@Miami Heat

[Post Game] Heat fight back after being down all game only to fall short against Pacers

Heat lose by two

by tomgreen99200


  1. Number333

    Didn’t deserve the win quite simply. You can’t come out on the road knowing everything at stake and shoot 1/15 from 3-point range to start the game. Dug ourselves in way too deep a hole and even while rallying late they did enough offensively to get two huge and-1’s by Siakam and Nesmith to seal it. Couldn’t even win after 2 atrocious whistles in our favor on Jovic/Herro 3’s for 6 FTs.

    Can’t help but feel like you felt our ***awful*** guard defense tonight. Even with those huge clutch 3’s late, McConnell cooking Herro… oof. not saying it’s *why* we lost, but it sure as hell didn’t help. 4-2 final 10 games but two losses to teams just above and beneath us in playoff seeding. It’s not what you want, chief.

  2. readndrun

    You know what’s really demoralizing? Getting blocked every time down the floor without being able to contest on the other end. I know we came back but that shit still hurts the soul

    Play-in bound.

  3. AudioPhile-and-More

    Scott Foster was going to call that lane violation regardless of what happened.

  4. Minimum_Switch4237

    oh well. we’re still going to the finals

  5. Own-Marsupial-4448

    Well time to prepare for an extra game and put all your chips on it!!!

  6. carbine234

    We used to win games like this last year, on to the next one.

  7. redder294

    Who else is just exhausted from the first half 20 point deficits?

  8. Idc what happens anymore man. So be it. This team don’t care

  9. KangarooPouchIsHome

    Can’t be the first team to win the finals from the play in unless you make the play in. Let’s go.

  10. TravelingFish95

    This team sucks in the first quarter. We will be the 8 seed

  11. Gavster1221

    Jovic +14 in a 2 point loss.

    Whenever Spo gets over w.e reason he is limiting his minutes the sooner we will be a better team.

  12. Sebruhoni

    Hope you weirdos that were cheering when Herro was struggling early don’t get shy now. He almost single-handedly completed the comeback

  13. Valiant effort, yes the refs fucked us a little bit, but who knows what this game would look like if we didn’t shoot like dog shit to begin the game

  14. Cotopaxi23

    They kept digging deep in the rulebook to pull out shit calls.

  15. Modern NBA just sucks tbh refs can’t stop themselves from blowing their whistle every 7.2 seconds like it gets them off or something. They’ve ruined the sport for me.

  16. gamesrgreat

    Team didn’t show up to play and Spo made some bad decisions. Jovic one of the only guys hustling and barely plays the first half. He scores 16 in the 2nd half. Cmon bruh. Duncan been killing us every game since he came back but Spo still starting him so we can dig a huge hole. What are these decisions man

  17. Ice_Dragon3444

    How many times do we dig ourselves in a hole and then we have to dig ourselves out of it, and then we ”comeback” just to let it slip in a pathetic fashion, man this team is so frustrating.

  18. xlalalalalalalala

    Gonna be tough to go against the Sixers with Embiid playing like Embiid. The 6th seed is the easy path and we forget that this team HATES easy. Fucking hell man.

  19. ETWarlock

    Duncan is trash again and needs to go to the bench. Terry looked hurt. Bam and Jimmy need to shoot a little better from the field. Can’t let TJ become MJ like he always does vs us. Terrible d on him. Looks like we stuck in the playin now :(.

  20. Intentional fouling at the end of the game like that should not be allowed. Should be a free throw and the ball. Bad rule Adam Silver is a bum

  21. Tyler should have just done a shooting motion as soon as he caught it

  22. Glittering-Log-6771

    Happy birthday Duncan but you need to benched, if he just made 1 three against Philly or Indiana, Miami would’ve won one of those games

  23. grzzlycity

    Gonna need at least 20 pump fakes and 15+ free throws from Jimmy to make it out the play in.

  24. Mods still haven’t cleaned up the toxicity here. Lmfao

  25. OceanicLemur

    Idk how you can watch Tyler score 10 pts in 60 seconds and think he’s the problem. He shows up when it counts

  26. _hiroprotoganist

    About to eat a whole bowl of pasta by myself and cry in a corner. 💔

  27. Thank god I stopped giving a shit about this season. I’d be so much angrier

  28. Ohgodharambe

    I’m sorry Duncan should be banned from starting given his current slump. We can’t start these games shooting from 3 like we have. At this point Herro, Jovic, and bam(somehow?) are the only ones who can make their shots.

  29. RansomGoddard

    Can’t believe we have people in here complaining about refs

  30. Herro shot making, Jovic shot creation, and Jimmy actually playing basketball made this a fun game.

    Bam took 18 shots and scored 20 points. That simply cannot happen. Team lost by 2. If he makes two more of those attempts, this is a win.

    On top of that, team gave up 20 points to TJ McConnell. That simply can’t happen ever.

  31. jimmybutler123456

    siakam gotta be the biggest fucking flopper i’ve ever seen

  32. Miami has been disappointing for seeding since 2015. They always do just enough to give you hope and just not enough to make you happy.

    2015-2016, lost to Raptor 4-3 and stopped the Wade-Lebron matchup from happening. Remember them getting stomped out in the last game by Bismack Biyombo. What a tragedy.

    2016-2017, started 11-30, ended 30-11 and had no control over playoffs which would have been mad interesting after that streak.

    2017-18, stomped out by Sixers in last playoff appearance by Wade.

    2018-2019, last dance year for Wade and they can’t even bother to make the playoffs.

    2020, lose in the Finals.

    21–give them a pass because they was tired and hurt.

    22–lose 4-3 to trash Celtics stopping the double small ball, best coach matchup against the Warriors. Feel like we would have won.

    23–lose in the finals.

    24–play-in team.

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