@Golden State Warriors

Warriors-Mavericks Film Study: How Golden State stifled Luka Doncic & Dallas | Hoops Tonight

Warriors-Mavericks Film Study: How Golden State stifled Luka Doncic & Dallas | Hoops Tonight

What’s up everybody thanks as always for supporting the show it would mean a lot to me if you would take a second to scroll down and hit that subscribe button to the Hoops Tonight YouTube channel and then follow me on social media on Tik Tok Instagram and Twitter

So you guys don’t miss any of our content over the course of this season all right let’s talk some basketball all right we’re going to move on to the Warriors and the Mavs and so before we get into the film here I wanted to talk about what I talked about last night

Having to do with the um having to do with the disparity between half court and transition possessions so as I talked about the uh the Mavs were really successful in transition I’m going to show you guys some clips here in a second actually let’s just go ahead and

Get into it so we have here in transition let’s actually get into our screen here all right so in transition Dallas was getting Great Looks consistently as you can see here we have a turnover in the lane Lucas pushing the ball up the floor right here again as we

Talk about with transition principles the basket and the ball are your primary objectives right so Kavon Looney has to step up to basically stop the ball on LCA donic Moses Moody is keyed in on Tim Hardaway Jr here in the right corner and so as a result there is a baked in rip

Through driving lane to cavon Looney’s left-and side and PJ Washington does a great job of capitalizing on that catches and rips is it’s just baked in it’s automatically there just by virtue of the fact that Kavon Looney was already on his left hand side at this

Point he’s already down low and in front of cavon Looney and has good position Brandon psky does a good job in help here but there’s just nothing he can do against a player that big coming down at him downhill and he gets a layup at The

Rim this next one was one of the ones we saw a lot in this game having to do with just Daniel gafford’s insane size that he brings to the table and they were consistently beating them with kick ahead pass and kick ahead passes and offensive rebound because of gafford’s

Size Advantage here we go this is not bad offense from Golden State Chris Paul’s been shooting three really well since he came back from his injury but he just misses it and on the Miss Gafford gets the contest but on the contest he’s looking to push up the

Floor if you watch Gafford as soon as he contests he’s running he’s gone Luca identifies this look where he puts this pass Chris Paul is pointing back to Draymond Green to let him know that he needs to guard the rim Draymond Green is there too he’s actually pointing to

Everybody else and trying to organize things Draymond Green from his perspec Ive he thinks he’s back he knows gafford’s there but he’s thinking I still have this covered look at where Luca puts this pass it’s literally Above the Rim putting it to where only Daniel Gafford can get it and from there where

He catches that close to the basket doesn’t matter how good defensively Draymond Green is gafford’s just too big and so that’s an easy an easy basket that they were able to generate by getting out in transition last one same sort of thing we get a missed shot it’s a tough shot

From Klay Thompson coming off of a screen now we have essentially a four on two fast break I thought psky made a really nice read here he made he saw Tim Hardaway Jr Gathering he can see the hand underneath the basketball he sees the gather and so he identifies that he

Can get back to Gafford to box out but Tim Hardway just makes a really nice floater but again good defense forced him into the toughest shot available there in transition but Dallas was getting easy looks anytime Golden State would had a rough offensive possession either a turnover or a bad shot Dallas

Was pushing down the floor and trans transition and getting good looks as a matter of fact last night Dallas’s offense scored 1.14 points per possession in transition which was 25% of their total points that they scored and then in the half court they scored just 0.862 points per possession so like I

Kind of hinted to last night a gigantic difference in efficiency for Dallas in the half court versus in transition and Dallas is an excellent half court offense that’s not easy to do so let’s get into the concept of why or how I should say uh Golden State had so much

Success against the Dallas offense so as I mentioned last night everything really comes down to Andrew Wiggins Andrew Wiggins is one of the few players in the league with the physical tools the size the strength the quickness the defensive instincts to actually make life difficult on Luca and so what I’m going

To do in these next six clips is just show you the difference in comfortability between the way Luca feels going against Andrew Wiggins on an island versus the way he feels going against the other warriors on the island here we’re gonna get a Luca ISO against Andrew

Wiggins fights over the top of the screen now we’re in ISO look at the the the his ability to actually close this Gap to make that step back jumper difficult which is going to force Luca to drive he can absorb the contact and prevent the bully ball and look at that

That’s actually like a little bit of a janky shot for Luca like that’s not an easy shot for him that’s a shot you almost expect him to miss then as we go into this next possession another Luca ISO against Wiggins oh we just did this one here we go another ISO against

Wiggins watch Wiggins absorb the blows as LCA tries to play bully ball can absorb that contact force him into a pivot he’s pivoting back over his left shoulder now Wiggins is there he absorbs that contact too now Draymond Green’s going to come with late help here but

Wiggins has done a great job obviously this is not solely individual defense with Draymond coming down but I thought Wiggins did a really nice job absorbing this contact and taking away those easy shots when he turns Wiggins is there and then Draymond Green is able to rotate

Out of it this is actually a textbook example of a passing Lane close out from pamy which we’ll get to in a minute look he’s not closing out at CBA he’s closing out to the passing Lane to try to take away both shooters and he’s able to get

There and force a tough contested Corner three cornerish three from PJ Washington last wigin one this is an example of how he can kind of press up on wig on Luca’s pull-up jumper again this is not a very good look this is good individual defense and a difficult

Jump shot for Luca that he misses badly now let’s look at how he looks going against the other Warriors this is a possession against Gary pton when Andrew Wiggins is the floor he’s going to flash high side LC is just really comfortable he’s too big he’s going to get to an

Easy jump shot over the top he’s just not as bothered by these guys we’re going to get a switch onto Klay Thompson here in the early fourth quarter easier for him to get to that over the top jump shot and knock it down this time we get Brandon pmy in a

Transition Cross Match he’s able to get downhill and get an easy shot in the lane so again the main point here is the foundational concept of what makes this work is Andrew Wiggins does really well against Luca on an island against most of the other teams in the league when

Luca doesn’t like what he’s getting out of ball screens because of the traps and the types of shots they’re getting in the four on threes he usually can just go straight ISO and it’s obvious obviously a little bit harder to handle that as a defense than it is in a ball

Screen where you’re actually bringing the second Defender into the action but because of Andrew Wiggins and the job that he did on Luca he actually baited Luca into essentially playing into Golden State’s Hands by consistently bringing those traps let’s get back to the film so here we’re going to get a double

Team of Luca so they set a screen Dante exom sets a screen almost at half court and Steph Curry is going to basically hedge Andrew Wiggins is going to come back so we’re going to get this Kickback pass Dante exom now once again we’re going to get another passing Lane close

Out from BR Brandon pamy if he just chases Dante exom straight off the line that’s an easy extra pass to Tim Hardaway Jr in the corner and that’s a great shooter he’s a 40% shooter in the corner this season but instead look at where he closes out his first step there

Is literally into the gap between the two he’s playing on the fact that Dante exm is a really good shooter but he’s got a long slow release and is a little bit hesitant and he gets him to hesitate see notice how pmy doesn’t actually Chase XM off the line he’s in the

Passing Lane now Andrew wigin because he he’s bought the time there because he’s in the passing Lane if exom throws that pass to Tim Hardway Jr pmsk is picking that off so now Dante exam’s entire approach changes and he’s thinking Drive the close out to this side because I’m

Getting an angle this buy time for Andrew Wiggins to rotate out to Tim Hardway Jr now we get uh Draymond Green in help on the drive and we end up getting to the opposite corner this is a 22% Corner three-point shooter right so again 40% three-point shooter in the corner 22%

Three-point shooter in the corner in the simple passing Lane close out and then a Smart close out from uh Maxi C is right around 37% above the break so chase him off too now you’ve turned this double team into the worst possible shot from Dallas right and again simple difference

In the way the floor is organized a different type of close out it turns into a really good shot for Dallas but a good close out on the weak side from Brandon pmy now we’re getting a 22% three-point shooter shooting out of the left corner alrighty this is a Kyrie Irving

Blitz that we see up on the left side of the floor and we see Gary Payton’s gonna kind of just bait and and he’s stunting back and forth just kind of trying to play on the indecisiveness from Kyrie Irving but we do end up getting a pass

To Tim Hardway junor and again Moses Moody has already bailed on the trap now since this pass was made Moses Moody is already back into the lane this gives Trace Jackson Davis the ability to get out and get a late contest on Derrick Jones Jr and Moody can box out Moody

Gets in and box out and again Derrik Jones Jr 33% Corner three-point shooter so again the story of the game I talked about this last night is Golden State’s ability to kind of play Dallas into the lower quality shots in their offense rather than the higher quality

Shots this next possession I think is the best example of the Andrew Wiggins Factor we’re g to get Luca donic against Wiggins here at the top of the key Kyrie Irving is going to clear down to this left wing or I mean go the other way I’m

Wrong here we go now Wiggins has Luca on an island and he’s got all the space in the world so if Luca wants to play ISO ball Luka wants to play one-on-one here he can now Chris Paul’s kind of sitting at the nail but he’s got plenty of room to

Go right as well and if he rips through to the right and he draws pamy he can get Kyrie’s shot Luca passes out of this Luca literally does not want to attack Wiggins in ISO he’s getting rid of the basketball goes to CBA there’s only seven seconds on the shot clock now

Luca’s going to get the ball back and all he’s going to do is bait the Trap and throw it over the top to CBA and actually Wiggins watch Wiggins as soon as he sees Luka pick up the ball LCA picks up the ball as soon as he see

Luca pick up the ball Wiggins knows he doesn’t have to worry about Luca scoring now so he can actually roll back in and guard CBA CBA does a good job sealing Wiggins and creating a passing angle but again we’re going to get a paint non-restricted area jump shot from Maxi

Kayba here he is 23% this season on shots in the paint that are outside of the restricted area so once again Andrew Wiggins and him in his ability making Luca not want to attack him in baiting that trap is turning Dallas’s offense into the lowest percentage shots or

Lowest value shots that they have among their role players all right we got three more from this game this time we’re going to get a Draymond Green double team of Kyrie up on the right wing so we see Gafford cutting through Draymond comes up we’re getting a

Straight up double team here but again we’re we got a 22% three-point shooter in the right corner and some of this is on Dallas like Dallas needs to do a better job of like flipping these shooters to making it so that these options are a little bit more available

There pmsk is coming in the lane to kind of help take away this the easy the only real pass that’s available that’s to a good shooter is to Tim Hardaway Jr but we’re talking about against ball pressure like what a 45 foot pass or something like that all the way to the

Opposite corner and so we’re going to instead get a little bounce pass here to the uh uh to the high post area where Daniel gafford’s going to catch now Tim Hardway still open and he’s calling for the ball but Daniel Gafford we’re B we’re playing on his natural kind of

Instincts here he’s catching and he sees a guy wide open in the corner so he’s just going to throw this pass without even taking the time to turn and look and see what else is available on the floor that’s praying on decision Mak again Luca outstanding decision maker

Probably going to find a way to get it to the best shooter if he caught in this place in the floor Daniel Gafford a guy who’s not as good of a decision maker he’s just going to play Instinct basketball and take the read that’s right in front of him now we’re kicking

To a 22% three-point shooter again this is a pivotal possession in the game we’re 9692 with two minutes and 8 seconds left in this game and we’re getting a 22% Corner three-point shot because once again golden state is leaning and and and basically shading their defense towards Dallas’s less effective offensive

Players now one of the ways that I uh expect Dallas to counter this type of coverage in the postseason is to just have Kyrie Irving set the screen so now if you’re double teaming or trapping in any way shape or form you’re leaving the guy that’s that’s immediately open off

The Trap as another Super highlevel offensive player here’s an ex example of how that worked for Dallas here down the stretch we’re going to get Kyrie Luca 2oman game Luca is going to set the screen and as Steph is chasing over the top wiggins’s natural inclination is to help

Essentially in like a drop as a result Luca is going to get a wide open Kickback three here and he just misses it very fortunate for Golden State but this is an example of a way that I think teams will try to counter or Dallas will try to counter these

Aggressive coverages as actually running the two-man game with Luca and Kyrie Irving but we get an adjustment from Golden State on the next possession fast forward a little bit we’re going to get the same thing here except for this time Kyrie is going to set the screen so the way Golden State

Counters this is they just say let’s switch it so Kyrie sets the screen we get the switch Kyrie spaces now Luca has the matchup he wants but this is where Golden State’s extremely gifted defensive Personnel enters the equation Andrew wickins absolute tier one athlete unbelievable Wing defensive tools and

Draymond Green a tier one defensive athlete at his position as well watch wiggin Wiggins is ignoring Kyrie and sitting down at the nail so as he comes down Luca makes the right read this kick out pass to Kyrie Andrew Wiggins is one of the few athletes on the planet that can also get

Out there in time actually make look at that first step that he takes and how much ground he covers to get back out to the Wing from right here to right there he basically teleports to the wing and that chases Kyrie off the line now Wiggins is compromised here because he’s

So far on Kyrie’s left-and side that just like we talked about earlier with PJ Washington there’s a baked in driving lane to the right so Wiggins gets beat but he did his job he doubled at the nail and forced Luca to give up the basketball while also chasing one of

Dallas’s best Shooters off the three-point line This is where Dr DRM green enters the equation Kyrie’s downhill Draymond is fast enough to step up and force Kyrie to pass it off and Daniel Gafford who’s just been jumping over Golden State all night goes straight up and Draymond blocks him at

The Rim while getting the ball and saving it in bounds and then he goes the other way and ends up actually getting to the foul line so great example of like even in the event that that Dallas actually gets what they want which is they finally get a switch and they get

Luca onto one of the Lesser defensive players for Golden State the preme athleticism and tools on the back end are are good enough to chase Dallas out of those high value shots again down the stretch it was consistently lesser Corner three-point Shooters lesser above the break three-point Shooters Maxi kba

Shooting shots in the paint that he shoots at a low percentage Daniel Gafford having to finish in traffic underneath the basket it wasn’t a lot of Kyrie Irving and Luca donit working with great matchups on an island in isolation and that that to me again comes down to foundationally Andrew Wiggins and the

Job he can do individually on uh on LCA donic to force him to call screening actions and then all of the speed on the floor especially anchored by Draymond Green which gives them the ability to rotate on the back end and now again like I talked about last night for

Dallas’s sake not a lot of teams that have that type of personnel and so I do think you’re going to see actions where they can run Kyrie Luca pick and roll get the switch as they want and the speed on the backline is not going to be

As good to be able to hard double the way that Andrew Wiggins did on on that last possession and so that’s why I say matchups are going to play such a big role when we get into the Postseason

Jason Timpf breaks down film on Steph Curry, Draymond Green, and the Golden State Warriors’ 104-100 win over Luka Doncic Kyrie Irving, and the Dallas Mavericks. Jason discusses how Draymond and Andrew Wiggins were able to slow down Dallas’ offense and help lead Golden State to a big win.

Watch the full episode here:

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  1. Fair game fair call gsw is winning it all again but if bias calls against gsw gsw will not win no other team will win vs gsw in fair game and fair calls

  2. Yeah, GSW did an amazing job holding Luka to a 30 point triple double on 50% from the field. I mean, what?

    Can anyone imagine Jason doing something like this for a Nuggets loss, and characterising an efficient 30-12-11 Jokic game as him being "stifled"? It's absurd.

  3. I’ll keep it short. GSW won because they shot near 50% from 3 (won’t happen in a 7 game series), Mavs were missing Lively and had to play Dwight Powell, and this was the Mavs 5th game in 7 days all on the road.

  4. Watch HoopsReport…Does the NBA think we're stupid video….Lakers +1000 FTs since 2022 and Warriors -600+…Discuss about that…LAFTs OR LARefs no team wants to face them only real contenders like the Nuggets can defeat that. Damn imagine LAFTs/LARefs don't get those calls..they wouldn't even win 30 games now…

  5. With how this game went last night which was a great one i don’t think GS could’ve played better defense and they still almost lost the game lol Wigs for some reason is probably a better Luka defender than anybody else.

  6. Love the film study breakdowns man! Always find myself wanting a visual reference as you refer to specific plays in your game reaction videos, really appreciate the way you see the game

  7. The warriors didn’t stifle the Mavs; or Luka for that matter lol. The Mavs missed wide open shots all game.. and Luka still had a 30, 12, and 11 game. The Mavs scored 54 points in the paint and players not named Luka or Kyrie combined for 6-21 from 3 (28%). Before you say “thats the warriors defense” the Mavs had 13 attempted 3’s where the closest defender was 4-6 feet away (considered open) and 15 3’s where the next closest defender was 6 feet + away… that’s a combined 28 threes (out of the 40 taken) that the offensive player just missed a wide open look. If the Mavs role players hit even 35% from three, on those wide open looks, the Mavs win this game by double digits.

  8. In my opinion, Sir, you speak the game on the same level as JJ and Legs. You just took your analysis to the next level with the visual replay breakdown. Great for us fans!

  9. Favorite kind of video right here. Thanks for the clips and breakdowns. Explaining verbally while showing visually is key

  10. Oh snap he showing gameplay now. Its over for the other nba analysts. Just joking but this is top tier content now.

  11. These film studies have become my favorite content of yours very quickly and that's saying something cuz I'm a huge fan of all the content on the channel. Keep it up, Jason! I've never been more into basketball than I have since finding your podcast a year or two ago

  12. Our area got blacked out on Comcast. Your show was the first news about the results other than an app I followed. Great show.

  13. Timpf! What an absolute treat, to have the best in the business breaking down film on the Dubs, finally bringing the damn D! Great stuff!
    Mailbag? Seems it wasnt too long ago Dubs had best starting 5; Do you think Draymond, TJD, JK, Wiggins and Steph would be adequate size and athleticism to be effective? Opinion on rotation and just how they're doing and how deep you think they could go.
    Appreciate your work… film study, defense nuance breakdown fkn amazing!

  14. “Tough shot by Klay Thompson” it’s not even that he’s fallen off, his shot selection has just gotten disgusting and selfish.

  15. Did we get a Mavs film study during the 11-1 over the last 12 games ? Or What about the B2B wins over Kings ? .. no just they loss — another 🤡

  16. Love the video. I have a hard time picturing what you're describing sometimes. It was so clear with film. Thank you, thank you.

  17. Luka went 30/12/10 against GS. When Steph, KD, Lebron, Jayson, Shai, Brunson put up those numbers fake sports media say they had a huge game. When Luka does it, the bias take is that somebody locked him up. Go figure!

  18. This is amazing Jason! I truly wish you included more film for all of your videos. Sometimes it’s hard for average NBA fans to picture what you are describing solely based on words. Basically, we’re visual learners 😂

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