@Miami Heat

Look….. We owe all Tyler fans an apology…. Start Herro!!!

Listen we give Herro and his fans hell , but I take back what I said! We need to start Herro! Our offense is much better with him on the floor because he can score in many ways

by Random_Thinker007


  1. BeefExtender

    Start Herro Duncan forgot how to play basketball again

  2. Designer_Drink_6036

    Bro is the only one that can score in Clutch

  3. rapelbaum

    Sixers dude go to hell we don’t need nothing from you.

  4. HerroicDunc

    I need to rewatch again. I can’t seem to remember him shooting in the 4th until a 1 minute left.

  5. sobanoodle-1

    you guys are awful fans. hating on him when he’s your home grown player in general is nasty work.

  6. Phillip228

    Herro’s way too good to be coming off the bench.

  7. did anyone actually think herro off the bench was gonna be permanent? its just to get him acclimated after missing 20 game slol

  8. dimesniffer

    Duncan’s fall off need to be studied. Rest him till playoffs at this point

  9. Thegame4223

    I mean, it’s only a 2 game sample size and like it!!!!

  10. Rozier, Herro, Jimmy, Jovic, Bam

    Has to be our lineup going into the playoffs. Maybe sub Jovic for Caleb or Highsmith if the opponents 4 isn’t tall or offensively impactful.

  11. sharpshooter0600

    Didn’t play any defense all game keep his ass on the bench 

  12. shorttttt

    Dude was getting cooked by tj mconnell in 2023 WE GOOD

  13. KayRay1994

    Credit where its due, but i’ll say this again – the fact they our offense is so reliant on him is a major design flaw. An offense should not live or die at the hands of Tyler Herro

  14. knotweezy

    I got crusified for saying Duncan was reliving the same pattern as last year this time. Looks like I was right🤷‍♂️

  15. Idk where they even get this bench herro trade herro in the 1st place 🤦🏾‍♂️

  16. oo_Pez_oo

    I still like him off the bench. I like a balance between the starters and the second team.

  17. Proof-Research-6466

    Remember when folks said Duncan can’t play good off the bench now what’s the excuse lol blaming Herro for Duncan playing trash off the bench.

  18. DraymondBeanKick

    Might as well. This team is going to need to beat the Celtics in the first round and that’s only happens if Herro, Butler, and Bam all play well.

  19. Geminiddn

    His defense was atrocious. Too slow, always off balance, bad positioning, can’t stay in front of his guy, and bad fouls. If his offense isn’t clicking, he’s a liability.

  20. Specialist-Money-277

    It’s straight up silly how “game to game” / “moment to moment” sports fans are.

  21. Dramatic-County-1284

    His spot was cemented after the 2020 playoffs I never switched up

  22. NaptownSensations317

    Was at the game today. Probably one of his better games yet. We u fortunately need more role players. Jimmy has his moments but still hasn’t lived up to the franchise player he should be/could be. Today this man was a hero! 

  23. Yeah start him at starting point guard lmao. The offense looks good with him at point guard. Terry should come off the bench. And If Jaime keeps playing like he’s high he should be taken out the rotation.

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