@San Antonio Spurs

NBA PUNISHED Wembanyama For Being Cool!

NBA PUNISHED Wembanyama For Being Cool!

All right so wiim banama he got fined you think he got fined for I don’t know choking someone out like Draymond Green did in which he end up getting $225,000 fine you think that’s what it was no he actually got fined for being cool okay

He got fined for being a cool dude I want Some are we having fun yet so wiim Bama was being a cool guy okay he put a beat down on the New York Knicks and immediately after he gave the crowd a little bit of Tim Duncan hug of the ball okay we all know that iconic hug that Timmy always

Does he did it that way and then he hit him with that one and then he gave a high five and then he threw the ball in the stands okay he threw it in the stands and he made someone’s day now I was told at least this someone told me

That the security eventually got the ball back I hope not dude that’s disgust that pisses me off that is so irritating dude I’m not giving the ball I’m sorry if I get a game ball I’m not giving it back I’m sorry you can kick me out of

The Arena you can say I can’t come back I’m holding on to it you’re going to have to arrest me I’m running out with that thing all right um that is not okay uh if if that is true but wimy did a phenomenal job I know some people ask

Like why didn’t I talk about the game I wasn’t here I literally wasn’t here um but there’s other fan bases talking about this as well that they think this is so silly so we can see here big Nick energy wow uh the NBA has fined Victor oneyama 25,000 for throwing Jaylen

Brunson’s 61 game uh point game game ball in the stands uh that’s the same amount of money as Draymond got for choking go beer 25 ft across the floor yo the NBA is nuts by the way um okay I had mixed feelings about this so I did

See this as wimy being a Savage cuz wimy wh’s a Savage all right he’s he’s not a nice guy all right he’s he’s probably nice off the court but he’s not a nice guy he’s very mean very kobees very jordanes he’s he’s not nice all right um

And I thought that this was one of those uh yeah you don’t get the G balls but also wimy had an iconic night in which he had 40 points and 20 rebounds like yeah I mean I don’t know you can see it either way but you know I don’t know

Here uh so let’s go ahead and see what wimy had to say about this whole situation and how he felt about getting find a ridiculous amount of money I know for us that’s a ridiculous amount of money for him it’s not but it’s still silly it’s still pretty dumb were you

Were you surprised to receive a fine after the last game and did you know that was even a r um oh did you know it was a rule that’s that’s a good question surprise let’s say when when I threw the ball I thought maybe yeah like I I

Remember players being fine for this but it was it was always in like a b they threw it always in a bad way you know after wa not you know to to make some some some guys day but uh it’s um I wonder will he still do it I hope he

Still does it I just think it’s a bad rule but then I do understand as well that you have to kind of draw a line a little bit you know and where do you draw that line it becomes a little little arbitrary like what’s good intention what’s bad intention I think

We can see in the eye test tells us this was good intention but then what if someone like I don’t know Draymond Green did it right is is it good intention is he really just do or is he trying to nail that person uh he’s aiming for that

Person that uh you know talk trash to him uh during the game I don’t know I have no idea but what I do know is in situations like this where you won the game and you’re throwing up to your own fans I think it’s so silly so dumb the

Fact that you can still get in trouble for it it kind of reminds me of when uh wimy got a tech earlier in this season where he bounced the ball hard but it accidentally like went further up than he expected and he still got a tech for it that’s

Like that just feels like common sense like it that’s not Tech worth it was just it was just an honest mistake I don’t know no it was it’s funny it’s just funny you know while the balls in the air you’re thinking I know that might be

$25,000 yeah kind of but after that I was like I was like no that’s fine like I threw it to you know to please somebody it’s not like I’m trying to hurt or throwing it at somebody yeah they don’t care about intent I guess on that apparently it’s just I don’t know I

I man I really want to know what you guys think about it because honestly I was pretty I’m not like I don’t get that frustrated when an NBA player like gets fine anything I just thought it was dumb I was just like when when it happened I

Thought that maybe a fine would come I didn’t think it would be 25,000 but I thought maybe a fine would come but I was also like man that was really cool like that was really Savage that was really uh nice of him I I don’t know

He’s he’s a man of the people and stuff like that is very frustrating and um yeah I don’t know I think he should continue to do it but then again I mean you’re just coming out of his pocket right of course it’s easy for me to say

That so you let me know what you think also uh I wanted to show you guys this I didn’t think that a whole another video of already going over this but there is a mantra that’s been in the Spurs practice gym for the past few weeks I’m

Assuming it’s still in there uh this was posted a couple days ago but it says we are old nothing we get what we deserve what we deserve is based on our ability to learn be disciplined and consistent um man oh man I have to say this I say

It all the time you can say what you want about me but the San Antonio Spurs culture is top tier it is absolutely top tier and I love the fact that the Spurs treat everybody as people and every single player has to be on their game

And they have to uh learn and be the best version of themselves uh but they do it in a way that’s not necessarily robotic or not necessarily um dehumanizing they’re constantly trying to uh relate to other players and when I say they I mean we’re really talking

About pop right pop kind of cultivated this culture but everyone follows too right the other coaches do it as well I I just really love uh this type of stuff and this can go for every single player you know it really frustrated me earlier in the season because it it genuinely

Bothered me when everyone just said that the the way to win is just force feed wimy the ball they were like he’s 7 fo5 just give him the ball just give him the ball and don’t get me wrong they missed him on many occasions and I don’t think

Our team is talented enough to give him the ball in perfect situations 90% of the time I just don’t think that Talent enough there’s there’s enough Talent on this team to to give him the ball where he needs it often times but it was just

So many like just give him the ball and we’ll win games and that was so infuriating because the San Antonio Spurs were built on everybody being the best version of themselves it was never just give Duncan the ball now don’t get me wrong in ‘ 03 we kind of had no

Options but people were still playing a role and they were still being the better versions of themselves uh and you know you go to 2014 which I think most Spurs fans will say that that’s their most iconic uh win right because I mean it was so much it was

Like seven years before we won uh 2014 was amazing but what made it amazing was every single player was playing discipline they learned and they were consistent it wasn’t just the Kawhi Leonard show it wasn’t just the Duncan show and you can have your Superstar and

Obviously wimy will be that but if you want to be a dynasty it’s never going to going to be just one player you can even look at the Warriors it’s it never was just Steph like everybody played the right way that’s what made them so frustrating it wasn’t just Steph hitting

You with 50 million threes a game it was also the consistent ball movement the High basketball IQ from all the different teamates everyone playing their role that’s what you want so I never understood why everyone was just focused in and Hyper focused on yeah you guys don’t matter just pass wimy the

Ball and get out the way it’s like that that’s never been the Spurs way and you’re definitely not going to win any championships or multiple championships playing like that um so and I I really did do believe did I still believe this that uh fael and soan and even maybe

Trey Jones to an extent are part of the Spurs future and they need to be able to learn um in their own right so we can we can all jail right it can’t just be the wimy show um but we know wimy is going to be a monster we know he’s going to

Get the stats we know he’s going to put him up but uh it’s a it’s a team effort so I really like this I really like it anyways I will get with you guys later man until next time bye


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  1. Adam silver is ridiculous for that.
    I bet Brunson cried about it even after an L
    that’s why Wemby got fined.
    Go Spurs Go !

  2. Brian Windhorst said he was in the Knicks locker room and they were begging for him to get fined for it

  3. Apparently they got the ball back and STILL told them to fine him. There’s people who settle for mediocrity, then there’s Wemby

  4. Excuse me, that is Wemby’s 40-20 gameball. He set a new career-high in points and the Spurs won in their homecourt, that is Wemby’s gameball. Knicks should hold their pettiness and that L.

  5. A coiple of weeks ago, Lebron slammed the ball at the ground and it went eway over his head. It was after the game clock kept breaking and he slammed the ball after the ref blew the whistle to stop play. No tech, apparently the NBA can decide if they care about intention.

  6. Eventually victor will enter his villain arc after his 2nd ring and become the most hated in the league (because nobody can stop him) thats my bold take for victors career. Its gonna be a WRAP if he gets a top tier guard to get him the ball

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