spreadsheet which has a new feature we’re we’re breaking out a brand new feature on the spreadsheet

Tonight guys I’m very excited about this one okay so um first off let’s look ahead at what’s going on here obviously magic beat the Blazers Pacer beat the Nets tonight tomorrow tomorrow is very interesting okay we get a head-to-head matchup here heat hosting the Knicks so this is

What’s going to happen tomorrow okay the Knicks are either going to drop a half game lower like half game behind the magic and the Magic’s magic number is going to go to Five if the Knick win or if the Heat win the magic are going to

Be tied with the New York Knicks and they own the tiebreaker so the magic will move to the four seed with a Nicks loss tomorrow so depending on how you are rooting right now tomorrow is a win-win for magic fans really at the end of the day it is a win-win for magic

Fans I am never going to be one to root for the Miami Heat that’s no surprise that’s no secret the magic do not like the Miami Heat at least magic fans I’m not going to root for them however if the game ends and Miami has more points than New York I’m not

Going to be angry that’s what I’ll say so that’s a huge game tomorrow then you have Sixers Thunder the Sixers are just about out of our radar we are up four games on the Sixers they do own the tiebreaker but we are up four games on the Sixers let’s see here

They’ve got seven games to go so the best they can do is 47 wins so our magic number with Philly is four games combination of four uh Magic wins or Philly losses and we’re going to finish ahead of Philly I’m not worried about Philly at this point

So uh I don’t know they might not be on this uh this spreadsheet here by the end of this week I might have to take them off we’ll keep an eye on that obviously you guys if you’ve been following the show long enough you know um I used to

Have the uh the bucks on here for a long time I had to take them off we’re not catching the Bucks anyway Sixers play the Thunder tomorrow uh assuming the Thunder can pull that off um although the big news today obviously embiid potentially likely coming back for that

Game tomorrow we’ll see then the Cavs this is the this is the one I’m still looking at here this stretch here for the Cavs tomorrow they play in Utah against the Jazz the first night of a backto back uh where they go to Phoenix on Wednesday it’s a tough stretch there

Tough stretch would hate to see the Cavs go on a losing skid here they lost by like 29 yesterday to the Nuggets I’m just saying that that stretch looks very very probable for the magic but anyway we’ll see what happens um I’m actually going to save my new my new feature for

The next show Wednesday will be a better night for this um I and I’m not going to spoil it I’m going to say again we got a new feature on the spreadsheet coming out I’ll I’ll debut it on Wednesday show all right so that’s been our spreadsheet

Look guys again tomorrow a really big day for the magic with regards to the games around us mainly that Heat next game it’s going to be good for the magic no matter the outcome no matter the outcome either it’s going to help the magic get one step closer to to

Clenching a playoff birth or it’s going to put the magic up to the four seed which hey I’ll take either one of those at this point I’ll take either one of those final look at the chat here we did get a super chat from Ace says as a

Floridian I’ll root for the heat before New York I I don’t roll like that I know a lot of people that do got to represent the Sunshine State blah blah blah I don’t roll like that I do not like the Miami Heat and I will never ever ever

Ever ever ever ever root for them all right let’s see a couple other thoughts from the chat here before we call it a night Noel says I don’t even think we’re playing AB in the playoffs no I don’t believe so I don’t believe so that would be uh surprising there there would have

To be something that happens to make that happen right an injury or something like that foul trouble maybe um it’s very uncommon in the NBA to not play a guy the last third of the season and then all of a sudden play him in the playoffs if anything it’s the opposite

Rotation tend to shrink in the playoffs so we’ll see oh El magico says sometimes a long home stand is a detriment Road games keep them from being stagnant I think there’s a lot of a lot of Merit to that especially kind of exciting for this magic team coming up here is there’s no

More long breaks there’s no more long layoffs of course we’ve this magic team is among playoff or post I should say postseason teams the Magic by far the worst team in the league at games with two or 3 days rest they are now 5 and 10

Or 5 and 11 something like that by far the worst of any postseason bound team so for the magic they play every other game they only have one day of rest every game except for one and that’s because they have a back toback so hey talk about being in in a rhythm and

Everything uh I think I think they definitely could do that Steven says I’m rooting for the Knicks tomorrow can’t afford for the heat to get closer I do not blame you at all magic fans that are going to be actively rooting for the Knicks don’t blame them at all makes a

Lot of sense I’m still a little bit greedy though again never going to root for Miami but if they end up with more points at the end I won’t be mad sulr says as someone who has uh family in my or sorry someone who has family in Cleveland I hate Miami with a

Passion will never forgive them for the decision yeah that was a wild sequence wild embiid is out tomorrow really I missed that I know they were talking earlier this morning that he might come back I had not heard okay yeah couple of you saying he has been ruled out well there you go

There you go even better chance for the the Thunder there El magic love this he says one more call out to hit the like button before signing off thank you so much for doing that uh and then do you believe him says Luke Loses His short

Win after a five game win streak so right now the win streak is at two got three more to go and then Luke tarps off you know but yeah definitely hit that like button on your way out here I think that’s going to do it for our show

Tonight guys I feel a little better now than I did at the start once I look at those standings 13 games over 500 I’m feeling a lot lot better about myself and about about life and stuff so big again big shout out to Rockham for sponsoring the show uh guys it’s it’s

Crazy that we’re so close to the end of the season here again this is game 75 just seven games left for the magic this season which is crazy but big shout out to Rockham they’ve been supporting the show all season long the best thing you can do for us guys support Rockham all

Right so go to use that code magic2 get your magic socks and underwear before the playoffs uh you don’t be left out you know you got your friends coming to game games or whatever going to our watch parties sneak peek there will be big watch parties for the

Playoffs you want to show up in your Rockham gear hey it’ be cool if you did that so anyway that’s going to do it for us tonight uh Hey a win is a win at this point we’ll take it wasn’t pretty pretty ugly but we’ll take it um yeah magic

Back in Action Wednesday night against New Orleans Pelicans it’s a later tip than usual 8:00 P.M cuz obviously New Orleans in central time but even though it’s later you know we’ll still be right here after that game live here on YouTube to react when loss doesn’t

Matter we’ll see you on Wednesday have a great Tuesday and Wednesday but until then let’s go [Applause] Matt Yeah

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