@National Basketball Association

Klay: “as time goes on, you realize how demanding this job really is. It’s so physically demanding. I was actually struggling a lot with that at the beginning of this year because of the unknown.”

While Thompson acknowledged that he would like to re-sign with the only NBA team he’s ever played for, he joined “The Draymond Green Show” and revealed what is a priority and what will be important to him before making a decision.

“I just can’t believe it’s here. When you’re in your mid-20s, it’s so crazy, you think you’re going to play forever,” Thompson said. “And you think if you maintain that athletic level, it seems effortless. But then as time goes on, you realize how demanding this job really is. It’s so physically demanding. I was actually struggling a lot with that at the beginning of this year because of the unknown. I might’ve let contract situations or playing time or making up a lot of excuses rather than just appreciating what is in front of me. It took me and [Warriors coach] Steve [Kerr] like four real, heart-to-heart talks to finally break my shell. Being like you know what? I got to have fun this year. I deserve to have fun. We worked so hard to win these games and play into June, have fans on the road. My first couple of years, there might have been a few Steph Curry jerseys in the crowd. Now it’s like a whole contingent of Warriors fans on the road.

“I was kind of grappling with that this year, it’s almost like your own mortality as an athlete like, ‘Damn I might not be able to elevate like I once did or I might not slide my feet left to right like I once did, but I can still be a heck of a player if I just give gratitude and keep that perspective like I’m out here balling.’ That was hard for me these last few years. When you go through injuries, you’re so used to playing at a certain level, guarding a certain guy, shooting certain shots. Then you have to adjust all of that. That was the hardest part of my career. And it’s still hard for me when I’m used to scoring 25 in a quarter, locking up the best player. Now I got to pick my spots a little more precisely, which is fine. I’ve finally come to understand I can be a heck of a player, I can still be incredibly efficient.”

Klay shares honest response to Draymond’s ejections, suspensions

by oshawott5


  1. What it feels like to chew 4 gum. We all get old

  2. Sourcedelivered

    But yeah besides you bettors and fake fans, people who play this sport know how demanding it is, demanding to learn the skills, and to be in excellent shape, and then these guys are doing it at the highest level. He’s spitting here, and I’m a prime Klay hater.

  3. lebryjamy

    he got injured at 29, pretty much the peak age for all other players. next game he played he was 1 month shy of 32. I think that kinda fucked up with his perception as well. Injuries didnt help either. its actually amazing that he still holds up this well after two MAJOR injuries

  4. commonground3

    Klay is just being real. Very refressing compared to the antics of ball players always needing to be in the lights off court too. Umm, like CP

  5. H_Y_C_Y_B_H

    Expected more _Father Time is undefeated_ posts here

  6. otherBrandon

    Injuries robbed him man. Really takes a lot of humility to say something like this. Publicly no less.

  7. DrunkenMasterII

    At this point he should probably just get whatever bag he can get and get ready for fans wherever he ends up complaining about him not performing to the level of his contract.

  8. meowhatissodamnfunny

    Guy is a HoF player who has had two of the worst possible injuries a basketball player can have back to back and has broken down crying during games due to how much he loves the game and has clearly struggled with his own mortality as an athlete but “muh 4 rings” meme reigns supreme here.

    Despite all the immaturity and privilege, dude is still a top 3 shooter all time and helped turned my dogshit franchise into an annual contender and I’ll always stan for him. Hope he finishes his career here.

  9. takeapieandrun

    You could see him processing this through his play this year and all of our frustration. I’m glad the team and front office environment is positive enough to help him through it. Imagine how many players never had support for this and just fell off or became black holes

  10. thegodfaubel

    Just puts into perspective how unreal LeBron is still. Klay should’ve been the kinda guy that could play until he’s 40 with ease being a lights out 3 point catch and shooter. Then you have LeBron managing to be as good as he is coming up on 40

  11. Electronic_Dance_640

    He clearly started playing better after the mentality change so good on him for that- that’s probably a lot harder than it seems and while it was happening everyone was shitting on him which def doesn’t help. He also still obviously has a lot left to offer. Dude just had a 25 point half last game. I really hope he stays in golden state forever

  12. _The_Honored_One_

    Boo hoo. You make zillions of dollars playing a game people do for fun. You also get a full medical staff, construction workers who work 10 hour days 6 days a week don’t get that luxury.

    And if you don’t like it anymore then retire, you have made enough money for several lifetimes.

  13. SwollenWorm

    Yea, losing athletic rigor is certainly rough. Happening to me right now with pickle ball. Never thought I’d age out of it 🙁

  14. devinbookercantread

    I think about this all the time. Obviously they’re being richly rewarded for all of this but holy shit must it be an absolute menace on the body. Not to mention the lifestyle. getting on an overnight flight every couple day for the better part of 6 months sounds like something that would turn me into a shell of a human being lol.

  15. 360halfcab

    Respect. But as a 35 year old concrete guy, go fuck yourself.

  16. StrawHatShinobi_

    Nice to see Klay with some humility for once. We all suck sometimes.

  17. RogerLopezComic

    I think it’s great for him to come out and say this, I’m sure there are many other players thinking or feeling the same way. Also as a lakers fan makes me appreciate what Lebron continues to do on the court. I don’t take it for advantage, but now I’ll go into it appreciating the games he plays that much more.

  18. All the greats face the music eventually. Lebron is currently the last man standing in terms of production. Klay is finally admitting it to himself that’s he’s not the same player. I remember he was mad at Barkley for telling the truth

  19. kakashi6ix9

    Fuck all of you talking shit about Klay and now flipping cuz he has a human and vulnerable quote. Y’all just didn’t like him cuz of a few immature moments and comments in the heat of situations and now you wanna give him sympathy. Foh

  20. Grant Hill and Brandon Roy were robbed of their primes, Penny Hardaway was in his prime when he got hurt…I think Klay may have been starting his descent, but he got to accomplish a whole lot and establish a culture, that has to bring him solace

  21. LakersFan15

    This response is incredibly respectful and honest. Such a refreshing take than trying to understand draymond lol.

    I love klay.

  22. Nukitandog

    I hope he can find some kind of comfort in his millions of dollars.

    Calling a job demanding when your super privileged is ignorance I aspire too!

  23. Klay will be a legend. His performances in the past will be remembered for years to come. He was a top 3 SG during those warrior runs. If he wasn’t injured, it would have lead to a few more chips for the warriors IMO. He was solid and entering his prime before those injuries.

  24. Old-Ad-3588

    Shut the fuck up and get a real job, you sleazy punk.

    Oh boy lets go ask the factory worker about his job, or some dude on an oil-rig

    Fuck outta here

  25. Recalled_Pacemaker

    Draymond inadvertently fucking his team over again by letting Klay talk himself to retirement on his podcast.

  26. That’s why you get paid the big bucks. I know Kkay had to battle through injuries but if your body can’t take it then you know it’s either you keep working and make millions or you retire and give it up.

  27. NewPortable101

    Klay, along with Tony Parker, were role players for just about every one of their rings.

    Source: Bball reference’s win share per 48

    It was about –

    Manu\Duncan, then Manu\Kawhi

    Dray\Curry, Curry\Durant, then Dray\Curry again.

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