@San Antonio Spurs



All right so Brian windhorse had something to say about the San Antonio Spurs is he always accurate No but I do like looking at things like this because we get a chance to kind of see what mainstream media has to say about San Antonio I want some

R are we having fun yet all right so I have not watched this but I am interested I am intrigued so it says having spent this weekend here I am going to say there’s going to be a player or two who’s going to be Forward Thinking and want to get himself to San

Antonio I don’t know what this means other than the fact that wimy growing star obviously I mean you want to go ahead and get it while the getting’s good okay cuz wimy is getting better and better very quickly and then on top of it you have uh you know papich there for

You know not too much longer I mean at least you know until he’s 79 I think maybe he’ll retire by then so yeah you want you want to get in now man cuz I think the Spurs are going to legitimately be a contender in the next

2 three years I I probably 3 years if we’ve been real uh but anyways uh so he predicts the Spurs future over the next few years all right let let’s see let’s see what he has to say I don’t think I can speed this up but uh oh I can 1.25

Yeah yeah cool all right let’s get it very very very very good these teams not only are they did I miss something what the heck Draymond used four varies Draymond Draymond used four varies okay very very very very good I’m confused I don’t know these teams not only are they Blown Away by

What they’re watching from Victor um oh crap I can’t I can’t show this I’m sorry I don’t want to be copyright on when they’re playing against him but where they saw him early in the season then and so all I’m going to say is this yes the Spurs have a responsibility and a

Challenge to build this roster around him but having spent this weekend here I going to say there’s going to be a player or two who is going to be Forward Thinking and want to get himself to San Antonio somebody is going to see this opportunity now to be fair we’ve already

Had a few players say that they wanted to come to San Antonio right or at least have San Antonio on their list I know Dame has San Antonio on their list um we know that Trey young really wants to come to San Antonio so I I don’t think I

Don’t think that’s like a crazy take at this point um and I’m very convinced okay from everything that we’ve heard and that I’ve heard uh I am very convinced that the San Antonio sprayers are going to try to get Trey young nothing’s a guarantee obviously if the

Atlanta Hawks kind of hold on to things then it won’t it won’t be a guarantee but uh we’ll we’ll see how things are going with Atlanta right now how and everyone expected this right or at least if you’re familiar with de jonte Murray you knew that he would have pretty

Decent numbers um with the amount of numbers that he’s bringing up since Trey young going down uh this could go either way either the Atlanta Hawks could say oh we’re good just with DJ I’m praying that they say that that will be hilarious or they might say oh maybe he

Can be you know a second guy to Trey young and and they just keep going on that on that uh on that Rodeo but I don’t know it can go either way uh it’s not a win or lose situation I think with the spur well there’s kind of a win-win

With the Spurs it doesn’t really matter I don’t think that they’ll be that good if they do keep this team in Tech next season and that’s good for us and then on the other Spectrum um if they want to go ahead and trade Trey young to us

That’s a win as well so I think we’ll be fine regardless but I don’t know I I I’m sorry I kind of got sidetracked yes there are players though that we know of right now that would be interested in coming to San Antonio so I don’t think

This is a crazy take and they are this is my prediction I am making a prediction somebody oh man wow stop presses hold on let me get ready somebody is going to see this opportunity and say I can get my myself to San Antonio I can be this guy’s

Running mate I got to do it and there’s wide open space to do it yeah I don’t I don’t think I wonder if he’s hearing something about gosh can he just mention Trey young I mean Trey Young’s kind of the big one right now right like this

Isn’t a pipe dream by the way this isn’t one of those oh this is just a rumor meal or anything we know there’s been so many instances at least just from the outside looking in that we know Trey young would be interested with the Spurs lots of hints right lots of hints but

Even you know apart from that there are reports that his people have said yeah he would be interested in playing with wimy so like we know these things we know that he grew up a Spurs fan we know his dad is a huge Spurs fan this is this is

No I wish he would just say TR Trey young but it could be anybody he’s he’s right I mean somebody is going to try to come I mean obviously it doesn’t necessarily have to be this summer or even next season but at some point somebody’s going to see this in it my

Guess is this is just a total guess my guess is it’s not going to be a guy who’s in is early 20s on his first on the funmax contract my guess is it’s going to be a guy on his second contract um or maybe at the end of his first you

Know big contract who realizes I’m not going to be able to because you know you know I can sit here and say wow wouldn’t it be amazing if an Edwards played with Victor wanyama yeah it would be amazing guess what networ ain’t going anywhere all right I’m talking about somebody

Who’s maybe there’s gonna somebody is going to recognize they already are recognizing what they see here I mean obviously right I don’t think this is that that controversial sorry let’s go to the next one cuz there’s a two-parter uh let’s see make fun of me all you want

San Antonio is a growing city uh yeah it actually is uh let’s see uh let’s go to 125 all right I’ve lived in Miami I’ve lived in New York City I spend 50 days a year in Los Angeles you can say whatever you want about what I’m about to say

Okay San Antonio is a growing city lots and lots of people have moved to San Antonio in the last four or five years I drove from have you noticed that San Antonio people you guys know I’m not from San An Antonio I I was surprised I

Know there’s going to be a few people I get this all the time like oh obviously you’re from San I am not from San Antonio I’ve been to San Antonio on many of occasions okay I I’ve I’ve seen the Spurs play in San Antonio I usually catch them if they go against the

Grizzlies near Memphis because that’s not too too far um so like I I but I’ve seen I I I’ve been to San Antonio on several occasions I’ve been to Dallas um and I don’t know the times that I’ve gone it hasn’t really seemed like it’s

Grown that much and this is like a I don’t know maybe a six seven year span of like me going to San Antonio and then it was about five to six years probably and then I went back it didn’t really seem any different but I know it’s much

Different when you actually live there so has it has it been getting kind of crowded I know a lot of cities have been getting more crowded but from Austin to San Antonio the other day there is no difference between the cities now are grown together I35 it is one giant

Megalopolis from Austin to San Antonio yeah that’s I mean that’s why the San Anton Spurs have expanded out to Austin right like that that’s the whole point they are playing games in Austin now they have the number one practice facility in the NBA this if you want to

Think of it as a Cow Town like it was the turn of the century fine and is and is it New York Ora of course not but there’s a whole bunch of people moving to Texas and they’re moving to Texas for a lot of reasons and there’s a lot of

People moving to San Antonio so it ain’t Cleveland and I say that as somebody from Cleveland okay so say whatever you want about about nobody ever wanting to be in San Antonio go ahead and say it I know quite a few people have been moving to uh cities and moving to Texas in

Particular but I thought it was because uh housing is a little cheaper in in in Texas is that right I don’t know guys I have no idea I I actually don’t know I’m telling you that’s not necessarily true it may be true for a lot of guys

Somebody’s going to be like you know what that’s not a bad place they have great practice facility there’s no seed income tax and I can play with Victor wanyama for the rest of my career make a ton of M organization right good organization of course that goes without

Saying that’s what I’m walking away I’m leaving San Antonio now but that’s what I’m walking away saying well and that’s the Challen that’s the challenge that the Spurs have is to give they have to have the ability to get that kind of player when they become available and

Not box themselves out of it by rushing into other stuff I agree I don’t know that that s that sound kind of like an accusation walking away I’m leaving San Antonio now but that’s what I’m walking away saying well that’s the Challen that’s the challenge

That the Spurs have is to give they have to have the ability to get that kind of player when they become available and not box themselves out of it by rushing into yeah yeah they’ll be um I don’t really think this is that I I I don’t this just doesn’t feel

Like a hot take to me I I I feel like I don’t know Brian windhorse is very known is very much so so known for like big headlines and this could be a pretty big story or something that people run with but me personally I I would have assumed this already so I

Don’t know it’s good stuff though it’s really nice to see what mainstream media has to say about the Spurs and uh it seems like everybody’s on the hype train one thing that I really like and we need to enjoy it now cuz it’s not going to be

Like this forever okay one thing I really like is the fact that main stream media is on our side that they’re basically cheering us on nobody really sounds like they want us to fail or anything no one’s talking poorly about Vic because it’s kind of hard to hate

Him right um I mean no one’s talking poorly about the Spurs you know as far as the papovich stuff you usually hear that with like people on Twitter it’s it’s either like silly people on Twitter or it’s skip baess like like but other than that um yeah most people are like

Yeah pop is the goat he’s he’s helping Vic so it’s a lot of positivity coming towards San Antonio way and maybe it’ll remain that way right like the the biggest complaint that I’ve always had about uh mainstream media uh when it comes to the Spurs it’s just that they

Don’t cover them enough but we’re getting covered a lot and a lot of teams I say if this was I don’t know LeBron or whatever uh people be pretty critical pretty mean even when he was younger people were pretty rough at times but I don’t know we’ll wait and see uh you

Know eventually what they say in Batman you live long enough you be the hero live long enough see yourself become the villain or something like that I don’t know uh so we’ll we’ll see what happens but um maybe if we stay in the public eye they’ll start to hate us buty it’s

Nice right now okay it’s nice being in the public eye and and people are pretty positive about it so anyways I will get with you guys later man until next time uh bye


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I am a huge Spurs fan born and raised out of Tennessee. I am dedicated to continue to grow our community and give Spurs fans (and NBA fans) a place to speak with fellow fans ! I also talk a little Dallas Cowboys too!

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  1. Yeah bro. Im moving to San Antonio after my lease is up to be honest. Cause of the city but also because im a season ticket holder. San Antonio is definitely growing

  2. Another spurs fan here!

    Sarr, Resacher and Topic are all good additions to spurs.
    But If we get raptor's pick,
    how about go for magic's Isaac?

    IMO,that's just like:
    Spurs gets: Issac + 2024 magic's 1st round pick
    Magic gets: raptor's pick + Malaki + maybe two 2st round picks.

    If it's a done deal,
    then I prefer to see spurs using the bull+magic's picks to go for Garland.

    Spurs gets: Garland
    Cavs gets: Keldon + Graham( to help with salary match) + bull & magic's picks.
    Of course,
    if we can sign & trade Cedi in this case, just do it.

    If we gogogo lucky,
    we may have the starters line like this:

    Plus our own 2024 1st pick to backup.

    But just for me that sucks to miss Ryan Dunn this year.

  3. Yes the region is growing exponentially it’s actually Austin that is growing in San Antonio. So Northern San Antonio is growing a lot

  4. The more west you go it’s definitely growing. It’s a night and day difference between south town and Alamo Ranch. People are getting smarter and moving out here before everything starts getting crazier

  5. Just to give you folks an idea how much San Antonio is growing. Last week i saw a car with Florida plates & another car with Cali plates having a road rage incident on 151. The east coast vs west coast rivalry is happening in our back yard. Right now i cant decide who i hate more…the Cali people raising our cost or Florida man….i think ive said enough.

  6. Man the board, the city, the state needs to realise a Saudi Oil field wealth of an alian is in their hands and they need to back everything to keep his legacy associated with the San Antonio Spurs. I'm talking new stadium, city renovations, city link train lines for cheap travel and more, cause an opportunity like this is as unique as it gets. Bank on him now and after he's gone through a well established legacy.

  7. *whispers* He's talking about Bronny transferring to the University of Texas as LeBron signs with San Antonio after they trade for Trae Young. *whispers*

  8. its not really a hot take for sure but its rare for big media to talk about it, its not on ESPN or something but for it to get any airtime at all with guys like Windy is rare for SA.

  9. Trae Young is from Lubbock, the spurs are more popular than the mavs here. It wouldnt be surprising if he waned to come play for the spursb

  10. Brian Windhorst was in SA for the weekend. Was seen talking for an extended period of time with Brian Wright. That's probably where his impressions came from. He obviously can't say too much because things get thrown out of context.

  11. Yeah SA is still growing, my wife and I moved here from the east coast in late 2020 (I was born right outside of SA) and since then my parents who grew up here moved back, my brother moved back here and I have a sister-in-law who is moving her family here in a week. Great city to live in, one of the more affordable major cities in TX and so much to do.

  12. Giannis will leave Milwaukee and come to san antonio after 2025 or 2026 dont rush the trey Young deal

  13. u r correct clan, absolutly not a hot take, brian stated something obvious, no risk taken at all, "some other star might be interested in joining wemby down the line", i mean DUH

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