@San Antonio Spurs



All right so I could have never guessed that the San Antonio Spurs were getting wrong calls all season long I am shocked okay I I am I feel Bamboozled I want some n are we having fun yet all right honestly if you’ve been keeping up with the San Antonio Spurs

All season long you know that they’ve been getting some pretty bad calls this season okay like let’s let’s keep it a buck um so this guy right here Daniel brulik I think that’s how you say that I’m sorry if I said it wrong um but big

Shout out to Daniel here for posting uh a list of all the teams that have been most affected by wrong calls this season in the last two minutes so that’s what l2m means according to the last TW minute reports um so let let’s let’s just take a look okay let’s just take a

Look here I’ll I’ll bring this up we’ll bring it to another tab let’s see here all right all right all right okay so number one is the Philadelphia 76ers okay uh Pelicans is number two so this is just total uh last two minutes uh reports and then the era differential

Total last two minutes you you know how it goes uh so Pelicans number two so they’ve been screwed over now I’m shocked I’m a little shocked by this um I’m a little shocked that the Boston Celtics and the Lakers are so high as as far as being screwed over maybe it’s

Just the fact that their fans well not Celtic Celtic fans seem okay at times Lakers fans like cry so much I don’t know but hey I guess they have a reason to cry uh yeah they have been uh fourth in in the NBA so they top five of bad uh

Calls uh in the last two minutes of game so errors going against them 18 for the Lakers 16 for uh the Celtics uh 14 for the Pelicans 22 for the 76ers moving on down moving on down uh Orlando Magic 22 erors against them so you can see that

They are where we at one two three they are fifth all right so this is top five but the Spurs oh we almost made the top five we oh oh we were so close to making the top five here are the San Antonio Spurs all right we are sixth as far as

Wrong calls in the last two minutes of games as far as errors against 18 total last two minute reports uh 26 uh and then you can see the eror difference of eight here that’s that’s what they’re kind of looking at uh error differential 31 and then there’s a huge

Jump actually which is kind of insane then it gets much better from six to the Chicago Bulls if you’re wondering who gets the best calls or that it hasn’t you know necessarily gone poorly in their favor you see it’s the oh you guys can’t even see that it’s the Denver Nuggets

Let’s see which which actually I mean it makes a ton of sense I wonder and I wonder I wonder this uh when it comes to like a championship team like the Denver Nuggets I wonder if they get CU I don’t know how it works as far as the officiating okay I know the

Spurs have gotten some really bad officiating we had so many close games throughout the season and a lot of it has kind of been masked behind hey we made mistakes as well so it’s kind of hard for us to just point fingers at the refs but I remember at least two or

Three times where we went live and I was like what the heck was that refs but most of the time it was like the Spurs made a mistake here they should have did this they should have done that um but as far as errors I mean it’s it’s in the

Statistics okay we we we do get screwed over but what I was going to ask was and I want somebody in the comments to answer this for me if you know um how does the refereeing Works do do the better refs end up on the national

Television say I know when you’re in the playoffs yet but like during the season cuz obviously the Denver Nuggets will be on TV quite often I would assume I haven’t looked but I I would assume they will be on TV quite often are they getting the better refs is that how it

Works I’m not quite sure because you see the Atlanta Hawks they get really great calls they they’ve not had as many bad calls as you can see um you also have the the Minnesota Timberwolves the Warriors down here the Wizards so maybe it’s not but we’re talking last two

Minutes of game so I also don’t know how many of their games are blowouts at that point which you I don’t know would you get that many last two-minute bad call I have no idea I have no I I’m just speculating here um all I know is my San

Antonio Spurs This is the team I keep up with and we have had many of close games and many of those games did not go in our favor big chunk of it is our fault because you know the the refs aren’t going to be perfect right no one’s going

To be perfect so you have to not shoot yourself in the foot but the Spurs do shoot themselves in the foot quite often because they’re so young and then you go ahead and topple that with the refs making pretty bad calls in the last two minutes and that is a recipe for

Disaster I’ve said this all season long I do think that the spur I know people say you are what you you you are your record or whatever and I I I agree with that to an extent but the Spurs have also had an ungodly tough schedule um

For their age uh for their experience and everything and I do think that they are a better team than what we’ve seen I I just I just believe I think they’re better not even what we’ve seen I’m sorry that I I I should phrase this differently they’re

Better than their record a lot of these games like I said are close a lot of these games they do show Sparks of how good they can be and they just have a hard time finishing or they shoot themselves in the foot in the last minutes like a play hereo there and they

They mess it up but for the most part I think that they’re better than than that like the Spurs at their best this season have looked like legitimately I’m not just saying this a playoff team the Spurs playing at their best this season there’s been times where we look at them

And you question and we’ I’ve even listened to other people cuz sometimes I look at other broadcasts and see what they’re saying about the Spurs and I’ve heard other broadcasts even say man these spurs I I their record just doesn’t seem right and that that’s why they compete every single night and they

Are better team than they than than they show sometimes is it just The Experience messing up uh some bad calls coming you know here or there the record Being or or the schedule being very tough and and you know is this is what happens but um

I’m sorry I’m babbling at this point um but yeah this is this is this is bad this is not great uh let me see if there’s any others that stand out uh nope not really let’s see is even with the Memphis and bucks yeah I guess the one that just shocked

Me the most is the fact that fourth and fifth I mean they’re not that far off from us as far as you know ER but the the Lakers and the the magic is one that that really shocks me um the 76ers and the Pelicans their bad calls

Have been exceptionally high and let me see and and by the way guys please follow this account or follow Daniel brula because that’s a really cool graphic he he he put up uh but it says the 76 are the most effective teams by wrong calls in the last 2 minutes in the

20 uh 23 uh season the Lakers and the Celtics are also in the top well bottom five the nuggets are the ones who benefited the most throughout the season so there you go let’s see what some of these comments I have to say would it make it more sense to have a error

Differential be error different total errors and not total last 2minute reports good question I honestly don’t remember the original reasoning behind this column to hit this for the first time a long time ago but yeah it would make sense to have that as well or even a simple error against

Rate is there any way to see full game no unfortunately only the last two minutes of the games that were within three points at any moment okay so that’s something to keep in mind too okay okay so that’s actually something to keep in mind I didn’t I didn’t catch

That so yeah it’s the last two minutes okay so they’re capturing the last 2 minutes and it’s within three so my my whole theory on if any of these were blowouts no so these wouldn’t have been blowouts all right let’s see have there been more or less errors

Than past seasons have the errors been decreased because the potential Second Challenge uh teams have oh that’s a good question too let’s see here’s another one good question there has been actually a lot fewer errors than in the past at least up until this point in the year season

Wow okay so the Spurs got screwed over but not as bad as we could have been wow what’s this first one wonder what year that is um wow okay I guess the challenges do help a lot uh your best player is the most Shameless foul baiter in the league and lives on

The free throw line I will be careful trash and refs as a philly fan garbage refs need to be held accountable I mean they they do but that is huge that is a big difference I am glad that they added in that challenge though it it screwed us over it

Sometimes but hey you know we we and it seemed like pop was kind of reluctant to even use the challenges for the first yeah year of it being implemented but he’s he’s gotten better uh since so that’s good anyways I will get with you guys later man uh until next time bye

Bye bye bye bye m


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