@Houston Rockets

[ClutchFans] Udoka: “It looked like the moment was too big for a lot of players out there. Looked like deer in headlights a little bit. Either looked soft or scared, one or the other, [and] that’s two bad things for a lot of our guys to have. Didn’t rise up to the moment like I thought we would.”

[ClutchFans] Udoka: “It looked like the moment was too big for a lot of players out there. Looked like deer in headlights a little bit. Either looked soft or scared, one or the other, [and] that’s two bad things for a lot of our guys to have. Didn’t rise up to the moment like I thought we would.”

by KillerDinner


  1. BabyHercules

    That’s alright, we are at the beginning of our climb, and they are at their end

  2. As the coach, is be blameless for their lack of preparation? I get it, rah, rah, you’re tough, but that schtick is getting old.

  3. Rockets161

    Definitely not lack of preparation. You can’t control Jalen throwing the ball out of bounds on back to back plays etc. their game plan was fine. Dudes looked scared to take shots except Jabari.

  4. Mysterious_Medium_40

    The moment was also too big for a coach surrendering after the third quarter

  5. He’s honest. Maybe not the best strategies to deploy but we had all the forced turnovers but we couldn’t finish certain possessions, hit open shots, or secure rebounds vs. *checks notes* I still forgot who that was but respect.

  6. Try-Imaginary

    Refreshing to see a coach who blames his players instead of himself

  7. Your-texas-attorney

    Love this actually that a coach is willing to call them out. Good things are coming.

  8. makashiII_93

    Good growing year.

    But isn’t that what Dillon was supposed to be for?

    I’d rather play Tari and Amen and Jalen and Cam and the kids.

    Brooks had a use. It’s used up.

  9. MarvZindler

    This is weirdly really satisfying to hear in a presser

  10. Initial_Stretch_3674

    Pretty good evaulation from a competent coach.

    The youth showed today and the guys that were brought in to help the lack of experience got buttraped by fouls.

  11. lambopanda

    Only watched the first half. Don’t know our players scared or coaches didn’t prepare them enough. GSW came out ready to play. They know exactly how to defend our players. Meanwhile we looked lost.

  12. AdPotential9638

    Hopefully by next season he can come up with a plan for when teams blitz the ball handler. This team was cooked from an x and o standpoint as well.

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