@Boston Celtics

Appreciating the Boston Celtics historic, and surprising, regular season

Appreciating the Boston Celtics historic, and surprising, regular season

The Celtics are a 60- win team they’re one of the best Celtics teams in franchise history they’ve wrapped up the regular season so you know what we’re going to do on a Friday we’re going to appreciate the hell out of this regular season right now on the lockdown Celtics

Podcast think the Blockbuster Brad it’s holiday season drop Drew in the mix and three from KP no we not on the next fling competition like h on Yannis juicing big de still be count been a r going up in the RAF watching SE G locked on after on the breakdown CL

Like a TI from D white on the breakdown John on the mic documenting domination m p back B all SE Nation J how start raising B how we locked ontic home of the winners hey there welcome back to the lockdown Celtics podcast it’s right here on the lockdown podcast Network where

It’s your team every day and I’ve got you covered every day Monday through Friday plus bonus podcasts when they play on the weekends they do not play on Saturday I get to take one day off this is podcast number 20 in a row so hey me just spraining my AC joint patting

Myself on the back there for you know talking for half an hour W yay I’m John corales if you don’t know me by now if you’re new I’m uh covering the Celtics for Boston sports joural played ball a long time ago today it’s a very simple podcast

We are going to appreciate the Celtics just appreciate this regular season because the regular season is basically over with six games to play there’s nothing left to play for let’s just take this weekend and Savor the flavor and we’re gonna do it with our buddy Tom Wester home tomore NBA on Twitter Tom

How yall feeling buddy I’m feeling good man I’m ready to do some some appreciating yeah it’s a good old we don’t appreciate things anymore we don’t stop to smell roses anymore this country used to make things hold on hold on hold on let me get my old manel’s at Cloud graphic let

Just have that at the ready now I made it I like it so here we are all right um I’ll I’ll try to I’ll try to I’ll try to lob it to you as much as possible for so there this isn’t even a hey later on we’ll talk about this we’re just gonna

Spend the whole season the the whole podcast looking back at a regular season this is not uh you know people thinking oh you’re gonna you’re going to hang a banner for the regular season no no that’s not what we do around here we’re still like it’s it’s it’s not

Exactly Championship or bust like we’re not going to be like crazy about that I think it’s okay to take a second here and just look at what they’ve done and say you know what this has been pretty damn good I’ll just start with this and

Maybe this is an old man yells at Cloud kind of situation I I I’m just I cannot fathom people not enjoying a regular season just because they they kind of had trouble and didn’t didn’t finish the job in the past okay they did what they did against Miami last year they didn’t

Get past the Golden State Warriors two two years ago no one is sitting there saying like I said no one sitting there saying raise a regular season Banner no one’s sitting there saying they’ve accomplished what they need to accomplish or anything like that but what I am saying is you know what this

Has been a lot of fun and if you can’t bring yourself to say you know what this has been a lot of fun and also I would be very upset if they didn’t win a championship you can have both things you can be both things and I think it’s

A social media thing I think people feel like they want to impress impress their like you know you’re you’re a fan of feler and Maz and you’re like oh I’m gonna be just like them and angry and like they’re putting on a show you’re you’re just kind of like doing whatever

Like so I don’t know I feel like I feel like room for both yeah they’re they yes that’s right yeah no you you know who else thinks there’s room for both Joe Mula who said after the game yeah like obviously to your point right Joe moua wasn’t hanging a banner Joe moula wasn’t

Like going in there like you know standing on a standing on on a on a big uh military uh you know accomplished the back Joe moula was doing but you know what he did do he like you know stood in the locker room and said you know high-fived everyone

Walked into the locker room high-fived everyone and said hey great job guys like this is you should appreciate this and absolutely they should um you know I it was It was kind of striking I don’t remember I don’t remember which which guy said it it might have been Missoula

It might have been might have been Jaylen it was somebody last night um in the post game said you know you just don’t know if this is going to happen again like there there’s no guarantee right that you’re going to have the best record in the NBA ever again there’s no

Guarantee that you’re going to be on a 60- win team 60 wins doesn’t just you don’t trip stumble and fall into 60 wins that is very difficult to do you can you can get a number one seed you know a couple of times and never hit 60 wins

Like this is this is a pretty special regular season and I think you know if you’re a Celtics fan one appreciate the wins because there’s been a lot of them and number two appreciate the way this team plays like this is right good basketball this is good hoops and like

You know there’s not like I think more so than in previous seasons for sure right like you know more so than the seasons where guys might have gotten you know like like kind of puckered up a little bit you know if if the game was sliding away from them a little bit or

Um you know guys might have like played down to their competition or looked ahead too much like we talked about on the last episode this like that’s not what’s happened this year this year has been a really really good basketball team playing good BAS basketball fun basketball um fun fun little story lines

I mean how fun are most of these guys to watch like how fun is Derek white to watch it’s just yeah right it’s just beautiful hoops and like if you like if you like the game and you like the NBA and you like the Celtics this is a

Season to appreciate for that reason I think so it’s funny so I’m I don’t like to share personal conversations that I had behind the scenes but I don’t think he’s GNA mine here I I I bumped into Sam prey uh GM of the Oklahoma City Thunder Emerson basketball guy so I’m an Emerson

Basketball guy I’ve known Sam since he was in college um so it’s it’s a big it’s always a big Emerson basketball reunion when OKC comes to town so a bunch of us were there and all of that stuff and I saw him after the game and

You know just we’re just talking and I said oh it’s great to see you man you got a hell of a team you know you know despite what happened here tonight and he just the reason I’m bringing up is because his reaction was eh one of 82 like literally and it’s there’s no

Reason to say it to me as a member of the media this is a guy that I I used to practice against him right before he was anything in the NBA he was a dude that would you know would try to check me in a practice and you know that that’s

That’s the relationship that we have and he just like yeah 182 and I bring that up to be like this that’s that’s the NBA attitude towards a lot of the things that happened the Celtics for all of the comments in the YouTube page and the things that I read on Boston Sports

Journal and I’m not trying to like crap all over people who are who are just in a different mindset but like what I’m trying to do is get you to understand that the losses to the O the the Atlanta Hawks okay tough you know it’s not you

Know not the best but also one of 82 each one of those one of 82 two of 82 right the Celtics have 16 losses they don’t play Down always play down to the competition they don’t do that if they did they wouldn’t have only lost 16 times right they they don’t

Blow every 20-point lead like yes did they get some down to 10 and some down to five guess what in this season we’ve seen more 20-point leads go away this season in the NBA than ever before so it’s not just the Boston Celtics that lose 20-point leads and guess what the

Celtics have also recovered and held on and won those games because they’ve won 60 and only lost 16 next behind them is Minnesota and Denver who have lost 23 games the Celtics are seven games ahead of those teams that is amazing to me and like this is why I’m saying like take a

Second to think about and appreciate only 13 other Celtics team teams have reached 60 wins I’m doing this show with a picture of all the banners behind me not all those teams have won 60 games right so now you have to add to that now you have to do the

Next step and say 60 wins plus the banner or else people are gonna be like n you know because there are teams that did win 60 games and didn’t didn’t raise one of these so but it it is in and of itself at this moment something special that hasn’t happened very often and

Whenever something special that hasn’t happened very often there’s an appropriate level of here we are on a Friday April this is the April 5th show let’s take a second in April 5th when there are six regular season games that we’re we’re gonna you know whatever let’s take this moment now to say hey

Boston Celtics good freaking job this season man because you guys deserve a second to kind of bask in the glory I’m going to let you react to that uh in just a second we’ll get back into that and some stats that kind of show uh some interest interesting things Tom shows

That we haven’t done one show in particular we didn’t do this season that I think kind of is worth celebrating as well talk about that next Today’s Show is brought to you by Robin Hood did you know that even a 401k even if you have a 401k for retirement

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Say so go check it out on YouTube 247 on YouTube or the free fire Amazon Fire TV channels app part of the lockdown podcast Network at your team every day let’s continue appreciating the hell out of these Boston Celtics so basically what I’ve been saying is sometimes Tom

You know you know you want to get back in shape you want to hit the gym maybe you hit the gym for two three weeks straight you pop into the mirror you go hey you know what yeah there’s a little a little definition in there you know I

Got a little a little Peet coming in here I got a little you know sure I I I I I appreciate my progress makes me want to go do more sometimes you just got to look in the mirror and be like you know what yeah absolutely I think I mean look and

I think you you kind of mentioned this before the break like this is the perfect time to do it because when the season is over when the regular season wraps up I know there’s going to be like a little bit of time and we’ll probably do some similar stuff you know at that

Point too like just you know touch on some of the similar stuff just because it’s you know it’s it’s fun it’s fun but this is but like at that point right a lot of that is going to be page turning to the to the postseason you know like

Yeah yeah season gets to an end you gota you know you gotta kind of Turn the Page a little bit but like yeah I mean this is I think one of the things that really struck me is I saw on uh on Twitter today um Harrison Fagan from the uh from

SB Nation is a is a is a Lakers reporter and he he noted he’s like yeah one of the things that really strikes me about this Celtics team is just the way that you you know they just find a way to get motivated every single day it’s like you

Know if you’ve caught the attention of Lakers guys you’re a Celtics team hold on you’ve kind of done something here the Lakers guy is saying wow these Celtics get motivated all the time and Celtics fans are sitting there being like they can’t get up for these games

If that should tell you something that should tell you something there’s one dude in the YouTube comments who that just showed up recently one of his comments was just writing Championship like 12 times and then saying that’s all we care about first of all like okay am

I not supposed to do shows until they win a championship I kind of flies in the face of the your team every day but like do he just wants you to say the word championship for 29 minutes St 10 minutes of just Championship Championship Championship yeah Championship Champion

Championship so anyway you were you were saying no I I just I I think that’s that speaks to you know how how impressive this team has been right like like it’s this isn’t something that is like I think other teams can can look at the

Celtics too and kind of be like man they are you know like they’re really good and and I think it’s going to be interesting to see how kind of like the predictions break down before the postseason just because you know I mean I think a lot of people and and kind of

Understandably so are just like hey it’s great you had a great regular season you’ve had other great regular seasons prove it to me in the postseason and like yeah there’s some some fairness to that um but that’s not really what we’re talking about you know like what we’re

Talking about is like dang this is this has been fun ball you know this this been good Hoops the starting five has only played 35 games together that’s something if if you’re doing a podcast and one of the topics is the starting five has played 35 games together I would say that’s something

You do when you’re the Phoenix Suns and you’re sitting there in the you know okay you’ve climbed into the six seed you’re 45 and 31 good season winning season not quite what you want it to be and you’re like well 45 games you may have won 50 games if the starting five

Didn’t just play 35 games together uh but the Celtics have won 60 games with the starting five only playing 35 games together that’s just wild depth right and it’s it’s funny because I think we’ve and and look just for everybody I’m knocking on wood I’m you know risking my dog going

Crazy thinking that there’s somebody at the door um like I I’ve heard a lot seen a lot like oh wow the Celtics have been really healthy this year they’ve had a lot of really good health luck this year and like to an extent that’s true right like the nobody’s gotten you know any

Kind of significant injury but that I mean it’s it’s honestly it’s more just that they have so many good players that like guys can rest because like Chris DS porzingis sits out a couple of games and you’re like all right like yeah rest up big guy Horford and L cornette can fill in

For you you know it’s like and and that’s you know I mean Derek White’s sat out some games this year he doesn’t usually do that Tatum has sat out some games this year like these like there have been opportunities for guys to get to the end of the year healthy um in

Part because like it’s not that you don’t notice that they’re gone but it’s just but like you kind of don’t notice that they’re gone there’s just so many good players that it’s just like yeah all right yeah go win anyway you can sit Jaylen Brown Chris stops porzingis and

Derek white and your starting lineup has Drew holiday Jason Tatum and Al Horford and you know you’re and like pton Pritchard who’s been awesome that’s right you know so that’s right so what I’m saying is most teams don’t have the luxury of even starting a starting lineup of holiday Tatum and Horford yeah

Like that would be a team just just that starting like just take let’s pretend it’s a video game and you have two separate Celtics teams one is Jaylen porzingis and white and the rest of the guys and the other one is Tatum Horford and holiday and the rest of the guys

Right so they don’t exist on each other’s teams those are both in the East that that’s your four five matchup right maybe a Tatum Horford holiday would be like a trio that like w would spark arguments over whether or not the Celtics have a big three and that’s just

Like three that’s right that’s right that’s right right so and like you you have white uh Jaylen and porzingis and you’re like that’s what a great mix a wing a point guard and a big what a great mix you have there like that just all works it it’s the same thing with

Both both of those like and now you put them both together and it’s like you know your peanut butter got into my chocolate no your chocolate got into my peanut butter like no this is a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup and it’s amazing and that’s the thing right it it turned into

A peanut butter cup not something I don’t I I don’t have a good analog I might need analogy man to step in here and and because like you look at the 201819 team right that team had equivalent maybe not equivalent but comparable Talent on it right that 28 19

Team was stacked and they never turned into a peanut butter cup that that team was yeah that team was rotten milk from the jump and like you know that’s that that’s another thing again you know we talk about things to appreciate about this team is that like those those six

Players you know plus the bench guys like everybody has just jelled perfectly come together really well um that doesn’t always happen and and Celtics fans if you have if you have any kind of memory you you you should be Ware of the fact that that meld doesn’t always

Happen let’s talk about like guys things that have surprised us um we’ll do that when we come back but this is this is where I want to introduce the show that we haven’t done this year which is is Jason Tatum playing too many minutes not once not once have we had that

Conversation not once has that come up not once has that question been asked not once have we got into the do you think Jason’s playing like way too much no it’s Joe doing that’s right because this team is so deep and so many guys that Joe hasn’t had to like be like oh

We gotta win at all cost it’s got to be Tatum at all costs these guys are playing great they’ they’re winning non- Tatum minutes like the fourth quarter against the uh the Thunder that was that was Tatum sitting on the bench and he got to sit the whole fourth quarter so

That brings me to my surprise which is Joe moula and we’ll talk about that when we come back Today’s Show is brought to you by Amazon Fire TV it’s your destination for sports live games highlights in-depth analysis it’s all there on Fire TV which offers amazing viewing experiences with their

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You get your podcast watch it on YouTube get into the comment section there watch the whole league it’s fun it’s a fun show my own bias opinion all right Tom so any surprises here I started with Joe moula and my my one of my biggest surprises here is just that he took as

Big a step forward as he did like I I saw I thought last season I saw promise in him uh I was definitely not one of the people who was like oh yeah he’s gotta go uh but to for him to come back put this staff together and to have

This mindset uh it was I thought it was funny after that game against the Thunder por Zing was like Joe uh has a way of like getting to us unlocking something with us when he wants to go to it and I was like well what is it he’s like I don’t know but

As he walked out after like the cameras and Recorders were off I’m like don’t know or don’t want to say and he’s like you know so like yeah there’s something that Joe’s Got U he’s got the room he’s got their attention and you don’t go 60 and 16 without having the

Room so big credit to Joe moula people are oh he didn’t call a timeout to stop this particular run against the Hawks like okay but he his his coaching has been I think very good all season and and even better than I thought it would

Be I agree with that and I think a big part of it and I could be wrong right like I’m I’m just guessing here like because I mean we’re all we’re all are we’re not in those discussions we’re not in to your point right to we have no

Idea um I think the the he’s not perfect and no nobody’s perfect no coach is going to be perfect but like the one thing that you never question with Missoula like is I guess there’s two things you never question one he’s always going to be as prepared as he can

Possibly be and the reason that he’s always going to be prepared as he can possibly be is because number two that man cares so much about this team his players this game right like winning basketball games like he just cares he like and it comes through you know I

Think yeah that really like it shows in the way that he like he he doesn’t just he doesn’t just study the game he thinks about the game he doesn’t just kind of take what other people are doing and try to implement it he like he’s like okay

But why do they do that like like what you know um you know I think that speaks volumes of his intellig like his intelligence as a coach but also just like if you’re a player I mean that’s the kind of guy you want to play for

That that’s a guy who who cares about you and and who wants you to succeed and who wants like the whole thing to succeed I think if you know I I think that’s a big part of it I mean certainly he’s a good basket certainly he’s a

Great basketball mind right like um you know any of these coaches ask him anything about basketball and it’ll take about you know 10 it’ll take them about five to 10 seconds of talking before you’re just like oh dude this went way beyond my capability of understanding

And and I know a little bit about basketball but like you know so certainly he’s a great basketball mind but I think I think it’s it’s there’s this level of passion this level of um you know about of just caring about things that kind of has set him apart a

Little bit this year look Adrien Griffin is a great basketball mind right like he became an NBA head coach for a reason he failed at it um in his first try he’ll probably get another one but any one of these guys at this level we’re watching uh

With his Bucks team is that Adrien Griffin probably could get another shot I don’t know I don’t know that all this failure was entirely on him so far yeah you know what the 5 100 under doc they they were uh SE won 70% of their games

Under him so yeah that was the right move that was the right move uh so anyway uh but the point is coaches who get fired coaches don’t even make it to the NBA those guys are incredible basketball Minds absolutely the emotional stuff it’s connecting with your team the NBA

Is such a different animal it’s so different that it’s not just you go here you go here you go here oh this guy’s got great aftertime out plays that makes him a great coach like no if he can’t connect with his team like uh what was

His name uh uh blat with the with the cavali David blat is a Hall of Fame coach he’s like a legend over he’s a legend overseas came here like a season and a half and was like you done you are done son so that’s like you you have to

Have the right mentality to connect to These Guys Missoula connects to these guys because he has a humility right like it’s so funny when when Charles Barkley was like oh I would knock a coach out if he tried to block my shot and they asked Joe

About he’s like yeah you I’m very open to being knocked out like you got to be willing to get knocked out sometimes it’s like what that means is you gotta will be willing to put like what you think and what you do on the line yeah

And have it get blown up in your face so you can learn from it when when they are screwing up left and right and have like that horrible loss against the Lakers and he’s like I hated the fact that we lost this game but I love the fact that

We went through it because that’s getting knocked out when you get knocked out you can’t help but get up and be like damn what did I do wrong because that sucked and I don’t want to go through that again and that’s the learning process and he’s got a knack

For figuring that stuff out you get hit you learn how to take a punch sometimes like it’s like you know that’s right learn how to stand your ground learn how to like sometimes you got to take boxing matches are somebody wins and the person who wins gets hit like 300 times you got

To take a punch yeah yeah no question um can I can I real quick uh do my guy that I’m like I’ve been super I we just mentioned him a little bit pton Pritchard has been so good this year and I didn’t think yes he has I didn’t think

That he had all I mean I I mean I I don’t I didn’t think that he had all this on this team I mean I thought he was like a a pretty good little player thought he could like you know maybe get minutes somewhere else I didn’t think he

Would break into the rotation on a Celtics team this stacked like that that he would and that he would be like a pretty important player like the fact that he can you know mix and match different lineups you know slide in here slide in here slide in there um just

Like all the different little things that he can do all all the ways that it’s like he’s smaller than everybody else but it just he doesn’t get picked on like you don’t see guys picking on pton Pritchard the way you would think that a guy his height would get picked

On because he’s just he just looks so unpleasant to play against like to try to to do things against he’s a little Slappy like just getting the getting his hands in there getting you know it’s just he’s been really good I’ve been really impressed by him and I think like

You know you look ahead to to to that contract he signed and it’s like I mean you know at the time was like wow good for him he locked up like you know like longer term money and all of a sudden it’s like man Celtics might have might

Have a pretty good little bargain there like that’s you know he’s a good player he’s a good player I I’ve been really impressed with him this year super impressed with him I look and I’ve I’ve been a skeptic and I continue to be a skeptic in the playoffs like he’s he’s

Definitely the one guy I’m like still have to show me in the playoffs just that he but I tell you what I’m not I’m not where I’ve come from on him is I’m not dismissing him for sure I’m not like in the past I’d be like you can’t play

Him in the playoffs it’s just that’s how it is now I’m like no I think you can play him in the playoffs just watch the matchups and see like it might be a situation where two minutes in you’re like oh nope this isn’t the game for him

Yeah and it game if that’s game one you still go back to him in game two and like you just go maybe at a different time of the game with the different matchup so I I’ve come around a lot on him Sam Hower in the same same vein Sam

Hower incredibly impressive not just the the like the defensive improvements people will always say look he’s he’s staying in front of his guys he’s playing pretty good defense uh he’s he’s gotten a lot more in inside the arc this year but shooting on the Move running into his shots

Relocating recognizing what the play is what the play needs where he needs to be the footwork has been amazing I am just sometimes I watch rewatch his his like just footwork and standing running full speeded Sprint down the corner catching a catching a right-handed shooter catching it and stopping and

Turning in the left corner to get a shot off and not hitting even the net going through like wow amazing so shout out Samer also incredibly impressive and listen while we’re shouting out whites Luke cornette has been good and DK white has been awesome so I haven’t seen a

White killed Jazz like this I can’t remember cornet’s joke I I can’t quote it uh what’s his name in la la land yeah Ryan goling in la la land Ry yeah that’s right that’s the line yeah uh but I mean honestly though I mean no joke like

Derek white has become one of my favorite NBA players to watch just the um just the the way he plays is just it’s it’s just yeah I I I don’t know how if you if you you know control F the amount of times I’ve said good Hoops or

Good basketball this podcast it would be a lot but Derek white is like the definition of it you know it’s just when he just it’s just good Hoops he just plays good Hoops I don’t know what else to say he’s so good like this is the thing about this team Derek white just

So good Drew holiday so just good just over qualified so good at basketball porzingis what a Matchup Pro exactly literally exactly what Brad Stevens was like yes this is like you wondered why I this is not a single hair out of place this on this portrait of perfect season

For Chris thops porzingis uh and I I would be remiss if I didn’t mention christops porzingis as just the happiest guy in the NBA again just have to every time he walks out fist pumps hey B points finger guns Winks thumbs UPS like just he is the happiest dude yeah yeah

Like the other like yesterday he’s uh sitting there in the tunnel getting ready to walk out and I’m walking out at the same time and he’s like hey gives me a fist like you don’t have to acknowledge me I’m the media I’m walking out to my seat you’re getting ready to

Go play an NBA game he’s like H fist bump I’m like okay thanks man go have fun out there he’s like yes sir and we walked out I’m like this is just a what a fun dude so much fun yeah yeah what else who else is fun who else is fun Al

Mention makyo at this point like also so fun you know like just there’s been a trend here yeah look bottom line is we know there’s a lot left to be done yeah and I’ll end it with this there’s a lot left to be done and there’s plenty

Of time to talk about that that week leading up to the first playoff game we’re going to be looking ahead we’re gonna be breaking down matchups this is but you know what on April 5th with two week two weeks left to go you know before any playoff game start

Just pour yourself a drink well you’re probably listening to this on Friday morning if you hey if you want to drink in a Friday morning whatever people do that all the time it’s called Brunch go and just raise a glass and be like you know I just

Watched seven months or six months of really fun Celtics basketball just appreciate soak it in take a breath and then you can flip it on Monday move forward and be like okay let’s see how they start getting ready for the playoffs let’s see how they start

Because now we start the next part of the journey but there’s a nice little Gap here where you can be like okay take a breath smell the roses and you’re not losing anything you’re not losing sight of anything you’re not losing you’re not looking ahead and like letting go of the

Rope this is an opportunity for us on the outside to be like good job Boston Celtics Al the it’s physically impossible for us to let go of the rope we’re not playing games games you’re not playing the games the fans are not playing the games we can do

Whatever we want we’re whatever we want that’s right they they’re going they’re focus on a champion let’s just have some fun enjoy the Celtics enjoy the podcast enjoy Tom Wester home who is a fine podcaster and also very surprisingly good I didn’t expect this from Tom Wester home either but man this guy

Stepped up this season you know yeah I’m pain fores he’s getting right in there appreciate you appreciating never mind all right oh thank you everybody for listening thank you everybody for watching go have fun with it let’s just have fun this is a great I like a Friday

Just enjoy it have a good weekend uh Celtics are really damn good they’re a really damn good basketball team and hopefully they can turn around here get ready for the playoffs and make that deep Championship run that we’re asking for so I will be here for every step of

The way and Beyond after they win the championship podcasting live from the parade you heard it here from me first uh so make sure you’re subscribe wherever you get your podcast watch a show on YouTube hop in the comments section I would love it if you shared

The podcast spread the word tell your friends that they should be listening to and watching the lockdown Celtics podcast right here in the lockdown podcast Network it’s your team every day

The Celtics have 60 wins and have clinched the best record in the NBA, all with a couple of weeks before the playoffs start. So John Karalis of Boston Sports Journal and Tom Westerholm decided to take a show to just appreciate how amazingly well this season has gone so far before we have to focus on the playoffs and a championship run … including Joe Mazzulla’s coaching, Jaylen Brown, Kristaps Porzingis, Payton Pritchard, Sam Hauser, and the Jayson Tatum story we’re haven’t talked about this year.

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Locked On Celtics is a daily Boston Celtics podcast by Boston Sports Journal beat writer John Karalis. It’s an inside look at the C’s from a former professional basketball player who is at practices & games.

#BostonCeltics #Celtics #NBA #JaysonTatum #JaylenBrown


  1. Thanks for this episode John and Tom. You took the words out of my mouth. This year's team deserves a lot of appreciation for what they've accomplished. I feel sad for the Negative Nancys who only think chip or bust.

  2. THE PRESSURE IS ON!!! lol Cs nation we’re gonna get 60+ wins the pressure for us to complete the great season is higher now on them .. last 60 win to win the nba finals was the KD warriors .. a lot of other have lost . The bucks , phx , warriors right before KD , spurs ….. in recent years .. let’s see what happens .. also hope JB hand is fine for playoffs

  3. I totally appreciate this fantastic regular season. There have been some really, really fun nights watching this team and I’ve enjoyed it. But I’ve been following this franchise since the early 80’s (yeah I’m old) and deep inside I know only a banner will cap this off properly. It might sound selfish or cold but it’s true-for me anyway. I’m thinking positive and know they can do it, but if they don’t, it’s going to be brutal. “Tatum choked again..” or “Joe can’t coach” blah blah is
    all we’ll hear all summer. So as awesome as these 70+ games have been, only a title will cap it off properly. If you’ve lived in Boston/NE you know we always have high expectations-for all of our teams. Thanks John & Tom☘️🔒

  4. Congratulations Celtics on 60 wins! Now FINISH THE JOB.

    From the year i was born until i was about 4 they won 3 titles.

    The last time they won i had just moved until my first apartment.

    Now i have 3 kids of my own. Be better for my kids then you were for me

  5. They have blown big leads but also set a record for most blowout wins. Their point differential is among the best of all time. They have more clutch wins than loses. They have the best winning record against teams over .500. They have the best Home and Road records. This was a great season. ☘️💪

  6. Just can’t validate someone with a differing opinion, nope, they got to be trying to impress “Felger and Mazz”, whatever that means. They need to be belittled? Anyway, yea this regular season was a success, and sure take a night to celebrate and acknowledge the feat. But it only makes the pressure in the playoffs that much more. This is the Celtics, we aren’t raising a cringeworthy “16-0” banner like the Patriots did (which they thankfully took down) or the Colts who put up a “AFC Finalist” banner. It’s all about winning a title while this window is open and anything less than a hard fought Finals is a failure. If they happen to lose on the way to the Finals from repeating bad habits from the season, then that is a bigger issue, and fans would have a valid reason to be frustrated and upset. After all, Joe has been “experimenting” and teaching “lessons” all season, all that playing around goes away once the playoffs start. I hope they are able to put it all together and win it all, but I’d be lying if I said I feel confident in Joe’s plan, despite a great regular season record playing in a weaker conference.

  7. The beast called the playoffs is nigh. Can’t wait for the revamped intensity as the reg season has been handled like true professionals, while chemistry gelled seamlessly and has been very enjoyable! The steps have been measured and taken, the only goal ultimately left is to be the last team standing 🏆🫡 S/O John for the lengthy streak; consistency & availability sometimes be the best ability 💪 Tom w/ the solid even keen insight 🤝 Stay & get healthy in this final stretch for the gear up to the sprint but don’t forget to enjoy the moments 😊☘️

  8. The Celtics have only lost by double digits 3 times so far this season, have not loss more than 2 in a row, have not lost to a eastern team at home☘️

  9. John can u dedicate a show for our bench group I feel they really deserve it before the playoffs what u think?

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