@National Basketball Association

Bob Myers on who leaked the [Draymond Green and Jordan Poole tape]: “No… We looked. We tried, a third party, we couldn’t find him”

JJ Redick: “Did you ever find out who leaked the [Draymond Green and Jordan Poole tape]?”

Bob Myers: “No… We looked. We tried, a third party, we couldn’t find him.”

(via @OldManAndThree / YT)

by curry30steph-


  1. TheGargageMan

    We’re all trying to find the guy who did this.

  2. Memba when the warriors organization wanted the tape releaser punished more than draymond? Pepperidge farm membas

  3. recollectionsmayvary

    Ok, so I listened to this whole thing; Bob and JJ, on 2 separate occasions are like, “well get to Draymond in a bit” and then never discuss Dray? Did anyone else catch that? 

  4. lost_in_trepidation

    Now that we’ve had some distance from it, it’s even crazier that this happened.

  5. MrShadow04

    I still think it’s absolutely crazy that after the video leaked that the organization cared more about finding the leaker than punishing Draymond who literally assaulted his teammate.

    How free agents are willing to come to them after how the warriors treated Poole is beyond me

  6. ColtCallahan

    They definitely know. Which means whoever leaked it was beyond reproach.

  7. Fickle-Sea1616

    Is there zero security cameras in the facility?

    Seems like you check the video cameras on the day of and see who’s pointing their phone at the incident. Not sure how hard this could be .

  8. JrBaconators

    A clear lie lol, if there seriously was an unknown person able to get that close to the team, film their practice, and not be caught, it would be an investigation bigger than Spygate

  9. Hot_Injury7719

    Is this like in The Departed when Matt Damon is put in charge of the task force that’s trying to find him?

  10. natsucule

    Can’t believe they still care more about who leaked that shit than the fact that one of their employees literally knocked another employee out.

  11. AlcindorJr33

    He knows it’s a guy though lol nobody buying this story Bob the FO definitely leaked it

  12. They know who it likely is. But since it was a player or coach and they can’t definitely prove it they stick with this appearance of uncertainty.

  13. I know guys like Latrell Sprewell and Ron Artest are fuming when they see how gently Draymond gets treated by the NBA as a whole.

  14. ComedianManefesto

    It’s the same dude OJ is hunting for, the real killer also leaked the video

  15. Cautious_Log8086

    The woman who leaked it: Fortunately, they’re too sexist to ever suspect me!

  16. whawhales

    Nah, they knew. Also, they have to find the leak not because they want to cover-up what Dray did. From an organizational standpoint, that shit dilutes trust. The last thing you’d want as a player is an organization that showcases your drama like some unfiltered reality show.

    How you gonna make it work with a team after having millions of people see you get sucker punched? You don’t.

  17. The way they still care about finding this leaked makes you think there’s way worse stuff going on in their building than just punching

  18. You know why they can’t find the guy? Because it was Bob Myers the whole time. Perfect cover up

  19. bluesbrothas

    Glad it got leaked. It brought much needed heat on Dray. Even if it was not from the Warriors.

  20. Vexing_Pie

    They put more effort into this search than punishing Draymond for punching his teammate.

  21. Tangentkoala

    The guy needs to release a book saying it was me to further piss off golden state.

  22. shibbyflash

    Imagine if we never got to see this and had to speculate about what the internal issues were lol

  23. EquivalentEdge3001

    They know. I’m sure it was one of the higher ups that did it considering nobody got fired.

  24. StefonDiggsHS

    crazy warriors cared more about who leaked it than draymond full on assaulting another teammate.

    its like its something that has happened dozens of times before

  25. addictivesign

    It was a Her. This is why they haven’t been discovered

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