@Utah Jazz

The Utah Jazz have something special in their rookies

The Utah Jazz have something special in their rookies

Again the rookies are looking very good and a theory I have about what’s going on with the Jazz let’s talk about his Hooper Joe all right guys before we get into this let’s give a shout out to our sponsor prize pick promo code Hoops nerd and they will match up to $100 it’s fantastic it’s fun bet the under on a lot of jazz stats and you’re going to do well because the Utah Jazz

Are not very good A lot of these teams are blowing out the Jazz so you got to be careful because some of that the Jazz defense is literally the worst in the NBA right now ranked number 30 since trade deadline and it’s actually not close uh so you can get some easy picks

On there for the team playing the Jazz and then you can look at the Jazz and just decide who’s going to play well if you’d have P picked Bryce sensah right now he is on a nice trajectory easy overs for Bryce sensah on this one so go

To use promo code Hoops nerd and you’ll support the Channel all right let’s turn that off by the way I apologized for the sound last time but it’s saying ex excellent condition for my my my stream it was my fault I put on a gate on the filters to make sure I

Took out background noise but the gate was too strong it was like the black gate in in lorda and the Return of the King and it kept me out so anyways I apologize for that I apologize profusely also I decided to wear my Stockton Jersey I know the green screen kind of

Fades some of it out but I just thought you know what why not my wife got me this for Valentine’s Day and honestly she’s the best Mrs Hoops nerd is a winner or I’m a winner for uh you know somehow tricking her into marriage anyways let’s just get into

This the Utah I but I do have some filters though uh let me know if the sound is good last time I should have listened to you guys you were all right I was wrong it was my fault you know I I will say rice Broadband still sucks so

So just suck on that rise Broadband I don’t even care anyways the Utah ja let’s take this down because some people were mad at me for having that up too loud I can’t make anybody happy all right I’m trying I’m trying okay I’m glad the sound is good it should be less

Kind of it should be less tingy although I’m a little worried you’re going to hear some background stuff but that’s okay thank you Dre thank you Dre uh yeah it’s okay I’m trying to get this sound I would like the sound to be much crisper so I’m kind of working with

It but because I do the these lives it’s kind of hard to just you can’t just mess with it live so anyways let’s just let’s just go through this uh Utah let’s see let’s go through the rotation a little bit and then I’ll give

A little bit of a or at some point I may just talk about what I think is going on for the Jazz uh I paid $175 per ticket back in October to watch this steaming pile of a game I am so sorry Jordan I shouldn’t laugh horrible because I wish Donovan

Mitchell would have played uh but he didn’t shout out to Donovan Mitchell I mean he was giving some advice I think at one point to uh Keon George although the part of me is like stay away from keante Donovan stay away but then there’s also a part of me that you know

Whatever if he wants to coach him up great um I have some ideas of what’s going on here anyways Bryce sensah had a nice night again 6 for9 from three very nice uh percentage there seven rebounds four assists he was nice tonight really solid it’s nice to see him shooting the

Ball because he had a stretch there where he could not hit a three literally went like three or four games where he just was 0 for seven or whatever in the last two games including the game against the Kings where no one could hear me talk he did really well

And that was nice to see so eight for 14 from the field he’s got a nice little mid-range game pull up uh 6 for9 from three and I also noticed that look well he had two turnovers tonight but he looks like he’s figured furing it out with the turnovers at least those

Turnovers you know when he goes into the traffic especially when he goes up to the middle it just seems like every player knows they just got to go for the ball and they can steal it so he’s getting a little better there Taylor Hendrick is looking more and more

Comfortable from three to the point where I think he’s going to start having a really impressive three-point percentage let’s just pull this up in fact let’s pull up Sensa to after this but he’s up to 7.2 points per game 4.6 rebounds but look at this he is now at

36% for the season from three that’s big time that’s like League average maybe above so I’m pretty happy about that 36% key was at 36% and then I tweeted about it and he promptly went on a on a huge slump for the last six or seven games so

That’s my fault I personally apologize to keontay George I will take all the blame send all the blame to me for the the shooting slump although I wonder if it’s on purpose a little bit I don’t know uh Sensa let’s look at what he’s at threo percentage wise he had that major

Slump so this went down but where is he at now as of tonight 28% yeah that slump was terrible but this is rising after two nights in a row you can see how bad it went but this will go up exponentially uh let’s see does it have

Totals no anyways those are going up I would not be surprised if if by the end of the season if sensah obviously keeps shooting it like this if that does not get into like the 30s and it’s just really exciting to see Taylor Hendricks shooting 36% from three as a rookie

That’s big time guys get excited that is big time you know and he’s looking more and more comfortable like that shot I know it’s the end of the season and so teams are playing a little uh you know the Jazz are not interested in playing defense right now and a lot of teams

Playing against Utah don’t play a ton of Defense because they’re kind of taking a rest because they know they can just win and anyways they’re taking advantage of it so really nice to see uh Walker Kessler broke his nose I don’t know if if you didn’t watch the game he took an

Elbow from Evan Moy they for some reason didn’t challenge it or the referees didn’t look at it for and I guess it’s because they didn’t call a foul uh strange but anyways it literally broke his nose and and he had to leave the game and he was out for the rest of the

Game I don’t know if he’ll come back I wonder if I think will hardy made some sort of quote that he might be able to wear a mask we’ll see I think Donovan Mitchell has been out for like a good amount of this season because he also had some sort of

Broken nose or nasal fracture or and an ankle thing too he didn’t play tonight even though he played the last two games which is kind of kind of weak to be honest uh but anyways Walker Kessler played pretty well for the time that he was in uh it just was 9 minutes so

There’s not a ton to take from that but it is nice to see him getting minutes and to just see what else we have from Walker Kessler I was tweeting today some things I predicted I predicted the Oklahoma City Thunder to be numers one seat in the Western

Conference turns out I was right I also predicted that the well I didn’t predict it I just said a year ago and and more that the Jazz should go out and get jayen Suggs because you could just see it with that guy that you know the percentages weren’t there with his three

That’s why when any of these people on Twitter with like you know it’s some guy on Twitter or some lady on Twitter that has a name like Susan 14567 294 6527 tells you things like oh Keon is not very good right now well guess what a lot of people were saying that about

Jaylen Suggs guess what Jaylen Suggs is shooting 40% from three this year and he is in the 998th percentile defensively and I bet you right now the Orlando Magic are pretty happy that they let him have two or three years to develop it took time but it’s gonna happen with a

Mask he Walker Kessler Texas Lone Ranger I almost had a feeling when I saw your message kg10 I dwcb I kind of knew you were gonna say it that’s right the Lone Ranger with the with the black mask I hope he does who knows maybe it’ll bring out an

Alter ego for Walker Kessler I don’t know I don’t know it would be nice to see thank you for the $2 my friend I appreciate it a ton a ton thank you so much much yeah we’ll see it’d be fun to watch Walker Kessler in a mask maybe he

Can you know have everyone sign it I don’t know uh Colin ston six for 14 from the field not as usual with 50% from the field but still pretty solid seven assists 19 points he’s just Colin seon’s turned into a high level player I think it

Was I can’t remember if it might have been NBA University I can’t remember who it was but they tweeted out tonight and I thought it was great so I retweeted it that he was not a good Rim finisher earlier in his career and he has become

One of the better Rim finishers in the NB in you know I don’t know if in the NBA but he’s become a very good Rim finisher and so that’s really cool to see Colin ston continuing to improve he’s just a very very very good offensive player uh tonight 40% from

Three two for five I’ve said this before but he’s the best shooter on the Jazz right now and that includes Larry marinan just go look at the percentages he’s just flat out number one he number one uh and so it’s impressive to watch cuz he’s shooting it from all different

Ways you know catch and shoot threes pull up threes he’s shooting mid-rangers he’s driving to the basket finishing at a high level at The Rim just a highlevel offensive player so if the Jazz do trade him this offseason to go for a tank for Cooper flag who by the way played

Tonight as well and oh my gosh uh they might be able to get something really nice from him and at work wor they can keep Colin seon and just have him be a sixth man they’re losing these games with seon playing so it’s not like you have to trade him uh so we’ll

See uh my man keontay George started the game off hot he was two for two or let’s see two for two from the field he hit his first three and he is just in a slump right now it’s just really tough you know Big Time slump it’s been seven

Or eight games now and eventually he’ll come out of it we’re seeing some signs he looks like he has a little hop to his step a little bit but teams are really blitzing him he is the main offensive focal point at this point running the offense and it’s tough they’re doing

Things to cut off the lanes and things so and honestly he needs more time an off season I mean one of the things that’s hard for a rookie too and you know you I’m going to have some weirdo in the comments make say that oh you’re always putting up excuses well that’s

Because he’s a good player and he’s a rookie and there’s things that you have to realize one is that they don’t have a training camp mid-season they had training camp before they were able to actually play you know imagine going into the season you’ve never played the

NBA before you go into training camp you probably get on that floor and it’s like everything is just you’re wide-eyed and you’re a little bit dear in the headlights playing against the likes of Kevin Durant Nicol yic and all these guys and so you’re trying to figure

Things out but then all of a sudden you’re exhausted you’re not able to shoot the ball on top of that as a point guard you’re running the offense you’re trying to learn the nuances of the game while also struggling it’s just really hard so one thing that’s going to help

Him is just having an off season to work with the coaching staff look at film get to training camp learn the offense work on the offense have offseason workouts where they can work through different play sets and things to just get that experience because you know being a

Rookie point guard in the NBA is really hard and so I’m you know I’m not that surprised that these percentages are down he’ll work on it you know give him time they may not be good next year too and that’s okay he’s going to work through it now year three year four if

They’re not very good well then maybe you start to worry but then you look at someone like Jaylen green who’s now shooting the lights out and honestly dominating the the Rockets are probably pretty happy they gave him some time right three seasons it also allowed them to draft other players and that’s just

The way this works you’ve got to let these guys play you’ve got to let them go through their lumps because one they need it to learn how to play in the league it’s just really hard League to play in and then too it helps you get a better

Pick a better pick so that you can add more Talent so they play together look at the Orlando Magic they have ADD multi you know they get France Vagner and then the next year they get Paulo banero and those two are intrical parts of what they do they also got Jaylen Suggs in

That draft where they got had that trade with the Chicago Bulls by the way the Chicago Bulls have to just if you’re a bulls fan I just apologize in general in fact I don’t feel bad because the Bulls were the ones that took me uh uh ruined

My Championship hopes as a child made me cry so anyways you know what I just think that I’m I’m losing my train of thought here because I’m reading comments and I just some comments I can’t comment on uh let’s see but anyways uh key will be

Fine he will be fine the weirdos on Twitter that have a Million numbers next to their name first off ignore them and second off you’re you are kind of like you’re kind of giving the tell that you don’t really know what you’re talking about when you mention these things I mean the perfect

Example for Utah is Dante exom it took him five years part of the reason he struggled is because he had a catastrophic knee injury that really set him back and then a coach that wouldn’t play him the Jazz are not making that mistake again they are playing their

Guys they’re doing two things that they used to not do one they are tanking correctly because they need to you need to add a lot of talent and you need young talent and you need to keep adding guys until you get those stars and then they’re also playing

Their young guys letting them play through their mistakes it’s okay that’s what rookies do and it’s going to take time we’ve seen what key can do you know we’re seeing what Hendrick and sensah can do let them play let them make their mistakes let them learn let them get

Dunked on so they learn how to avoid it and then they can do do it to others honestly some of this losing is good okay some of the losing is good for these guys cuz they want a taste of winning at some point and I’ve seen a

Lot of people talk about culture for the Jazz and you know oh I can’t believe this the body language is terrible it should be terrible if you’re losing games and then we’ll see a tweet about jazz players laughing in the locker room as if you know I guess it’s terrible for

The the team to like each other in the locker room I don’t know uh guess what you’re go ask the San Antonio Spurs what they think of culture this year compared to the last year you think San Antonio fans were complaining about culture all the time my

Gosh the culture all of a sudden changes when you have a player like wanyama on your team it’s crazy how fast things change when you get that guy I was thinking about the Sacramento Kings I was listening to Bill Simmons and Ryan rillo uh really great stuff by the way you

Should listen to their basketball po it’s fantastic but they mentioned something that reminded me of the Jazz teams of like two three years ago that was really true I mean it well it made me just think like you look at this Mavericks team who’s won like nine of their last

10 games the Mavericks look amazing don’t be surprised if the Mavericks find themselves in the Western Conference Finals but anyways like they’re talking about the Kings and how they’re finished because Malik Malik Monk Is Out he’s their sixth man he’s not even a starter and their season’s over because Malik

Monk Is injured that tells you right now that they are a fake Contender they are not a contender if you’re if the Jazz are losing games because they don’t have Jordan Clarkson then that tells you everything you need to know that you need to add more Talent you need to draft

Better you know so when I hear something like Malik Monk Is injured and the kings are done for it’s like well then I don’t think you were really that dangerous in the first place exactly Dre like when we hear that Mike Conley’s not 100% well then you know what if you needed Mike

Conley in the first place to win a title then maybe you’re not that great now someone would argue that maybe the wolves are like that and I maybe maybe I think Anthony Edwards is one of those guys that can win you a game but you know if you’re missing out on if

Like perimeter ancillary players are costing you everything everything then you might not be as good as you think you are and it’s a probably a pretty good sign that your Superstar is not like a championship caliber Superstar if that makes sense so Utah has a chance to get one of

Those guys uh you know Chris Dunn was one for three I don’t have much to say about Chris Dunn other than I love his energy and I love his presence on this team five assists for him Chris’s great but we don’t really need to go into Luca s

You know Omar yman had some rough moments tonight he also had a few moments were were pretty good and then there’s tht tht was 5 for seven and two for three from three by the way quietly had a very nice game if if a tree falls in the forest and and no

One’s there does it make a noise if ton Horton Tucker goes five for seven from the field and no one’s watching did it really happen um all right it’s time to change I just felt scratch my freaking chin on this helmet anyways it’s time for alien theories theories from out of this world

We need like a sound bite for this maybe some sort of alien music I don’t know do I have some sort of music maybe I should look for some let’s really look here really quick um um let’s see here let’s do my eight bit music here for

Fun all right there we go we’ve got our music can you hear me clearly is the music too loud let’s lower this just a little bit okay so and let’s put this on okay there we go let’s see if that Loops I’m actually curious sorry this is

Live and I’m just going to talk oh dang it it didn’t Loop Dre you can hear me Space Commander Hansen here to explain okay here’s one thing I’m thinking the Jazz defense is utterly terrible it’s so bad in fact let’s bring this up it’s so bad it’s got me with some

Space theories here I think the Jazz are just obviously doing this on purpose and I wonder if the jazz players are in on this look at this defensive rating the Jazz are officially for the season last place and since trade deadline they’re like four points per possession worse

Than everyone else I don’t want to look it up I don’t care they’re worse than Charlotte worse than Washington and this is for the season like for the season it’s terrible but it’s so bad and at one point at one point when the Jazz went 19 and7 it was actually top

10 it was actually top 10 so I think the rookies are in on this and I think the Jazz have been tweaking things not to win games here’s the the theory I think they’re tweaking things to know how to lose games next season I think they want

Cooper flag who by the way played tonight and oh my gosh you saw the flashes this guy’s going to be special I you know what I sometimes do when I have a bad dream at night and I wake up and I don’t want to wake up Mrs hoopster cuz I’m scared in my

Bed I’ll pull up the old cell phone and I’ll go to the YouTube channel and their algorithm already knows what I want they already know Cooper flag dominates McDonald’s All-American day one Cooper flag dominates and James who’s scared of I by the way I had two nightmares last

Night I had the worst nightmare last night I woke up and my heart was like I was like in a Mortal Kombat fight in some haunted house and I had this night and I had to like fight a guy and then I found out there was three other guys

Coming after me with and I like woke up and my heart was just like going and there were some other uh weird dreams going on I don’t know why I got to stop drinking Mountain Dew but anyways uh Cooper flag looks incredible he really does and um NBA

University great account on Twitter you should follow they’re awesome I should talk to whoever that guy is and have him on the show cuz he’s awesome uh but they compared who did they compare uh Cooper flag to they compared him to Prime Andre kolinko but in this

Modern era with better shooting and more explosive athleticism if that’s who Cooper flag is watch out and honestly you could argue that’s the perfect thing for this Jazz team have we ever had had a superstar Wing we never really have we’ve had a superstar power forward we’ve had Superstar point guards if you

Consider Rudy goar a superstar then we have a superstar defensive Center in Rudy goar we’ve never had a superstar Wing we never have and they’ve always been the ones that destroy us and break my heart and hurt my feelings they’re the ones who turned me into who I am I

Want a superstar Wing I want Cooper flag I want Ace Bailey I want that guy but I tell you what you go look at Cooper flag it is I love the comp of him and Andre kolinko he’s more athletic he actually looks like he can shoot the ball his

Release looks like freaking John Stockton I’m not kidding he has a shoulder release thing uh anyways I’m so all in on that guy he is a game changer defensively and I I tweeted it out during the game and it by by the way SLC dunk is doing playback

We’re going to be doing live streams as a team on SLC dunk so I if you guys want to watch the game live with me we’ll be doing that as SLC dunk together so you’ll be able to join let me know if the music’s getting annoying we can turn

It off if we want but that’s my theory I think the Jazz are actually figuring out how to be bad enough next year because next year’s draft in fact let me pull it up um here’s NBA draft net by the way don’t listen to some of their picks some of them are so

Weird come on oh wait this is different this is NBA Draft room I don’t know these guys but they were pretty good about 2026 um yes look at this top four freaking awesome I actually watched the other day here’s how nerdy I am over Cooper flag I sat there and watched an

Entire game of Cooper flag dominating with uh mon I can’t remember Monte I forgot what their High School is it’s that Elite one against DJ escom who by the way managed to score 21 he’s small forward look at how many small forwards are in this in this draft

By the way it’s kind of like this year’s NFL Draft with quarterbacks you got you know Cameron cam Williams isn’t it his name Cameron Williams you got Drake may you got Jaden Daniels like three highlevel quarterbacks that are going to go high it’s kind of like the NBA you

Got like a lot of high level wings coming into this one and then C Cayman malat is ridiculous he’s freaking ridiculous 7 fo2 he’s 250 lb he’s 17 years old at least that’s what they say uh great length and size defends the RW and can step out on offense and hit the

Three ball that’s an understatement of what he can do he looks so fluid and so strong this guy’s going to push wemi around and he’s big like embiid big it’s crazy he is I mean it’s crazy what is in this draft but then look at this Cooper flag

They’re calling him a power forward but he’s 69 he’s not 68 he’s gotten taller I would say small forward power forward he 100% could play next to to Taylor Hendrick who’s looking like an absolute hit uh Ace Bailey the same thing 6’9 Ace Bailey’s big guys they played today by

The way all of you probably should go to YouTube and watch the they had the McDonald’s All-American game all-star game today so that means Ace Bailey was playing Cooper flag was playing uh Dylan Harper the son of jazz killer Ron Harper and the Bulls teams that broke all our

Hearts his son is playing look at this Dylan Harper and Ace Bailey are both going to Rutgers Cooper flag and camon malat are both going to Duke if that’s not going to be a fun championship game March Madness next year I don’t know what that’s going to

Be so much fun Dylan Harper and Ace Bailey on the same team that’s going to be a joke that’s ridiculous uh Dylan Harper’s big and you know what he plays shooting guard so you could play him next to key uh it plays with Advanced skill and

Feel for the game he isn’t an elite athlete but a big-time offensive Talent who just knows how to play and win and how to win you know maybe someone like a what’s the point guard for the the 2004 uh Detroit Pistons that won he’s the coach of the the lasers right now

Kind of someone like that what he kind of is anyways there’s great players Hugo it looks like they dropped Hugo Gonzalez um another 66 guy Jalil bethia can absolutely shoot the lights out this this draft’s crazy uh who was it that they had going to the Jazz could get Drake Powell who’s

Going to North Carolina he’s going 11 this draft is Bonkers but you want to be at the top because you want one of these two guys and then if you fall to Third and you get malow watch like like dwcb said it’s going to be a malow watch

Party every night because that guy is going to be a game changer as well unbelievable oh I’m sorry is it too much I’ll have to lower it a little bit I don’t mind using the music here and there actually cuz I paid for this music actually I paid a guy to compose this

And I don’t ever use it let’s try the other one this is the other one I got this was supposed to be kind of Street Fighter anyways guys I think the Jazz are preparing for the tank next year they’re looking at what they have now I think their this offseason could be wild

And could you imagine if Utah gets multiple picks in a draft like this like what happens if who by by the way Donovan Mitchell non-committal about reign what if they trade donalan Mitchell and then they’re just bad next year there’s a world in 2029 when the Jazz get their picked that they are

Going to be really really happy with some of these draft outcomes Utah is going to win a championship in our lifetimes book it absolutely book it all right let’s turn that off and let’s turn on this one it’s time to see what would happen if the Jazz won the lottery

Today let’s go check by the way Brooklyn did not play but Utah did and they are tied Utah’s now lost 10 in a row oh man 10 in a row for the Jazz but you know what they’re simming to the end of the season the jazz players I think also

Know and so it is what it is you know and next year will be fun to watch and watch the rookies develop hopefully they get Stefan castle and we can watch him play with key but we’ll see I think the Jazz are going completely to Young next year and then

Maybe they keep uh maybe they keep uh and Reign um Lowry marketing for long term but it’s not for sure I love this helmet by the way it makes me happy it’s just if I talk with with it on like this it’s like my voice just Echo

Myself all right if the draft was today who would win what would the Jazz get if it was today let’s see ah Utah stays at eight which gets them jacobe Walter or Cody Williams Oh no Stefan Castle goes six to this is based off of gon’s no

No I don’t love it so anyway Stefan Castle goes six we don’t get him that leaves the Jazz to Kobe Walter and Kobe Cody Williams I’d much rather have Cody Williams you know maybe even modest melis I don’t know we’ll see but that makes me sad cuz ston

Castle is looking like such a great Prospect come on one of these teams needs to take uh did they bring up Donovan kingan look at that going number seven Utah has a lot of choices here look at this Ron Holland at one point was considered the number one pick but

He couldn’t shoot the three but might be a really great defensive prospect so we’ll see maybe Utah swings for the fences with someone like Holland I don’t know watch him become really good who’s who knows all right let’s see here let’s give a shout out to our Allstar tonight

Guys thank you for being part of the show I appreciate it very much all right actually pull this up and again sorry about the Volume last time I know that it sucked it was my fault so I take full responsibility all right let’s give a shout out to Ryan Perry the legend

Nathan butet burkart F Eagles Fly Platinum Eagles the real deal large jarvin and just buckets JB baby Elliot Matson Christian house money toos The Outlaw Jesse James Nelson A sly R the man from Down Under see you leater buil for tough Alexander toughs aragam Amigo the Jordan the goat best roll tgd total

Game domination Tyson price The Price is Right Austin R Grant editor extraordinaire kg10 to th5 DW cbw Carlos Boozer Patrick kbo The Connoisseur and Robert Hall of Fame guys we need to get Stefon Castle this draft I’m going to be really bombed D it Toronto doesn’t want Stefon

Castle 14 in a row those bums anyways the Jazz are now three and a half back of Memphis I’m not sure if they can catch them but Memphis just won they’re playing jiren Jackson Jr maybe we can catch them they’re certainly better than the Jazz I can tell you that

They are certainly better than the Jazz all right guys like And subscribe to the channel make sure that you uh hit the Bell so you know when we go live tell your friends about the show we’re going live all the time and like I said we’re going to be doing playback with

SLC dunk that’s going to be happening here soon um I need to get all that set up with the team I got to work on that tomorrow actually but also if you haven’t already go to use promo code Hoops nerd all right I’ll talk to you next time

The Utah Jazz have something special in their rookies. Brice Sensabaugh and Taylor Hendricks are starting to really shine and they’re going to be really good as they get more time to develope


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  1. Sensabough is starting to look very comfortable handling the ball and at times, running the offense. Watching rookies develop is fun!

  2. Watching games is a bit weird at the moment. I want us to win until we get into the 4th and I start thinking about the draft.. then we always manage to pull out an L and I’m happy about it. Odd!

  3. Great show thanks Nerd been missing your love shows cuz been busy moving but you are my sports + comic relief ! Never Change !!! ❤🎉🏀

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